private static void Run(FlashLfqSettings settings) { try { settings.ValidateCommandLineSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } return; } // check to see if experimental design file exists string assumedPathToExpDesign = Path.Combine(settings.SpectraFileRepository, "ExperimentalDesign.tsv"); if ((settings.Normalize || settings.BayesianProteinQuant) && !File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign)) { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find experimental design file " + "(required for normalization and Bayesian statistical analysis): " + assumedPathToExpDesign); } return; } // set up spectra file info List <SpectraFileInfo> spectraFileInfos = new List <SpectraFileInfo>(); List <string> filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(settings.SpectraFileRepository) .Where(f => acceptedSpectrumFileFormats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToLowerInvariant())).ToList(); // check for duplicate file names (agnostic of file extension) foreach (var fileName in filePaths.GroupBy(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p))) { if (fileName.Count() > 1) { var types = fileName.Select(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p)).Distinct(); if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Multiple spectra files with the same name were detected (maybe " + string.Join(" and ", types) + "?). " + "Please remove or rename duplicate files from the spectra file directory."); } return; } } if (settings.PrintThermoLicenceViaCommandLine) { Console.WriteLine(ThermoRawFileReaderLicence.ThermoLicenceText); return; } // check thermo licence agreement if (filePaths.Select(v => Path.GetExtension(v).ToLowerInvariant()).Any(f => f == ".raw")) { var licenceAgreement = LicenceAgreementSettings.ReadLicenceSettings(); if (!licenceAgreement.HasAcceptedThermoLicence) { if (settings.AcceptThermoLicenceViaCommandLine) { if (!settings.ReadOnlyFileSystem) { licenceAgreement.AcceptLicenceAndWrite(); } } else { // decided to write this even if it's on silent mode... Console.WriteLine(ThermoRawFileReaderLicence.ThermoLicenceText); Console.WriteLine("\nIn order to search Thermo .raw files, you must agree to the above terms. Do you agree to the above terms? y/n\n"); string res = Console.ReadLine(); if (res.ToLowerInvariant() == "y") { try { if (!settings.ReadOnlyFileSystem) { licenceAgreement.AcceptLicenceAndWrite(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Thermo licence has been declined. Exiting FlashLFQ. You can still search .mzML and .mgf files without agreeing to the Thermo licence."); return; } } } } if (File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign)) { var experimentalDesign = File.ReadAllLines(assumedPathToExpDesign) .ToDictionary(v => v.Split('\t')[0], v => v); foreach (var file in filePaths) { string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); var expDesignForThisFile = experimentalDesign[filename]; var split = expDesignForThisFile.Split('\t'); string condition = split[1]; int biorep = int.Parse(split[2]); int fraction = int.Parse(split[3]); int techrep = int.Parse(split[4]); // experimental design info passed in here for each spectra file spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file, condition: condition, biorep: biorep - 1, fraction: fraction - 1, techrep: techrep - 1)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Count; i++) { var file = filePaths[i]; spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file, condition: "Default", biorep: i, fraction: 0, techrep: 0)); } } // check the validity of the settings and experimental design try { settings.ValidateSettings(spectraFileInfos); } catch (Exception e) { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } return; } // set up IDs List <Identification> ids; try { ids = PsmReader.ReadPsms(settings.PsmIdentificationPath, settings.Silent, spectraFileInfos); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Problem reading PSMs: " + e.Message); return; } if (ids.Any()) { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Setup is OK; read in " + ids.Count + " identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine"); } // write FlashLFQ settings to a file if (!Directory.Exists(settings.OutputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(settings.OutputPath); } Nett.Toml.WriteFile(settings, Path.Combine(settings.OutputPath, "FlashLfqSettings.toml")); // make engine with desired settings FlashLfqEngine engine = null; FlashLfqResults results = null; try { engine = FlashLfqSettings.CreateEngineWithSettings(settings, ids); // run results = engine.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(filePaths.First()).FullName; if (settings.OutputPath != null) { errorReportPath = settings.OutputPath; } if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath); } OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(filePaths.First()).FullName, settings.OutputPath); } // output if (results != null) { try { OutputWriter.WriteOutput(settings.PsmIdentificationPath, results, settings.Silent, settings.OutputPath); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message); } } } } else { if (!settings.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " + "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files"); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // parameters List <string> acceptedSpectrumFileFormats = new List <string> { ".RAW", ".MZML" }; // setup parameters var p = new FluentCommandLineParser <ApplicationArguments>(); p.SetupHelp("?", "help") .Callback(text => Console.WriteLine( "Valid arguments:\n" + "--idt [string|identification file path (TSV format)]\n" + "--rep [string|directory containing spectrum data files]\n" + "--out [string|output directory]\n" + "--ppm [double|ppm tolerance]\n" + "--iso [double|isotopic distribution tolerance in ppm]\n" + "--sil [bool|silent mode]\n" + "--int [bool|integrate features]\n" + "--mbr [bool|match between runs]\n" + "--mrt [double|maximum MBR window in minutes]\n" + "--chg [bool|use only precursor charge state]\n" + "--rmm [bool|require observed monoisotopic mass peak]\n" + "--nis [int|number of isotopes required to be observed]\n" + "--nor [bool|normalize intensity results]\n" + "--pro [bool|advanced protein quantification]\n" )); p.Setup(arg => arg.PsmInputPath) // PSMs file .As("idt"). Required(); p.Setup(arg => arg.RawFilesPath) // spectrum files .As("rep"). Required(); p.Setup(arg => arg.OutputPath) // output path .As("out"); p.Setup(arg => arg.PpmTolerance) // ppm tolerance .As("ppm"); p.Setup(arg => arg.IsotopePpmTolerance) // isotope ppm tolerance .As("iso"); p.Setup(arg => arg.Silent) // do not display output messages .As("sil"); p.Setup(arg => arg.Integrate) // integrate .As("int"); p.Setup(arg => arg.MatchBetweenRuns) // match between runs .As("mbr"); p.Setup(arg => arg.MbrRtWindow) // maximum match-between-runs window in minutes .As("mrt"); p.Setup(arg => arg.IdSpecificChargeState) // only use PSM-identified charge states .As("chg"); p.Setup(arg => arg.RequireMonoisotopicMass) // require observation of monoisotopic peak .As("rmm"); p.Setup(arg => arg.NumIsotopesRequired) // num of isotopes required .As("nis"); p.Setup(arg => arg.Normalize) // normalize .As("nor"); p.Setup(arg => arg.AdvancedProteinQuant) // advanced protein quant .As("pro"); // args are OK - run FlashLFQ if (!p.Parse(args).HasErrors&& p.Object.PsmInputPath != null) { if (!File.Exists(p.Object.PsmInputPath)) { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not locate identification file " + p.Object.PsmInputPath); } return; } if (!Directory.Exists(p.Object.RawFilesPath)) { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not locate folder " + p.Object.RawFilesPath); } return; } string assumedPathToExpDesign = Path.Combine(p.Object.RawFilesPath, "ExperimentalDesign.tsv"); if (p.Object.Normalize && !File.Exists(assumedPathToExpDesign)) { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find experimental design file (required for normalization): " + assumedPathToExpDesign); } return; } // set up spectra file info // get experimental design info for normalization List <SpectraFileInfo> spectraFileInfos = new List <SpectraFileInfo>(); IEnumerable <string> files = Directory.GetFiles(p.Object.RawFilesPath) .Where(f => acceptedSpectrumFileFormats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToUpperInvariant())); if (p.Object.Normalize) { var experimentalDesign = File.ReadAllLines(assumedPathToExpDesign) .ToDictionary(v => v.Split('\t')[0], v => v); foreach (var file in files) { string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); var expDesignForThisFile = experimentalDesign[filename]; var split = expDesignForThisFile.Split('\t'); string condition = split[1]; int biorep = int.Parse(split[2]); int fraction = int.Parse(split[3]); int techrep = int.Parse(split[4]); // experimental design info passed in here for each spectra file spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file, condition: condition, biorep: biorep - 1, fraction: fraction - 1, techrep: techrep - 1)); } } else { foreach (var file in files) { spectraFileInfos.Add(new SpectraFileInfo(fullFilePathWithExtension: file, condition: "", biorep: 0, fraction: 0, techrep: 0)); } } // set up IDs List <Identification> ids; try { ids = PsmReader.ReadPsms(p.Object.PsmInputPath, p.Object.Silent, spectraFileInfos); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Problem reading PSMs: " + e.Message); return; } if (ids.Any()) { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Setup is OK; read in " + ids.Count + " identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine"); } // make engine with desired settings FlashLfqEngine engine = null; FlashLfqResults results = null; try { engine = new FlashLfqEngine( allIdentifications: ids, normalize: p.Object.Normalize, ppmTolerance: p.Object.PpmTolerance, isotopeTolerancePpm: p.Object.IsotopePpmTolerance, matchBetweenRuns: p.Object.MatchBetweenRuns, matchBetweenRunsPpmTolerance: p.Object.MbrPpmTolerance, integrate: p.Object.Integrate, numIsotopesRequired: p.Object.NumIsotopesRequired, idSpecificChargeState: p.Object.IdSpecificChargeState, requireMonoisotopicMass: p.Object.RequireMonoisotopicMass, silent: p.Object.Silent, optionalPeriodicTablePath: null, maxMbrWindow: p.Object.MbrRtWindow, advancedProteinQuant: p.Object.AdvancedProteinQuant); // run results = engine.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(files.First()).FullName; if (p.Object.OutputPath != null) { errorReportPath = p.Object.OutputPath; } if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath); } OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(files.First()).FullName, p.Object.OutputPath); } // output if (results != null) { try { OutputWriter.WriteOutput(p.Object.PsmInputPath, results, p.Object.OutputPath); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message); } } } } else { if (!p.Object.Silent) { Console.WriteLine("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " + "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files"); } } } else if (p.Parse(args).HasErrors == false && p.Object.PsmInputPath == null) { // no errors - just requesting help? } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid arguments - type \"--help\" for valid arguments"); } }
private void RunFlashLfq() { // read IDs var ids = new List <Identification>(); try { foreach (var identFile in identFilesForDataGrid) { ids = ids.Concat(PsmReader.ReadPsms(identFile.FilePath, false, spectraFileInfo)).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFileInfo.First().FullFilePathWithExtension).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(e, Directory.GetParent(spectraFileInfo.First().FullFilePathWithExtension).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + e.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ could not read the PSM file: " + e.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } if (!ids.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " + "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } // run FlashLFQ engine try { flashLfqEngine = new FlashLfqEngine( allIdentifications: ids, normalize: flashLfqEngine.Normalize, ppmTolerance: flashLfqEngine.PpmTolerance, isotopeTolerancePpm: flashLfqEngine.IsotopePpmTolerance, matchBetweenRuns: flashLfqEngine.MatchBetweenRuns, matchBetweenRunsPpmTolerance: flashLfqEngine.MbrPpmTolerance, integrate: flashLfqEngine.Integrate, numIsotopesRequired: flashLfqEngine.NumIsotopesRequired, idSpecificChargeState: flashLfqEngine.IdSpecificChargeState, requireMonoisotopicMass: flashLfqEngine.RequireMonoisotopicMass, silent: false, optionalPeriodicTablePath: null, maxMbrWindow: flashLfqEngine.MbrRtWindow, advancedProteinQuant: flashLfqEngine.AdvancedProteinQuant); results = flashLfqEngine.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFileInfo.First().FullFilePathWithExtension).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(spectraFileInfo.First().FullFilePathWithExtension).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } // write output if (results != null) { try { OutputWriter.WriteOutput(Directory.GetParent(spectraFileInfo.First().FullFilePathWithExtension).FullName, results, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the FlashLFQ engine with the user's defined spectra files, ID files, and FlashLFQ /// settings. /// </summary> private void RunFlashLfq() { // read IDs var ids = new List <Identification>(); try { foreach (var identFile in idFiles) { ids = ids.Concat(PsmReader.ReadPsms(identFile.FilePath, false, spectraFiles.Select(p => p.SpectraFileInfo).ToList())).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(e, Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + e.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ could not read the PSM file: " + e.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } if (!ids.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " + "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } // run FlashLFQ engine try { flashLfqEngine = FlashLfqSettings.CreateEngineWithSettings(settings, ids); results = flashLfqEngine.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } // write output if (results != null) { try { OutputWriter.WriteOutput(Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, results, flashLfqEngine.Silent, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the FlashLFQ engine with the user's defined spectra files, ID files, and FlashLFQ /// settings. /// </summary> private void RunFlashLfq() { // read IDs var ids = new List <Identification>(); try { foreach (var identFile in idFiles) { ids = ids.Concat(PsmReader.ReadPsms(identFile.FilePath, false, spectraFiles.Select(p => p.SpectraFileInfo).ToList())).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(e, Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + e.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ could not read the PSM file: " + e.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } if (!ids.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! " + "Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } if (ids.Any(p => p.Ms2RetentionTimeInMinutes > 500)) { var res = MessageBox.Show("It seems that some of the retention times in the PSM file(s) are in seconds and not minutes; FlashLFQ requires the RT to be in minutes. " + "Continue with the FlashLFQ run? (only click yes if the RTs are actually in minutes)", "Error", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Hand); if (res == MessageBoxResult.No) { return; } } // run FlashLFQ engine try { flashLfqEngine = FlashLfqSettings.CreateEngineWithSettings(settings, ids); results = flashLfqEngine.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorReportPath = Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName; if (outputFolderPath != null) { errorReportPath = outputFolderPath; } try { OutputWriter.WriteErrorReport(ex, Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, outputFolderPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nThe error report could not be written: " + ex2.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } MessageBox.Show("FlashLFQ has crashed with the following error: " + ex.Message + ".\nError report written to " + errorReportPath, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } // write output if (results != null) { try { OutputWriter.WriteOutput(Directory.GetParent(spectraFiles.First().FilePath).FullName, results, flashLfqEngine.Silent, outputFolderPath); MessageBox.Show("Run complete"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not write FlashLFQ output: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand); return; } } }