Esempio n. 1
        // Static constructor: used for initializing static tables
        static QbeMatcher()
            // Load the filterPropertiesTable
            s_filterPropertiesTable = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 0; i < s_filterPropertiesTableRaw.GetLength(0); i++)
                Type            qbeType           = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 0] as Type;
                string          winNTPropertyName = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 1] as string;
                MatcherDelegate f = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 2] as MatcherDelegate;

                Debug.Assert(qbeType != null);
                Debug.Assert(winNTPropertyName != null);
                Debug.Assert(f != null);

                // There should only be one entry per QBE type
                Debug.Assert(s_filterPropertiesTable[qbeType] == null);

                FilterPropertyTableEntry entry = new FilterPropertyTableEntry();
                entry.winNTPropertyName = winNTPropertyName;
                entry.matcher           = f;

                s_filterPropertiesTable[qbeType] = entry;
Esempio n. 2
        internal override bool Matches(DirectoryEntry de)
            // If it has no SID, it's not a security principal, and we're not interested in it.
            // (In reg-SAM, computers don't have accounts and therefore don't have SIDs, but ADSI
            // creates fake Computer objects for them.  In LSAM, computers CAN have accounts, and thus
            // SIDs).
            if (de.Properties["objectSid"] == null || de.Properties["objectSid"].Count == 0)
                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMQuerySet", "SamMatcher: Matches: skipping no-SID {0}", de.Path);

            // Try to match each specified property in turn
            foreach (FilterBase filter in _propertiesToMatch.FiltersToApply)
                FilterPropertyTableEntry entry = (FilterPropertyTableEntry)s_filterPropertiesTable[filter.GetType()];

                if (entry == null)
                    // Must be a property we don't support
                    throw new NotSupportedException(

                if (!entry.matcher(filter, entry.winNTPropertyName, de))
                    GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMQuerySet", "SamMatcher: Matches: no match {0}", de.Path);

            // All tests pass --- it's a match
            GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMQuerySet", "SamMatcher: Matches: match {0}", de.Path);
Esempio n. 3
        // Pushes the query represented by the QBE filter into the PrincipalSearcher's underlying native
        // searcher object (creating a fresh native searcher and assigning it to the PrincipalSearcher if one
        // doesn't already exist) and returns the native searcher.
        // If the PrincipalSearcher does not have a query filter set (PrincipalSearcher.QueryFilter == null),
        // produces a query that will match all principals in the store.
        // For stores which don't have a native searcher (SAM), the StoreCtx
        // is free to create any type of object it chooses to use as its internal representation of the query.
        // Also adds in any clauses to the searcher to ensure that only principals, not mere
        // contacts, are retrieved from the store.
        internal override object PushFilterToNativeSearcher(PrincipalSearcher ps)
            // This is the first time we're being called on this principal.  Create a fresh searcher.
            if (ps.UnderlyingSearcher == null)
                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "ADStoreCtx", "PushFilterToNativeSearcher: creating fresh DirectorySearcher");

                ps.UnderlyingSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(this.ctxBase);
                ((DirectorySearcher)ps.UnderlyingSearcher).PageSize        = ps.PageSize;
                ((DirectorySearcher)ps.UnderlyingSearcher).ServerTimeLimit = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);  // 30 seconds

            DirectorySearcher ds = (DirectorySearcher)ps.UnderlyingSearcher;

            Principal qbeFilter = ps.QueryFilter;

            StringBuilder ldapFilter = new StringBuilder();

            if (qbeFilter == null)
                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "ADStoreCtx", "PushFilterToNativeSearcher: no qbeFilter specified");

                // No filter specified.  Search for all principals (all users, computers, groups).
                // Start by appending the appropriate objectClass given the Principal type

                // Next, fill in the properties (if any)
                QbeFilterDescription filters = BuildQbeFilterDescription(qbeFilter);

                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "ADStoreCtx", "PushFilterToNativeSearcher: using {0} filters", filters.FiltersToApply.Count);

                Hashtable filterTable = (Hashtable)s_filterPropertiesTable[this.MappingTableIndex];

                foreach (FilterBase filter in filters.FiltersToApply)
                    FilterPropertyTableEntry entry = (FilterPropertyTableEntry)filterTable[filter.GetType()];

                    if (entry == null)
                        // Must be a property we don't support
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(

                    ldapFilter.Append(entry.converter(filter, entry.suggestedADPropertyName));

                // Wrap off the filter

            // We don't need any attributes returned, since we're just going to get a DirectoryEntry
            // for the result.  Per RFC 2251, OID 1.1 == no attributes.
            BuildPropertySet(qbeFilter.GetType(), ds.PropertiesToLoad);

            ds.Filter = ldapFilter.ToString();
            GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "ADStoreCtx", "PushFilterToNativeSearcher: using LDAP filter {0}", ds.Filter);

Esempio n. 4
        // Static constructor: used for initializing static tables
        static QbeMatcher()
            // Load the filterPropertiesTable
            s_filterPropertiesTable = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 0; i < s_filterPropertiesTableRaw.GetLength(0); i++)
                Type qbeType = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 0] as Type;
                string winNTPropertyName = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 1] as string;
                MatcherDelegate f = s_filterPropertiesTableRaw[i, 2] as MatcherDelegate;

                Debug.Assert(qbeType != null);
                Debug.Assert(winNTPropertyName != null);
                Debug.Assert(f != null);

                // There should only be one entry per QBE type
                Debug.Assert(s_filterPropertiesTable[qbeType] == null);

                FilterPropertyTableEntry entry = new FilterPropertyTableEntry();
                entry.winNTPropertyName = winNTPropertyName;
                entry.matcher = f;

                s_filterPropertiesTable[qbeType] = entry;