public static Task Run(BackupDatabase database, Options options, BackupResults result, ITaskReader taskreader, string lasttempfilelist, long lasttempfileid)
                UploadChannel = Channels.BackendRequest.ForWrite

                                                async self =>
                // Check if we should upload a synthetic filelist
                if (options.DisableSyntheticFilelist || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lasttempfilelist) || lasttempfileid < 0)

                // Check that we still need to process this after the cleanup has performed its duties
                var syntbase = await database.GetRemoteVolumeFromIDAsync(lasttempfileid);

                // If we do not have a valid entry, warn and quit
                if (syntbase.Name == null || syntbase.State != RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded)
                    // TODO: If the repair succeeds, this could give a false warning?
                    Logging.Log.WriteWarningMessage(LOGTAG, "MissingTemporaryFilelist", null, "Expected there to be a temporary fileset for synthetic filelist ({0}, {1}), but none was found?", lasttempfileid, lasttempfilelist);

                // Files is missing or repaired
                if (syntbase.Name == null || (syntbase.State != RemoteVolumeState.Uploading && syntbase.State != RemoteVolumeState.Temporary))
                    Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "SkippingSyntheticListUpload", "Skipping synthetic upload because temporary fileset appers to be complete: ({0}, {1}, {2})", lasttempfileid, lasttempfilelist, syntbase.State);

                // Ready to build and upload the synthetic list
                await database.CommitTransactionAsync("PreSyntheticFilelist");
                var incompleteFilesets = (await database.GetIncompleteFilesetsAsync()).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();

                Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "PreviousBackupFilelistUpload", "Uploading filelist from previous interrupted backup");

                if (!await taskreader.ProgressAsync)

                var incompleteSet = incompleteFilesets.Last();
                var badIds = from n in incompleteFilesets select n.Key;

                var prevs = (from n in await database.GetFilesetTimesAsync()
                             n.Key < incompleteSet.Key
                             orderby n.Key
                             select n.Key).ToArray();

                var prevId = prevs.Length == 0 ? -1 : prevs.Last();

                FilesetVolumeWriter fsw = null;
                    var s = 1;
                    var fileTime = incompleteSet.Value + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(s);
                    var oldFilesetID = incompleteSet.Key;

                    // Probe for an unused filename
                    while (s < 60)
                        var id = await database.GetRemoteVolumeIDAsync(VolumeBase.GenerateFilename(RemoteVolumeType.Files, options, null, fileTime));
                        if (id < 0)

                        fileTime = incompleteSet.Value + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(++s);

                    fsw = new FilesetVolumeWriter(options, fileTime);
                    fsw.VolumeID = await database.RegisterRemoteVolumeAsync(fsw.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Files, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ControlFiles))
                        foreach (var p in options.ControlFiles.Split(new char[] { System.IO.Path.PathSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            fsw.AddControlFile(p, options.GetCompressionHintFromFilename(p));

                    var newFilesetID = await database.CreateFilesetAsync(fsw.VolumeID, fileTime);
                    await database.LinkFilesetToVolumeAsync(newFilesetID, fsw.VolumeID);
                    await database.AppendFilesFromPreviousSetAsync(null, newFilesetID, prevId, fileTime);

                    await database.WriteFilesetAsync(fsw, newFilesetID);

                    if (!await taskreader.ProgressAsync)

                    await database.UpdateRemoteVolumeAsync(fsw.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null);
                    await database.CommitTransactionAsync("CommitUpdateFilelistVolume");
                    await self.UploadChannel.WriteAsync(new FilesetUploadRequest(fsw));
                    fsw = null;
                    await database.RollbackTransactionAsync();
                    if (fsw != null)
                        try { fsw.Dispose(); }
                        catch { fsw = null; }