public ReSortieBarViewModel(FleetViewModel parent, FleetReSortie reSortie) { this.source = reSortie; this.CompositeDisposable.Add(new PropertyChangedEventListener(reSortie) { { () => reSortie.Reason, (sender, args) => this.UpdateMessage() }, { () => reSortie.Remaining, (sender, args) => this.UpdateRemaining() }, }); this.UpdateMessage(); this.UpdateRemaining(); if (Helper.IsWindows8OrGreater) { reSortie.Readied += (sender, args) => { if (this.IsNotifyReadied) { Toast.Show( "疲労回復完了", "「" + parent.Name + "」の全艦娘の疲労が回復しました。", () => this.Messenger.Raise(new WindowActionMessage(WindowAction.Active, "Window/Activate"))); } }; } }
public ReSortieBarViewModel(FleetViewModel parent, FleetReSortie reSortie) { this.source = reSortie; this.CompositeDisposable.Add(new PropertyChangedEventListener(reSortie) { { () => reSortie.Reason, (sender, args) => this.UpdateMessage() }, { () => reSortie.Remaining, (sender, args) => this.UpdateRemaining() }, }); reSortie.Readied += (sender, args) => { if (Models.Settings.Current.EnableFatigueNotification) { WindowsNotification.Notifier.Show( Resources.ReSortie_NotificationMessage_Title, string.Format(Resources.ReSortie_NotificationMessage, parent.Name), () => App.ViewModelRoot.Activate()); } }; reSortie.CriticalCondition += (sender, args) => { if (Models.Settings.Current.EnableCriticalNotify) { WindowsNotification.Notifier.Show( Resources.ReSortie_CriticalConditionMessage_Title, string.Format(Resources.ReSortie_CriticalConditionMessage, args.Ship.Info.Name, parent.Name), () => App.ViewModelRoot.Activate()); } if (Models.Settings.Current.EnableCriticalAccent) { App.ViewModelRoot.Mode = Mode.CriticalCondition; } }; reSortie.CriticalCleared += (sender, args) => { App.ViewModelRoot.Mode = Mode.Started; }; this.UpdateMessage(); this.UpdateRemaining(); }
public ReSortieBarViewModel(FleetViewModel parent, FleetReSortie reSortie) { this.source = reSortie; this.CompositeDisposable.Add(new PropertyChangedEventListener(reSortie) { { () => reSortie.Reason, (sender, args) => this.UpdateMessage() }, { () => reSortie.Remaining, (sender, args) => this.UpdateRemaining() }, }); this.UpdateMessage(); this.UpdateRemaining(); if (Toast.IsSupported) { reSortie.Readied += (sender, args) => { if (this.IsNotifyReadied) { Toast.Show( "Morale Recovery", "Morale of ships in the " + parent.Name + "has fully recovered.", () => App.ViewModelRoot.Activate()); } }; } else { reSortie.Readied += (sender, args) => { if (this.IsNotifyReadied) { NotifyIconWrapper.Show( "Morale Recovery", "Morale of ships in the " + parent.Name + "has fully recovered."); } }; } }
public ReSortieBarViewModel(FleetViewModel parent, FleetReSortie reSortie) { this.source = reSortie; this.CompositeDisposable.Add(new PropertyChangedEventListener(reSortie) { { () => reSortie.Reason, (sender, args) => this.UpdateMessage() }, { () => reSortie.Remaining, (sender, args) => this.UpdateRemaining() }, }); this.UpdateMessage(); this.UpdateRemaining(); reSortie.Readied += (sender, args) => { if (this.IsNotifyReadied) { WindowsNotification.Notifier.Show( Resources.ReSortie_NotificationMessage_Title, string.Format(Resources.ReSortie_NotificationMessage, parent.Name), () => App.ViewModelRoot.Activate()); } }; }