/// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a list of genomes. Here we decode each genome in using the contained IGenomeDecoder
        /// and evaluate the resulting TPhenome using the contained IPhenomeEvaluator.
        /// </summary>
        public void Evaluate(IList <NeatGenome> genomeList)
            Parallel.ForEach(genomeList, delegate(NeatGenome genome)
                MarkovChain phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
                if (null == phenome)
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = 0.0;

                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Non-viable genome.
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = 0.0;
                    FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _passwordCrackingEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = fitnessInfo._alternativeFitness;

            foreach (string p in _passwordCrackingEvaluator.FoundPasswords)
                double val = PasswordCrackingEvaluator.Passwords[p];
                PasswordCrackingEvaluator.Passwords[p] = val * 0.75;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main genome evaluation loop with phenome caching (decode only if no cached phenome is present
        /// from a previous decode).
        /// </summary>
        private void Evaluate_Caching(IList <TGenome> genomeList)
            Parallel.ForEach(genomeList, _parallelOptions, delegate(TGenome genome)
                TPhenome phenome = (TPhenome)genome.CachedPhenome;
                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Decode the phenome and store a ref against the genome.
                    phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
                    genome.CachedPhenome = phenome;


            Parallel.ForEach(genomeList, _parallelOptions, delegate(TGenome genome)
                TPhenome phenome = (TPhenome)genome.CachedPhenome;
                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Non-viable genome.
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = null;
                    FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _phenomeEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = fitnessInfo._auxFitnessArr;

        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a list of genomes. Here we decode each genome in using the contained IGenomeDecoder
        /// and evaluate the resulting TPhenome using the contained IPhenomeEvaluator.
        /// </summary>
        public void EvaluateNeat(IList <NeatGenome> genomeList)
            //Console.WriteLine("Number of genomes right before EvaluateNeat: " + genomeList.Count);
            Parallel.ForEach(genomeList, delegate(NeatGenome genome)
                MarkovChain phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
                if (null == phenome)
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = 0.0;

                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Non-viable genome.
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = 0.0;
                    FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _passwordCrackingEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AlternativeFitness = fitnessInfo._alternativeFitness;

            foreach (string p in _passwordCrackingEvaluator.FoundPasswords)
                double val = PasswordCrackingEvaluator.Passwords[p].Reward;
                PasswordCrackingEvaluator.Passwords[p].Reward = val * 0.75;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the two black boxes by playing them against each other in a
        /// game of Tic-Tac-Toe. All permutations of size 2 are going to be
        /// evaluated, so we only play one game: box1 is X, box2 is O.
        /// </summary>
        public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box1, IBlackBox box2,
                             out FitnessInfo fitness1, out FitnessInfo fitness2)
            // box1 plays as X.
            NeatPlayer player1 = new NeatPlayer(box1, SquareTypes.X);

            // box2 plays as O.
            NeatPlayer player2 = new NeatPlayer(box2, SquareTypes.O);

            // Play the two boxes against each other.
            var winner = TicTacToeGame.PlayGameToEnd(player1, player2);

            // Score box1
            double score1 = getScore(winner, SquareTypes.X);

            fitness1 = new FitnessInfo(score1, score1);

            // Score box2
            double score2 = getScore(winner, SquareTypes.O);

            fitness2 = new FitnessInfo(score2, score2);

            // Update the evaluation counter.
Esempio n. 5
 public BotTrackingRun(Point3D roomCenter, Point3D roomMin, Point3D roomMax, FitnessInfo score, BotTrackingEntry[] log)
     RoomCenter = roomCenter;
     RoomMin    = roomMin;
     RoomMax    = roomMax;
     Score      = score;
     Log        = log;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the two black boxes by playing them against each other in a
        /// fight. All permutations of size 2 are going to be
        /// evaluated, so we only play one game.
        /// </summary>
        public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box1, IBlackBox box2,
                             out FitnessInfo fitness1, out FitnessInfo fitness2)
            // build fighter brains
            AIFighter player1Brain = new AIFighter(box1);
            AIFighter player2Brain = new AIFighter(box2);

            //start game by calling a function in the game and save this class so it can be found later if need be
            number.aiEval = this;
            Debug.Log("Create Game is called");
            Master_Game_Object currGame = number.createGame();

            //get player objects
            Debug.Log("Curr Game " + currGame + ".");
            Player[] players = currGame.getPlayers();
            Player   player1 = players[0];
            Player   player2 = players[1];

            //assign brains to players

            //play game
            //TODO fix this to work correctly
            //get game results
            Player winner   = null; //currGame.winner;
            double timeLeft = 300;  //currGame.remainingTime;

            if (player1 == winner)
                //player 1 wins. They get 1000 win bonus + points for how fast they won
                fitness1 = new FitnessInfo(1000 + timeLeft, 100 + timeLeft);

                //player 2 loses. They only get points for how long they lasted
                fitness2 = new FitnessInfo(300 - timeLeft, 300 - timeLeft);
            else if (player2 == winner)
                //player 1 loses. They only get points for how long they lasted
                fitness1 = new FitnessInfo(300 - timeLeft, 300 - timeLeft);

                //player 2 wins. They get 1000 win bonus + points for how fast they won
                fitness2 = new FitnessInfo(1000 + timeLeft, 100 + timeLeft);
                //Nobody won. Nobody gets points.
                fitness1 = new FitnessInfo(0, 0);
                fitness2 = new FitnessInfo(0, 0);

            // Update the evaluation counter.

            //end the game
        public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            if (_neatSupervisor != null)
                float fit = _neatSupervisor.GetFitness(box);

                FitnessInfo fitness = new FitnessInfo(fit, fit);
                _fitnessByBox.Add(box, fitness);
 public FitnessInfo GetLastFitness(IBlackBox phenome)
     if (dict.ContainsKey(phenome))
         FitnessInfo fit = dict[phenome];
Esempio n. 9
    public FitnessInfo evaluate(Dictionary <float, float> trackpoints)
        FitnessInfo eval = new FitnessInfo();

        eval.time          = 0;
        eval.pointsCleared = 0;
        float ParTime = 0;

        List <float> pointsX = new List <float> (trackpoints.Keys);


        float pointA   = pointsX [0];
        float velocity = info.startVelocity;

        for (int i = 1; i < pointsX.Count; i++)
            float pointB = pointsX[i];

            float dX = pointB - pointA;
            float dY = trackpoints[pointB] - trackpoints[pointA];
            float l  = Mathf.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);

            if (dY != 0)
                ParTime = (-velocity + Mathf.Sqrt(velocity * velocity + 2 * info.g * dY)) / ((info.g * dY) / l);
                ParTime = l / velocity;

            if (ParTime <= 0)
                eval.time = Mathf.Infinity;

            velocity += (info.g * dY) / l * ParTime;
            if (velocity < 0)
                eval.time = Mathf.Infinity;

            pointA     = pointB;
            eval.time += ParTime;
            eval.distanceTraveled += dX;

        public FitnessInfo GetLastFitness(IBlackBox phenome)
            if (_fitnessByBox.ContainsKey(phenome))
                FitnessInfo fit = _fitnessByBox[phenome];


Esempio n. 11
        public IEnumerator Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
            if (optimizer != null)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(optimizer.TrialDuration));

                float       fit     = optimizer.GetFitness(box);
                FitnessInfo fitness = new FitnessInfo(fit, fit);
                dict.Add(box, fitness);
Esempio n. 12
        //static IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, MarkovChain> _genomeDecoder;
        //static PasswordCrackingEvaluator _passwordCrackingEvaluator;

        public static void Evaluate(IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, MarkovChain> genomeDecoder, PasswordCrackingEvaluator passwordCrackingEvaluator, PasswordEvolutionExperiment experiment)
            string[] genomeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\..\experiments\genomes\", "*.xml");

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            int         genomeNumber;

            foreach (string genomeFile in genomeFiles)
                // Read in genome

                //NeatGenome genome = NeatGenomeXmlIO.LoadGenome(doc, false);
                //NeatGenomeFactory genomeFactory = (NeatGenomeFactory)CreateGenomeFactory();

                NeatGenome  genome  = experiment.LoadPopulation(XmlReader.Create(genomeFile))[0];
                MarkovChain phenome = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder().Decode(genome);//genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);

                string[] filePath = genomeFile.Split('\\');
                string[] fileName = (filePath[filePath.Length - 1]).Split('-');

                String fileNumber = (fileName[1]).Split('.')[0];

                genomeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(fileNumber);

                //FileStream fs = File.Open(@"..\..\..\experiments\genomes\genome-results\genome-"+genomeNumber+"-results.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);
                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(@"..\..\..\experiments\genomes\genome-results\genome-" + genomeNumber + "-results.txt");

                // Evaluate
                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Non-viable genome.
                    tw.WriteLine("0.0 0.0");
                    FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = passwordCrackingEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
                    double      val         = fitnessInfo._fitness;
                    double      val2        = fitnessInfo._alternativeFitness;
                    tw.WriteLine(fitnessInfo._fitness + " " + fitnessInfo._alternativeFitness);
                File.Create(@"..\..\..\experiments\genomes\genome-finished\genome-" + genomeNumber + "-finished.txt");

            // Write results?? -> genome_#_results
            // Write finished flag -> genome_#_finished
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a list of phenomes and returns a list of their fitness infos.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phenomes">The phenomes we want to evaluate.</param>
        /// <param name="fitness">The list of acumulated fitness info.</param>
        public void Evaluate(List <IBlackBox> phenomes, out FitnessInfo fitness)
            _evalCount += 1;

            // Create the players from the phenomes.
            List <NeatPlayer> players = phenomes.Select(blackBox => new NeatPlayer(blackBox)).ToList();

            // Calculate the total harmoniousness for all the players.
            double regularity = MusicEnvironment.FITNESS_FUNCTION.CalculateRegularity(players);

            fitness = new FitnessInfo(regularity, 0);

            // Change this if stop condition is required.
            _stopConditionSatisfied = false;
    public IEnumerator Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        if (se != null)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(se.Duration));

            float fit = se.GetFitness();
            if (fit > se.StoppingFitness)
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;
            this.fitness = new FitnessInfo(fit, fit);
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluate the provided phenome and return its fitness score.
    /// This takes a blackbox (pretty much the decoded neuralnetwork (the phenome)) that input can be passed to
    /// and output processed in the domain. Makes it very easy, we dont have to wory about the genome (genelist) or phenome (network) at all
    /// </summary>
    public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        // Set a maximum number of evaluations
        double      fitness     = 0.5;
        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);

        if (_evalCount > _nextEvalStop)
            _nextEvalStop          += _evalBlockSize;
            _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

        // Only use player model if it has been initialized. Otherwise, all fitness is 0.5
        if (_experiment.playerModel != null)
            // Get highlevel features
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures featureCounts = new PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures();
            PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE lastRoomType = PCGSharpHighLevelFeatures.C_HL_ROOMTYPE.NoPreviousRoom;
            for (int i = 0; i < _experiment.geomNodeList.Count; i++)
                // Get cppn output for each node
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normDepth;
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = _experiment.geomNodeList[i].normSiblingIndex;


                double[] outputs = new double[box.OutputCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < box.OutputCount; j++)
                    outputs[j] = box.OutputSignalArray[j];

                // Convert each nodes cppn output into a contentId
                int combinedContentID = featureCounts.CPPNOutputToSettingsId(outputs);
                lastRoomType = featureCounts.UpdateFeatures(combinedContentID, lastRoomType);

            // Pass the highlevel features into the player model to get the fitness
            double[] distributions = _experiment.playerModel.ClassifyNewData(featureCounts.ToDoubleArray());
            // Fitness is the membership to the "Like" class (positive class)
            fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(distributions[1], distributions[1]);

Esempio n. 16
 public void DoWork()
     for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
         FitnessInfo f = evaluator.Evaluate(new QuickBlackBox(genomeList[i]));
         if (SharedParams.SharedParams.USEFITNESSBANK)
             genomeList[i].Fitness *= 1 - SharedParams.SharedParams.FITNESSBANKDECAYRATE; // decay the previous fitness
             genomeList[i].Fitness += f._fitness;                                         // add the new value
             genomeList[i].Fitness = f._fitness;
         genomeList[i].AltFitness = f._auxFitnessArr[0]._value;
Esempio n. 17
        public static FitnessInfo FinishEvaluation(ref bool isEvaluating, double runningTime, double error, double maxEvalTime, BotTrackingStorage log, TrainingRoom room, BotTrackingEntry[] snapshots)
            isEvaluating = false;

            double fitness = runningTime - error;

            if (fitness < 0)
                fitness = 0;

            fitness *= 1000 / maxEvalTime;     // scale the score to be 1000

            FitnessInfo retVal = new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);

            log.AddEntry(new BotTrackingRun(room.Center, room.AABB.Item1, room.AABB.Item2, retVal, snapshots));

Esempio n. 18
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(FastCyclicNetwork phenome)

            var fcn = FastCyclicNetworkAdapter.Convert(phenome);

            var cFitness = ProtocolManager.Client.calculateXorPhenotypeFitness(fcn);
            //ProtocolManager.Close(); adding this line implies a huge performance hit

            var auxFitness = new AuxFitnessInfo[cFitness.AuxFitness.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < auxFitness.Length; i++)
                auxFitness[i] = new AuxFitnessInfo(cFitness.AuxFitness[i].Name, cFitness.AuxFitness[i].Value);
            var fitness = new FitnessInfo(cFitness.Fitness, auxFitness);

            StopConditionSatisfied = cFitness.StopConditionSatisfied;
            if (StopConditionSatisfied)
                FitnessInfo fi = _xorBlackBoxEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
                bool        reallySatisfied = _xorBlackBoxEvaluator.StopConditionSatisfied;
                Debug.Assert((fi._fitness >= 10) == _xorBlackBoxEvaluator.StopConditionSatisfied);
                if (!reallySatisfied)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("ERROR: really fitness is not calculated (" + fi._fitness + " versus " +
                                          cFitness.Fitness + ")");
                    //throw new Exception("Wheih :(");
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Networks is really good");

            // We do not use the NEAT genome decoder. The NEAT genome decoder would
            // do the same as the following code, but provide us with an IBlackBox object.
            // Because we pass on the object to our Java code, we need to be aware of its
            // underlying structure. The additional layer of abstraction gets in the way.
Esempio n. 19
 public IEnumerator Evaluate(IList <TGenome> genomeList)
     foreach (TGenome genome in genomeList)
         var phenome = genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
         if (phenome == null)
             genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = null;
             FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = phenomeEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome);
             genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = fitnessInfo._auxFitnessArr;
     yield break;
Esempio n. 20
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluate the provided phenome and return its fitness score.
    /// This takes a blackbox (pretty much the decoded neuralnetwork (the phenome)) that input can be passed to
    /// and output processed in the domain. Makes it very easy, we dont have to wory about the genome (genelist) or phenome (network) at all
    /// </summary>
    public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        // Alternative to promote complexity in hidden layer

        /*** Had to change FastAcyclicNetwork to contain the complexity variable
         * and had to change FastAcyclicNetworkFactory to assign it during genome decoding to blackbox (a FastAcyclicNetwork in this case)
        /* _evalCount++;
         * double fitness = 0.0;
         * if (_evalCount < 5000)
         * {
         *  FastAcyclicNetwork concrete = (FastAcyclicNetwork)box;
         *  // Searching for a ideally 2 hidden nodes
         *  fitness = 100 - Math.Abs(2-concrete.hiddenNodeCount);
         *  if (fitness < 0.0)
         *      fitness = 0.0;
         * }
         * else
         *  fitness = 1000; */

        /* Dummy fitness */
        double fitness = 0.5;

        if (_evalCount > _nextEvalStop)
            _nextEvalStop          += _evalBlockSize;
            _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

        //double fitness = 0.0;
        //For the first set of evaluations, try to establish a number of hidden node.
        // This initializes the network to a certain complexity
        //FastAcyclicNetwork concrete = (FastAcyclicNetwork)box;
        // Searching for a ideally 2 hidden nodes
        //fitness = 100 - Math.Abs(2 - concrete.hiddenNodeCount);

        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness);     // Second arguement is auxilary fitness, probably wont need to use it

    public IEnumerator Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
        if (optimizer != null)
            hasEvaluated = false;
            while (BraidSimulationManager.ShouldBraidsEvaluate())
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));

            float       fit     = optimizer.GetFitness(box);
            FitnessInfo fitness = new FitnessInfo(fit, fit);
            dict.Add(box, fitness);
            hasEvaluated = true;
Esempio n. 22
        private IEnumerator evaluateList(IList <TGenome> genomeList)
            foreach (TGenome genome in genomeList)
                TPhenome phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
                if (null == phenome)
                {   // Non-viable genome.
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = null;
                    yield return(Coroutiner.StartCoroutine(_phenomeEvaluator.Evaluate(phenome)));

                    FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _phenomeEvaluator.GetLastFitness(phenome);

                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = fitnessInfo._auxFitnessArr;
Esempio n. 23
    private static void VerifyNeuralNetResponseInner(bool enableHardwareAcceleration)
        var activationFnFactory = new DefaultActivationFunctionFactory <double>(enableHardwareAcceleration);
        var metaNeatGenome      = new MetaNeatGenome <double>(4, 1, true, activationFnFactory.GetActivationFunction("LeakyReLU"));

        // Load test genome.
        NeatGenomeLoader <double> loader = NeatGenomeLoaderFactory.CreateLoaderDouble(metaNeatGenome);
        NeatGenome <double>       genome = loader.Load("TestData/binary-three-multiplexer.genome");

        // Decode genome to a neural net.
        var genomeDecoder           = NeatGenomeDecoderFactory.CreateGenomeDecoderAcyclic();
        IBlackBox <double> blackBox = genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);

        // Evaluate the neural net.
        var evaluator = new BinaryThreeMultiplexerEvaluator();

        // Confirm the expected fitness (to a limited amount of precision to allow for small variations of floating point
        // results that can occur as a result of platform/environmental variations).
        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = evaluator.Evaluate(blackBox);

        Assert.Equal(107.50554956432657, fitnessInfo.PrimaryFitness, 6);
Esempio n. 24
        private void updateStats()
            if (currentGeneration % 1000 == 0)
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText("gen.txt", System.DateTime.Now + ":" + currentGeneration + Environment.NewLine);

            if (SharedParams.SharedParams.TRACKFITNESS)
                if (currentGeneration % SharedParams.SharedParams.TRACKFITNESSSTRIDE == 0)
                    // determine who is best at the validation set
                    double maxFit      = 0;
                    double maxAlt      = 0;
                    int    maxAltIndex = 0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < genomeList.Count; j++)
                        if (genomeList[j].Fitness > maxFit)
                            maxFit = genomeList[j].Fitness;

                        if (genomeList[j].AltFitness > maxAlt)
                            maxAlt      = genomeList[j].AltFitness;
                            maxAltIndex = j;

                    FitnessInfo fit = evaluator.Test(new QuickBlackBox(genomeList[maxAltIndex]));

                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("training.txt", maxFit + Environment.NewLine);
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("validation.txt", maxAlt + Environment.NewLine);
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("test.txt", fit._fitness + Environment.NewLine);
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the two black boxes by playing them against each other in 2
        /// games of Tic-Tac-Toe. Each player plays each side once.
        /// </summary>
        public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box1, IBlackBox box2,
                             out FitnessInfo fitness1, out FitnessInfo fitness2)
            double score1, score2;

            if (_playerOneSquareType == SquareTypes.X)
                // Evaluate with box1 as X.
                evaluate(box1, box2, out score1, out score2);
                // Evaluate with box1 as O.
                evaluate(box2, box1, out score2, out score1);

            // Set the final fitness values
            fitness1 = new FitnessInfo(score1, score1);
            fitness2 = new FitnessInfo(score2, score2);

            // Update the evaluation counter.
 /// <summary>
 /// Accepts a <see cref="FitnessInfo"/>, which is intended to be from the fittest genome in the population, and returns a boolean
 /// that indicates if the evolution algorithm can stop, i.e. because the fitness is the best that can be achieved (or good enough).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fitnessInfo">The fitness info object to test.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the fitness is good enough to signal the evolution algorithm to stop.</returns>
 public bool TestForStopCondition(FitnessInfo fitnessInfo)
     return(fitnessInfo.PrimaryFitness >= 100.0);
 public void Reset()
     this.fitness = FitnessInfo.Zero;
Esempio n. 28
        public void run()
            // evaluate the network once first
            FitnessInfo fit = evaluator.Evaluate(box);

            // print stats
            System.IO.File.AppendAllText("backprop.txt", fit._auxFitnessArr[0]._value + Environment.NewLine);

            List <Sample> fullSampleList = LEEAParams.DOMAIN.getSamples();

            // for rms prop with connection cache method
            double[][][] connectionCache = new double[network.weights.Length][][];

            // for rms prop with connection queue method
            double[][][][] connectionQueue      = new double[network.weights.Length][][][];
            int            connectionQueueIndex = 0;

            double[][][] connectionQueueAverages = new double[network.weights.Length][][]; // for efficient way of maintaining averages

            if (LEEAParams.RMSPROP)
                if (LEEAParams.RMSCONNECTIONQUEUE)
                    for (int i = 0; i < network.weights.Length; i++)
                        connectionQueue[i]         = new double[network.weights[i].Length][][];
                        connectionQueueAverages[i] = new double[network.weights[i].Length][];
                        for (int j = 0; j < network.weights[i].Length; j++)
                            connectionQueue[i][j]         = new double[network.weights[i][j].Length][];
                            connectionQueueAverages[i][j] = new double[network.weights[i][j].Length];
                            for (int k = 0; k < network.weights[i][j].Length; k++)
                                connectionQueue[i][j][k] = new double[LEEAParams.RMSPROPK];
                    for (int i = 0; i < network.weights.Length; i++)
                        connectionCache[i] = new double[network.weights[i].Length][];
                        for (int j = 0; j < network.weights[i].Length; j++)
                            connectionCache[i][j] = new double[network.weights[i][j].Length];

            for (int epoch = 0; epoch < LEEAParams.BPMAXEPOCHS; epoch++)
                // generate a random order to evaluate the samples for each epoch
                List <int> sampleOrder = new List <int>(fullSampleList.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < fullSampleList.Count; i++)
                Random rng = new Random();
                sampleOrder = sampleOrder.OrderBy(a => rng.Next()).ToList();

                // go through each sample
                for (int i = 0; i < fullSampleList.Count; i++)
                    int index = sampleOrder[i];

                    // activate the network
                    ISignalArray inputArr  = box.InputSignalArray;
                    ISignalArray outputArr = box.OutputSignalArray;
                    inputArr.CopyFrom(fullSampleList[index].Inputs, 0);

                    // calculate error
                    double[][] errors = new double[box.nodeActivation.Length][];
                    for (int j = 0; j < errors.Length; j++)
                        errors[j] = new double[box.nodeActivation[j].Length];

                    // output nodes
                    for (int j = 0; j < outputArr.Length; j++)
                        // calculate error for this output node
                        double error = (fullSampleList[index].Outputs[j] - outputArr[j]) * outputArr[j] * (1 - outputArr[j]);

                        errors[errors.Length - 1][j] = error;

                    // hidden nodes
                    for (int j = errors.Length - 2; j > 0; j--)    // layer by layer, counting backwards, don't need j=0 since that is the input layer
                        for (int k = 0; k < errors[j].Length; k++) // each node in the layer
                            double error = 0;
                            for (int l = 0; l < errors[j + 1].Length; l++) // each node in the upper layer it is connected to
                                error += box.nodeActivation[j][k] * (1 - box.nodeActivation[j][k]) * errors[j + 1][l] * network.weights[j][l][k];

                            errors[j][k] = error;

                    // update weights
                    for (int j = 0; j < network.weights.Length; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < network.weights[j].Length; k++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < network.weights[j][k].Length; l++)
                                if (LEEAParams.RMSPROP && LEEAParams.PLAINR)
                                    int mult = 1;
                                    if (box.nodeActivation[j][l] * errors[j + 1][k] < 0)
                                        mult = -1;
                                    network.weights[j][k][l] += LEEAParams.BPLEARNINGRATE * mult;
                                else if (LEEAParams.RMSPROP && LEEAParams.RMSCONNECTIONQUEUE)
                                    // get the magnitude of recent gradient for this connection
                                    double rms = connectionQueueAverages[j][k][l];

                                    // add the current gradient to the magnitudes queue and update the averages array
                                    double prev = connectionQueue[j][k][l][connectionQueueIndex];

                                    double dx = box.nodeActivation[j][l] * errors[j + 1][k];
                                    connectionQueue[j][k][l][connectionQueueIndex] = dx * dx;

                                    connectionQueueAverages[j][k][l] = ((connectionQueueAverages[j][k][l] * connectionQueue[j][k][l].Length) + (connectionQueue[j][k][l][connectionQueueIndex] - prev)) / connectionQueue[j][k][l].Length;

                                    // update the weight based on the average recent gradient
                                    double delta = dx * LEEAParams.BPLEARNINGRATE;
                                    if (rms != 0)
                                        rms    = Math.Sqrt(rms + .00000001);
                                        delta /= rms;
                                    network.weights[j][k][l] += delta;
                                else if (LEEAParams.RMSPROP)
                                    double dx = box.nodeActivation[j][l] * errors[j + 1][k];
                                    connectionCache[j][k][l]  = (1 - LEEAParams.RMSCONNECTIONDECAY) * connectionCache[j][k][l] + LEEAParams.RMSCONNECTIONDECAY * dx * dx;
                                    network.weights[j][k][l] += LEEAParams.BPLEARNINGRATE * dx / Math.Sqrt(connectionCache[j][k][l] + .00000001);
                                    float delta = (float)(box.nodeActivation[j][l] * errors[j + 1][k] * LEEAParams.BPLEARNINGRATE);
                                    network.weights[j][k][l] += delta;

                    connectionQueueIndex = connectionQueueIndex % LEEAParams.RMSPROPK;

                // decay the learning rate

                // print stats
                if (epoch % SharedParams.SharedParams.TRACKFITNESSSTRIDE == 0)
                    // evaluate the network
                    fit = evaluator.Evaluate(box);

                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("epoch.txt", System.DateTime.Now + ":" + epoch + Environment.NewLine);
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("training.txt", fit._fitness + Environment.NewLine);
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("validation.txt", fit._auxFitnessArr[0]._value + Environment.NewLine);

                    fit = evaluator.Test(box);
                    System.IO.File.AppendAllText("test.txt", fit._fitness + Environment.NewLine);
Esempio n. 29
 public void evaluate()
     eval = problem.evaluate(trackPoints);
Esempio n. 30
        private IEnumerator evaluateList(IList <TGenome> genomeList)
            Dictionary <TGenome, TPhenome>      dict        = new Dictionary <TGenome, TPhenome>();
            Dictionary <TGenome, FitnessInfo[]> fitnessDict = new Dictionary <TGenome, FitnessInfo[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _optimizer.Trials; i++)
                //Utility.Log("Iteration " + (i + 1));
                dict = new Dictionary <TGenome, TPhenome>();
                foreach (TGenome genome in genomeList)
                    TPhenome phenome = _genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
                    if (null == phenome)
                    {   // Non-viable genome.
                        genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = null;
                        if (i == 0)
                            fitnessDict.Add(genome, new FitnessInfo[_optimizer.Trials]);

                        dict.Add(genome, phenome);
                        //if (!dict.ContainsKey(genome))
                        //    dict.Add(genome, phenome);
                        //    fitnessDict.Add(phenome, new FitnessInfo[_optimizer.Trials]);

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_optimizer.TrialDuration));

                foreach (TGenome genome in dict.Keys)
                    TPhenome phenome = dict[genome];
                    if (phenome != null)
                        FitnessInfo fitnessInfo = _phenomeEvaluator.GetLastFitness(phenome);

                        fitnessDict[genome][i] = fitnessInfo;
            foreach (TGenome genome in dict.Keys)
                TPhenome phenome = dict[genome];
                if (phenome != null)
                    double fitness = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _optimizer.Trials; i++)
                        fitness += fitnessDict[genome][i]._fitness;
                    var fit = fitness;
                    fitness /= _optimizer.Trials; // Averaged fitness

                    if (fit > _optimizer.StoppingFitness)
                        //  Utility.Log("Fitness is " + fit + ", stopping now because stopping fitness is " + _optimizer.StoppingFitness);
                        //  _phenomeEvaluator.StopConditionSatisfied = true;
                    if (_optimizer.SelectionHasBeenMade && _optimizer.SelectedGenomeId == genome.Id)
                        if (_optimizer.TimeSinceSelection < Optimizer.DecayTime)
                            fitness += (Optimizer.DecayTime - _optimizer.TimeSinceSelection) * Optimizer.SelectionBoost;
                    genome.EvaluationInfo.AuxFitnessArr = fitnessDict[genome][0]._auxFitnessArr;