Esempio n. 1
        private void DrawFooter()
            //EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.xMin, r.yMin + ENBLD_HGHT - FOOTHGHT, r.width, FOOTHGHT), usedcolor * .9f);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(paddedleft, line, paddedwidth, FOOTHGHT), new GUIContent("Actual:"), miniFadedLabel);

            float prec = fc.GetPrecAtBits();            // fc.Precision;
            float res  = fc.GetResAtBits();
            // restrict prec to 7 characters
            String precstr = prec.ToString("F" + Math.Min(6, Math.Max(0, (6 - (int)Math.Log10(prec)))).ToString());
            String str     = "res: 1/" + res + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "") + "   prec: " + precstr + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "");

            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(paddedleft, line, paddedwidth, FOOTHGHT), str, miniFadedLabelRight);
Esempio n. 2
        private void DrawActualValues()
            GUI.Label(new Rect(ir.xMin + PADDING, line, paddedwidth, ACTUAL_HGHT), ((holdindent < 2) ? GC_ACTUAL_LONG : GUIContent.none), miniFadedLabel);

            float prec = fc.GetPrecAtBits();
            float res  = fc.GetResAtBits();
            // restrict prec to 5 characters
            string resstr  = res.ToString((res < 0) ? "0.0000" : (res > 9999) ? "E2" : "F4");
            string precstr = prec.ToString("F" + Math.Min(4, Math.Max(0, (4 - (int)Math.Log10(prec)))).ToString());
            string str     = "res: 1/" + resstr + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "") + "   prec: " + precstr + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "");

            GUI.Label(new Rect(paddedleft, line, paddedwidth, ACTUAL_HGHT), str, miniFadedLabelRight);

            line += ACTUAL_HGHT;
Esempio n. 3
        private void DrawActualValues()
            //EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(r.xMin, r.yMin + ENBLD_HGHT - FOOTHGHT, r.width, FOOTHGHT), usedcolor * .9f);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(paddedleft, line, paddedwidth, ACTUAL_HGHT), ((holdindent < 2) ? GC_ACTUAL_LONG : GUIContent.none), miniFadedLabel);

            float prec = fc.GetPrecAtBits();            // fc.Precision;
            float res  = fc.GetResAtBits();
            // restrict prec to 5 characters
            string resstr  = res.ToString((res < 0) ? "0.0000" : (res > 9999) ? "E2" : "F4");
            string precstr = prec.ToString("F" + Math.Min(4, Math.Max(0, (4 - (int)Math.Log10(prec)))).ToString());
            string str     = "res: 1/" + resstr + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "") + "   prec: " + precstr + (fc.TRSType == TRSType.Euler ? "°" : "");

            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(paddedleft, line, paddedwidth, ACTUAL_HGHT), str, miniFadedLabelRight);

            line += ACTUAL_HGHT;