public ActionResult GetPlaysForSource(string id)
            theLogger.Info(String.Format("method GetPlaysForSource, parameter id {0}", id));
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                theLogger.Error("Reason: id is null or white space");
                return(PartialView("playList", new List <Play>()));
            FoireMusesConnection connection       = GetConnection();
            SearchResult <Play>  searchResultPlay = null;

                searchResultPlay = connection.GetPlaysFromSource(id, 0, 0, new Result <SearchResult <Play> >()).Wait();
            catch (Exception e)
                theLogger.Error("Stacktrace:\n" + e.StackTrace);
                return(PartialView("playList", new List <Play>()));
            if (searchResultPlay == null)
                theLogger.Error("Reason: searchResultPlay result is null");
                return(PartialView("playList", new List <Play>()));
            return(PartialView("playList", searchResultPlay.Rows));
        public ActionResult Edit(string scoreId)
            theLogger.Info(String.Format("GET method Edit, parameter scoreId {0}", scoreId));
            FoireMusesConnection connection = GetConnection();
            Score score = null;
            SearchResult <SourceSearchItem> sourceList = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scoreId))                //get the score matching the id
                    score = connection.GetScore(scoreId, new Result <Score>()).Wait();
                    if (score == null)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Missing", "Error", null));
                    if (score.TextualSource != null && score.TextualSource.PieceId != null)
                        SearchResult <Play> searchResultPlay = null;
                        searchResultPlay = connection.GetPlaysFromSource(score.TextualSource.SourceId, 0, 0, new Result <SearchResult <Play> >()).Wait();
                        if (searchResultPlay == null)
                            return(RedirectToAction("Problem", "Error", null));
                        ViewBag.Pieces = searchResultPlay.Rows;
                    if (score.MasterId != null)
                        Score maitre = connection.GetScore(score.MasterId, new Result <Score>()).Wait();
                        if (maitre == null)
                            score.MasterId = null;
                            ViewBag.MasterIdTitle = maitre.Title;
                    ViewBag.HeadTitle = "Edition";
                    score             = new Score();
                    ViewBag.HeadTitle = "Création";
                sourceList = connection.GetSources(0, 0, new Result <SearchResult <SourceSearchItem> >()).Wait();
            catch (Exception e)
                return(RedirectToAction("Problem", "Error", null));
            if (score == null || sourceList == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Missing", "Error", null));
            ViewBag.Sources = sourceList.Rows.OrderBy(x => x.Name);
            return(View("Edit", score));