/// <summary> /// Move a file to the default directory. /// This method does NOT delete the file! /// </summary> /// <param name="fileID"></param> /// <param name="directoryID"></param> /// <returns>true = ok, false if errors occur</returns> public bool removeFileFromDirectory(int fileID, int directoryID) { FilesUploaded f = getEntityByID <FilesUploaded>(fileID); f.directoryID = null; return(commit()); }
/// <summary> /// Move a file to a new directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileID"></param> /// <param name="newDirectoryID"></param> /// <returns>true = ok, false if errors occur</returns> public bool moveFileToDirectory(int fileID, int newDirectoryID) { FilesUploaded f = getEntityByID <FilesUploaded>(fileID); f.directoryID = newDirectoryID; return(commit()); }
public async Task AddLocalFiles(Action <string>?setNotificationMessage = null) { var files = OpenFileDialog(); await AddFilesToDatabase(files, setNotificationMessage); setNotificationMessage?.Invoke(string.Empty); FilesUploaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a new instance of FilesUploaded; this is needed to store file's binary data. /// </summary> /// <param name="directoryID"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns>FilesUploaded reference or null if errors occur</returns> public FilesUploaded uploadFile(int directoryID, string name) { FilesUploaded f = new FilesUploaded() { directoryID = directoryID, fileName = name }; return(AddEntity(f)); }
public async Task AddLocalFolder(Action <string>?setNotificationMessage = null) { var dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); var result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dialog.SelectedPath); var files = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(file => file.FullName); await AddFilesToDatabase(files, setNotificationMessage); setNotificationMessage?.Invoke(string.Empty); FilesUploaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }