Esempio n. 1
        public FloatColour Shade(Tracer tracer, Ray tRay, float fDistance, int nDepth)
            // declare return colour
            FloatColour tColour = new FloatColour(0, 0, 0);

            // get surface normal at point of intersection
            Vector3 tIntersection = tRay.Position + tRay.Direction * fDistance;
            Vector3 tNormal       = CalculateNormal(tIntersection);

            // calculate reflected ray
            Ray tReflectedRay;

            tReflectedRay.Direction = Vector3.Reflect(tRay.Direction, tNormal);
            tReflectedRay.Position  = tIntersection;

            // add lighting components
            foreach (Light light in tracer.Scene.Lights)
                // get vector from surface to light
                Vector3 tSurfaceToLight  = light.GetDirectionToLight(tIntersection);
                float   fDistanceToLight = tSurfaceToLight.Length();
                tSurfaceToLight.X /= fDistanceToLight;
                tSurfaceToLight.Y /= fDistanceToLight;
                tSurfaceToLight.Z /= fDistanceToLight;

                // check whether point is in shadow
                Ray tRayToLight;
                tRayToLight.Position  = tIntersection;
                tRayToLight.Direction = tSurfaceToLight;
                float fLightFactor;
                if (tracer.IsShadowed(this, tRayToLight, fDistanceToLight))
                    // shadowed - little bit of ambient light
                    fLightFactor = 0.1f;
                    // get amount of light diffuse at intersection point
                    fLightFactor = Vector3.Dot(tSurfaceToLight, tNormal);
                    if (fLightFactor < 0)
                        fLightFactor = 0;

                // calculate specular component
                float fSpecular = Vector3.Dot(tRayToLight.Direction, tReflectedRay.Direction);
                if (fSpecular > 0)
                    float Shininess           = 100.0f;
                    float SpecularCoefficient = 1.0f;
                    fSpecular = (float)Math.Pow(fSpecular, Shininess) * SpecularCoefficient;
                    fSpecular = 0;

                // add light effect to colour
                tColour += (Material.GetColour(tIntersection) * fLightFactor + new FloatColour(fSpecular)) * light.Colour;

            // calculate reflection colour (if needed)
            if (Reflectivity != 0)
                // calculate the reflected colour
                FloatColour tReflectedColour = tracer.TraceRay(this, tReflectedRay, nDepth + 1);

                // calculate total colour components
                tColour += tReflectedColour * Reflectivity;

            if (tColour.R > 255)
                tColour.R = 255;
            if (tColour.G > 255)
                tColour.G = 255;
            if (tColour.B > 255)
                tColour.B = 255;

Esempio n. 2
        public FloatColour Shade(Tracer tracer, Ray tRay, float fDistance, int nDepth)
            // declare return colour
            FloatColour tColour = new FloatColour(0, 0, 0);

            // get surface normal at point of intersection
            Vector3 tIntersection = tRay.Position + tRay.Direction * fDistance;
            Vector3 tNormal = CalculateNormal(tIntersection);

            // calculate reflected ray
            Ray tReflectedRay;
            tReflectedRay.Direction = Vector3.Reflect(tRay.Direction, tNormal);
            tReflectedRay.Position = tIntersection;

            // add lighting components
            foreach (Light light in tracer.Scene.Lights)
                // get vector from surface to light
                Vector3 tSurfaceToLight = light.GetDirectionToLight(tIntersection);
                float fDistanceToLight = tSurfaceToLight.Length();
                tSurfaceToLight.X /= fDistanceToLight;
                tSurfaceToLight.Y /= fDistanceToLight;
                tSurfaceToLight.Z /= fDistanceToLight;

                // check whether point is in shadow
                Ray tRayToLight;
                tRayToLight.Position = tIntersection;
                tRayToLight.Direction = tSurfaceToLight;
                float fLightFactor;
                if (tracer.IsShadowed(this, tRayToLight, fDistanceToLight))
                    // shadowed - little bit of ambient light
                    fLightFactor = 0.1f;
                    // get amount of light diffuse at intersection point
                    fLightFactor = Vector3.Dot(tSurfaceToLight, tNormal);
                    if (fLightFactor < 0) fLightFactor = 0;

                // calculate specular component
                float fSpecular = Vector3.Dot(tRayToLight.Direction, tReflectedRay.Direction);
                if (fSpecular > 0)
                    float Shininess = 100.0f;
                    float SpecularCoefficient = 1.0f;
                    fSpecular = (float) Math.Pow(fSpecular, Shininess) * SpecularCoefficient;
                    fSpecular = 0;

                // add light effect to colour
                tColour += (Material.GetColour(tIntersection) * fLightFactor + new FloatColour(fSpecular)) * light.Colour;

            // calculate reflection colour (if needed)
            if (Reflectivity != 0)
                // calculate the reflected colour
                FloatColour tReflectedColour = tracer.TraceRay(this, tReflectedRay, nDepth + 1);

                // calculate total colour components
                tColour += tReflectedColour * Reflectivity;

            if (tColour.R > 255) tColour.R = 255;
            if (tColour.G > 255) tColour.G = 255;
            if (tColour.B > 255) tColour.B = 255;

            return tColour;