public static void ProcessaRicercheTransavia(List <RicercheVoli> queries) { try { List <Voli> Voli = new List <Voli>(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); foreach (var url in queries) { try { string html = client.DownloadString(url.Url); //Recupero From -> To string htmlDa = html.Remove(0, html.IndexOf("<div id=\"toflight")); htmlDa = htmlDa.Remove(htmlDa.IndexOf("<div class=\"right\">")); htmlDa = htmlDa.Remove(0, htmlDa.LastIndexOf("alt=")); htmlDa = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(htmlDa, "<[^>]*>", " "); htmlDa = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(htmlDa, @"\s+", " "); htmlDa = htmlDa.Remove(0, htmlDa.IndexOf("\"") + 1); htmlDa = htmlDa.Remove(htmlDa.IndexOf("\"")); string fromAirport = htmlDa.Split('-')[0].Trim(); string toAirport = htmlDa.Split('-')[1].Trim(); //Recupero Calendar From var htmlCalendar = html.Remove(0, html.IndexOf("<table class=\"calenderview\">")); htmlCalendar = htmlCalendar.Remove(htmlCalendar.IndexOf("</table>")); var calElements = htmlCalendar.Replace("<label for=", "§").Split('§'); List <Voli> Andate = new List <Voli>(); List <Voli> Ritorni = new List <Voli>(); foreach (var e in calElements) { if (!e.Contains("calenderview")) { var price = e.Remove(0, e.IndexOf("€Â")).Replace("€Â", "").Trim(); price = price.Remove(price.IndexOf("</span>")).Replace("</span>", ""); Andate.Add(new Voli { From = fromAirport, To = toAirport, Price = Convert.ToDouble(price), Dal = Convert.ToDateTime(e.Substring(1, 10)), DataRicerca = DateTime.Now, IsPriceChanged = false, FromCode = url.FromCode, Vettore = url.Vettore }); } } //Recupero Calendar To var htmlCalendarTo = html.Remove(0, html.LastIndexOf("<table class=\"calenderview\">")); htmlCalendarTo = htmlCalendarTo.Remove(htmlCalendarTo.IndexOf("</table>")); var calElementsTo = htmlCalendarTo.Replace("<label for=", "§").Split('§'); foreach (var e in calElementsTo) { if (!e.Contains("calenderview")) { var price = e.Remove(0, e.IndexOf("€Â")).Replace("€Â", "").Trim(); price = price.Remove(price.IndexOf("</span>")).Replace("</span>", ""); Ritorni.Add(new Voli { From = fromAirport, To = toAirport, Price = Convert.ToDouble(price), Al = Convert.ToDateTime(e.Substring(1, 10)), DataRicerca = DateTime.Now, IsPriceChanged = false, FromCode = url.FromCode, Vettore = url.Vettore }); } } foreach (var a in Andate) { foreach (var r in Ritorni) { if (r.Al > a.Dal) { Voli.Add(new Voli { From = a.From, To = a.To, DataRicerca = a.DataRicerca, IsPriceChanged = false, FromCode = a.FromCode, Vettore = a.Vettore, Dal = a.Dal, Al = r.Al, Price = a.Price + r.Price }); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } using (var context = new FodEntities()) { int price = Convert.ToInt32(context.Settings.Where(x => x.Key == "Price").FirstOrDefault()); foreach (var q in queries) { context.RicercheVolis.Where(x => x.Id == q.Id).FirstOrDefault().Processato = true; } foreach (var v in Voli) { var old = context.Voli.Where(x => x.Dal == v.Dal && x.Al == v.Al && x.From == v.From && x.To == v.To).FirstOrDefault(); if (old != null) { if (v.Price > old.Price) { v.IsPriceChanged = true; v.OldPrice = old.Price; } } else { if (v.Price <= price) { context.AddToVoli(v); } } } context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void ProcessaRicerche(List <RicercheVoli> queries) { List <Voli> Voli = new List <Voli>(); foreach (var url in queries) { if (url.Vettore == "Ryanair") { WebClient client = new WebClient(); //url.Url = ""; string html = client.DownloadString(url.Url); string htmloffers = html.Remove(0, html.IndexOf("<div data-view=\"list\" class=\"view view-page list list-fares float-l pn-r\" id=\"list-fares\">")); htmloffers = htmloffers.Remove(htmloffers.IndexOf("<script type=\"text/javascript\">")); htmloffers = htmloffers.Replace("<a title=", "§"); string[] rows = htmloffers.Split('§'); foreach (string s in rows) { if (s.Contains("no-results")) { continue; } if (s.Contains("<span class=\"airport d-inblock float-l fs16\">")) { string offertRow = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf(">") + 1); offertRow = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(offertRow, "<[^>]*>", " "); offertRow = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(offertRow, @"\s+", " "); string[] elements = offertRow.Split(' '); string dateIn = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("in-date=") + "in-date=".Length); dateIn = dateIn.Remove(dateIn.IndexOf("&out-date=")); string dateOut = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("&out-date=") + "&out-date=".Length); dateOut = dateOut.Remove(dateOut.IndexOf(">") - 1); Voli.Add(new Voli { From = elements[1], To = elements[2].Contains("(")? elements[3] : elements[2], Price = searchPrice(elements), Dal = Convert.ToDateTime(dateOut), Al = Convert.ToDateTime(dateIn), DataRicerca = DateTime.Now, IsPriceChanged = false, FromCode = url.FromCode, Vettore = url.Vettore, Star = false }); } } } } using (var context = new FodEntities()) { foreach (var q in queries) { context.RicercheVolis.Where(x => x.Id == q.Id).FirstOrDefault().Processato = true; } foreach (var v in Voli) { var old = context.Voli.Where(x => x.Dal == v.Dal && x.Al == v.Al && x.From == v.From && x.To == v.To).FirstOrDefault(); if (old != null) { if (v.Price > old.Price) { v.IsPriceChanged = true; v.OldPrice = old.Price; } } else { context.AddToVoli(v); } if (!context.Cities.Any(x => x.Name.ToLower() == v.From.ToLower())) { context.Cities.AddObject(new City { Name = v.From, Visible = true, Type = 0 }); } if (!context.Cities.Any(x => x.Name.ToLower() == v.To.ToLower())) { context.Cities.AddObject(new City { Name = v.To, Visible = true, Type = 0 }); } } context.SaveChanges(); } }