void ConstructContext(RigidModelPart con, bool mdlVisible) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(1)) { ImGui.OpenPopup(con.Construct.ChildName + "_context"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem(con.Construct.ChildName + "_context")) { if (con.Mesh != null) { //Visibility of model (this is bad) bool visibleVar = mdlVisible; Theme.IconMenuToggle("Visible", "eye", Color4.White, ref visibleVar, true); if (visibleVar != mdlVisible) { con.Active = visibleVar; } } if (Theme.BeginIconMenu("Change To", "change", Color4.White)) { var cmp = (CmpFile)drawable; if (!(con.Construct is FixConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Fix", "fix", Color4.LightYellow, true)) { var fix = new FixConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; fix.Reset(); con.Construct = fix; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is RevConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Rev", "rev", Color4.LightCoral, true)) { var rev = new RevConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = rev; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is PrisConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Pris", "pris", Color4.LightPink, true)) { var pris = new PrisConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = pris; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is SphereConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Sphere", "sphere", Color4.LightGreen, true)) { var sphere = new SphereConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = sphere; OnDirtyPart(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Edit", "edit", Color4.White, true)) { AddPartEditor(con.Construct); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
void ConstructContext(RigidModelPart con, bool mdlVisible) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right)) { ImGui.OpenPopup(con.Construct.ChildName + "_context"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem(con.Construct.ChildName + "_context")) { if (con.Mesh != null) { //Visibility of model (this is bad) bool visibleVar = mdlVisible; Theme.IconMenuToggle(Icons.Eye, "Visible", ref visibleVar, true); if (visibleVar != mdlVisible) { con.Active = visibleVar; } } if (Theme.BeginIconMenu(Icons.Exchange, "Change To")) { var cmp = (CmpFile)drawable; if (!(con.Construct is FixConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem(Icons.Cube_LightYellow, "Fix", true)) { var fix = new FixConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; fix.Reset(); con.Construct = fix; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is RevConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem(Icons.Rev_LightCoral, "Rev", true)) { var rev = new RevConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = rev; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is PrisConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem(Icons.Con_Pris, "Pris", true)) { var pris = new PrisConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = pris; OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Construct is SphereConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem(Icons.Con_Sph, "Sphere", true)) { var sphere = new SphereConstruct() { ParentName = con.Construct.ParentName, ChildName = con.Construct.ChildName, Origin = con.Construct.Origin, Rotation = con.Construct.Rotation }; con.Construct = sphere; OnDirtyPart(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem(Icons.Edit, "Edit", true)) { AddPartEditor(con.Construct); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
void ConstructContext(ConstructNode con, bool mdlVisible) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(1)) { ImGui.OpenPopup(con.Con.ChildName + "_context"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem(con.Con.ChildName + "_context")) { if (con.Model != null) { //Visibility of model (this is bad) bool visibleVar = mdlVisible; Theme.IconMenuToggle("Visible", "eye", Color4.White, ref visibleVar, true); if (visibleVar != mdlVisible) { if (visibleVar) { hiddenModels.Remove(con.Model); } else { hiddenModels.Add(con.Model); } } } if (Theme.BeginIconMenu("Change To", "change", Color4.White)) { var cmp = (CmpFile)drawable; if (!(con.Con is FixConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Fix", "fix", Color4.LightYellow, true)) { var fix = new FixConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; fix.Reset(); ReplaceConstruct(con, fix); OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Con is RevConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Rev", "rev", Color4.LightCoral, true)) { var rev = new RevConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, rev); OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Con is PrisConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Pris", "pris", Color4.LightPink, true)) { var pris = new PrisConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, pris); OnDirtyPart(); } if (!(con.Con is SphereConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Sphere", "sphere", Color4.LightGreen, true)) { var sphere = new SphereConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, sphere); OnDirtyPart(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Edit", "edit", Color4.White, true)) { AddPartEditor(con.Con); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
void ConstructContext(ConstructNode con) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(1)) { ImGui.OpenPopup(con.Con.ChildName + "_context"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem(con.Con.ChildName + "_context")) { if (Theme.BeginIconMenu("Change To", "change", Color4.White)) { var cmp = (CmpFile)drawable; if (!(con.Con is FixConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Fix", "fix", Color4.LightYellow, true)) { var fix = new FixConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; fix.Reset(); ReplaceConstruct(con, fix); } if (!(con.Con is RevConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Rev", "rev", Color4.LightCoral, true)) { var rev = new RevConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, rev); } if (!(con.Con is PrisConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Pris", "pris", Color4.LightPink, true)) { var pris = new PrisConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, pris); } if (!(con.Con is SphereConstruct) && Theme.IconMenuItem("Sphere", "sphere", Color4.LightGreen, true)) { var sphere = new SphereConstruct(cmp.Constructs) { ParentName = con.Con.ParentName, ChildName = con.Con.ChildName, Origin = con.Con.Origin, Rotation = con.Con.Rotation }; ReplaceConstruct(con, sphere); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Edit", "edit", Color4.White, true)) { AddPartEditor(con.Con); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } }