private bool ValidateForm() { if (!Regex.Match(FirstNameTextBox.Text, @"^\D{1,30}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("First name must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 30 characters!"); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(LastNameTextBox.Text, @"^\D{1,30}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Last name must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 30 characters!"); LastNameTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(AddressTextBox.Text, @"^(Вул\.\s\D{1,40}\,\s\d{1,3})$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Address must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 50 characters!"); AddressTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(PhoneNumberTextBox.Text, @"^\d{10}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Phone number must consist of 10 digits!"); PhoneNumberTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } return(true); }
// New Customer button clicked private void NewCustomerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // if text fields are filled, show messagebox if (FirstNameTextBox.Text != "" || LastNameTextBox.Text != "" || EmailTextBox.Text != "" || PhoneTextBox.Text != "" || AddressTextBox.Text != "" || CityTextBox.Text != "" || StateTextBox.Text != "" || ZipTextBox.Text != "") { DialogResult response = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to discard all the changes?", "Discard Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (response == DialogResult.Yes) { ResetAll(); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); SaveButton.Enabled = true; CustomerComboBox.Enabled = false; addNewCustomerMode = true; updateCustomerMode = false; } } else { ResetAll(); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); SaveButton.Enabled = true; CustomerComboBox.Enabled = false; addNewCustomerMode = true; updateCustomerMode = false; } EnableTextFields(true); CustomerCancelButton.Enabled = true; }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { // create writer StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("Name2s.txt", true); writer.WriteLine(FirstNameTextBox.Text + " " + LastNameTextBox.Text); // close connections writer.Close(); // reset the form fields FirstNameTextBox.Clear(); LastNameTextBox.Clear(); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); } else { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); FirstNameTextBox.SelectAll(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("problems"); } }
private void PerformSalutation() { _person.Salutation = String.Empty; // Reset personBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); if (_person.Name == String.Empty || _person.Firstname == String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Enter both the firstname and name of the person.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); FirstNameTextBox.SelectAll(); return; } // Execute rules try { var ruleExecuter = new RuleSetInvoker(); if (_settings.Source == RuleSource.CodedDynamic) { ruleExecuter.PerformDynamicRules(_person, _settings.Rules); } else if (_settings.Source == RuleSource.CodedStatic) { ruleExecuter.PerformCodedRules(_person); } else { ruleExecuter.PerformDesignerRules(_person); } personBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { // Step 1 - Open a stream StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("Names.txt", true); // Step 2 - Write to the buffer writer.WriteLine(FirstNameTextBox.Text + " " + LastNameTextBox.Text); // Step 3 - Close the file writer.Close(); //Step 4 - Reset the Form FirstNameTextBox.Clear(); LastNameTextBox.Clear(); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); } else { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); FirstNameTextBox.SelectAll(); } }
private void addStudentItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Text_boxes_empty()) { return; } if (students == null) { students = new StudentsCollection(); } if (students.GetEnumerator().Position + 1 >= students.students_list.Count) { students.AddStudent(new Student(FirstNameTextBox.Text, SecondNameTextBox.Text, FacultyTextBox.Text)); students.GetEnumerator().MoveEnd(); deleteStudent.Enabled = true; SetButtonEnable(TypeAction.Next, false); SetButtonEnable(TypeAction.Prev, true); need_updated = true; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); MoveToAddForm(); toolStripLabelnfo.Text = "Студент добавлен"; } else { toolStripLabelnfo.Text = "Перейдите в поле для добавления"; } }
private void addButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bl.AddPrayer(prayer); prayer = new BE.Prayer(); Grid1.DataContext = prayer; prayersWindow.PrayerDataGrid.ItemsSource = null; prayersWindow.PrayerDataGrid.ItemsSource = bl.GetAllPrayers(); prayersWindow.ChoosePrayerComboBox.ItemsSource = null; prayersWindow.ChoosePrayerComboBox.ItemsSource = bl.GetAllPrayers(); string message = prayer.FirstName + " " + prayer.LastName + "נוסף לרשימת המתפללים"; MessageBox.Show(message, "המתפלל נוסף לקהילה", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information, MessageBoxResult.OK, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign); prayer = new BE.Prayer(); Grid1.DataContext = prayer; BMparashaComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; LastAliyaParashaComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; TribeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 2; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "אזהרה!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void FirstNameTextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FirstNameTextBox.TextLength < 2) { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); FirstNameTextBox.SelectAll(); } }
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); // Setup date picker. dateTimeOnPageCreation = DateTime.Now; DobDatePicker.MaxYear = dateTimeOnPageCreation; DobDatePicker.Date = dateTimeOnPageCreation; }
private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Calling ClearBoxes method to clear textboxes ClearTextBoxes(); //Setting focus back to SearchTextBox FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); //Setting ADD button to enabled AddButton.Enabled = true; }
private void Add(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string avatar = ((Icon)AvatarComboBox.SelectedValue).Icons; Contacts.Add(new Contact { FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastName = LastnameTextBox.Text, Avatar = avatar }); FirstNameTextBox.Text = ""; LastnameTextBox.Text = ""; AvatarComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); }
private void NewContactButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string avata = ((Icon)AvataComboBox.SelectedValue).IconPath; Contacts.Add(new Contact { FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text, AvataPath = avata }); FirstNameTextBox.Text = ""; LastNameTextBox.Text = ""; AvataComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); }
// Checks imput fields. private bool CheckFields() { // First name. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstNameTextBox.Text)) { ErrorFirstNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); return(false); } else { ErrorFirstNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // Last name. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastNameTextBox.Text)) { ErrorLastNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; LastNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); return(false); } else { ErrorLastNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // DOB. if (DobDatePicker.Date == null || DobDatePicker.Date >= dateTimeOnPageCreation) { ErrorDobDateTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DobDatePicker.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); return(false); } else { ErrorDobDateTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // Gender. if (GenderComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { ErrorGenderTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; GenderComboBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); return(false); } else { ErrorGenderTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } return(true); }
private const string BIO_TEXTBOX_DEFAULT = "(optional...)"; //default text to be displayed in BioTextBox /// <summary> /// Constructor for AddAuthorDialog /// Initializes fields and preps the Window for user interaction /// </summary> public AddAuthorDialog() { InitializeComponent(); FirstNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; LastNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; ErrorTextBlock.Text = string.Empty; ResetBioBox(); //ensure that FirstNameTextBox is focused FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); }
public void ResetForm() { FirstNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; LastNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; MiddleTextBox.Text = string.Empty; AddressTextBox.Text = string.Empty; CityTextBox.Text = string.Empty; StateTextBox.Text = string.Empty; ZipCodeTextBox.Text = string.Empty; PhoneNumTextBox.Text = string.Empty; SecondaryPhoneTextBox.Text = string.Empty; LicenseNumTextBox.Text = string.Empty; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); }
private void NewContactButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string avatar = ((Icon)AvatarComboBox.SelectedValue).IconPath; Contacts.Add(new Contact { FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text, AvatarPath = avatar }); // sau khi an them contact FirstNameTextBox.Text = ""; LastNameTextBox.Text = ""; AvatarComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); // cho con tro chuot vao first name }
private void NewContactButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string avatar = ((Icon)Image.SelectedValue).IconPath; Products.Add(new Product { Name = FirstNameTextBox.Text, Description = LastNameTextBox.Text, Image = avatar }); FirstNameTextBox.Text = ""; LastNameTextBox.Text = ""; Image.SelectedIndex = -1; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); }
private void NewContactButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string avatar = ((IconSS)Images.SelectedValue).iconPath; //Thêm item mới Contacts.Add(new Contact { FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text, LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text, AvatarPath = avatar }); //Reset data FirstNameTextBox.Text = ""; LastNameTextBox.Text = ""; //AvatarComboBox.SelectedItem = -1; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); }
public AddPrayerWindow() { InitializeComponent(); bl = BL.FactoryBl.getBL(); prayer = new BE.Prayer(); Grid1.DataContext = prayer; BMparashaComboBox.CustomSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BE.Parashot)); LastAliyaParashaComboBox.CustomSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BE.Parashot)); TribeComboBox.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BE.Lineage)); BMparashaComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; LastAliyaParashaComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; TribeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 2; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (null == Session["LoggedUser"]) { Response.Redirect("~/Login"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); User user = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; EmailTextBox.Text = user.Email; FirstNameTextBox.Text = user.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = user.LastName; } } }
private void ClearForm() { // Clear input fields. FirstNameTextBox.Text = String.Empty; LastNameTextBox.Text = String.Empty; DobDatePicker.Date = dateTimeOnPageCreation; GenderComboBox.SelectedItem = null; EmailTextBox.Text = String.Empty; PhoneTextBox.Text = String.Empty; // Clear error fields. ErrorFirstNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ErrorLastNameTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ErrorDobDateTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ErrorGenderTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // Clear edit buttons. ButtonsStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // Set focus to the first input. FirstNameTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new author based on the user inputs /// </summary> private void CreateAuthor() { //if nothing was inputted to FirstNameTextBox, show error message and return if (FirstNameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { ErrorTextBlock.Text = "Please enter a first name."; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); return; } //if nothing was entered in LastNameTextBox, show error message and return if (LastNameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { ErrorTextBlock.Text = "Please enter a last name."; LastNameTextBox.Focus(); return; } //Show confirmation messagebox, if the messagebox result is Yes, set the dialog result to true and close this window. if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to create this author?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.No) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { FirstNameResult = FirstNameTextBox.Text; LastNameResult = LastNameTextBox.Text; if (BioTextBox.Text == BIO_TEXTBOX_DEFAULT) { BioResult = string.Empty; } else { BioResult = BioTextBox.Text; } DialogResult = true; this.Close(); } }
private void FirstNameTextBox_Validating(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { string namePattern = @"[а-я]"; var firstNameIsMatch = Regex.IsMatch(FirstNameTextBox.Text, namePattern); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstNameTextBox.Text)) { e.Cancel = true; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); ErrorProvider.SetError(FirstNameTextBox, "Укажите имя"); } else if (firstNameIsMatch == false) { e.Cancel = true; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); ErrorProvider.SetError(FirstNameTextBox, "Недопустимый формат"); } else { e.Cancel = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(FirstNameTextBox, null); } }
/// <summary> /// When the page loads first the page checks if the user is logged in, and is redirected to the login page if not. /// Then the method checks if the user has has proper authentication (Master Administrator role) to access this page. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["securityID"] == null) // Redirect Administrator to login if not logged in { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/Login.aspx"); } else if ((int)Session["securityID"] != 2) // Return HTTP Code 403 if not Master Administrator { Context.Response.StatusCode = 403; } else { if (!IsPostBack) { // Set focus on the First Name text box FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); // Hide the success message field SuccessMessage.Visible = false; // Clear all text box fields ClearFields(); } } }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string letterList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyzАБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"; string numList = "1234567890"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LastNameTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FirstNameTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MiddleNameTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PhoneNumberTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PassportTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IssuedByWhomTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AreaTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CityTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StreetTextBox.Text) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HouseTextBox.Text) && DateOfBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate != null && GroupComboBox.SelectedItem != null && EducationComboBox.SelectedItem != null && DateOfIssueDatePicker.SelectedDate != null && BasicOfLearningComboBox.SelectedItem != null) { if (LastNameTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(numList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) { if (FirstNameTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(numList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) { if (MiddleNameTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(numList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) { if (PhoneNumberTextBox.Text.Length == 18 && (PhoneNumberTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(letterList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) && !PhoneNumberTextBox.Text.Contains('_')) { if (AreaTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(numList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) { if (CityTextBox.Text.IndexOfAny(numList.ToCharArray()) <= -1) { if (DateOfBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate < DateTime.Today) { if (!PassportTextBox.Text.Contains('_')) { if (DateOfIssueDatePicker.SelectedDate < DateTime.Today) { if (CurrentStudent == null) { //if (AppData.Context.Passport.Where(c => c.Serial == PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(5, 7) && c.Number == PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(0, 6)).FirstOrDefault() == null) //{ CurrentPassport = new Passport() { Serial = PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(5, 7).Replace(" ", ""), Number = PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(0, 6), DateOfIssue = DateOfIssueDatePicker.SelectedDate, IssuedByWhom = IssuedByWhomTextBox.Text, }; AppData.Context.Passport.Add(CurrentPassport); CurrentAddress = new Address() { Region = AreaTextBox.Text, City = CityTextBox.Text, Street = StreetTextBox.Text, House = HouseTextBox.Text, Apartment = ApartmentTextBox.Text, }; AppData.Context.Address.Add(CurrentAddress); CurrentStudent = new Student() { LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text, FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text, MiddleName = MiddleNameTextBox.Text, PhoneNumber = PhoneNumberTextBox.Text, DateOfBirth = DateOfBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate, Group = GroupComboBox.SelectedItem as Group, Education = EducationComboBox.SelectedItem as Education, IdPassport = CurrentPassport.Id, IdAddress = CurrentAddress.Id, BasicOfLearning = BasicOfLearningComboBox.SelectedItem as BasicOfLearning, }; AppData.Context.Student.Add(CurrentStudent); AppData.Context.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Обучающийся успешно добавлен!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); NavigationService.GoBack(); } } else { CurrentStudent.LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text; CurrentStudent.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text; CurrentStudent.MiddleName = MiddleNameTextBox.Text; CurrentStudent.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumberTextBox.Text; CurrentStudent.DateOfBirth = DateOfBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate; CurrentGroup = GroupComboBox.SelectedItem as Group; CurrentBasicOfLearning = BasicOfLearningComboBox.SelectedItem as BasicOfLearning; CurrentEducation = EducationComboBox.SelectedItem as Education; CurrentPassport.Serial = PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(5, 7).Replace(" ", ""); CurrentPassport.Number = PassportTextBox.Text.Remove(0, 6); CurrentPassport.DateOfIssue = DateOfIssueDatePicker.SelectedDate; CurrentPassport.IssuedByWhom = IssuedByWhomTextBox.Text; CurrentAddress.Region = AreaTextBox.Text; CurrentAddress.City = CityTextBox.Text; CurrentAddress.Street = StreetTextBox.Text; CurrentAddress.House = HouseTextBox.Text; CurrentAddress.Apartment = ApartmentTextBox.Text; AppData.Context.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Информация обновлена!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); NavigationService.GoBack(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Дата выдачи паспорта указаны некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); DateOfIssueDatePicker.Focus(); } //} //else //{ // MessageBox.Show("Серия и номер паспорта указаны некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); // PassportTextBox.Focus(); //} } else { MessageBox.Show("Дата рождения указана некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); DateOfBirthDatePicker.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Город указан некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); CityTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Область указана некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); AreaTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Номер телефона указан некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); LastNameTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Отчество указано некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); MiddleNameTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Имя указано некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Фамилия указана некорректно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); LastNameTextBox.Focus(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Не все поля заполнены!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check if the field is empty if (GuestIDTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please input a guestID", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); //focuses on text box with error return; } //if the guest doesnt exist else if (guestController.FindByGuestID(GuestIDTextBox.Text) == null) { MessageBox.Show("Guest not found", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); GuestIDTextBox.Focus(); return; } //if the guest exists else { Guest temp = guestController.FindByGuestID(GuestIDTextBox.Text); label10.Visible = true; label11.Visible = true; label12.Visible = true; label17.Visible = true; label18.Visible = true; label19.Visible = false; FirstNameTextBox.Visible = true; LastNameTextBox.Visible = true; TelephoneTextBox.Visible = true; EmailTextBox.Visible = true; GuestIDTextBox.Visible = false; button3.Visible = false; FirstNameTextBox.Text = temp.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = temp.Surname; TelephoneTextBox.Text = temp.TelephoneNumber; EmailTextBox.Text = temp.EmailAddress; if (myState == FormState.Edit) { label10.Text = "Edit Guest with ID:"; FirstNameTextBox.Enabled = true; LastNameTextBox.Enabled = true; TelephoneTextBox.Enabled = true; EmailTextBox.Enabled = true; button2.Text = "Save Changes"; button2.Visible = true; textBox1.Text = temp.GuestID; textBox1.Enabled = false; textBox1.Visible = true; } if (myState == FormState.Delete) { label10.Text = "Delete Guest with ID:"; FirstNameTextBox.Enabled = false; LastNameTextBox.Enabled = false; TelephoneTextBox.Enabled = false; EmailTextBox.Enabled = false; button2.Text = "Delete"; button2.Visible = true; textBox1.Text = temp.GuestID; textBox1.Enabled = false; textBox1.Visible = true; } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //add guest { if ((myState == FormState.Add) || ((myState == FormState.WhileBooking) && button2.Text == "Add Guest") || (myState == FormState.Edit)) { Regex validateEmail = new Regex(@"^(?("")("".+?(?<!\\)""@)|(([0-9a-z]((\.(?!\.))|[-!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^`\{\}\|~\w])*)(?<=[0-9a-z])@))" + @"(?(\[)(\[(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\])|(([0-9a-z][-\w]*[0-9a-z]*\.)+[a-z0-9][\-a-z0-9]{0,22}[a-z0-9]))$"); // Regex testForNonNumeric = new Regex(@"\D"); Regex testForLetters = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z ]+$"); // @"^[a-zA-Z ]+$" for space character if (FirstNameTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter First Name", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); //focuses on text box with error return; } else if (LastNameTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Last Name", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); LastNameTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (TelephoneTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Your Telephone Number", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TelephoneTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (TelephoneTextBox.TextLength < 10) { MessageBox.Show("Telephone number must contains 10 digits", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TelephoneTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (TelephoneTextBox.TextLength > 10) { MessageBox.Show("Telephone number must contains 10 digits", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TelephoneTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (testForNonNumeric.IsMatch(TelephoneTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Telephone number must contain digits only", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TelephoneTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (EmailTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter An Email Address", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); EmailTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (!validateEmail.IsMatch(EmailTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email Address", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); EmailTextBox.Focus(); return; } else { //go to next form if (myState == FormState.Add) { guest = PopulateObject(); guestController.ADD(guest); MessageBox.Show("Guest successfully added", "Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ClearAll(); this.Hide(); } if (myState == FormState.WhileBooking) { guest = PopulateObject(); aBooking.DepositPaid = "false"; aBooking.GuestID = guest.GuestID; bookingController.ADD(aBooking); guestController.ADD(guest); MessageBox.Show("Guest successfully added and booking successfully made", "Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //would they like to pay now DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to pay now", "Pay now?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { PaymentDetailsForm paymentDetailsForm = new PaymentDetailsForm(paymentController, aBooking, guest, bookingController); paymentDetailsForm.MdiParent = (Home)this.MdiParent; // Setting the MDI Parent paymentDetailsForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; this.Hide(); paymentDetailsForm.Show(); } else { //go straight to the email ConfirmationForm cf = new ConfirmationForm(guest, aBooking); cf.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; cf.Show(); this.Hide(); } ClearAll(); } if (myState == FormState.Edit) { Guest g = new Guest(); g.GuestID = textBox1.Text; g.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text; g.Surname = LastNameTextBox.Text; g.TelephoneNumber = TelephoneTextBox.Text; g.EmailAddress = EmailTextBox.Text; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to edit guest", "Edit Guest", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); //populate the text boxes if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { //we must delete the guest tell them guest has been successfully deleted guestController.Edit(g); MessageBox.Show("Guest successfully editted", "Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ClearAll(); this.Hide(); } else { //reset the controls showRequiredFields(FormState.Edit); } } } } else if (((myState == FormState.WhileBooking) && (button2.Text == "Verify Guest")) || (myState == FormState.Delete)) { if (GuestIDTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter A Guest ID to search for", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); GuestIDTextBox.Focus(); return; } else if (guestController.FindByGuestID(GuestIDTextBox.Text) == null) { MessageBox.Show("Guest not found", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); GuestIDTextBox.Focus(); return; } else { Guest temp = guestController.FindByGuestID(GuestIDTextBox.Text); FirstNameTextBox.Text = temp.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = temp.Surname; TelephoneTextBox.Text = temp.TelephoneNumber; EmailTextBox.Text = temp.EmailAddress; GuestIDTextBox.Text = temp.GuestID; if (myState == FormState.WhileBooking) { MessageBox.Show("Guest has been verified", "Verified", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //add the booking aBooking.GuestID = temp.GuestID; aBooking.DepositPaid = "false"; bookingController.ADD(aBooking); MessageBox.Show("Booking has been successfully made", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //populate the text boxes DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to pay now", "Pay now?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { PaymentDetailsForm paymentDetailsForm = new PaymentDetailsForm(paymentController, aBooking, temp, bookingController); paymentDetailsForm.MdiParent = (Home)this.MdiParent; // Setting the MDI Parent paymentDetailsForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; this.Hide(); paymentDetailsForm.Show(); } else { //go straight to the email ConfirmationForm cf = new ConfirmationForm(temp, aBooking); cf.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; cf.Show(); this.Hide(); } } if (myState == FormState.Delete) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete guest", "Delete guest", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); //populate the text boxes if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { //we must delete the guest tell them guest has been successfully deleted guestController.Delete(temp); MessageBox.Show("Guest has been deleted", "Deleted", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Hide(); } else { //reset the controls showRequiredFields(FormState.Delete); } } } } }
private bool ValidateForm() { if (!Regex.Match(FirstNameTextBox.Text, @"^\D{1,30}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("First name must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 30 characters!"); FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(LastNameTextBox.Text, @"^\D{1,30}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Last name must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 30 characters!"); LastNameTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(PhoneNumberTextBox.Text, @"^\d{10}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Phone number must consist of 10 digits!"); PhoneNumberTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(ExperienceTextBox.Text, @"^[0-9]+$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid work experience number! It must contain only digits"); ExperienceTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(AddressTextBox.Text, @"^(Вул\.\s\D{1,40}\,\s\d{1,3})$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Address must consist of at least 1 character and not exceed 50 characters!"); AddressTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (RoleComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select role"); return(false); } if (MarketComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select market"); return(false); } if (CityComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select city"); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(LoginTextBox.Text, @"^\D{6,20}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Login must consist of at least 6 character and not exceed 20 characters!"); LoginTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (!Regex.Match(PasswordTextBox.Text, @"^\D{6,20}$").Success) { MessageBox.Show("Login must consist of at least 6 character and not exceed 20 characters!"); PasswordTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } return(true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); }
private string TextBoxValidation() { string errorMessage = string.Empty; if (FirstNameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && FirstNameTextBox.Text != null) { this.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for first name. Please enter a valid first name"; FirstNameTextBox.Focus(); } if (MiddleNameTextBox.Text != null) { this.MiddleName = MiddleNameTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for middle name. Please enter a valid middle name"; MiddleNameTextBox.Focus(); } if (LastNameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && LastNameTextBox.Text != null) { this.LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for last name. Please enter a valid last name"; LastNameTextBox.Focus(); } if (CityTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && CityTextBox.Text != null) { this.City = CityTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for city. Please enter a valid city"; CityTextBox.Focus(); } if (StateTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && StateTextBox.Text != null) { this.State = StateTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for state. Please enter a valid state"; StateTextBox.Focus(); } if (CountryTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && CountryTextBox.Text != null) { this.Country = CountryTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for Country. Please enter a valid country"; CountryTextBox.Focus(); } if (PhoneNumberTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && PhoneNumberTextBox.Text != null) { this.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumberTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for phone number. Please enter a valid phone number"; PhoneNumberTextBox.Focus(); } if (EmailAddressTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && EmailAddressTextBox.Text != null) { this.EmailAddress = EmailAddressTextBox.Text; } else { errorMessage = "Invalid entry for email address. Please enter a valid email address"; EmailAddressTextBox.Focus(); } return(errorMessage); }