public void OnSaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
			// create flow document and register necessary styles
			FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument();
			doc.Margin = new Thickness (10,10,10,10);
			// the style for all document's textblocks
			doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("TextBlock, TextBox", new Style()
					Font = new Font("Helvetica",20),
					Color = RgbColors.Black,
					Display = Display.Block						

			// the style for the section that contains employee data
			doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle ("#border", new Style ()
					Padding = new Thickness(10,10,10,10),
					BorderColor = RgbColors.DarkRed,
					Border = new Border(5),

			// add PDF form fields for later processing
			doc.Fields.Add (new TextField ("firstName", currentEmployee.FirstName));
			doc.Fields.Add (new TextField ("lastName", currentEmployee.LastName));
			doc.Fields.Add (new TextField ("position", currentEmployee.CurrentPosition));

			// create section and add text block inside
			Section section = new Section (){Id="border"};

			//  ios PDF preview doesn't display fields correctly, 
			//  uncomment this code to use simple text blocks instead of text boxes	  		  
//			section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("First name: {0}",currentEmployee.FirstName)));
//		    section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("Last name: {0}",currentEmployee.LastName)));
//		    section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("Position: {0}",currentEmployee.CurrentPosition)));
			section.Add(new TextBlock("First name: "));
			section.Add(new TextBox("firstName"));
			section.Add(new TextBlock("Last name: "));
			section.Add(new TextBox("lastName"));
			section.Add(new TextBlock("Position: "));
			section.Add(new TextBox("position"));

			doc.Add (section);

			// get io service and generate output file path
			var fileManager = DependencyService.Get<IFileIO>();
			string filePath = Path.Combine (fileManager.GetMyDocumentsPath (), "form.pdf");

			// generate document
			using(Stream outputStream = fileManager.CreateFile(filePath))
				doc.Write (outputStream, new ResourceManager());

			// request preview
			DependencyService.Get<IPDFPreviewProvider>().TriggerPreview (filePath);
Esempio n. 2
 static FlowDocumentExt()
     Default = new FlowDocument();
     Default.Add("如果遇到问题可以前往 耍下");
     Default.Add("交", new RgbaColor(202, 202, 202, 100));
     Default.Add("流 群:");
     Default.Add("14724233", "tencent://groupwpa/?subcmd=all\u0026param=7B2267726F757055696E223A31343732343233332C2274696D655374616D70223A313435373135343134397D0A");
     Default.Add("", "");
Esempio n. 3
 public void SaveDocument(string path)
     using (FileStream outPutStream = GetOutputStream(path))
             Section section = new Section();
             //    //// add some text content
             TextBlock text =
                 new TextBlock("Hessfjkljsdfsdfsdfsdcześć ty tyłek, przejdźdsfdfsdsfsdff你好你屁股jflksdfljeeeeeeeeehalloxydsfdfsdsfsdffjflksdfljeeeeeeeeehallo");
             text.Display = Display.Block;
             _pdfDocument.Write(outPutStream, resourceManager);
         catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 4
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (value == null)
            var result = (AppUpdate)value;

            #region dirty hack
            var vm  = (ChromeUpdaterCore)Application.Current.MainWindow.DataContext;
            var doc = new FlowDocument();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.SelectedPath))
                var canWrite = ChromeUpdaterCore.HasWriteAccess(vm.SelectedPath);
                if (!canWrite)
                    doc.AddLine($"提示:程序无权对目录:{vm.SelectedPath} 进行操作,故无法进行一键更新!", FlowDocumentExt.Red);
                var chromeExePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(vm.SelectedPath, "chrome.exe");
                var canExtract    = false;
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(chromeExePath))
                    if (vm.IsX64Selected != vm.CurrentChromeInfo.IsX64)
                        doc.AddLine($"请注意,您当前选择的架构为{(vm.IsX64Selected ? "x64" : "x86")},但是您本地的Chrome架构为{(vm.CurrentChromeInfo.IsX64 ? "x64" : "x86")}!", FlowDocumentExt.Yellow);
                        canExtract = true;
                    if (vm.BranchSelected != vm.CurrentChromeInfo.Branch)
                        doc.AddLine($"请注意,您当前选择的分支为{vm.BranchSelected},但是您本地的Chrome分支为{(vm.CurrentChromeInfo.Branch == null ? "未知" : vm.CurrentChromeInfo.Branch.ToString())}!", FlowDocumentExt.Yellow);
                        canExtract = true;
                    if (ChromeUpdaterCore.IsBiggerVersion(vm.CurrentChromeInfo.Version, result.version))
                        doc.AddLine($"请注意,当前查询到的版本({result.version}/{(vm.IsX64Selected ? "x64" : "x86")}/{vm.BranchSelected})的版本号大于您现有的Chrome版本号({vm.CurrentChromeInfo.Version})!", FlowDocumentExt.Green);
                        canExtract = true;
                        doc.AddLine($"您当前的chrome版本:{vm.CurrentChromeInfo} 是最新的!", FlowDocumentExt.Blue);
                    if (System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(vm.SelectedPath).Length > 0)
                        doc.AddLine("请注意,您选择的文件夹不为空并且里面没有找到chrome,请重新选择一个文件夹!", FlowDocumentExt.Yellow);
                        canExtract = true;
                doc.AddLine($"\n查询到的信息({vm.BranchSelected}/{(vm.IsX64Selected ? "x64" : "x86")}):\n", FlowDocumentExt.Blue);
                doc.Add(result.ToString(), FlowDocumentExt.Blue);
                if (canWrite && canExtract)
                    doc.Add("  下载安装包并解压:", FlowDocumentExt.Blue);
                    doc.AddImage(Arthas.Utility.Media.ResObj.GetImageSource(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Resources.icon-download-e.png"), () =>
            if (ChromeUpdaterCore.Writeable)
                doc.Add(" 下载安装包:", FlowDocumentExt.Blue);
                doc.AddImage(Arthas.Utility.Media.ResObj.GetImageSource(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Resources.icon-download.png"), () =>
            foreach (var s in result.url)
                doc.AddLine(s, null, () =>

Esempio n. 5
 public static void Add(this FlowDocument Document, string title, string url)
     Document.Add(title, null, () => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url));
Esempio n. 6
         * private string printPdfFile() {
         *  string returnValue = "";
         *  try
         *  {
         *      String fileName = "Order" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy");
         *      // System.IO.FileStream fs = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("pdf") + "\\" + "First PDF document.pdf", FileMode.Create);
         *      System.IO.FileStream fs = new FileStream(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Assets") + "Order.pdf", FileMode.Create);
         *      // Create an instance of the document class which represents the PDF document itself.
         *      Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 25, 25, 30, 30);
         *      // Create an instance to the PDF file by creating an instance of the PDF Writer class, using the document and the filestrem in the constructor.
         *      PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);
         *      // Open the document to enable you to write to the document
         *      document.Open();
         *      // Add a simple and well known phrase to the document in a flow layout manner
         *      document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World!"));
         *      // Close the document
         *      document.Close();
         *      // Close the writer instance
         *      writer.Close();
         *      // Always close open file handles explicitly
         *      fs.Close();
         *      returnValue = fileName;
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception ee) {
         *      returnValue = "ERROR" + ee.Message;
         *  }
         *  return returnValue;
         * }

        private string printPdfFile()
            string returnValue = "";

                string fileName = "";

                // create flow document and register necessary styles
                FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument();
                doc.Margin = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);
                // the style for all document's textblocks
                doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("TextBlock, TextBox", new Style()
                    Font    = new Font("Helvetica", 20),
                    Color   = RgbColors.Black,
                    Display = Display.Block

                // the style for the section that contains employee data
                doc.StyleManager.RegisterStyle("#border", new Style()
                    Padding      = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10),
                    BorderColor  = RgbColors.DarkRed,
                    Border       = new Border(5),
                    BorderRadius = 5

                // add PDF form fields for later processing
                doc.Fields.Add(new TextField("firstName", "Hello"));
                doc.Fields.Add(new TextField("lastName", "test12345"));
                doc.Fields.Add(new TextField("position", "Manager"));

                // create section and add text block inside
                Section section = new Section()
                    Id = "border"

                //  ios PDF preview doesn't display fields correctly,
                //  uncomment this code to use simple text blocks instead of text boxes
                //			section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("First name: {0}",currentEmployee.FirstName)));
                //		    section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("Last name: {0}",currentEmployee.LastName)));
                //		    section.Add(new TextBlock(string.Format("Position: {0}",currentEmployee.CurrentPosition)));

                section.Add(new TextBlock("First name: "));
                section.Add(new TextBox("firstName"));
                section.Add(new TextBlock("Last name: "));
                section.Add(new TextBox("lastName"));
                section.Add(new TextBlock("Position: "));
                section.Add(new TextBox("position"));


                // get io service and generate output file path
                var fileManager = DependencyService.Get <IFileIO>();
                //string filePath = Path.Combine(fileManager.GetMyDocumentsPath(), "form.pdf");
                string filePath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "form.pdf");


                // generate document
                using (Stream outputStream = fileManager.CreateFile(filePath))
                    doc.Write(outputStream, new ResourceManager());

                // request preview
                DependencyService.Get <IPDFPreviewProvider>().TriggerPreview(filePath);

                returnValue = fileName;
            catch (Exception e)
                returnValue = e.Message;
