public void TestSplitFilesSmall() { IEnumerable <string> splitFile = FileSplitter.SplitFile("test.jpg", 1024 * 15, new DirectoryInfo("Parts"), isPathAbsoloute: true); List <byte> splitFiles = new List <byte>(); foreach (var item in splitFile) { splitFiles.AddRange(File.ReadAllBytes(item)); File.Delete(item); } byte[] oldFile = File.ReadAllBytes("test.jpg"); byte[] newFile = splitFiles.ToArray(); bool IsEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < oldFile.Length; i++) { if (oldFile[i] != newFile[i]) { IsEqual = false; break; } } Directory.Delete("Parts"); Assert.IsTrue(IsEqual); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please write path to file"); string path = Console.ReadLine(); FileIOUploaderProvider provider = new FileIOUploaderProvider(); try { IEnumerable <string> files = FileSplitter.SplitFile(path, provider.MaxChunkSize, new DirectoryInfo("Parts"), isPathAbsoloute: true).ToList(); foreach (var item in provider.Upload(files, 1000)) { Console.WriteLine(item); } foreach (var item in files) { File.Delete(item); } } catch (UploadFailedException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Upload failed"); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Checking path, splitting files"); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "----------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Parameters: " + args.Length); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + "\t" + args[i]); } if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("\nParameters error! You should pass 3 values!\n"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } string expectedModification = args[0]; string inputFilePath = args[1]; string mappingFilePath = args[2]; string outputPath = args[3] + "\\"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Modification name:\t" + expectedModification); Console.WriteLine("Path to input file:\t" + inputFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Path to mapping file:\t" + mappingFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Path to output folder:\t" + outputPath); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine); FileSplitter.SplitFile(inputFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Fixing indentations"); IndentationChecker.CheckIndentations(); Console.WriteLine("Looking for modifications"); if (!ModificationSearchTool.FindAndSaveChanges(expectedModification)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Modofication {0} not found", expectedModification); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Preparing the modifications for saving"); ModificationCleanerTool.CleanChangeCode(); Console.WriteLine("Generating Documentation() trigger"); DocumentationTrigger.UpdateDocumentationTrigger(); Console.WriteLine("Saving objects"); SaveTool.SaveObjectsToFiles(outputPath); Console.WriteLine("Saving changelogs"); SaveTool.SaveChangesToFiles(outputPath); Console.WriteLine("Generating <next> documentation file"); SaveTool.SaveDocumentationToFile(outputPath, DocumentationExport.GenerateDocumentationFile(outputPath, mappingFilePath)); Console.WriteLine("Saving objects grouped"); SaveTool.SaveObjectModificationFiles(outputPath); Console.WriteLine("Success"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Main(string [] args) { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(args[0]); FileSplitter fileSplitter = new FileSplitter(); IEnumerable <string> lines = fileReader.Read(); IEnumerable <PersonDTO> persons = fileSplitter.TextSplitter(lines);; DataBaseProcessor dataProcessor = new DataBaseProcessor(); database.InsertIntoPerson(persons); }
private static void SplitFiles(FileSplitter fs, string operation) { Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SplitThread)); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); using (WaitDlg dlg = new WaitDlg(operation)) { dlg.UpdateStatus("Please wait while files are being extracted and imaged"); SplitThreadParams stp = new SplitThreadParams(fs, dlg); t.Start(stp); dlg.ShowDialog(); } }
private SortDriver( string sourceFilePath, int runSizeHintInMiB, int maxDegreeOfParallelism, int mergeBufferSizePerRun, Action <string> logger) { _sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath; _runSizeHintInMiB = runSizeHintInMiB; _mergeBufferSizePerRun = mergeBufferSizePerRun < MinMergeBufferSize ? MinMergeBufferSize : mergeBufferSizePerRun; _maxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism; _logger = logger; _fileSplitter = new FileSplitter(logger); _repositoryProvider = new ExternalRunRepositoryProvider(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFilePath)); }
async Task TestNumberOfParts() { var blobId = new BlobId(); var numberParts = 2; var blobStoreMock = new Mock <IBlobStore>(); blobStoreMock.Setup(store => store.Put(It.IsAny <Stream>())).Returns(blobId); var splitter = new FileSplitter(blobStoreMock.Object); var fileSystem = TestUtilities.CreateFilesystem(); var fileStream = fileSystem.FileStream.Create(@"c:\myfile.txt", FileMode.Open); var blobids = await splitter.SplitData(numberParts, fileStream); Assert.Equal(numberParts, blobids.Count()); }
public void TestSplitFilesHuge() { IEnumerable <string> splitFile = FileSplitter.SplitFile("", 1024 * 1024 * 1024, new DirectoryInfo("TestHugeParts"), isPathAbsoloute: true).ToList(); // Todo: use an md5 hash instead and then precompute // Comparing for length. because actually comparing 2.6GB of data takes too long bool sameLength = new FileInfo("").Length == splitFile.Select(x => new FileInfo(x)).Sum(x => x.Length); foreach (var item in splitFile) { File.Delete(item); } Directory.Delete("TestHugeParts"); Assert.IsTrue(sameLength); }
public void FileSplitterTest(int expectedCount, int splitThreshold) { var inFile = "INFILE.TXT"; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(inFile)) { for (int i = 0; i <= 2000000; i++) { sw.WriteLine("123"); } } using (var splitter = new FileSplitter(inFile, ".", splitThreshold)) { splitter.SplitFiles(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, splitter.OutFiles.Count); } }
public static void SplitCommonPic(IWin32Window parent) { string inputFileName = MainForm.GetOpenFileName(parent, "Open CommonPic.dat", "CommonPic.dat (*.dat)|commonpic*.*|All Files (*.*)|*.*", null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFileName)) { return; } string outputFolder = MainForm.PickFolder(parent, "Pick directory to split to...", Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFileName)); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFolder)) { return; } DebugLogger.Log("Tools", "Splitting and decomping CommonPic {0} to {1}", inputFileName, outputFolder); FileSplitter fs = () => { GTMP.GTMPFile.ExplodeCommonPic(inputFileName, outputFolder, GTMP.GTMPFile.SplitCommonPicArgs.OutputPngPicture); }; SplitFiles(fs, "Splitting " + Path.GetFileName(inputFileName)); }
public void UploadDownloadTest() { FileIOUploaderProvider uploaderProvider = new FileIOUploaderProvider(); var links = uploaderProvider.Upload(FileSplitter.SplitFile("test.jpg", 51200)).ToList(); byte[] oldFile = File.ReadAllBytes("test.jpg"); byte[] newFile = new FileIODownloadProvider().Download(links).Aggregate <IEnumerable <byte> >((x, y) => x.Concat(y)).ToArray(); bool IsEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < oldFile.Length; i++) { if (oldFile[i] != newFile[i]) { IsEqual = false; break; } } Assert.IsTrue(IsEqual); }
public static void SplitGTMenuDat(IWin32Window parent) { string inputFileName = MainForm.GetOpenFileName(parent, "Open GTMenuDat.dat", "GTMenuDat.dat (*.dat)|gtmenudat*.*|All Files (*.*)|*.*", null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputFileName)) { return; } string outputFolder = MainForm.PickFolder(parent, "Pick directory to split to...", Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFileName)); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFolder)) { return; } DebugLogger.Log("Tools", "Splitting and decomping GTMenuDat {0} to {1}", inputFileName, outputFolder); FileSplitter fs = () => { const GTMP.GMFile.SplitGTMenuFlags flags = GTMP.GMFile.SplitGTMenuFlags.OutputPngPicture; GTMP.GMFile.SplitGTMenuDat(inputFileName, outputFolder, flags); }; SplitFiles(fs, "Splitting " + Path.GetFileName(inputFileName)); }
public void TestSplitFile() { IEnumerable <byte[]> newSplitFile = FileSplitter.SplitFile("test.jpg", 1024); if (File.Exists("newTest.jpg")) { File.Delete("newTest.jpg"); } File.Create("newTest.jpg").Close(); using (var stream = new FileStream("newTest.jpg", FileMode.Append)) { foreach (var item in newSplitFile) { stream.Write(item, 0, item.Length); } } byte[] oldFile = File.ReadAllBytes("test.jpg"); byte[] newFile = File.ReadAllBytes("newTest.jpg"); bool IsEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < oldFile.Length; i++) { if (oldFile[i] != newFile[i]) { IsEqual = false; break; } } Assert.IsTrue(IsEqual); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { CoerceUser(Session); } // string sAPI = Request.Headers["apikey"] ?? ""; // string sID = GetUserIDByAPIKey(sAPI); // double nBalance = GetUserBalance(sID); // ToDo: Implement API string sOriginalName = Request.Headers["OriginalName"] ?? ""; int nDuration = (int)GetDouble(Request.Headers["Duration"] ?? ""); int nDensityLevel = (int)GetDouble(Request.Headers["Density"] ?? ""); string sBlockHash = Request.Headers["BlockHash"] ?? ""; int nHeight = (int)GetDouble(Request.Headers["BlockHeight"] ?? ""); if (sOriginalName != "" && sBlockHash != "") { int iPartNo = (int)GetDouble(Request.Headers["PartNumber"] ?? ""); int nTotalParts = (int)GetDouble(Request.Headers["TotalParts"] ?? ""); string sLocalFileName = iPartNo.ToString() + ".dat"; string sWebPath = Request.Headers["WebPath"] ?? ""; string sCPK = Request.Headers["CPK"] ?? ""; string sNetwork = Request.Headers["NetworkID"] ?? ""; string sTempArea = "SVR" + sOriginalName.GetHashCode().ToString(); string sCompleteTempPath = Path.Combine(Common.GetFolderUnchained("Temp"), sTempArea); string sCompleteWritePath = Path.Combine(sCompleteTempPath, sLocalFileName); double nFee = GetDouble(Request.Headers["Fee"] ?? ""); string sTXID = Request.Headers["TXID"] ?? ""; string sXML = ""; if (!Directory.Exists(sCompleteTempPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sCompleteTempPath); } using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(sCompleteWritePath)) using (Stream input = Request.InputStream) { input.CopyTo(output); } bool f64 = true; if (f64) { string data = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(sCompleteWritePath); byte[] b64 = System.Convert.FromBase64String(data); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(sCompleteWritePath, b64); } if (nTotalParts == iPartNo) { string sResurrectionPath = Path.Combine(Common.GetFolderUnchained("Temp"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".dat"); FileSplitter.ResurrectFile(sCompleteTempPath, sResurrectionPath); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(sResurrectionPath); long iLen = fi.Length; FileSplitter.RelinquishSpace(sOriginalName); // Make a temp file for the resurrected version here: string sStoreKey = sCPK + "/" + sOriginalName; string sURL = ""; System.IO.File.Delete(sResurrectionPath); if (sURL != "") { sXML = "<status>1</status><complete>1</complete><url>" + sURL + "</url><bytes>" + iLen.ToString() + "</bytes>"; sXML += "<url0>" + sURL + "</url0>"; Response.Write(sXML); Response.End(); return; } else { sXML = "<status>0</status>"; Log("Uplink failed "); Response.Write(sXML); Response.End(); return; } } // Error Codes sXML = "<status>1</status>"; Response.Write(sXML); Response.End(); return; } if (true) { if (!gUser(this).Admin) { MsgBox("Restricted", "Sorry this page is for admins only.", this); return; } } if (!IsPostBack) { FileUpload1.Attributes["onchange"] = "UploadFile(this)"; } }
/// <summary> /// Call this to load each file /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="maxCount"></param> public void ParseFile( string filename, int maxPass, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <Progress> progress ) { var progressValue = new Progress(); var fi = new FileInfo(filename); var fileLength = fi.Length; long totalPassCount = 0, totalErrorCount = 0; var provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var done = false; #if OLDMODE // var lineCount = 0; // long bytesRead = 0; //var lines = File.ReadLines(filename); //var fileLineAtLastErrorLine = -100L; // this will help fix lines that got split somehow //todo - better error line merging foreach (var line1 in lines) { #else var regexes = new[] { passRegex, errorRegex } ; int matchIndex; var fileSplitter = new FileSplitter(filename); var line1 = fileSplitter.Next(regexes, out matchIndex); do { var lineCount = fileSplitter.LineCount; var bytesRead = fileSplitter.BytesRead; #endif cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if ((lineCount & 511) == 0) { progressValue.Message = String.Format( "File parsing phase: {0}/{1} kb read ({2:F2}%), {3} lines read, {4} passes read, {5} errors read, {6} error lines", bytesRead / 1024, fileLength / 1024, bytesRead * 100.0 / fileLength, lineCount, totalPassCount, totalErrorCount, ErrorLines.Count ); progress.Report(progressValue); } ++lineCount; bytesRead += line1.Length; var line = line1; while (!done && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { var passMatch = passRegex.Match(line); var errMatch = (!passMatch.Success) ? errorRegex.Match(line) : null; if (passMatch.Success) { var pass = Int32.Parse(passMatch.Groups["pass"].Value); var frame = Int32.Parse(passMatch.Groups["frame"].Value); uint offset; if ( !UInt32.TryParse(passMatch.Groups["offset"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider, out offset)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } uint tick; if (!UInt32.TryParse(passMatch.Groups["tick"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider, out tick)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } ulong errorCount; if ( !UInt64.TryParse(passMatch.Groups["errors"].Value, out errorCount)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } var passItem = new PassRecord(pass, frame, offset, tick, errorCount); line = passRegex.Replace(line, "", 1); // do this just before last pass to ensure we got all errors if (Passes.Count >= maxPass) { done = true; } else { Passes.Add(passItem); ++totalPassCount; } } else if (errMatch != null && errMatch.Success) { var lastpass = Passes.LastOrDefault(); if (lastpass == null) { continue; } uint offset; if ( !UInt32.TryParse(errMatch.Groups["offset"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider, out offset)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } uint read; if (!UInt32.TryParse(errMatch.Groups["read"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider, out read)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } uint desired; if ( !UInt32.TryParse(errMatch.Groups["desired"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider, out desired)) { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } var errorType = Error.ErrorTypes.Erase; if (errMatch.Groups["type"].Value == "E") { errorType = Error.ErrorTypes.Erase; } //else if (passMatch.Groups["type"].Value == "W") // errorType = Error.ErrorTypes.Write; else { throw new Exception("Illegal format"); } lastpass.Errors.Add(new Error(lastpass, offset, read, desired, errorType)); totalErrorCount++; line = errorRegex.Replace(line, "", 1); } #if OLDMODE else { var isErrorLine = true; // assume this line will be an error if (fileLineAtLastErrorLine == lineCount - 1 && ErrorLines.Count > 0) { // back to back, pull out var tempLine = ErrorLines.Last() + line; isErrorLine &= !passRegex.IsMatch(tempLine); isErrorLine &= !errorRegex.IsMatch(tempLine); if (!isErrorLine) { // pull last one out and test it line = tempLine; ErrorLines.RemoveAt(ErrorLines.Count - 1); } } if (isErrorLine) { ErrorLines.Add(line); line = ""; } fileLineAtLastErrorLine = lineCount; } // error line } // while line not all used up } #else } // while line not all used up line1 = fileSplitter.Next(regexes, out matchIndex); } while (!done && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(line1))
public SplitThreadParams(FileSplitter fs, WaitDlg waitDlg) { splitter = fs; dlg = waitDlg; }
public void Setup() { _fileSplitter = new FileSplitter(TestUtils.Logger); }
public async Task UploadFileIsSuccessful() { // arrange var fileName = "foo.txt"; string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), fileName); File.WriteAllText(filePath, "123"); long fullFileSize = new FileInfo(filePath).Length; var hashForFile = new MD5FileHasher().CalculateHashForFile(filePath); int resourceId = 1; var checkFileResult = new CheckFileResult { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NoContent, LastModified = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, FileNameOnServer = fileName, HashForFileOnServer = "MyHash" }; mockFileService.Setup( service => service.CheckFileAsync(resourceId)) .ReturnsAsync(checkFileResult); var sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); var uploadSession = new UploadSession { SessionId = sessionId, FileUploadChunkSizeInBytes = 1, FileUploadMaxFileSizeInMegabytes = 10 }; var createSessionResult = new CreateSessionResult { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Session = uploadSession }; mockFileService.Setup( service => service.CreateNewUploadSessionAsync(resourceId)) .ReturnsAsync(createSessionResult); var fileSplitter = new FileSplitter(); var countOfFileParts = fileSplitter.GetCountOfFileParts(createSessionResult.Session.FileUploadChunkSizeInBytes, fullFileSize); var uploadStreamResult = new UploadStreamResult { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, PartsUploaded = 1 }; mockFileService.Setup( service => service.UploadStreamAsync(resourceId, sessionId, It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <FilePart>(), fileName, fullFileSize, countOfFileParts)) .ReturnsAsync(uploadStreamResult); var commitResult = new CommitResult { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Session = uploadSession }; mockFileService.Setup( service => service.CommitAsync(resourceId, sessionId, fileName, hashForFile, fullFileSize, It.IsAny <IList <FilePart> >())) .ReturnsAsync(commitResult); // act await this.classUnderTest.UploadFileAsync(resourceId, filePath, this.cancellationToken); // assert mockFileService.Verify( service => service.CheckFileAsync(1), Times.Once); mockFileService.Verify( service => service.CreateNewUploadSessionAsync(resourceId), Times.Once); mockFileService.Verify( service => service.UploadStreamAsync(resourceId, sessionId, It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <FilePart>(), fileName, fullFileSize, countOfFileParts), Times.Exactly(countOfFileParts)); mockFileService.Verify( service => service.CommitAsync(resourceId, sessionId, fileName, hashForFile, fullFileSize, It.IsAny <IList <FilePart> >()), Times.Once); }
public void UploadDownloadTestException() => Assert.ThrowsException <UploadFailedException>(() => new FileIOUploaderProvider().Upload(FileSplitter.SplitFile("test.jpg", 1024 * 5), 5).ToList());