public static void InstallSwitch(string AppToInstall) { try { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Drive == String.Empty) { Core.ILogging.Output(true, false, false, false, "The Drive settings field has been left empty. Please configure this and try again.", true); MessageBox.Show("The Drive settings field has been left empty. Please configure this and try again.", "Error: No Drive set", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Form Fs = new FmSelectSystem(); Fs.Show(); FmSelectSystem.SettingsActive = true; return; } Downloading = true; PackageDownloadComplete = false; PackageProgress = 0; Path = cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Switch\\" + AppToInstall + ".zip"; Uri URL = new Uri("" + AppToInstall + ".zip"); CacheCheck.PerformCheck(); URLStr = URL.ToString(); GetPackage.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(PackageDownloadProgress); GetPackage.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(PackageDownloadedAsync); GetPackage.DownloadFileAsync(URL, Path); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Core.ILogging.Output(true, false, false, false, ex.Message, true); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "URL: " + URLStr, "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Installing = false; Downloading = false; return; } }
private static async Task ExtractPackageAsync() { try { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Drive == null) { Core.ILogging.Output(true, false, false, false, "The Drive settings field has been left empty. Please configure this and try again.", true); MessageBox.Show("The drive letter has not been configured. Please do so, then try again.", "Error: Invalid Settings", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Form _UISettings = new FmSelectSystem(); _UISettings.Show(); FmSelectSystem.SettingsActive = true; return; } else { using (ZipFile Package = ZipFile.Read(Path)) { try { if (!File.Exists(cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Cleanup.bat")) { File.WriteAllText(cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Cleanup.bat", "@echo off \r\ndel \"" + Properties.Settings.Default.Drive + ":\\manifest.install.tmp\"" + "\r\ndel \"" + Properties.Settings.Default.Drive + ":\\info.json\"" + "\r\ndel \"" + Properties.Settings.Default.Drive + ":\\manifest.install\"" + "\r\ndel \"" + Properties.Settings.Default.Drive + ":\\info.json.tmp\""); Process.Start(cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Cleanup.bat"); } else { Process.Start(cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Cleanup.bat"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.ILogging.Output(true, false, false, false, ex.Message, true); Failed = true; return; } await Task.Run(() => Package.ExtractAll(Properties.Settings.Default.Drive + ":\\", ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.Clean == true) { Directory.Delete(cd + "\\Data\\Cache\\Switch", true); } Installing = false; Installed = true; } } catch { Installed = true; Installing = false; return; } return; }