Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes a docking station diagnostic operation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Docking station event</returns>
		public DockingStationEvent Execute()
            // Initialize resource manager's culture to be same as current configuration culture.
            DiagnosticResources.Culture = Configuration.DockingStation.Language.Culture;
            // Make the return event and return diagnostic and wire them together.
            DiagnosticEvent dsEvent = new DiagnosticEvent( this );
            dsEvent.DockingStation = Controller.GetDockingStation(); // Retrieve IDS's complete information.

            // Make the builder for the details.
            DetailsBuilder details = new DetailsBuilder();

            details.AddDockingStation( dsEvent.DockingStation );

            // SGF  23-May-2011  INS-1741

            GeneralDiagnostic generalDiagnostic = new GeneralDiagnostic( Configuration.DockingStation.SerialNumber, DateTime.UtcNow );

            ExecuteDiagnostics( dsEvent, details );

			// Retrieve the details.
			dsEvent.Details = details.ToString();

			// Write the details to a log file.
            FlashCard.WriteTextFile( LAST_RUN_DETAILS_FILE_NAME, dsEvent.Details );

            dsEvent.Diagnostics.Add( generalDiagnostic );
            generalDiagnostic.Items = _gdpList.ToArray();

            return dsEvent;  // Return the event
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes a docking station interactive diagnostic operation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Docking station event</returns>
		public DockingStationEvent Execute()
            // Initialize resource manager's culture to be same as current configuration culture.
            DiagnosticResources.Culture = Configuration.DockingStation.Language.Culture;

			// Make the return event.
            InteractiveDiagnosticEvent dsEvent = new InteractiveDiagnosticEvent( this );

			// Retrieve the docking station's complete information.
            dsEvent.DockingStation = Master.Instance.ControllerWrapper.GetDockingStation();

            // Print to log the selections made by the user
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseKeypad = " + DiagnoseKeypad.ToString() ); // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseLcd = " + DiagnoseLcd.ToString() ); // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseLeds = " + DiagnoseLeds.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseBuzzer = " + DiagnoseBuzzer.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseLidSwitches = " + DiagnoseLidSwitches.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseIGas = " + DiagnoseIGas.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseCradleGasFlow = " + DiagnoseCradleGasFlow.ToString() ); // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseFlowRate = " + DiagnoseFlowRate.ToString() ); // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseInstrumentDetection = " + DiagnoseInstrumentDetection.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseInstrumentCommunication = " + DiagnoseInstrumentCommunication.ToString() );
            Log.Debug( Name + ": DiagnoseBatteryCharging = " + DiagnoseBatteryCharging.ToString() );

            _details.AddDockingStation( dsEvent.DockingStation );

            // SGF  23-May-2011  INS-1741

			Pump.DoCheckFlow = false;

            for ( int valve = 1; valve <= Configuration.DockingStation.NumGasPorts; valve++ )
                Master.Instance.PumpWrapper.OpenValve( valve, false );
                Thread.Sleep( 500 );
                Master.Instance.PumpWrapper.CloseValve( valve, false );
            Master.Instance.LCDWrapper.Display( "<a>               <a>" );

            if (Master.Instance.ControllerWrapper.IsDocked() )
                Log.Debug( "ERROR: Remove the instrument from the cradle." );
                // Pause for the tech to remove the instrument.
                Thread.Sleep( 5000 );

			Log.Debug( "Beginning interactive diagnostics." );

            bool continueTesting = true;

            // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730 -- split keypad testing from LCD testing
            // Keypad
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseKeypad )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Keypad" );
                continueTesting = TestKeypad();

            // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730 -- split keypad testing from LCD testing
            // LCD
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseLcd )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing LCD" );
                continueTesting = TestLCD();

            // LEDs
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseLeds )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing LEDs" );

            // Buzzer
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseBuzzer )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Buzzer" );

            // Lid Switches
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseLidSwitches )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Lid Switches" );

            // iGas Connections
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseIGas )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing iGas Connections" );

            // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730 -- split cradle solenoid testing from flow rate testing
            // Cradle Solenoid
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseCradleGasFlow )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Cradle Gas Flow" );

            // SGF  03-Jun-2011  INS-1730 -- split cradle solenoid testing from flow rate testing
            // Flow Rate
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseFlowRate )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Flow Rate" );

            // Instrument Detection
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseInstrumentDetection )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Instrument Detection" );
            // Instrument Communication
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseInstrumentCommunication )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Instrument Communication" );
                continueTesting = TestInstrumentCommunication();               

            // Battery Charging.
            if ( continueTesting && DiagnoseBatteryCharging )
                Log.Debug( "Interactive Diagnostics:  Testing Battery Charging" );

            Master.Instance.LCDWrapper.Display( GetMessage( DiagnosticResources.DONE ) );

			Pump.DoCheckFlow = true;
            for ( int valve = 1; valve <= Configuration.DockingStation.NumGasPorts; valve++ )
                Master.Instance.PumpWrapper.OpenValve( valve, false );
                Thread.Sleep( 500 );
                Master.Instance.PumpWrapper.CloseValve( valve, false );
            Log.Debug( "Finished interactive diagnostics." );

			// Retrieve the details.
			dsEvent.Details = _details.ToString();

			// Write the details to a log file.
            FlashCard.WriteTextFile( LAST_RUN_DETAILS_FILE_NAME, dsEvent.Details );

            return dsEvent; // Return the event.