Esempio n. 1
        public Func <Capture> GccLinkClib(FileRef mainObj, params FileRef[] objs)
            var output = mainObj.Exe;

            //var mustBuild = objs.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(mainObj.Obj, 1))
            //    .Any(obj => obj.NewerThan(output));

            var mustBuild = true;

            if (mustBuild)
                var objNames = string.Join(" ", objs.Select(sourceFile => sourceFile.Obj));

                var arguments =
                    $"{mainObj.Obj} " +
                    $"{objNames} " +
                    $"-mconsole " +
                    //$"-nostdlib " +
                    //$"--entry=Entry " +
                    $"-L{Mingw.Lib} " +
                    //$"-lkernel32 " +
                    //$"-lgcc " +
                    $"-o {output} " +

                var description = $"link {mainObj.Obj} {objNames} => {mainObj.Exe}";
                return(() => Mingw.GCC(description, arguments));

            return(() => Capture.Ok);
Esempio n. 2
        public bool testExtractFileRefInfo()
            TestUtilities.vbtitle("testing FileRef handling");
            FileRef  fileRef = "cat/file";
            DirName  dtest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractCategory(fileRef);
            FileName ftest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractFileName(fileRef);
            bool     result1 = (dtest == "cat") && (ftest == "file");

            TestUtilities.checkResult(result1, string.Format("valid FileRef \"{0}\" - ", fileRef));

            fileRef = "cat/";
            dtest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractCategory(fileRef);
            ftest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractFileName(fileRef);
            bool result2 = (dtest == "cat") && (ftest == "");

            TestUtilities.checkResult(result2, string.Format("empty file in FileRef \"{0}\" - ", fileRef));

            fileRef = "/file";
            dtest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractCategory(fileRef);
            ftest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractFileName(fileRef);
            bool result3 = (dtest == "") && (ftest == "file");

            TestUtilities.checkResult(result3, string.Format("empty category in FileRef \"{0}\" - ", fileRef));

            fileRef = "abcdefg";
            dtest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractCategory(fileRef);
            ftest   = RepoEnvironment.checkout.extractFileName(fileRef);
            bool result4 = (dtest == "") && (ftest == "");

            TestUtilities.checkResult(result4, string.Format("invalid FileRef \"{0}\" - ", fileRef));

            return(result1 && result2 && result3 && result4);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Build()
            var lingu = new LinguContext();

            var projectDir = DirRef.ProjectDir();
            var ponyDir    = projectDir.Dir("Ponies");

            Environment.CurrentDirectory = ponyDir;

            var file  = FileRef.From("./Pony.Grammar");
            var dumps = FileRef.From("./Pony").Add(".Out");

            var source = Source.FromFile(file);

            var parseTree = lingu.Try(source);

            if (parseTree != null)
                new TreeDumper(dumps.Add(".Tree")).Dump(parseTree);

                var ast = new TreeBuilder().Visit(parseTree);

                if (ast != null)
                    var grammar = new GrammarBuilder(ast).Build();

                    if (grammar != null)
                        new Dumper(grammar).Dump(dumps);

                        new CSharpWriter(grammar, file, ponyDir).Write();
Esempio n. 4
        internal DataNodeInfo GetDataNodeInfo()
            bool shouldSerialize = true;

            if (nodeInfo != null)
                shouldSerialize = false;
                nodeInfo = new DataNodeInfo();
            nodeInfo.Name    = Name;
            nodeInfo.Comment = Comment;

            // We always serialize if this node represents a FileRef. This is because FileRef is a public property,
            // so someone could have modified it.
            if (shouldSerialize || FileRefFullPath != null)
                // if we dont have a datanodeinfo it could be either
                // a direct object OR a fileref
                if (FileRefFullPath != null)
                    nodeInfo.ValueData = FileRef.ToString();
                    nodeInfo.MimeType  = null;
                    nodeInfo.TypeName  = MultitargetUtil.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(typeof(ResXFileRef), typeNameConverter);
                    // serialize to string inside the nodeInfo
                    FillDataNodeInfoFromObject(nodeInfo, value);
Esempio n. 5
        private async Task Query(string fileName)
            if (!IsFileSystemReady)
                ShowErrorMessage("File system is not open", PPError.Failed);

            using (var fileRef = new FileRef(fileSystem, fileName))
                var fileInfo = await fileRef.QueryAsync();

                var strInfo = new List <string>();
                strInfo.Add($"QueryResult:      {fileInfo.QueryResult}");
                strInfo.Add($"Size:             {fileInfo.Size}");
                strInfo.Add($"Type:             {fileInfo.Type}");
                strInfo.Add($"SystemType:       {fileInfo.SystemType}");
                strInfo.Add($"CreationTime:     {fileInfo.UTCCreationTime.ToLocalTime()}");
                strInfo.Add($"LastAccessTime:   {fileInfo.UTCLastAccessTime.ToLocalTime()}");
                strInfo.Add($"LastModifiedTime: {fileInfo.UTCLastModifiedTime.ToLocalTime()}");

                if (fileInfo.QueryResult != PPError.Ok)
                    ShowErrorMessage("Query failed", fileInfo.QueryResult);
                PostArrayMessage("QUERY", strInfo.ToArray());
                ShowStatusMessage("Query success");
Esempio n. 6
        private async Task Rename(string oldName, string newName)
            if (!IsFileSystemReady)
                ShowErrorMessage("File system is not open", PPError.Failed);

            using (var refOld = new FileRef(fileSystem, oldName))
                using (var refNew = new FileRef(fileSystem, newName))
                    var fileInfo = await refOld.QueryAsync();

                    var strInfo = new StringBuilder();
                    strInfo.Append($"QueryResult {fileInfo.QueryResult}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"Size {fileInfo.Size}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"Type {fileInfo.Type}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"SystemType {fileInfo.SystemType}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"CreationTime {fileInfo.UTCCreationTime}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"LastAccessTime {fileInfo.UTCLastAccessTime}\n");
                    strInfo.Append($"LastModifiedTime {fileInfo.UTCLastModifiedTime}\n");
                    LogToConsole(PPLogLevel.Log, strInfo.ToString());

                    var result = await refOld.RenameAsync(refNew);

                    if (result != PPError.Ok)
                        ShowErrorMessage("Rename failed", result);
                    ShowStatusMessage("Rename success");
Esempio n. 7
        private async Task List(string dir_name)
            if (!IsFileSystemReady)
                ShowErrorMessage("File system is not open", PPError.Failed);

            //using (var fileRef = new FileRef(fileSystem, dir_name))
            var fileRef = new FileRef(fileSystem, dir_name);

            var listResult = await fileRef.ReadDirectoryEntriesAsync();

            if (listResult.Result != PPError.Ok)
                ShowErrorMessage("List failed", listResult.Result);

            var entries = new List <string>();

            foreach (var entry in listResult.Entries)

            PostArrayMessage("LIST", entries.ToArray());
            ShowStatusMessage("List success");

Esempio n. 8
        public void Dump(FileRef dests)
            var grammarDump  = dests.Add(".Grammar");
            var terminals    = dests.Add(".Terminals");
            var nonterminals = dests.Add(".Nonterminals");
            var sets         = dests.Add(".Sets");
            var table        = dests.Add(".Table");
            var cores        = dests.Add(".Cores");

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(grammarDump))
                new GrammarDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(terminals))
                new TerminalDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(nonterminals))
                new NonterminalDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(sets))
                new SetDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(table))
                new TableDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(cores))
                new CoresDumper(Grammar).Dump(new TextIWriter(writer));
Esempio n. 9
        private async Task Delete(string fileName)
            if (!IsFileSystemReady)
                ShowErrorMessage("File system is not open", PPError.Failed);

            using (var fileref = new FileRef(fileSystem, fileName))
                var result = await fileref.DeleteAsync();

                if (result == PPError.Filenotfound)
                    ShowErrorMessage("File/Directory not found", result);
                else if (result != PPError.Ok)
                    ShowErrorMessage("Deletion failed", result);
                ShowStatusMessage("Delete success");
Esempio n. 10
        public CtrlParser(FileRef filepath)
            m_scanner = new CSScanner <SymbolRecord, TokenRef.Type>(CreateSymbol, CreateSourceObject, new TokenRef.Type[] { TokenRef.Type.Keyword, TokenRef.Type.Modifier, TokenRef.Type.Operator, TokenRef.Type.Identifier });

            if (!filepath.IsAbsoluteFilepath)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Absolute Filepath required! ", nameof(filepath));

            FileRef designer = filepath.CreateAs("Designer.cs");
            FileRef resource = filepath.CreateAs("resx");

            m_srcRef = new SourceRef(filepath, designer, resource);
            int i = 0;

            foreach (SourceFile srcFile in m_srcRef.FileList)
                SourceObject srcObj = m_scanner.Scan(srcFile);                   // After call, SourceObj sequence will be available through m_srcRef.FileList[n] (.Sequence)

                srcObj = srcFile.Sequence;
                Debug.Write("", srcFile.Text);
                while (srcObj != null)
                    Debug.Write(srcObj.Text + " ");
                    srcObj = srcObj.Sequence;
Esempio n. 11
        public void Should_cache_added_items()
            var cache = new OutputWriter(new NullResponseWriter());

            cache.WriteProject(new Project(""));
            var file = new FileRef("", null);

            cache.WriteUsing(new Using(file, "", 0, 1));
            cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(file, "", 0, 1));
            cache.WriteClass(new Class(file, "", "", "", 0, 0));
            cache.WriteInterface(new Interface(file, "", "", "", 0, 0));
            cache.WriteStruct(new Struct(file, "", "", "", 0, 0));
            cache.WriteEnum(new EnumType(file, "", "", "", 0, 0));
            cache.WriteField(new Field(file, "", "", "", 0, 0, ""));
                new Method(file, "", "", "", 0, 0, "", new Parameter[] { new Parameter(file, "", "", "", 0, 0, "") }));
            cache.WriteVariable(new Variable(file, "", "", "", 0, 0, ""));

            Assert.That(cache.Projects.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Files.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Usings.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Namespaces.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Classes.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Interfaces.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Structs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Enums.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Fields.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Methods.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Parameters.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(cache.Variables.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
Esempio n. 12
        private Unit LoadUnit(Package package, FileRef unitFile)
            var source    = Source.FromFile(unitFile);
            var tokenizer = new PonyTokenizer(Errors, source);

            var parser = new PonyParser(Errors, source, tokenizer.Tokens);
            var ptUnit = parser.Unit();
            var unit   = new Unit(ptUnit, unitFile, package);

            foreach (var use in unit.Source.Uses)
                switch (use)
                case PtUseUri useUri:

                case PtUseFfi useFfi:

                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException();
Esempio n. 13
        private void Build()
            var options = new HimeTaskOptions
                Public    = true,
                Namespace = "Lingu.Boot.Hime",
                //RNGLR = true,
                Debug   = true,
                Grammar = "Lingu",

            Environment.CurrentDirectory = $"{ProjectDir}";

            var source  = FileRef.From($"{ProjectDir}Lingu.Grammar");
            var parser  = FileRef.From($"{ProjectDir}LinguParser.cs");
            var lexer   = FileRef.From($"{ProjectDir}LinguLexer.cs");
            var visitor = FileRef.From($"{ProjectDir}LinguVisitor.cs");

            Generate(options, source);

            var tweaker = new Tweaker(parser, visitor);

            Console.WriteLine($"[Info] Tweaking new Visitor at {visitor.FileName} ...");
Esempio n. 14
        private (Errors, Tree.Unit?) Compile(FileRef file, string name)
            var source    = Source.FromFile(file, name);
            var errors    = new Errors();
            var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(errors, source);
            var tokens    = tokenizer.Tokenize();

            if (!errors.NoError())
                return(errors, null);

            var parser = new Parser(errors, tokens);

                var unit = parser.ParseUnit();

                return(errors, unit);

            return(errors, null);
Esempio n. 15
        private static void Dump(FileRef file, Action <IWriter> dump)
            var writer = new IndentWriter();

Esempio n. 16
        public void Push(FileRef fref, string hash)
            var bind = _ctx.MediaBindings.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Hash == hash);

            if (bind == null)
                bind      = _ctx.MediaBindings.Create();
                bind.Hash = hash;

            var key  = GetKey(fref);
            var file = _ctx.MediaFiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == key);

            if (file == null)
                file     = _ctx.MediaFiles.Create();
                file.Key = key;

            file.Path            = fref.Path;
            file.Bytes           = fref.Bytes;
            file.Hash            = hash;
            file.LastModifiedUtc = fref.LastModifiedUtc;

Esempio n. 17
        [InlineData(@"C:\tests\tts>s.s")] // TODO: add more cases?
        public void invalid_characters_in_file_name_or_path_shall_be_validated_only_when_asked_on_absolute_refs(string fName)
            var fileRef = FileRef.CreateAbsolute(fName);

Esempio n. 18
 public SourceRef(FileRef srcFile, FileRef dsgnrFile, FileRef resxFile)
     FileList    = new SourceFile[3];
     FileList[0] = new SourceFile(srcFile, SourceFile.Type.Form);
     FileList[1] = new SourceFile(dsgnrFile, SourceFile.Type.Designer);
     FileList[2] = new SourceFile(resxFile, SourceFile.Type.Resource);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of TinyFileStream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileSystem">TinyFileSystem instance on which the file this stream exposes exists.</param>
 /// <param name="fileRef">The file to expose through the TinyFileStream.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Instances of this class should never be created directly. The should be created by calls to Create or Open
 /// on the TinyFileSystem instance.
 /// </remarks>
 internal TinyFileStream(TinyFileSystem fileSystem, FileRef fileRef)
     _fs          = fileSystem;
     _fileRef     = fileRef;
     _filePointer = 0;
Esempio n. 20
        public void TestFilePathesInJson()
            var root      = EnvironmentV2.instance.GetOrAddTempFolder("TestFilePathesInJson");
            var file1     = root.GetChildDir("SubDir1").GetChildDir("SubSubDir1").GetChild("child1.txt");
            var savedText = "Test 123";

            IFileRef x1 = new FileRef();


            var x2 = x1.DeepCopyViaJson();

            AssertV2.AreEqualJson(x1, x2);

            // GetChild ensures that no special characters like / are in the file name:
            var fullPathViaGetChild = root.GetChild("" + x2.GetPath());


            // ResolveFilePath can be used to resolve full pathes including / characters:
            var file2 = root.ResolveFilePath("" + x2.GetPath());

            Assert.Equal(savedText, file2.LoadAs <string>());
Esempio n. 21
        private static void BuildCC()
            var projectDir = DirRef.ProjectDir();
            var linguCC    = projectDir.Up.Dir("LinguCC");
            var genDir     = linguCC.Dir("Gen");

            Environment.CurrentDirectory = genDir;

            var file  = FileRef.From("./Lingu.Grammar");
            var dumps = FileRef.From("./Lingu").Add(".Out");

            var context = Timer.Time("context", () => new LinguContext());

            var source = Timer.Time("source", () => Source.FromFile(file));

            var lexer = Timer.Time("lexer", () => new Lexer(context, source));

            var parser = Timer.Time("parser", () => new Parser(context, lexer));

            var parseTree = Timer.Time("parse", () => parser.Parse());

            Timer.Time("tree-dump", () => new TreeDumper(dumps.Add(".Tree")).Dump(parseTree));

            var ast = Timer.Time("ast", () => new TreeBuilder().Visit(parseTree));

            var grammar = Timer.Time("build", () => new GrammarBuilder(ast).Build());

            Timer.Time("dump", () => new Dumper(grammar).Dump(dumps));

            Timer.Time("write", () => new CSharpWriter(grammar, file, genDir).Write());
        static CtrlParser()
            NextStateRec next, back;     // used to create a sequence of token states
            NextStateRec record;         // used to create a sequence of token states
            NextStateRec @base = null;   // holds the current record used as the base for a sequence of tokens

            FileRef ctrlParserDef = Settings.Default.CSLangDefFilePath;

            //string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
            //foreach (string line in lines)
            //    Match match = s_langDefRE.Match(line);
            //    // HACK: building the definition by hand for now -just reading file to confirm completeness

            //    if (!match.Success)
            //        continue;

            //    string name = match.Groups["name"].Value;


            NextStateFunc = s_nxtStateFuncBldr.NextStateFunc;
Esempio n. 23
        public List <ICodeReference> ParseRefs(string resultString)
            var refs = new List <ICodeReference>();

            foreach (var command in resultString.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                try {
                    var chunks = command.Trim()
                                 .Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (chunks.Length == 0)
                    if (chunks[0] == "file")
                        _currentFile = handleFile(chunks);
                    if (chunks[1] == "signature")
                        var reference = handleSignature(chunks);
                        if (reference != null)
                } catch {
Esempio n. 24
        public bool testComponent()
            TestUtilities.title("Testing FileNameEditor", '=');

            TestUtilities.title("Testing extension edits");
            FileName fileName  = "SomeFile.cs.2";
            FileName test1Name = addXmlExt(fileName);
            bool     t1        = test1Name.Contains(".xml");

            showResult(t1, test1Name, "addXmlExt");

            FileName test2Name = removeXmlExt(test1Name);
            bool     t2        = test2Name == fileName;

            showResult(t2, test2Name, "removeXmlExt");

            FileName test3Name = removeXmlExt(test2Name);
            bool     t3        = test3Name == fileName;

            showResult(t3, test3Name, "removeXmlExt");

            TestUtilities.title("Testing path construction");
            DirName stagingdir  = "Fawcett";
            FullDir stagingpath = stagingPath(stagingdir);
            bool    t4          = (stagingpath.Contains("C:/") || stagingpath.Contains("../")) && stagingpath.Contains(stagingdir);

            showResult(t4, stagingpath, "stagingPath");

            DirName category    = "SomeCategory";
            FullDir storagepath = storagePath(category);
            bool    t5          = (storagepath.Contains("C:/") || storagepath.Contains("../")) && storagepath.Contains(category);

            showResult(t5, storagepath, "storagePath");

            FileName someFileName = "someFileName";
            FileSpec filespec     = fileSpec(storagepath, someFileName);
            bool     t6           = filespec.Contains("/someFileName");

            showResult(t6, filespec, "fileSpec");

            FileRef fileref = storageFolderRef(filespec);
            bool    t7      = fileref.IndexOf('/') == fileref.LastIndexOf('/');

            showResult(t7, fileref, "storageFolderRef");

            DirName cat = extractCategory(fileref);
            bool    t8  = cat == category;

            showResult(t8, cat, "extractCategory");

            FileName file = extractFileName(fileref);
            bool     t9   = file == someFileName;

            showResult(t8, file, "extractFileName");

            return(t1 && t2 && t3 && t4 && t5 && t6 && t7 && t8 && t9);
Esempio n. 25
 public PartialType(FileRef file, Point location, string type, string parent, Action <string> resolve)
     File     = file;
     Location = location;
     Type     = type;
     Parent   = parent;
     _resolve = resolve;
Esempio n. 26
        private SourceStruct m_lastStruct = null;    // used to remember last structure created for use in linking more

        public SourceFile(FileRef filepath, Type type)
            : base(filepath.Filename, TokenRef.Type.Non)
            Debug.Assert(type != Type.Null, "Cannot be of Type.Null");
            Filepath     = filepath;
            OfType       = type;
            SourceStruct = null;
Esempio n. 27
 public CSharpContext(Grammar grammar, FileRef sourceFile, string @namespace, DirRef output, CsWriter writer = null)
     Grammar    = grammar;
     SourceFile = sourceFile;
     Namespace  = @namespace;
     Output     = output;
     Writer     = writer;
Esempio n. 28
 public void WriteFile(FileRef file)
     if (_visibility)
         _writer.Write("file|" + file.File + "|filesearch");
Esempio n. 29
        static void Main()
            // Configure the logging
                // Initial setup, create credentials instance.
                Credentials credentials = Credentials.ServiceAccountCredentialsBuilder()
                                          .FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/pdfservices-api-credentials.json")

                // Create an ExecutionContext using credentials.
                ExecutionContext executionContext = ExecutionContext.Create(credentials);

                // Create a new operation instance
                RotatePagesOperation rotatePagesOperation = RotatePagesOperation.CreateNew();

                // Set operation input from a source file.
                FileRef sourceFileRef = FileRef.CreateFromLocalFile(@"rotatePagesInput.pdf");

                // Sets angle by 90 degrees (in clockwise direction) for rotating the specified pages of
                // the input PDF file.
                PageRanges firstPageRange = GetFirstPageRangeForRotation();
                rotatePagesOperation.SetAngleToRotatePagesBy(Angle._90, firstPageRange);

                // Sets angle by 180 degrees (in clockwise direction) for rotating the specified pages of
                // the input PDF file.
                PageRanges secondPageRange = GetSecondPageRangeForRotation();
                rotatePagesOperation.SetAngleToRotatePagesBy(Angle._180, secondPageRange);

                // Execute the operation.
                FileRef result = rotatePagesOperation.Execute(executionContext);

                // Save the result to the specified location.
                result.SaveAs(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/output/rotatePagesOutput.pdf");
            catch (ServiceUsageException ex)
                log.Error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
            catch (ServiceApiException ex)
                log.Error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
            catch (SDKException ex)
                log.Error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
            catch (IOException ex)
                log.Error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
Esempio n. 30
        [InlineData(@"C:\tests\tts>s.s")] // TODO: add more cases?
        public void invalid_characters_in_file_name_shall_be_validated_when_asked_on_absolute_refs(string fName)
            FileRef reff;

            Should.Throw <ArgumentException>(() => reff = FileRef.CreateAbsolute(fName));

Esempio n. 31
 private Process Launch(LaunchStrategy strategy) {
     Logger.Current.Trace("Launching configuration {0} with strategy {1}", Configuration.identifier, strategy);
     switch (strategy) {
         case LaunchStrategy.AttachOrLaunch:
             try {
                 return Launch(LaunchStrategy.Attach);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 try {
                     return Launch(LaunchStrategy.Launch);
                 } catch (Exception ex) {
                     throw ex;
         case LaunchStrategy.Launch:
             Logger.Current.Trace("Launching path={0} args={1}", Configuration.appPath, Configuration.arguments);
             this.LaunchStrategy = LaunchStrategy.Launch;
             Process process = Process.Start(Configuration.appPath, Configuration.arguments);
             return process;
         case LaunchStrategy.Attach:
             FileRef runningApp = new FileRef(Configuration.appPath);
             foreach (Process candidate in Process.GetProcesses()) {
                 if (candidate.Id == 0) // idle process
                 try {
                     if (runningApp.Equals(new FileRef(candidate)) && Factory.TryLockProcess(candidate)) {
                         Logger.Current.Info("Attaching to process {0} for configuration {1}: {2}", candidate.Id, Configuration.identifier, candidate.MainModule.FileName);
                         this.LaunchStrategy = LaunchStrategy.Attach;
                         return candidate;
                 } catch (Exception) {
                     // couldn't read the process, e.g. svchost
             Logger.Current.Info("Couldn't find a process to attach to for configuration {0} with path {1}", Configuration.identifier, Configuration.appPath);
             throw new Exception("Could not find any process with path " + Configuration.appPath + " to bind to");
     throw new Exception("Unknown LaunchStrategy " + strategy);
Esempio n. 32
 public void SetFileRef (FileRef file_ref)
         this.file_ref = file_ref;
Esempio n. 33
        public void CanLoadExistingFileWhenInitialising()
            // arrange
            var moduleHash = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var persistence = new FilePersistance(_mockCommandLine.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
            persistence.Initialise(_filePath, false);
            var point = new SequencePoint()
                // BranchPoints within SequencePoint shorther than 3 characters will be removed
                {StartLine = 1, EndLine = 1, StartColumn = 1, EndColumn = 4};
            var branchPoint = new BranchPoint{Path = 0, OffsetPoints = new List<int>()};
            var branchPoint2 = new BranchPoint { Path = 1, OffsetPoints = new List<int>{1,2}};
            var file = new OpenCover.Framework.Model.File();
            var filref = new FileRef() {UniqueId = file.UniqueId};

            persistence.PersistModule(new Module
                Summary = new Summary {NumSequencePoints = 1},
                Files = new[] {file},
                ModuleHash = moduleHash,
                Classes = new[]
                    new Class
                        Summary = new Summary {NumSequencePoints = 1},
                        Files = new[] {file},
                        Methods = new[]
                            new Method
                                FileRef = filref,
                                MetadataToken = 1234,
                                Summary = new Summary {NumSequencePoints = 1},
                                MethodPoint = point,
                                SequencePoints = new[] {point},
                                BranchPoints = new[] {branchPoint, branchPoint2}
            var persistence2 = new FilePersistance(_mockCommandLine.Object, _mockLogger.Object);

            // act
            persistence2.Initialise(_filePath, true);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(moduleHash, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].ModuleHash);
            Assert.AreEqual(point.UniqueSequencePoint, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].SequencePoints[0].UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(point.UniqueSequencePoint, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].MethodPoint.UniqueSequencePoint);
            var method = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0];
            var br1 = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].BranchPoints[0];
            var br2 = persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].BranchPoints[1];
            Assert.AreEqual(branchPoint.UniqueSequencePoint, br1.UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(branchPoint2.UniqueSequencePoint, br2.UniqueSequencePoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, br1.OffsetPoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, br2.OffsetPoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, br2.OffsetPoints[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, br2.OffsetPoints[1]);

            // the method and sequence point if point to same offset need to merge
            Assert.AreSame(method.MethodPoint, method.SequencePoints[0]);

            // the loaded summary object needs to be cleared
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, persistence2.CoverageSession.Modules[0].Classes[0].Methods[0].Summary.NumSequencePoints);