Esempio n. 1
        private static bool Prefix(FlashGrenade __instance)
            List <Exiled.API.Features.Player> players = new List <Exiled.API.Features.Player>();

            foreach (GameObject gameObject in PlayerManager.players)
                Vector3      position = __instance.transform.position;
                ReferenceHub hub      = ReferenceHub.GetHub(gameObject);
                Flashed      effect   = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Flashed>();
                Deafened     effect2  = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Deafened>();
                if (effect == null || __instance.thrower == null || (!__instance.Network_friendlyFlash && !effect.Flashable(ReferenceHub.GetHub(__instance.thrower.gameObject), position, __instance.viewLayerMask)))

                float num = __instance.powerOverDistance.Evaluate(Vector3.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, position) / ((position.y > 900f) ? __instance.distanceMultiplierSurface : __instance.distanceMultiplierFacility)) * __instance.powerOverDot.Evaluate(Vector3.Dot(hub.PlayerCameraReference.forward, (hub.PlayerCameraReference.position - position).normalized));
                byte  b   = (byte)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(num * 10f * __instance.maximumDuration), 1, 255);
                if (b >= effect.Intensity && num > 0f)

            ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs ev = new ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs(players, false, __instance.gameObject);


Esempio n. 2
    public override string Part1(List <string> input, bool isTestRun)
        XMapCount = input[0].Length;
        YMapCount = input.Count;

        TotalFlashcount = 0;
        Map             = GetIntMap(input);

        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
            Flashed = new();//reset flashdictionary

            //First, the energy level of each octopus increases by 1.
            for (int y = 0; y < YMapCount; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < XMapCount; x++)
                    Map[x, y]++;
            //Then, any octopus with an energy level greater than 9 flashes.
            //This increases the energy level of all adjacent octopuses by 1, including octopuses that are diagonally adjacent.
            //If this causes an octopus to have an energy level greater than 9,
            //it also flashes.This process continues as long as new octopuses keep having their energy level increased beyond 9.
            //(An octopus can only flash at most once per step.)
            for (int y = 0; y < YMapCount; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < XMapCount; x++)
                    if (Map[x, y] > 9)
                        Flash(x, y);

            //Finally, any octopus that flashed during this step has its energy level set to 0, as it used all of its energy to flash.
            for (int y = 0; y < YMapCount; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < XMapCount; x++)
                    if (Flashed.ContainsKey($"{x},{y}") && Flashed[$"{x},{y}"])
                        Map[x, y] = 0;
            TotalFlashcount = TotalFlashcount + (ulong)Flashed.Count();

Esempio n. 3
        public static bool Prefix(FlashGrenade __instance, ref bool __result)
            Exiled.API.Features.Log.Debug($"Flash grenade explosion", Subclass.Instance.Config.Debug);
            foreach (GameObject obj2 in PlayerManager.players)
                Player       target   = Player.Get(obj2);
                Vector3      position = ((EffectGrenade)__instance).transform.position;
                ReferenceHub hub      = ReferenceHub.GetHub(obj2);
                Flashed      effect   = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Flashed>();
                Deafened     deafened = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Deafened>();
                Exiled.API.Features.Log.Debug($"Flash target is: {target?.Nickname}", Subclass.Instance.Config.Debug);
                if ((effect != null) &&
                    ((((EffectGrenade)__instance).thrower != null) &&
                     (__instance._friendlyFlash ||
                      effect.Flashable(ReferenceHub.GetHub(((EffectGrenade)__instance).thrower.gameObject), position, __instance._ignoredLayers))))
                    if (!Tracking.PlayersWithSubclasses.ContainsKey(target) ||
                        float num       = __instance.powerOverDistance.Evaluate((float)(Vector3.Distance(obj2.transform.position, position) / ((position.y > 900f) ? __instance.distanceMultiplierSurface : __instance.distanceMultiplierFacility))) * __instance.powerOverDot.Evaluate(Vector3.Dot(hub.PlayerCameraReference.forward, (hub.PlayerCameraReference.position - position).normalized));
                        byte  intensity = (byte)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((num * 10f) * __instance.maximumDuration)), 1, 0xff);
                        if ((intensity >= effect.Intensity) && (num > 0f))
                            hub.playerEffectsController.ChangeEffectIntensity <Flashed>(intensity);
                            if (deafened != null)
                                hub.playerEffectsController.EnableEffect(deafened, num * __instance.maximumDuration, true);
                        Concussed concussedEffect = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Concussed>();
                        concussedEffect.Intensity = 3;
                        hub.playerEffectsController.EnableEffect(concussedEffect, 5);
                        Disabled disabledEffect = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Disabled>();
                        disabledEffect.Intensity = 2;
                        hub.playerEffectsController.EnableEffect(disabledEffect, 5);

            if (((EffectGrenade)__instance).serverGrenadeEffect != null)
                Transform transform = ((Grenade)__instance).transform;
                Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(((EffectGrenade)__instance).serverGrenadeEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);

            string str = (((Grenade)__instance).thrower != null) ? ((Grenade)__instance).thrower.hub.LoggedNameFromRefHub() : ((string)"(UNKNOWN)");

            string[] textArray1 = new string[] { "Player ", (string)str, "'s ", (string)((Grenade)__instance).logName, " grenade exploded." };
            ServerLogs.AddLog(ServerLogs.Modules.Logger, string.Concat((string[])textArray1), ServerLogs.ServerLogType.GameEvent, false);

            __result = true;
Esempio n. 4
        private static bool Prefix(FlashGrenade __instance)
                Dictionary <Player, float> players = new Dictionary <Player, float>();

                foreach (GameObject gameObject in PlayerManager.players)
                    Vector3      position = __instance.transform.position;
                    ReferenceHub hub      = ReferenceHub.GetHub(gameObject);
                    Flashed      effect   = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Flashed>();
                    Deafened     effect2  = hub.playerEffectsController.GetEffect <Deafened>();
                    if (effect == null || __instance.thrower == null ||
                        (!__instance.Network_friendlyFlash && !effect.Flashable(
                             ReferenceHub.GetHub(__instance.thrower.gameObject), position, __instance._ignoredLayers)))

                    float num = __instance.powerOverDistance.Evaluate(
                        Vector3.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, position) / ((position.y > 900f)
                                        ? __instance.distanceMultiplierSurface
                                        : __instance.distanceMultiplierFacility)) *
                                __instance.powerOverDot.Evaluate(Vector3.Dot(hub.PlayerCameraReference.forward, (hub.PlayerCameraReference.position - position).normalized));
                    byte b = (byte)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(num * 10f * __instance.maximumDuration), 1, 255);
                    if (b >= effect.Intensity && num > 0f)
                        players.Add(Player.Get(gameObject), num);

                ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs ev = new ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs(Player.Get(__instance.throwerGameObject), players, false, __instance.gameObject);


            catch (Exception exception)

Esempio n. 5
    void OnFlashEnd()
        // Call event.

        if (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

        // Restart.
        if (delay <= 0)
            this.Timer(delay, Flash);
Esempio n. 6
 private void Flash(int x, int y)
     if (!Flashed.ContainsKey($"{x},{y}") || !Flashed[$"{x},{y}"])
         Flashed[$"{x},{y}"] = true;
         //if up exists increase
         if (y > 0)
             Map[x, y - 1]++;
             if (Map[x, y - 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x, y - 1);
         //if right-up exists check
         if (x < XMapCount - 1 && y > 0)
             Map[x + 1, y - 1]++;
             if (Map[x + 1, y - 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x + 1, y - 1);
         //if right exists check
         if (x < XMapCount - 1)
             Map[x + 1, y]++;
             if (Map[x + 1, y] > 9)
                 Flash(x + 1, y);
         //if right-down exists check
         if (x < XMapCount - 1 && y < YMapCount - 1)
             Map[x + 1, y + 1]++;
             if (Map[x + 1, y + 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x + 1, y + 1);
         //if down exists check
         if (y < YMapCount - 1)
             Map[x, y + 1]++;
             if (Map[x, y + 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x, y + 1);
         //if down-left exists check
         if (y < YMapCount - 1 && x > 0)
             Map[x - 1, y + 1]++;
             if (Map[x - 1, y + 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x - 1, y + 1);
         //if left exists check
         if (x > 0)
             Map[x - 1, y]++;
             if (Map[x - 1, y] > 9)
                 Flash(x - 1, y);
         //if left-up exists check
         if (x > 0 && y > 0)
             Map[x - 1, y - 1]++;
             if (Map[x - 1, y - 1] > 9)
                 Flash(x - 1, y - 1);