void ApplyImpulses(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
     if (m_currentAsset && m_instanceHandle)
         FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
         int[]            indices  = new int[instance.numParticles];
         FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, indices);
         foreach (var info in m_impulses)
             if (info.impulse.sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon)
             float mass = 0;
             foreach (var index in indices)
                 if (info.particle == -1 || info.particle == index)
                     Vector4 particle = _particleData.GetParticle(index);
                     mass += 1.0f / particle.w;
             if (mass < float.Epsilon)
             Vector3 velocityChange = info.impulse / mass;
             foreach (var index in indices)
                 _particleData.SetVelocity(index, _particleData.GetVelocity(index) + velocityChange);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void CreateInstance()

            if (handle)
                FlexExt.Instance instance = handle.instance;
                if (instance.numParticles > 0)
                    if (m_asset.fixedParticles.Length == 0)
                        int[] refPoints = new int[3] {
                            0, 1, 2
                        };                                        // @@@
                        Vector4[] particles = m_asset.particles;
                        //FlexUtils.ClothRefPoints(ref particles[0], particles.Length, ref refPoints[0]); // @@@ !!! Too slow
                        m_referencePoints = new int[] { indices[refPoints[0]], indices[refPoints[1]], indices[refPoints[2]] };
                        Vector3 p0 = particles[refPoints[0]], p1 = particles[refPoints[1]], p2 = particles[refPoints[2]];
                        m_localPosition = (p0 + p1 + p2) / 3;
                        Vector3 clothZ = Vector3.Cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).normalized;
                        Vector3 clothY = Vector3.Cross(clothZ, p1 - p0).normalized;
                        m_localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(clothZ, clothY);
 void MoveFixedParticles(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
     if (Application.isPlaying)
         if (m_currentAsset && m_currentAsset.fixedParticles.Length > 0 && m_instanceHandle)
             FlexExt.Instance instance  = m_instanceHandle.instance;
             Vector4[]        particles = m_currentAsset.particles;
             foreach (var index in m_currentAsset.fixedParticles)
                 if (index < particles.Length)
                     Vector4 particle = transform.TransformPoint(particles[index]); particle.w = 0.0f;
                     _particleData.SetParticle(indices[index], particle);
         if (m_currentAsset && m_instanceHandle)
             FlexExt.Instance instance  = m_instanceHandle.instance;
             Vector4[]        particles = m_currentAsset.particles;
             for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
                 Vector4 particle = transform.TransformPoint(particles[i]);
                 particle.w = _particleData.GetParticle(indices[i]).w;
                 _particleData.SetParticle(indices[i], particle);
        void TeleportParticles(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
            Matrix4x4 offset = Matrix4x4.TRS(m_teleportPosition, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one)
                               * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, m_teleportRotation, Vector3.one)
                               * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation), Vector3.one)
                               * Matrix4x4.TRS(-transform.position, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);

            if (m_currentAsset && m_instanceHandle)
                FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
                int[]            indices  = new int[instance.numParticles];
                FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, indices);
                foreach (var index in indices)
                    Vector4 particle = _particleData.GetParticle(index);
                    float   storeW   = particle.w;
                    particle   = offset.MultiplyPoint3x4(particle);
                    particle.w = storeW;
                    _particleData.SetParticle(index, particle);
                    _particleData.SetVelocity(index, Vector3.zero);
            transform.position   = m_teleportPosition;
            transform.rotation   = m_teleportRotation;
            transform.hasChanged = false;
 protected virtual void CreateInstance()
     if (m_currentContainer && m_currentContainer.handle && m_currentAsset && m_currentAsset.handle)
         int        group = m_particleGroup < 0 ? ++sm_nextGroup : m_particleGroup;
         Flex.Phase flags = Flex.Phase.Default;
         if (m_selfCollide)
             flags |= Flex.Phase.SelfCollide;
         if (m_selfCollideFilter)
             flags |= Flex.Phase.SelfCollideFilter;
         if (m_fluid)
             flags |= Flex.Phase.Fluid;
         m_phase          = Flex.MakePhase(group, flags);
         m_instanceHandle = m_currentContainer.CreateInstance(m_currentAsset.handle, transform.localToWorldMatrix, Vector3.zero, m_phase, m_massScale);
         if (m_instanceHandle)
             FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
             m_indices    = new int[m_currentAsset.maxParticles];
             m_indexCount = instance.numParticles;
             if (m_indexCount > 0)
                 FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, 0, ref m_indices[0], 0, sizeof(int) * m_indexCount);
 protected void SetIndices(int[] _indices, int _count)
     m_indexCount = Mathf.Min(_count, m_currentAsset.maxParticles);
     Array.Copy(_indices, m_indices, m_indexCount);
     FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
     instance.numParticles = m_indexCount;
     if (m_indexCount > 0)
         FlexUtils.FastCopy(ref m_indices[0], 0, instance.particleIndices, 0, sizeof(int) * m_indexCount);
     m_instanceHandle.instance = instance;
Esempio n. 7
        //This function is to set the initial velocity of the fluid
        bool PresetVelocities(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
            Vector3 initVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, -2.0f);              //Change the Vector to adjust the intial velocity

            FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
            int[]            indices  = new int[instance.numParticles];
            FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, indices);

            foreach (var index in indices)
                _particleData.SetVelocity(index, initVelocity);
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void OnFlexUpdate(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
            if (Application.isPlaying && handle)
                FlexExt.Instance instance = handle.instance;
                Vector3          position = Vector3.zero;
                FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.shapeTranslations, 0, ref position, 0, 12);
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.shapeRotations, 0, ref rotation, 0, 16);
                transform.position   = position - rotation * m_asset.shapeCenters[0];
                transform.rotation   = rotation;
                transform.hasChanged = false;

        void OnFlexUpdate(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
            if (m_actor && m_actor.handle && m_skinningBones.Length > 0)
                FlexExt.Instance instance = m_actor.handle.instance;
                int        boneCount      = m_skinningBones.Length;
                Vector3    bonePosition   = Vector3.zero;
                Quaternion boneRotation   = Quaternion.identity;

                for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i)
                    FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.shapeTranslations, sizeof(float) * 3 * i, ref bonePosition, 0, sizeof(float) * 3);
                    m_skinningBones[i].position = bonePosition;
                    FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.shapeRotations, sizeof(float) * 4 * i, ref boneRotation, 0, sizeof(float) * 4);
                    m_skinningBones[i].rotation = boneRotation;
Esempio n. 10
        //This function is to get the velocity of 40 frames
        //And then call the CalcAcceleration function to calculate the accelerations
        bool CoutAccelerations(FlexContainer.ParticleData _particleData)
            FlexExt.Instance instance = m_instanceHandle.instance;
            int[]            indices  = new int[instance.numParticles];
            FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, indices);
            float totalzVelocity = 0;

            foreach (var index in indices)
                totalzVelocity += _particleData.GetVelocity(index).z;

            frameVelocity.Add(totalzVelocity / indices.Length);

            if (frameVelocity.Count >= 40)                              //Change the 40 to other numbers to adjust the time of data collections
Esempio n. 11
 public static extern void FastCopy(IntPtr src, int srcOfs, ref FlexExt.Instance dst, int dstOfs, int size);
Esempio n. 12
 public static void FastCopy(IntPtr source, ref FlexExt.Instance destination)
     FastCopy(source, 0, ref destination, 0, instanceSize);
Esempio n. 13
 public static void FastCopy(ref FlexExt.Instance source, IntPtr destination)
     FastCopy(ref source, 0, destination, 0, instanceSize);
        void Create()
            m_actor = GetComponentInParent <FlexActor>();
            if (m_actor == null)
                Debug.LogError("_auxFlexDrawPartcles should be parented to a FlexActor");

            if (m_actor && m_actor.handle)
                FlexExt.Instance instance = m_actor.handle.instance;

                int[] indices = new int[instance.numParticles];
                if (instance.numParticles > 0)
                    FlexUtils.FastCopy(instance.particleIndices, indices);

                m_mesh          = new Mesh();
                m_mesh.name     = "Flex Particles";
                m_mesh.vertices = new Vector3[1];

                if (m_actor is FlexSoftActor)
                    int shapeCount = m_actor.asset.shapeOffsets.Length;
                    m_indexBuffers      = new ComputeBuffer[shapeCount];
                    m_particleMaterials = new Material[shapeCount];
                    m_mesh.subMeshCount = shapeCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < shapeCount; ++i)
                        int start = i == 0 ? 0 : m_actor.asset.shapeOffsets[i - 1];
                        int count = m_actor.asset.shapeOffsets[i] - start;
                        m_mesh.SetIndices(new int[count], MeshTopology.Points, i);
                        m_indexBuffers[i] = new ComputeBuffer(count, 4);
                        int[] shape = new int[count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j)
                            shape[j] = indices[m_actor.asset.shapeIndices[start + j]];
                        m_particleMaterials[i]           = new Material(Shader.Find(PARTICLES_SHADER));
                        m_particleMaterials[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                    m_mesh.subMeshCount = 1;
                    m_mesh.SetIndices(new int[0], MeshTopology.Points, 0);
                    m_mesh.SetIndices(new int[instance.numParticles], MeshTopology.Points, 0);
                    m_indexBuffers = new ComputeBuffer[1];
                    if (instance.numParticles > 0)
                        m_indexBuffers[0] = new ComputeBuffer(instance.numParticles, sizeof(int));
                    m_particleMaterials              = new Material[1];
                    m_particleMaterials[0]           = new Material(Shader.Find(PARTICLES_SHADER));
                    m_particleMaterials[0].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

                m_mesh.bounds = m_actor.bounds;

                MeshFilter meshFilter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                meshFilter.mesh = m_mesh;

                MeshRenderer meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                meshRenderer.materials         = m_particleMaterials;
                meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On;
                EditorUtility.SetSelectedRenderState(meshRenderer, EditorSelectedRenderState.Hidden);