Esempio n. 1
 public override float GetViewHolderMeasurementInOther(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder)
     return(holder.Right - holder.Left);
Esempio n. 2
 internal override void OffsetChild(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder, int offset)
Esempio n. 3
 public override float GetViewHolderMeasurement(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder)
     return(holder.Bottom - holder.Top);
Esempio n. 4
 public override float GetViewHolderEnd(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder)
Esempio n. 5
 public override float GetViewHolderStart(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder)
Esempio n. 6
 // Offsets the child in this orientation.
 // @param view   View to offset
 // @param offset offset amount
 internal abstract void OffsetChild(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder, int offset);
Esempio n. 7
  * Returns the space occupied by this View in the current orientation including decorations and
  * margins.
  * @param view The view element to check
  * @return Total space occupied by this view
  * @see #getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View)
 public abstract float GetViewHolderMeasurement(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder);
Esempio n. 8
  * Returns the end of the view including its decoration and margin.
  * For example, for the horizontal helper, if a View's right is at pixel 200, has 2px right
  * decoration and 3px right margin, returned value will be 205.
  * @param view The view element to check
  * @return The last pixel of the element
  * @see #getDecoratedStart(android.view.View)
 public abstract float GetViewHolderEnd(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder);
Esempio n. 9
  * Returns the start of the view including its decoration and margin.
  * For example, for the horizontal helper, if a View's left is at pixel 20, has 2px left
  * decoration and 3px left margin, returned value will be 15px.
  * @param view The view element to check
  * @return The first pixel of the element
  * @see #getDecoratedEnd(android.view.View)
 public abstract float GetViewHolderStart(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder);
Esempio n. 10
 internal override void OffsetChild(FlexibleView.ViewHolder holder, int offset)