Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get saved addresses in Storage. Currently only one address is supported 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document storing the saved address.</param>
        /// <param name="schema">The schema for address.</param>
        /// <returns>List of stored addresses</returns>
        private IList<DataStorage> GetAddressInStorage(Document document, Schema schema)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);
            Func<DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => (ds.GetEntity(schema) != null && ds.GetEntity(schema).IsValid());

            return collector.Cast<DataStorage>().Where<DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList<DataStorage>();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the saved setups from the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The saved configurations.</returns>
        private IList <DataStorage> GetSavedConfigurations(Schema schema)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(IFCCommandOverrideApplication.TheDocument);

            Func <DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => (ds.GetEntity(schema) != null && ds.GetEntity(schema).IsValid());

            return(collector.Cast <DataStorage>().Where <DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList <DataStorage>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the saved setups from the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document storing the saved configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The saved configurations.</returns>
        private IList <DataStorage> GetSavedConfigurations(Document document)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);

            Func <DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => ds.GetEntity(m_schema) != null;

            return(collector.Cast <DataStorage>().Where <DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList <DataStorage>());
        private static IList <DataStorage> GetViewsStorage(Document document, Schema schema)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);

            Func <DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => (ds.GetEntity(schema) != null && ds.GetEntity(schema).IsValid());

            return(collector.Cast <DataStorage>().Where <DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList <DataStorage>());
        private void RenLinePatterns(Document pDoc, string pstrFind, string pstrReplace, bool pblnMatchCase)
            //Category linesCat = pDoc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines);

            FilteredElementCollector   coll = new FilteredElementCollector(mDoc).OfClass(typeof(LinePatternElement));
            IList <LinePatternElement> patternElement;

            using (Transaction tr = new Transaction(pDoc, "Rename Line Patterns"))

                if (pblnMatchCase)
                    patternElement = coll.Cast <LinePatternElement>().Where(c => c.Name.ToUpper().Contains(pstrFind.ToUpper())).ToList();
                    patternElement = coll.Cast <LinePatternElement>().Where(c => c.Name.Contains(pstrFind)).ToList();

                foreach (LinePatternElement cat in patternElement)
                    ElementId eid  = cat.Id as ElementId;
                    Element   type = pDoc.GetElement(eid);

                    if (null != type)
                        type.Name = CommFun.Rename(cat.Name, pstrFind, pstrReplace);


                if (patternElement.Count > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(patternElement.Count + " Line Patterns containing the word " + pstrFind + " have been succesfully renamed!");
                    MessageBox.Show("Nome of the Line Patterns match with you find rules");
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if level has views.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">
        /// The level.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the level has views generated, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool LevelHasViews(Level level)
            if (level == null)
                return false;
            FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(level.Document);
            Func<View, bool> viewIsNonTemplateAndGeneratedByLevel = view => !view.IsTemplate && IsViewGeneratedByLevel(view, level);

            return viewCollector.Cast<View>().FirstOrDefault<View>(viewIsNonTemplateAndGeneratedByLevel) != null;
        View CreateDrafting(Document doc)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            ViewFamilyType viewFamilyType = collector.Cast <ViewFamilyType>().First(vft => vft.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Drafting);
            ViewDrafting   drafting       = ViewDrafting.Create(doc, viewFamilyType.Id);

            return(drafting as View);
Esempio n. 8

        //////   Custom seeking container for any object. Uses FilteredElementCollector   //////////
        public IEnumerable <T> GetElements <T>(Document document) where T : Element
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);

            return(collector.Cast <T>());

            // In code ex:     <T> name = GetElements<T>(doc)
            //                      .Where (i => i.Name == "whatever");
Esempio n. 9
        public static ViewDrafting viewDraftingCreate(Document doc, string viewName)
            FilteredElementCollector collector      = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType));
            ViewFamilyType           viewFamilyType = collector.Cast <ViewFamilyType>().First(vft => vft.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Drafting);
            ViewDrafting             view           = ViewDrafting.Create(doc, viewFamilyType.Id);

            view.ViewName = viewName;

Esempio n. 10
        internal static ElementId GetViewTypeIdByViewType(Document doc, ViewFamily viewFamily, string typeName)
            ElementId elementId;

            using (FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)))
                elementId = fec.Cast <ViewFamilyType>().Where(x => x.ViewFamily == viewFamily && x.Name == typeName).FirstOrDefault().Id;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the saved setups from the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The saved configurations.</returns>
        private IList <DataStorage> GetProjectConfigurations(Schema schema)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(UIDoc?.Document);

            // ReSharper disable once ConvertToLocalFunction
            Func <DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => (ds.GetEntity(schema) != null && ds.GetEntity(schema).IsValid());

            return(collector.Cast <DataStorage>().Where(hasTargetData).ToList());
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the first 3D view which is not a template,
        /// useful for input to FindReferencesByDirection().
        /// In this case, one cannot use FirstElement() directly,
        /// since the first one found may be a template and
        /// unsuitable for use in this method.
        /// This demonstrates some interesting usage of
        /// a .NET anonymous method.
        /// </summary>
        public static Element GetFirstNonTemplate3dView(Document doc)
            FilteredElementCollector collector
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);


                   .Cast <View3D>()
                   .First <View3D>(v3 => !v3.IsTemplate));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// get all the hook types in current project, and store in m_hookTypes data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">the ExternalCommandData reference</param>
        /// <returns>true if some hook types can be gotton, otherwise false</returns>
        private bool GetHookTypes(ExternalCommandData commandData)
            // Initialize the m_hookTypes which used to store all hook types.
            FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document);

            m_hookTypes = filteredElementCollector.Cast <RebarHookType>().ToList <RebarHookType>();

            // If no hook types in revit return false, otherwise true
            return((0 == m_hookTypes.Count) ? false : true);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw detail curves based on List<Curve>
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawDetailLines(Document doc, List <Curve> crvs, int weight = 2, string color = "red", string pattern = "")

            View  view    = doc.ActiveView;
            Color palette = new Color(0, 0, 0);

            switch (color)
            case "red": palette = new Color(200, 50, 80); break;

            case "blue": palette = new Color(100, 149, 237); break;

            case "orange": palette = new Color(255, 140, 0); break;

            FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            LinePatternElement linePatternElem = null;

            if (pattern != "")
                    linePatternElem = fec
                                      .Cast <LinePatternElement>()
                                      .First <LinePatternElement>(linePattern => linePattern.Name == pattern);
                    Debug.Print("There's no matching pattern in the document");

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))
                tx.Start("Create Detail Curves");
                foreach (Curve crv in crvs)
                    // Should do style setting here or...?
                    DetailCurve   detailCrv = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(view, crv);
                    GraphicsStyle gs        = detailCrv.LineStyle as GraphicsStyle;
                    gs.GraphicsStyleCategory.LineColor = palette;
                    gs.GraphicsStyleCategory.SetLineWeight(weight, gs.GraphicsStyleType);
                    if (linePatternElem != null)
                        gs.GraphicsStyleCategory.SetLinePatternId(linePatternElem.Id, GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new line style using NewSubcategory
        /// </summary>
        void CreateLineStyle(Document doc)
            // Use this to access the current document in a macro.
              //Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              // Find existing linestyle.  Can also opt to
              // create one with LinePatternElement.Create()

              FilteredElementCollector fec
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfClass( typeof( LinePatternElement ) );

              LinePatternElement linePatternElem = fec
            .First<LinePatternElement>( linePattern
              => linePattern.Name == "Long dash" );

              // The new linestyle will be a subcategory
              // of the Lines category

              Categories categories = doc.Settings.Categories;

              Category lineCat = categories.get_Item(
            BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines );

              using( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Create LineStyle" );

            // Add the new linestyle

            Category newLineStyleCat = categories
              .NewSubcategory( lineCat, "New LineStyle" );


            // Set the linestyle properties
            // (weight, color, pattern).

            newLineStyleCat.SetLineWeight( 8,
              GraphicsStyleType.Projection );

            newLineStyleCat.LineColor = new Color(
              0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 );

              GraphicsStyleType.Projection );

Esempio n. 16
        internal static IList <ElementType> ViewportTypes(Document doc)
            FilterRule             rule   = ParameterFilterRuleFactory.CreateEqualsRule(new ElementId((int)BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_FAMILY_NAME_PARAM), "Viewport", false);
            ElementParameterFilter filter = new ElementParameterFilter(rule);
            IList <ElementType>    viewportTypes;

            using (FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ElementType)).WherePasses(filter))
                viewportTypes = fec.Cast <ElementType>().ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new line style using NewSubcategory
        /// </summary>
        void CreateLineStyle(Document doc)
            // Use this to access the current document in a macro.
            //Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Find existing linestyle.  Can also opt to
            // create one with LinePatternElement.Create()

            FilteredElementCollector fec
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            LinePatternElement linePatternElem = fec
                                                 .Cast <LinePatternElement>()
                                                 .First <LinePatternElement>(linePattern
                                                                             => linePattern.Name == "Long Dash");

            // The new linestyle will be a subcategory
            // of the Lines category        

            Categories categories = doc.Settings.Categories;

            Category lineCat = categories.get_Item(

            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc))
                t.Start("Create LineStyle");

                // Add the new linestyle 

                Category newLineStyleCat = categories
                                           .NewSubcategory(lineCat, "New LineStyle");


                // Set the linestyle properties
                // (weight, color, pattern).


                newLineStyleCat.LineColor = new Color(
                    0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);


Esempio n. 18
        public IEnumerable <T> GetElements <T>(BuiltInCategory builtInCategory) where T : Element
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            // Seems you must be a subclass of element to use the OfClass method
            if (typeof(T) != typeof(Element))
            return(collector.Cast <T>());
Esempio n. 19
        public static DuctType[] GetDuctTypes(Document doc, DuctShapeEnum shape)
            FilteredElementCollector coll = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);


            IEnumerable <DuctType> pts = coll.Cast <DuctType>();

            if ((pts == null) || (pts.Count <DuctType>() == 0))

            List <string> familyNames = new List <string>();

            switch (shape)
            case DuctShapeEnum.Round:
                familyNames.Add("Round Duct");
                familyNames.Add("Gaine circulaire");

            case DuctShapeEnum.Rectangular:
                familyNames.Add("Rectangular Duct");
                familyNames.Add("Gaine rectangulaire");

            case DuctShapeEnum.Oval:
                familyNames.Add("Oval Duct");
                familyNames.Add("Gaine ovale");

            List <DuctType> types = new List <DuctType>();

            foreach (DuctType dt in pts)
                Parameter p = dt.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_FAMILY_NAME_PARAM);
                foreach (string familyName in familyNames)
                    if (p.AsString().ToUpper() == familyName.ToUpper())
            if (types.Count == 0)
Esempio n. 20
        private ViewDrafting CreateNewDraftingView()
            var drfViews = new FilteredElementCollector(CurrentDocument)

            var dvId = drfViews
                       .Cast <ViewFamilyType>()
                       .FirstOrDefault(v => v.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Drafting).Id;

            var newView = ViewDrafting.Create(CurrentDocument, dvId);

        public void ShowMaterialInfo(Document doc)
            // Find material
            FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);


            String materialName = "Checker"; // "Copper";//"Prism - Glass - Textured"; // "Parking Stripe"; // "Copper";
                                             // "Carpet (1)";// "Prism - Glass - Textured";// "Parking Stripe"; // "Prism 1";// "Brick, Common" ;// "Acoustic Ceiling Tile 24 x 48";  // "Aluminum"
            Material mat = fec.Cast <Material>().First <Material>(m => m.Name == materialName);

            ElementId appearanceAssetId = mat.AppearanceAssetId;

            AppearanceAssetElement appearanceAsset = doc.GetElement(appearanceAssetId) as AppearanceAssetElement;

            Asset renderingAsset = appearanceAsset.GetRenderingAsset();

            RenderAppearanceDescriptor rad
                = new RenderAppearanceDescriptor(renderingAsset);

            PropertyDescriptorCollection collection = rad.GetProperties();

            TaskDialog.Show("Total properties", "Properties found: " + collection.Count);

            string s = ": Material Asset Properties";

            TaskDialog dlg = new TaskDialog(s);

            dlg.MainInstruction = mat.Name + s;

            s = string.Empty;

            List <PropertyDescriptor> orderableCollection = new List <PropertyDescriptor>(collection.Count);

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor descr in collection)

            foreach (AssetPropertyPropertyDescriptor descr in
                     orderableCollection.OrderBy <PropertyDescriptor, String>(pd => pd.Name).Cast <AssetPropertyPropertyDescriptor>())
                object value = descr.GetValue(rad);

                s += "\nname: " + descr.Name
                     + " | type: " + descr.PropertyType.Name
                     + " | value: " + value;
            dlg.MainContent = s;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the data member
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            Document doc = m_commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            FilteredElementIterator iter = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc)).OfClass(typeof(Level)).GetElementIterator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                m_levels.Add(iter.Current as Level);

            FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            m_roofTypes = filteredElementCollector.Cast <RoofType>().ToList <RoofType>();

            // FootPrint Roofs
            m_footPrintRoofs = new ElementSet();
            iter             = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc)).OfClass(typeof(FootPrintRoof)).GetElementIterator();
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                m_footPrintRoofs.Insert(iter.Current as FootPrintRoof);

            // Extrusion Roofs
            m_extrusionRoofs = new ElementSet();
            iter             = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc)).OfClass(typeof(ExtrusionRoof)).GetElementIterator();
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                m_extrusionRoofs.Insert(iter.Current as ExtrusionRoof);

            // Reference Planes
            iter = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc)).OfClass(typeof(ReferencePlane)).GetElementIterator();
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                ReferencePlane plane = iter.Current as ReferencePlane;
                // just use the vertical plane
                if (Math.Abs(plane.Normal.DotProduct(Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ.BasisZ)) < 1.0e-09)
                    if (plane.Name == "Reference Plane")
                        plane.Name = "Reference Plane" + "(" + plane.Id.IntegerValue.ToString() + ")";
Esempio n. 23
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            // cleaning element selection set
            Selection        sel             = uidoc.Selection;
            List <ElementId> emptyElementSet = new List <ElementId>()


            // collecting view sheets
            List <ViewSheet> viewSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                                          .Cast <ViewSheet>()
            List <string> viewSheetsNames = (from viewSheet in viewSheets select viewSheet.Title).ToList();

            Dictionary <string, ViewSheet> viewSheetsDic = viewSheetsNames
                                                           .Zip(viewSheets, (vsn, vs) => new { vsn, vs })
                                                           .ToDictionary(item => item.vsn, item => item.vs);

            // opening a select from list form
            SelectFromList selectFromList = new SelectFromList(viewSheets.Cast <Element>().ToList());


            // if cancelled
            if (selectFromList.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)

            // getting the sheet views selected
            List <ViewSheet> selectedViewSheets = new List <ViewSheet>();
            ExportToDwg      exportToDwg        = new ExportToDwg(doc, selectFromList.GetChoosedElements()
                                                                  .Cast <ViewSheet>()


Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor, initialize fields of RebarBarTypes and RebarShapes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rvtApp"></param>
        public NewRebarForm(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document rvtDoc)
            : this()
            m_rvtDoc = rvtDoc;

            FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(m_rvtDoc);

            m_rebarBarTypes = filteredElementCollector.Cast <RebarBarType>().ToList <RebarBarType>();

            filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(m_rvtDoc);
            m_rebarShapes = filteredElementCollector.Cast <RebarShape>().ToList <RebarShape>();
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// MatchGrids main window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData"></param>
        public MatchGridsWPF(ExternalCommandData commandData)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            DataContext = this;

            CbItems = new ObservableCollection <ComboBoxItem>();

            FilteredElementCollector viewsCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Views);

            List <View> filteredV = viewsCollector.Cast <View>()
                                    .Where(sh =>
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.AreaPlan ||
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.CeilingPlan ||
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.Elevation ||
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan ||
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.Section ||
                                           sh.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD)
                                    .Where(view => !view.IsTemplate)

            IOrderedEnumerable <View> views = filteredV.OrderBy(v => v.ViewType).ThenBy(v => v.Name);

            FilteredViewsCheckBox = filteredV;

            int count = 0;

            foreach (var v in views)
                ComboBoxItem comb = new ComboBoxItem();
                comb.Content = v.ViewType + " - " + v.Name;
                comb.Tag     = v;

                if (count == 0)
                    SelectedComboItem = comb;


            // Associate the event-handling method with the SelectedIndexChanged event
            this.comboDisplay.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(MyComboChanged);

Esempio n. 26
        void DrawAll(Document doc)
            foreach (string s in staticFamilies)
                    string file_path = File.ReadAllText("C://ProgramData//Autodesk//Revit//Addins//2019//Linear//settings.set");
                    file_path += "\\static\\" + s;
                    loader.LoadFamilyIntoProject(file_path, doc);
                catch { throw new Exception("Ошибка загрузки семейств чертежных примитивов из папки static."); }
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol));

            foreach (ARKModule b in ARKBLocks)
                    FamilySymbol   famToPlace = null;
                    ViewFamilyType vt         = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)).Cast <ViewFamilyType>().FirstOrDefault(vft => vft.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Drafting);
                    ElementId      id         = vt.Id;
                    Transaction    trans      = new Transaction(doc);
                    ViewDrafting vd = ViewDrafting.Create(doc, id);
                    ElementId viewId = vd.Id;
                    famToPlace    = collector.Cast <FamilySymbol>().Where(x => x.Name == b.filename).First();
                    b.revitSymbol = famToPlace;
                    b.revitModule = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(new XYZ(0, 0, 0), famToPlace, vd);
                catch { throw new Exception("Ошибка добавления АРК-модулей на чертежные листы."); }



            foreach (ARKModule b in ARKBLocks)
                    b.createTable(doc, new XYZ(10, 3, 0));
                catch { throw new Exception("Ошибка создания таблицы элементов."); }
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Get necessary data from revit.such as selected beams, wall types and level information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">A reference of current document</param>
        /// <returns>true if no error happens; otherwise, false.</returns>
        Boolean PrepareData(Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIDocument project)
            // Search all the wall types in the Revit
            FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(project.Document);

            m_wallTypeCollection = filteredElementCollector.Cast <WallType>().ToList <WallType>();

            // Find the selection of beams in Revit
            ElementSet selection = new ElementSet();

            foreach (ElementId elementId in project.Selection.GetElementIds())
            AnalyticalModel model;     // store the AnalyticalModel of the beam.

            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element e in selection)
                FamilyInstance m = e as FamilyInstance;

                // Use StructuralType property can judge whether it is a beam.
                if (null != m && StructuralType.Beam == m.StructuralType)
                    m_beamCollection.Add(e);    // store the beams

                    // Get the curve of beam's AnalyticalModel.
                    model = m.GetAnalyticalModel();
                    if (null == model)
                        m_errorInformation = "The beam should have analytical model.";
            if (0 == m_beamCollection.Count)
                m_errorInformation = "Can not find any beams.";

            // Get the level which will be used in create method
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(project.Document);

            m_level = collector.OfClass(typeof(Level)).FirstElement() as Level;
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Shared implementation for use of Path of Travel bulk creation routine from all near-corner room points to all doors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="viewPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="mapAllStartsToAllEnds"></param>
        private static void CreatePathsOfTravelInAllRoomsAllDoorsMultiplePointsManyToMany(Document doc, ViewPlan viewPlan, bool mapAllStartsToAllEnds)
            ElementId levelId = viewPlan.GenLevel.Id;

            // find rooms on level
            FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, viewPlan.Id);

            fec.WherePasses(new Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture.RoomFilter());

            // find doors on level
            FilteredElementCollector fec2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, viewPlan.Id);


            // setup results
            ResultsSummary resultsSummary = new ResultsSummary();

            List <XYZ> endPoints = new List <XYZ>();

            // Collect rooms
            List <Room> rooms = fec.Cast <Room>().ToList <Room>();

            // Loop on doors and collect target points (the door's origin)
            foreach (Element element in fec2)
                Instance  doorElement = (Instance)element;
                Transform trf         = doorElement.GetTransform();

            resultsSummary.numDoors = endPoints.Count;

            using (TransactionGroup group = new TransactionGroup(doc, "Generate all paths of travel"))

                GeneratePathsOfTravelForRoomsToEndpointsManyToMany(doc, viewPlan, rooms, endPoints, resultsSummary, mapAllStartsToAllEnds);


Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// get all the beam types, truss types and all the view plans from the active document
        /// </summary>
        public void DataInitialize()
            // get all the beam types

            // get all the truss types
            // there's no truss type in the active document
            FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(m_activeDocument.Document);

            IList <TrussType> trussTypes = filteredElementCollector.Cast <TrussType>().ToList <TrussType>();

            if (null == trussTypes || 0 == trussTypes.Count)
                TaskDialog.Show("Load Truss Type", "Please load at least one truss type into your project.");

            foreach (TrussType trussType in trussTypes)
                if (null == trussType)

                String trussTypeName = trussType.get_Parameter

            // get all the views
            // Skip view templates because they're behind-the-scene and invisible in project browser; also invalid for API..., etc.

            m_views = from elem in
                      new FilteredElementCollector(m_activeDocument.Document).OfClass(typeof(ViewPlan)).ToElements()
                      let viewPlan = elem as ViewPlan
                                     where viewPlan != null && !viewPlan.IsTemplate
                                     select viewPlan;

            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.View view in m_views)
Esempio n. 30
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
                UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
                UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
                Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = uiapp.Application;
                Document thisDoc = uidoc.Document;

                if (new RevitHelpers().NotInThisView(thisDoc))

                Selection           sel       = uidoc.Selection;
                Section2dPickFilter selFilter = new Section2dPickFilter(thisDoc);

                Reference pickedRef = sel.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, selFilter, "Pick the section to far clip adjust.");
                Element   elem      = thisDoc.GetElement(pickedRef);

                // sheesh, another crazy linq way to do this
                FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(thisDoc);
                Func <Autodesk.Revit.DB.View, bool> isNamedView = v2 => (v2.Name.Equals(elem.Name));
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.View thisV = viewCollector.Cast <Autodesk.Revit.DB.View>().First <Autodesk.Revit.DB.View>(isNamedView);

                string fcs = Properties.Settings.Default.PreferFarClip.ToString();

                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(thisDoc, "FarSide Change"))
                    Parameter vFarclip = thisV.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sorry, No Can Do.");
        private BoundingBoxXYZ GetBoundingBoxOfLevel(IList <Level> strLevels, int highFloorLevelInd, View3D view)
            Level highFloorLevel = strLevels[highFloorLevelInd];
            Level lowFloorLevel  = strLevels[highFloorLevelInd - 1];

            // Get the outline of the entire 3D model
            FilteredElementCollector fec = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc).OfClass(typeof(Wall));
            BoundingBoxXYZ           ibb = fec.Cast <Wall>().First().get_BoundingBox(view);
            Outline outline = new Outline(ibb.Min, ibb.Max);

            foreach (Wall wall in fec)
                BoundingBoxXYZ boxXYZ = wall.get_BoundingBox(view);

            // Create a new BoundingBoxXYZ to define a 3D rectangular space
            BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBoxXYZ = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

            if (highFloorLevelInd == 1)
                // Set the lower left botton corner of the box
                // To show the fondation, use the Z of the current level - BOTTOMOFFSET
                boundingBoxXYZ.Min = new XYZ(
                    outline.MinimumPoint.X - SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,
                    outline.MinimumPoint.Y - SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,
                    lowFloorLevel.ProjectElevation - BOTTOM_OFFSET);
                // Use the Z of the current level.
                boundingBoxXYZ.Min = new XYZ(
                    outline.MinimumPoint.X - SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,
                    outline.MinimumPoint.Y - SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,

            boundingBoxXYZ.Max = new XYZ(
                outline.MaximumPoint.X + SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,
                outline.MaximumPoint.Y + SECTION_BOX_XY_MARGIN,

Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge <paramref name="boundingBoxXyz"/> with the 'BoundingBoxXYZ's of
        /// all 'GenericForm's in <paramref name="document"/> that are solid into
        /// a new 'BoundingBoxXYZ'.
        /// Exclude all 'GenericForm's in
        /// <paramref name="genericFormExclusionSet"/> from being found in
        /// <paramref name="document"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The Revit 'Document' to search for all
        /// 'GenericForm's excluding the ones in
        /// <paramref name="genericFormExclusionSet"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBoxXyz">The 'BoundingBoxXYZ' to merge with.</param>
        /// <param name="genericFormExclusionSet">A 'HashSet' of all the
        /// 'GenericForm's to exclude from being merged with in
        /// <paramref name="document"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The new merged 'BoundingBoxXYZ' of
        /// <paramref name="boundingBoxXyz"/> and all 'GenericForm's excluding
        /// the ones in <paramref name="genericFormExclusionSet"/>
        /// in <paramref name="document"/></returns>
        private static BoundingBoxXYZ MergeSolidBoundingBoxXyz(
            Document document,
            BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBoxXyz,
            ISet <ElementId> genericFormExclusionSet)
            BoundingBoxXYZ mergedResult = boundingBoxXyz;

            FilteredElementCollector genericFormCollector
                = new FilteredElementCollector(document)

            if (genericFormExclusionSet != null &&

            foreach (GenericForm solid in
                     .Cast <GenericForm>()
                     .Where(genericForm => genericForm.IsSolid))
                BoundingBoxXYZ solidBoundingBox
                    = solid.get_BoundingBox(null);

                if (solidBoundingBox == null)

                if (mergedResult == null)
                    mergedResult     = new BoundingBoxXYZ();
                    mergedResult.Min = solidBoundingBox.Min;
                    mergedResult.Max = solidBoundingBox.Max;

                mergedResult = MergeBoundingBoxXyz(
                    mergedResult, solidBoundingBox);

Esempio n. 33
        public void SetGraphicsStyleToSketch(Document doc)
            // Find GraphicsStyle

            FilteredElementCollector collector
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            GraphicsStyle style = collector
                                  .Cast <GraphicsStyle>()
                                  .FirstOrDefault <GraphicsStyle>(gs
                                                                  => gs.Name.Equals("<Sketch>"));

            if (style != null)
                GraphicsStyleId = style.Id;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the saved setups from the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The saved configurations.</returns>
        private IList<DataStorage> GetSavedConfigurations(Schema schema)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(IFCCommandOverrideApplication.TheDocument);
            Func<DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => (ds.GetEntity(schema) != null && ds.GetEntity(schema).IsValid());

            return collector.Cast<DataStorage>().Where<DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList<DataStorage>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterate directly over the filtered element collector.
        /// In general, there is no need to create a copy of it.
        /// Calling ToElements creates a copy, allocating space 
        /// for that and wasting both memory and time.
        /// No need to cast either, foreach can do that 
        /// automatically.
        /// </summary>
        IEnumerable<Element> IterateOverCollector(
            Document doc)
            // Do not do this!

              FilteredElementCollector collector
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc );

              collector.OfClass( typeof( Family ) ).ToElements();

              IEnumerable<Family> nestedFamilies
            = collector.Cast<Family>();

              String str = "";

              foreach( Family f in nestedFamilies )
            str = str + f.Name + "\n";

            foreach( ElementId symbolId in
              f.GetFamilySymbolIds() )
              Element symbolElem = doc.GetElement(
            symbolId );

              str = str + " family type: "
            + symbolElem.Name + "\n";

              // Iterate directly over the collector instead.
              // No need for ToElements, which creates a copy.
              // The copy wastes memory and time.
              // No need for a cast, even.

              FilteredElementCollector families
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfClass( typeof( Family ) );

              foreach( Family f in families )
            str = str + f.Name + "\n";

            // ...
              return families;
Esempio n. 36
        // main function
        public void ExportToLux()
            //loop through views and export to lux
            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.View3D ExportView in v3DViewToExport)

                // Create new stopwatch
                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                //set up list geoFile to include
                List<String>GeoFileList = new List<string>();

                //get all elements in view
                FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(vDoc, ExportView.Id);

                //i could add a filter for each category here ( or for specials like lights...)

                //cast views elements to list
                IEnumerable<Element> ElementList = viewCollector.Cast<Element>();

                //create scene folder
                //check whether folder allready exists
                //if not create scene folder
                //create PLY folder
                //create RES folder (textures & other data)
                if (Directory.Exists(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString()))
                    //delete folder??

                    //create all directories
                    //make sure view name has no illegal characters: {}
                    //create scene Directory
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString());
                    //create PLY folder
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + "PLY");
                    //create resources folder
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + "RES");

                //set up geofile path variable
                String sOutputPathGeoFile = "";
                //setup PLY path variable
                String PLYDirectory = "";
                //check for linked Revit Files visible in view
                LuxExporter.Revit_Filter Filter = new Revit_Filter(vDoc);
                List<Element> RevitLinks = Filter.GetRevitLinks(ExportView.Id);

                //setup the geomtry option for the current view
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options GeometryOption = new Options();
                GeometryOption.ComputeReferences = true;
                GeometryOption.View = ExportView;

                //export linked files
                if (RevitLinks.Count > 0)

                    //count how many instances of each individual link exist
                    //check whether any of these instances collides with section box if there is any
                    //if collision no instance, if no collision or no section box instanciate whole file
                    //export link file and instanciate as often as required

                    //create dictionary storing linked file name and number of occurences
                    Dictionary<String, int> DRevitLinks = new Dictionary<string, int>();

                    //list containing all links of models not cut by section box and their transformation data
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lWholeModelLinks = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();
                    //list containing all links of models cut by section box and their transformation data
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lCutModelLinks = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();

                    int LinkCounter = 0;
                    //loop through link list and sort items before exporting
                    foreach (Element LinkItem in RevitLinks)
                        //increase link Counter
                        //remove stuff from name
                        String LinkName = LinkItem.Name.ToString().Substring(0, LinkItem.Name.ToString().IndexOf(".rvt"));
                        //flag for bounding box check
                        Boolean BoundingBoxOK = true;
                        //check whether bounding box active
                        int NumberOfLinkOccurences = 0;

                        if (ExportView.SectionBox.Enabled)
                            //if yes does link clash with box?
                            //get boundingbox of item
                            BoundingBoxXYZ ElementBounding = LinkItem.get_BoundingBox(ExportView);
                            //get sectionbox
                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoundingBoxXYZ ViewSectionBox = ExportView.SectionBox;
                            //check whether element bounding box is completely enclosed in view bounding box if not disable instancing!
                            LuxExporter.Revit_BoundingBox_Checker checker = new Revit_BoundingBox_Checker();
                            BoundingBoxOK = checker.BoundingBox_Checker(ElementBounding, ViewSectionBox);

                        //get the link transformation
                        Instance inst = LinkItem as Instance;
                        RevitLinkTransform = inst.GetTransform();

                        if (BoundingBoxOK)
                            //if no boundingbox and no clash
                            //check whether link already in list
                            if (lWholeModelLinks.Contains(new LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName)))
                                //get link class and add transformation
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files ExLink = lWholeModelLinks.Find(xy => xy.LinkName == dummyLink.LinkName);

                                //create new link class
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                                //add transformation
                                //add link element
                                dummyLink.RevitLink = LinkItem;
                                //add link short name
                                dummyLink.LinkShortName = LinkCounter.ToString();
                                //check if this link has been exported before
                                if (DRevitLinks.TryGetValue(LinkName, out NumberOfLinkOccurences))
                                    //increase counter
                                    DRevitLinks[LinkName] = NumberOfLinkOccurences + 1;

                                    //add link to dictionary
                                    DRevitLinks.Add(LinkName, 0);
                                //remove .rvt from link instance name
                                PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "/";

                                //store unique LinkName in class
                                dummyLink.UniqueLinkName = LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString();
                                //store path in class
                                dummyLink.PLYFolderPath = PLYDirectory;
                                //create geometry file name
                                String GeoFilePath = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                                dummyLink.GeoFilePath = GeoFilePath;
                                //add to list
                            //file need to be exported again
                            //create new link class
                            LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                            //add transformation
                            //add link element
                            dummyLink.RevitLink = LinkItem;
                            //add link short name
                            dummyLink.LinkShortName = LinkCounter.ToString();
                            //check if this link has been exported before
                            if (DRevitLinks.TryGetValue(LinkName, out NumberOfLinkOccurences))
                                //increase counter
                                DRevitLinks[LinkName] = NumberOfLinkOccurences + 1;

                                //add link to dictionary
                                DRevitLinks.Add(LinkName, 0);
                            //remove .rvt from link instance name
                            PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "/";
                            //store unique LinkName in class
                            dummyLink.UniqueLinkName = LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString();
                            //store path in class
                            dummyLink.PLYFolderPath = PLYDirectory;
                            //create geometry file name
                            String GeoFilePath = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                            dummyLink.GeoFilePath = GeoFilePath;
                            //add to list


                    //combine linked model lists into one list
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lModelsCombined = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();

                        //loop through all model links and export them
                        //foreach (LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files item in lWholeModelLinks)
                        foreach (LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files item in lModelsCombined)
                            //create PLY output directory
                            //get elements in link
                            foreach (Document ditem in vLinkedFiles)
                                //check for match in name
                                if (ditem.PathName.Contains(item.LinkName))
                                    //export materials

                                    if (FilteredElementCollector.IsViewValidForElementIteration(ditem,ExportView.Id))
                                        //get all elements in view
                                        FilteredElementCollector LinkViewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(ditem, ExportView.Id);

                                        //cast views elements to list
                                        IEnumerable<Element> LinkElementList = LinkViewCollector.Cast<Element>();
                                        //export link
                                        GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(LinkElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, item.GeoFilePath, item.PLYFolderPath, item));
                                        //get model element filter
                                        LuxExporter.Revit_Filter FilterUtility = new Revit_Filter();
                                        //this filter also select non placed items!!!
                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.LogicalOrFilter ModelFilter = FilterUtility.BuildFullModelFilter();
                                        //filter elements from linked file
                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(ditem);
                                        //filter out types
                                        //pass eklement list
                                        IEnumerable<Element> LinkElementList =collector.Cast<Element>();
                                        //export link
                                        GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(LinkElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, item.GeoFilePath, item.PLYFolderPath, item));


                    catch (Exception ex)

                //reset the link transform
                RevitLinkTransform = null;

                sOutputPathGeoFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/";
                //export host file
                GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(ElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, sOutputPathGeoFile,PLYDirectory,null));

                // Stop timing
                MessageBox.Show("Time elapsed: {0}" + stopwatch.Elapsed);

                //create material outputfilepath
                String sOutputPathMatFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + "-mat.lxm";

                    //write out materials file
                    //get materials in view only -->> does not work!
                    //MaterialSet LMaterials =  ExportView.Materials;
                    //get materials in project
                    LuxExporter.Revit_Filter MaterialFilter = new Revit_Filter(vDoc);
                    List<Material> LMaterials = MaterialFilter.GetAllMaterials();

                    //setup helper class
                    LuxExporter.Revit_Material_Worker MaterialExporter = new Revit_Material_Worker(vDoc);
                    //setup export String
                    StringBuilder MaterialExport = new StringBuilder("# Lux Render CVS - Material File");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("# Exported by LuxRev 0.2- ALPHA");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("# View Name: " + ExportView.ViewName.ToString());

                    //add glass2 presets:
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("MakeNamedVolume \"World\" \"homogeneous\"");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"float fresnel\" [1.000292658805847]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color g\" [-0.30000001 -0.30000001 -0.30000001]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color sigma_a\" [0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color sigma_s\" [0.02500000 0.02500000 0.02500000]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("MakeNamedVolume \"Glass\" \"clear\"");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"float fresnel\" [1.519999980926514]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color absorption\" [0.01614268 0.00300774 0.03046782]");

                    //loop through all materials and export
                    foreach (Material RevitMaterial in LMaterials)

                    //write out materials file
                    using (System.IO.StreamWriter MatFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutputPathMatFile))

                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed To write mat file");

                //view utility class
                LuxExporter.Revit_View_ThreeD ViewData = new Revit_View_ThreeD(ExportView);

                //get the camera data
                XYZ CameraPosition = ViewData.CameraPosition;
                XYZ CameraViewDirection = ViewData.CameraViewDirection;
                XYZ CameraUp = ViewData.CameraUp;

                //get the screenwindow date
                //assume resolution of 800 x 600
                //lens shift is 0 for x and y
                //scale as per view
                double dScreenaspectRatio = (800.00 / 600.00);
                LuxExporter.LuxExporter_ScreenWindow ScreenWindow = new LuxExporter_ScreenWindow(dScreenaspectRatio, 0, 0, ExportView.Scale);
                Double[] vScreenWindow = ScreenWindow.GetScreenWindow();

                //create string for header file - mainly hardcoded as of yet
                StringBuilder LXS = new StringBuilder("# Lux Render CVS - Scene File");
                LXS.AppendLine("# Exported by LuxRev 0.2- ALPHA");
                LXS.AppendLine("# View Name: "+ ExportView.ViewName.ToString());
                LXS.AppendLine("LookAt "+CameraPosition.X.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraPosition.Y.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraPosition.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("  " + CameraViewDirection.X.ToString("f6") + " " + CameraViewDirection.Y.ToString("f6") + " " + CameraViewDirection.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("  "+CameraUp.X.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraUp.Y.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraUp.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("Camera \"perspective\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float fov\" [150]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float hither\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float yon\" [10000000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float lensradius\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool autofocus\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float shutteropen\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float shutterclose\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine( "  \"float screenwindow\" ["+vScreenWindow[0]+" "+vScreenWindow[1]+" "+vScreenWindow[2]+" "+vScreenWindow[3]+"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Film \"fleximage\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer xresolution\" [800]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer yresolution\" [600]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer haltspp\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool premultiplyalpha\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string tonemapkernel\" [\"reinhard\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float reinhard_postscale\" [1.200000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float reinhard_burn\" [6.000000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer displayinterval\" [8]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer writeinterval\" [120]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string ldr_clamp_method\" [\"lum\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_exr\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string write_png_channels\" [\"RGB\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png_16bit\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png_gamutclamp\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_tga\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string filename\" [\"C:\\\\temp\\\\lux\\\\"+ExportView.ViewName.ToString()+"\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_resume_flm\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool restart_resume_flm\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer reject_warmup\" [128]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool debug\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_white\" [0.314275 0.329411]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_red\" [0.630000 0.340000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_green\" [0.310000 0.595000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_blue\" [0.155000 0.070000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float gamma\" [2.2]");
                LXS.AppendLine("PixelFilter \"mitchell\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float B\" [0.75]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float C\" [0.125]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Sampler \"metropolis\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float largemutationprob\" [0.4]");
                LXS.AppendLine("SurfaceIntegrator \"bidirectional\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer eyedepth\" [48]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer lightdepth\" [48]");
                LXS.AppendLine("VolumeIntegrator \"single\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float stepsize\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Accelerator \"tabreckdtree\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer intersectcost\" [80]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer traversalcost\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float emptybonus\" [0.2]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer maxprims\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer maxdepth\" [-1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("LightGroup \"default\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  LightSource \"sunsky\"");

                LXS.AppendLine("Include \""+sOutputPathMatFile+"\"");

                foreach (String FilePath in GeoFileList)
                    LXS.AppendLine("Include \"" + FilePath + "\"");


                //create outputfilepath
                String sOutputPathSceneFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString()+"/"+ ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + ".lxs";

                //write out Scene file
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter LXSFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutputPathSceneFile))
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a sketch plane from the given document with
        /// the specified normal vector, if one exists, else null.
        /// </summary>
        static SketchPlane findSketchPlane(
            Document doc,
            XYZ normal)
            FilteredElementCollector collector
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc );

              collector.OfClass( typeof( SketchPlane ) );

            #if EXPLICIT_CODE
              SketchPlane result = null;
              foreach( SketchPlane e in collector )
            if( e.Plane.Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo( normal ) )
              result = e;
              return result;
            #endif // EXPLICIT_CODE

              //Func<SketchPlane, bool> normalEquals = e => e.Plane.Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo( normal ); // 2013

              Func<SketchPlane, bool> normalEquals = e => e.GetPlane().Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo( normal ); // 2014

              return collector.Cast<SketchPlane>().First<SketchPlane>( normalEquals );
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// External command mainline.
        /// </summary>
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            IWin32Window revit_window
            = new JtWindowHandle( Autodesk.Windows
              .ComponentManager.ApplicationWindow );

              if( !Util.FileSelectObj(
            ref _filename ) )
            return Result.Cancelled;

            = Path.GetDirectoryName( _filename );

              long fileSize = Util.GetFileSize( _filename );

              if( fileSize > Config.MaxFileSize )
            string msg = string.Format( "Excuse me, but "
              + "you are attempting to load a file that is "
              + "{0} bytes in size. We suggest ensuring "
              + "that the file size is no larger than {1} "
              + "bytes, since Revit will refuse to handle "
              + "meshes exceeding a certain size anyway. "
              + "Please refer to the troubleshooting page "
              + "at\r\n\r\n{2}\r\n\r\n"
              + "for suggestions on how to optimise the "
              + "mesh and thus reduce file size.",
              fileSize, Config.MaxFileSize,
              TroubleshootingUrl );

            TaskDialog.Show( App.Caption, msg );

            return Result.Failed;

              FileLoadResult<Scene> obj_load_result = null;
              List<XYZ> vertices = null;

            bool loadTextureImages = true;

            obj_load_result = FileFormatObj.Load(
              _filename, loadTextureImages );

            foreach( var m in obj_load_result.Messages )
              Debug.Print( "{0}: {1} line {2} in {3}",
            m.MessageType, m.Details,
            m.FileName, m.LineNumber );

            // Convert OBJ vertices to Revit XYZ.
            // OBJ assumes X to the right, Y up and Z out of the screen.
            // Revit 3D view assumes X right, Y away
            // from the screen and Z up.

            double scale = Config.InputScaleFactor;

            int n = obj_load_result.Model.Vertices.Count;

            vertices = new List<XYZ>( n );
            XYZ w;

            foreach( Vertex v in obj_load_result.Model.Vertices )
              w = new XYZ( v.x * scale,
            -v.z * scale, v.y * scale );

              Debug.Print( "({0},{1},{2}) --> {3}",
            Util.RealString( v.x ),
            Util.RealString( v.y ),
            Util.RealString( v.z ),
            Util.PointString( w ) );

              vertices.Add( w );

            foreach( Face f in obj_load_result.Model.UngroupedFaces )
              n = f.Indices.Count;

              Debug.Assert( 3 == n || 4 == n,
            "expected triangles or quadrilaterals" );

              Debug.Print( string.Join( ", ",
            f.Indices.Select<Index, string>(
              i => i.vertex.ToString() ) ) );
              catch( System.Exception ex )
            message = string.Format(
              "Exception reading '{0}':"
              + "\r\n{1}:\r\n{2}",
              ex.Message );

            return Result.Failed;

              if( vertices.Count > Config.MaxNumberOfVertices )
            string msg = string.Format( "Excuse me, but "
              + "you are attempting to load a mesh defining "
              + "{0} vertices. We suggest using no more than "
              + "{1}, since Revit will refuse to handle such "
              + "a large mesh anyway. "
              + "Please refer to the troubleshooting page at "
              + "\r\n\r\n{2}\r\n\r\n"
              + "for suggestions on how to optimise the mesh "
              + "and thus reduce its size.",
              vertices.Count, Config.MaxNumberOfVertices,
              TroubleshootingUrl );

            TaskDialog.Show( App.Caption, msg );

            return Result.Failed;

              UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              string appGuid
            = uiapp.ActiveAddInId.GetGUID().ToString();

              string shapeName = Util.Capitalize(
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _filename )
              .Replace( '_', ' ' ) );

              // Retrieve "<Sketch>" graphics style,
              // if it exists.

              FilteredElementCollector collector
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfClass( typeof( GraphicsStyle ) );

              GraphicsStyle style
            = collector.Cast<GraphicsStyle>()
              .FirstOrDefault<GraphicsStyle>( gs
            => gs.Name.Equals( "<Sketch>" ) );

              ElementId graphicsStyleId = null;

              if( style != null )
            graphicsStyleId = style.Id;

              Result rc = Result.Failed;

            using( Transaction tx = new Transaction( doc ) )
              tx.Start( "Create DirectShape from OBJ" );

              int nFaces = 0; // set to -1 on fatal error
              int nFacesTotal = 0;

              if( 0 < obj_load_result.Model.UngroupedFaces.Count )
            nFacesTotal = nFaces = NewDirectShape( vertices,
              obj_load_result.Model.UngroupedFaces, doc,
              graphicsStyleId, appGuid, shapeName );

              if( -1 < nFaces )
            foreach( Group g in obj_load_result.Model.Groups )
              string s = string.Join( ".", g.Names );

              if( 0 < s.Length ) { s = "." + s; }

              nFaces = NewDirectShape( vertices, g.Faces,
                doc, graphicsStyleId, appGuid,
                shapeName + s );

              if( -1 == nFaces )

              nFacesTotal += nFaces;

              if( -1 == nFaces )
            message = "Invalid OBJ file. Error: face "
              + "vertex index exceeds total vertex count.";
              else if( 0 == nFacesTotal )
            message = "Invalid OBJ file. Zero faces found.";

            rc = Result.Succeeded;
              catch( System.Exception ex )
            message = string.Format(
              "Exception generating DirectShape '{0}':"
              + "\r\n{1}:\r\n{2}",
              ex.Message );

            return Result.Failed;
              return rc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes custom property sets from schedules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertySets">List to store property sets.</param>
        /// <param name="fileVersion">The IFC file version.</param>
        private static void InitCustomPropertySets(IList<IList<PropertySetDescription>> propertySets)
            Document document = ExporterCacheManager.Document;
            IList<PropertySetDescription> customPropertySets = new List<PropertySetDescription>();

            // Collect all ViewSchedules from the document to use as custom property sets.
            FilteredElementCollector viewScheduleElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);

            ElementFilter viewScheduleElementFilter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(ViewSchedule));
            List<ViewSchedule> filteredSchedules = viewScheduleElementCollector.Cast<ViewSchedule>().ToList();

            int unnamedScheduleIndex = 1;

            string includePattern = "PSET|IFC|COMMON";

            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.PropertySetOptions.ExportSpecificSchedules)
                var resultQuery =
                    from viewSchedule in viewScheduleElementCollector
                    where viewSchedule.Name != null &&
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(viewSchedule.Name, includePattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
                    select viewSchedule;
                filteredSchedules = resultQuery.Cast<ViewSchedule>().ToList();

            foreach (ViewSchedule schedule in filteredSchedules)
                //property set Manufacturer Information
                PropertySetDescription customPSet = new PropertySetDescription();

                string scheduleName = schedule.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scheduleName))
                    scheduleName = "Unnamed Schedule " + unnamedScheduleIndex;
                customPSet.Name = scheduleName;

                ScheduleDefinition definition = schedule.Definition;
                if (definition == null)

                // The schedule will be responsible for determining which elements to actually export.
                customPSet.ViewScheduleId = schedule.Id;

                int fieldCount = definition.GetFieldCount();
                if (fieldCount == 0)

                HashSet<ElementId> containedElementIds = new HashSet<ElementId>();
                FilteredElementCollector elementsInViewScheduleCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(document, schedule.Id);
                foreach (Element containedElement in elementsInViewScheduleCollector)
                ExporterCacheManager.ViewScheduleElementCache.Add(new KeyValuePair<ElementId, HashSet<ElementId>>(schedule.Id, containedElementIds));

                IDictionary<ElementId, Element> cachedElementTypes = new Dictionary<ElementId, Element>();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < fieldCount; ii++)
                    ScheduleField field = definition.GetField(ii);

                    ScheduleFieldType fieldType = field.FieldType;
                    if (fieldType != ScheduleFieldType.Instance && fieldType != ScheduleFieldType.ElementType)

                    ElementId parameterId = field.ParameterId;
                    if (parameterId == ElementId.InvalidElementId)

                    // We use asBuiltInParameterId to get the parameter by id below.  We don't want to use it later, however, so
                    // we store builtInParameterId only if it is a proper member of the enumeration.
                    BuiltInParameter asBuiltInParameterId = (BuiltInParameter)parameterId.IntegerValue;
                    BuiltInParameter builtInParameterId =
                        Enum.IsDefined(typeof(BuiltInParameter), asBuiltInParameterId) ? asBuiltInParameterId : BuiltInParameter.INVALID;

                    Parameter containedElementParameter = null;

                    // We could cache the actual elements when we store the element ids.  However, this would almost certainly take more
                    // time than getting one of the first few elements in the collector.
                    foreach (Element containedElement in elementsInViewScheduleCollector)
                        if (fieldType == ScheduleFieldType.Instance)
                            containedElementParameter = containedElement.get_Parameter(asBuiltInParameterId);

                        // shared parameters can return ScheduleFieldType.Instance, even if they are type parameters, so take a look.
                        if (containedElementParameter == null)
                            ElementId containedElementTypeId = containedElement.GetTypeId();
                            Element containedElementType = null;
                            if (containedElementTypeId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                                if (!cachedElementTypes.TryGetValue(containedElementTypeId, out containedElementType))
                                    containedElementType = document.GetElement(containedElementTypeId);
                                    cachedElementTypes[containedElementTypeId] = containedElementType;
                            if (containedElementType != null)
                                containedElementParameter = containedElementType.get_Parameter(asBuiltInParameterId);

                        if (containedElementParameter != null)
                    if (containedElementParameter == null)

                    PropertySetEntry ifcPSE = PropertySetEntry.CreateParameterEntry(containedElementParameter);
                    ifcPSE.RevitBuiltInParameter = builtInParameterId;
                    ifcPSE.PropertyName = field.ColumnHeading;


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the saved setups from the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document storing the saved configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The saved configurations.</returns>
        private IList<DataStorage> GetSavedConfigurations(Document document)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);
            Func<DataStorage, bool> hasTargetData = ds => ds.GetEntity(m_schema) != null;

            return collector.Cast<DataStorage>().Where<DataStorage>(hasTargetData).ToList<DataStorage>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all openings in a given wall.
        /// </summary>
        void GetOpeningsInWall(
            Document doc,
            Wall wall)
            ElementId id = wall.Id;

              BuiltInCategory bic
            = BuiltInCategory.OST_SWallRectOpening;

              FilteredElementCollector collector
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc );

              collector.OfClass( typeof( Opening ) );
              collector.OfCategory( bic );

              // explicit iteration and manual
              // checking of a property:

              List<Element> openings = new List<Element>();

              foreach( Opening e in collector )
            if( e.Host.Id.Equals( id ) )
              openings.Add( e );

              // using LINQ:

              IEnumerable<Opening> openingsOnLevelLinq =
            from e in collector.Cast<Opening>()
            where e.Host.LevelId.Equals( id )
            select e;

              // using an anonymous method:

              IEnumerable<Opening> openingsOnLevelAnon =
            collector.Cast<Opening>().Where<Opening>( e
              => e.Host.Id.Equals( id ) );
        private void WriteElementGeometry( int elementId )
            FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector( m_doc );
              viewCollector.OfClass( typeof( ViewPlan ) );
              Func<ViewPlan, bool> isLevel1FloorPlan = v => !v.IsTemplate && v.Name == "Level 1" && v.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan;

              m_targetView = viewCollector.Cast<ViewPlan>().First<ViewPlan>( isLevel1FloorPlan );

              Transaction createCurve = new Transaction( m_doc, "Create reference curves" );
              const double xReferenceLocation = 30;
              Line vLine = Line.CreateBound( new XYZ( xReferenceLocation, 0, 0 ), new XYZ( xReferenceLocation, 20, 0 ) );
              m_vLine = m_doc.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_targetView, vLine );

              const double yReferenceLocation = -10;
              Line hLine = Line.CreateBound( new XYZ( 0, yReferenceLocation, 0 ), new XYZ( 20, yReferenceLocation, 0 ) );
              m_hLine = m_doc.Create.NewDetailCurve( m_targetView, hLine );

              Element e = m_doc.GetElement( new ElementId( elementId ) );

              Options options = new Options();
              options.ComputeReferences = true;
              options.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
              options.View = m_targetView;

              GeometryElement geomElem = e.get_Geometry( options );

              foreach( GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem )
            if( geomObj is Solid )
              WriteSolid( (Solid) geomObj );
            else if( geomObj is GeometryInstance )
              TraverseGeometryInstance( (GeometryInstance) geomObj );
              m_writer.WriteLine( "Something else - " + geomObj.GetType().Name );

              foreach( Curve curve in m_referencePlaneReferences )
            // Try to get the geometry object from reference
            Reference curveReference = curve.Reference;
            GeometryObject geomObj = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference( curveReference );

            if( geomObj != null )
              m_writer.WriteLine( "Curve reference leads to: " + geomObj.GetType().Name );

              // Dimension to reference curves
              foreach( Curve curve in m_referencePlaneReferences )
            DetailCurve targetLine = m_vLine;

            Line line = (Line) curve;
            XYZ lineStartPoint = line.GetEndPoint( 0 );
            XYZ lineEndPoint = line.GetEndPoint( 1 );
            XYZ direction = lineEndPoint - lineStartPoint;
            Line dimensionLine = null;
            if( Math.Abs( direction.Y ) < 0.0001 )
              targetLine = m_hLine;
              XYZ dimensionLineStart = new XYZ( lineStartPoint.X + 5, lineStartPoint.Y, 0 );
              XYZ dimensionLineEnd = new XYZ( dimensionLineStart.X, dimensionLineStart.Y + 10, 0 );

              dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound( dimensionLineStart, dimensionLineEnd );
              targetLine = m_vLine;
              XYZ dimensionLineStart = new XYZ( lineStartPoint.X, lineStartPoint.Y + 5, 0 );
              XYZ dimensionLineEnd = new XYZ( dimensionLineStart.X + 10, dimensionLineStart.Y, 0 );
              dimensionLine = Line.CreateBound( dimensionLineStart, dimensionLineEnd );

            ReferenceArray references = new ReferenceArray();
            references.Append( curve.Reference );
            references.Append( targetLine.GeometryCurve.Reference );

            Transaction t = new Transaction( m_doc, "Create dimension" );
            m_doc.Create.NewDimension( m_targetView, dimensionLine, references );