Esempio n. 1
        /// Load the templates from a txt file
        public void LoadTemplates(string path, string filename)
            Templates = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string key      = null;
            string template = null;

            using (FileRead reader = new FileRead(path, filename))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    string line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line.Left(2) == "%%")  // Template Key line found
                        if (key != null)
                            if (template == null)
                                throw new Exception("Empty template for key '" + key + "'");
                            Templates.Add(key, template);
                        key      = line.Substring(2).Trim();
                        template = null;
                        if (key == null)
                            throw new Exception("Missing Template Key");
                        if (template == null)
                            template = line;
                            template += "\n" + line;
                if (key != null)
                    if (template == null)
                        throw new Exception("Empty template for key '" + key + "'");
                    Templates.Add(key, template);
Esempio n. 2
        private List <string> ReadRawData()
            List <string> data = new List <string>();

            while (!FileRead.EndOfStream)
                string tmpData = FileRead.ReadLine();
                if (tmpData != "")
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string   sFail;
            bool     bFail;
            string   sTest, sTest2, s;
            DateTime dBadDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
            DateTime dTest;

            sFail  = "";
            sTest2 = "ABC\nDEFGHI\tJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            // Cache Tests
            Cache <string> .GetCache().Set("one", () => "First Value");

            Cache <string> .GetCache().Set("two", () => "Second Value");

            List <string> l = Cache <string> .GetCache().ListKeys();

            foreach (string s1 in l)
                if (s1 != "one" && s1 != "two")
                    sFail += "CacheTest1 ";
            if (Cache <string> .GetCache().Get("two", () => "Second Value") != "Second Value")
                sFail += "CacheTest2 ";

            // Config Tests
                Config.Setup("test.xml", ".", "web", "app");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Config.Setup failed with: " + ex.Message);
                sFail += "ConfigTest1 ";
            if (Config.ContentRoot != ".")
                sFail += "ConfigTest2 ";
            if (Config.WebRoot != "web")
                sFail += "ConfigTest3 ";
            if (Config.AppName != "app")
                sFail += "ConfigTest4 ";
            if (Config.AppURL.Left(8) != "http://r")
                sFail += "ConfigTest5 ";
            if (Config.Env.Left(4) != "Prod")
                sFail += "ConfigTest6 ";
            if (Config.Debug)
                sFail += "ConfigTest7 ";
            string delim = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();

            if (Config.LogFile != "." + delim + "Logs" + delim + "app.log")
                sFail += "ConfigTest8 ";

                Config.Setup("appsettings.json", ".", "web", "app");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Config.Setup failed with: " + ex.Message);
                sFail += "ConfigTest9 ";
            if (Config.ContentRoot != ".")
                sFail += "ConfigTest10 ";
            if (Config.WebRoot != "web")
                sFail += "ConfigTest11 ";
            if (Config.AppName != "app")
                sFail += "ConfigTest12 ";
            if (Config.AppURL.Left(8) != "http://r")
                sFail += "ConfigTest13 ";
            if (Config.Env.Left(4) != "Prod")
                sFail += "ConfigTest14 ";
            if (Config.Debug)
                sFail += "ConfigTest15 ";
            if (Config.LogFile != "." + delim + "Logs" + delim + "app.log")
                sFail += "ConfigTest16 ";

            // DateTime tests

            // Time Tests

            // Test Midnight, Noon and SetTime
            if (DateTime.Now.Midnight().Hour != 0)
                sFail += "Midnight ";
            if (DateTime.Now.Noon().Hour != 12)
                sFail += "Noon ";
            if (DateTime.Now.SetTime(5, 59).Minute != 59)
                sFail += "SetTime1 ";
            if (DateTime.Now.SetTime(5, 59).Second != 0)
                sFail += "SetTime2 ";

            // Date Tests

            // Test DOW
            if ("24/12/2009".ToDateTime().DOW() != 4)
                sFail += "DOW1 ";
            if ("27/12/2009".ToDateTime().DOW() != 7)
                sFail += "DOW2 ";
            if ("29/02/2008".ToDateTime().DOW() != 5)
                sFail += "DOW3 ";
            if ("01/01/2010".ToDateTime().DOW() != 5)
                sFail += "DOW4 ";

            // Test Jan1WeekDay
            // Answers as per:
            if ("1/1/1600".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 6)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay1 ";
            if ("1/1/1601".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 1)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay2 ";
            if ("1/1/1602".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 2)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay3 ";
            if ("1/1/1603".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 3)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay4 ";
            if ("1/1/1604".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 4)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay5 ";
            if ("1/1/1605".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 6)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay6 ";
            if ("1/1/1606".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 7)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay7 ";
            if ("1/1/1607".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 1)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay8 ";
            if ("1/1/1608".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 2)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay9 ";
            if ("1/1/1609".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 4)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay10 ";
            if ("1/1/1610".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 5)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay11 ";
            if ("1/1/1611".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 6)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay12 ";
            if ("1/1/1612".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 7)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay13 ";
            if ("1/1/1613".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 2)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay14 ";
            if ("1/1/1614".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 3)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay15 ";
            if ("1/1/1615".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 4)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay16 ";
            if ("1/1/1616".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 5)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay17 ";
            if ("1/1/1617".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 7)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay18 ";
            if ("1/1/1618".ToDateTime().Jan1WeekDay() != 1)
                sFail += "Jan1WeekDay19 ";

            // Test DOY
            dTest = "1/1/2009".ToDateTime();
            bFail = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 365; i++)
                if (dTest.DOY() != i + 1)
                    bFail = true;
                dTest = dTest.AddDays(1);
            if (bFail)
                sFail += "DOY1 ";

            dTest = "1/1/2008".ToDateTime();
            bFail = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 366; i++)
                if (dTest.DOY() != i + 1)
                    bFail = true;
                dTest = dTest.AddDays(1);
            if (bFail)
                sFail += "DOY2 ";

            // Test IsLeapYear
            if ("1/1/2009".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear1 ";
            if ("1/1/1600".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == false)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear2 ";
            if ("1/1/1700".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear4 ";
            if ("1/1/1800".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear5 ";
            if ("1/1/1900".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear6 ";
            if ("1/1/2000".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == false)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear3 ";
            if ("1/1/2100".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear7 ";
            if ("1/1/2200".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear8 ";
            if ("1/1/2300".ToDateTime().IsLeapYear() == true)
                sFail += "IsLeapYear9 ";

            // Test ISOWeekNum
            if ("1/3/2020".ToDateTime().ISOWeekNum() != 9)
                sFail += "ISOWeekNum1 ";
            if ("3/1/2010".ToDateTime().ISOWeekNum() != 53)
                sFail += "ISOWeekNum2 ";

            // Test ISOWeekOne
            if ("1/3/2009".ToDateTime().ISOWeekOne() != "29/12/2008".ToDateTime())
                sFail += "ISOWeekOne ";

            // Test ISOYear
            if ("3/1/2010".ToDateTime().ISOYear() != 2009)
                sFail += "ISOWeekOne ";

            // Test ToDateStamp
            if ("25/12/2019".ToDateTime().Noon().ToDateStamp() != "201912251200")
                sFail += "ToDateStamp ";

            // Test ToLogStamp
            if ("25/12/2019".ToDateTime().Midnight().ToLogStamp() != "25/12 00:00:00")
                sFail += "ToLogStamp ";

            // Test ToDateString
            if ("25/12/2019".ToDateTime().ToDateString() != "25/12/2019")
                sFail += "ToDateString ";

            // Test ToISODateString
            if ("1/3/2020".ToDateTime().ToISODateString() != "2020-9-7")
                sFail += "ToISODateString ";

            // Test Encryption
            Encryption.Key = string.Format("TheLORDismyShepherdIshallnot{0:dd}inwantHemakes=", DateTime.Now);
            if (Encryption.Decrypt(Encryption.Encrypt(sTest)) != sTest)
                sFail += "Encryption ";

            // Test Log and FileRead
            Log.Me.LogFile = "Test.log";
            Log.Me.Info("Hello, World");
            using (FileRead f = new FileRead("." + delim, "Test.log")) s = f.ReadLine();
            if (s.Left(9) != DateTime.Now.ToLogStamp().Left(9))
                sFail += "Log&FileRead1 ";
            if (s.Right(21) != "] INFO : Hello, World")
                sFail += "Log&FileRead2 ";

            // Test MIME
            if (MIME.GetMimeType("mp3") != "audio/mpeg")
                sFail += "MIME ";

            // String Tests

            // Test Truncate
            if (sTest.Truncate(12) != "ABCDEFGHIJKL")
                sFail += "Truncate ";

            // Test Left
            if (sTest.Left(10) != "ABCDEFGHIJ")
                sFail += "Left1 ";
            if (sTest.Left(50) != sTest)
                sFail += "Left2 ";

            // Test Mid
            if (sTest.Mid(25, 1) != "Z")
                sFail += "Mid1 ";
            if (sTest.Mid(26, 1) != "")
                sFail += "Mid2 ";
            if (sTest.Mid(27, 50) != "")
                sFail += "Mid3 ";
            if (sTest.Mid(10, 3) != "KLM")
                sFail += "Mid4 ";
            if (sTest.Mid(16, 20) != "QRSTUVWXYZ")
                sFail += "Mid5 ";

            // Test Right
            if (sTest.Right(10) != "QRSTUVWXYZ")
                sFail += "Right1 ";
            if (sTest.Right(50) != sTest)
                sFail += "Right2 ";

            // Test ThrowOnNullOrEmpty
                s = null;
                s.ThrowOnNullOrEmpty("s", "message");
                sFail += "ThrowOnNullOrEmpty ";
            catch {}

            //Test IsInteger
            if ("1.0".IsInteger())
                sFail += "IsInteger1 ";
            if ("?z£".IsInteger())
                sFail += "IsInteger2 ";
            if ("a".IsInteger())
                sFail += "IsInteger3 ";
            if (!("123".IsInteger()))
                sFail += "IsInteger4 ";

            //Test ToInteger
            if ("10".ToInteger() != 10)
                sFail += "ToInteger1 ";
            if ("-10".ToInteger() != -10)
                sFail += "ToInteger2 ";
                int i = "fred".ToInteger();
                sFail += "ToInteger3 ";
            catch {}

            // Test ToDouble
            if ("5.4".ToDouble() != 5.4)
                sFail += "ToDouble ";

            // Test ToBool
            if ("false".ToBool())
                sFail += "ToBool ";

            // Test ToEnum<T>
            if ("THURSDAY".ToEnum <DayOfWeek>(true) != DayOfWeek.Thursday)
                sFail += "ToEnum ";

            // Test CleanString
            if (sTest2.CleanString() != sTest)
                sFail += "CleanString ";

            // Test EscapeSingleQuote
            if ("abc\'xyz".EscapeSingleQuote() != "abc\'\'xyz")
                sFail += "EscapeSingleQuote ";

            // Test StripQuotes
            if ("\"abc\"".StripQuotes() != "abc")
                sFail += "StripQuotes ";

            // Test RemoveNonNumeric
            if ("a1b2c3.4xyz".RemoveNonNumeric() != "1234")
                sFail += "RemoveNonNumeric ";

            // Test ToDateTime
            if ("".ToDateTime() != dBadDate)
                sFail += "ToDateTime1 ";
            if ("fred".ToDateTime() != dBadDate)
                sFail += "ToDateTime2 ";

            // Test AsciiCtlStrip
            if ("abcde\vfgh\rijk".AsciiCtlStrip() != "abcdefghijk")
                sFail += "AsciiCtlStrip ";

            // Test MailMerge and ToDict
            if ("Hi Mr {Fred}".MailMerge("Fred=Bloggs".ToDict(), "{}") != "Hi Mr Bloggs")
                sFail += "MailMerge&ToDict ";

            // Test NormalPath
            if ("abc\\def".NormalPath() != "abc/def")
                sFail += "NormalPath ";

            // Test Padding
            if ("abcdef".Padding(4, '=') != "abcdef==")
                sFail += "Padding ";

            // Test Wordise
            s = "one two   three  \"Fred Bloggs\"   ";
            if (s.Wordise().ListToString(":") != "one:two:three:\"Fred Bloggs\"")
                sFail += "Wordise ";

            // Test Match
            if (!("abcde".Match("abcd")))
                sFail += "Match ";

            // Test ToStream
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(sTest.ToStream());

            if (reader.ReadToEnd() != sTest)
                sFail += "ToStream ";

            // Test ListTrim
            s = "a: b :c :d";
            if (s.StringToList(':').ListTrim().ListToString(":") != "a:b:c:d")
                sFail += "ListTrim ";

            // Test ListToString and StringToList
            s = "a:b:c:d";
            if (s.StringToList(':').ListToString(":") != s)
                sFail += "ListToString&StringToList ";

            // Test ListToUpper
            if (s.StringToList(':').ListToUpper().ListToString(";") != "A;B;C;D")
                sFail += "ListToUpper ";

            // Test ToInlist
            if (s.StringToList(':').ToInList() != "\'a\',\'b\',\'c\',\'d\'")
                sFail += "ToInList ";

            // Test Validate
            if (!"b".Validate(s.StringToList(':')))
                sFail += "Validate ";

            // Test MultiPart
            if (s.MultiPart(':').ToList <string>().ListToString(":") != s)
                sFail += "Multipart ";

            // Test XML

            // Test LoadList and ToDictionary
            Dictionary <string, string> dict = XML.LoadList("Types.xml", "Types/SearchTypes", "value", "name").ToDictionary();

            if (dict.DictToString() != "R=Report,M=Memo,WP=Welding Procedure")
                sFail += "XML LoadList&ToDictionary ";

            // Test XMLTransform and AsString
            XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

            string xml = xdoc.AsString();

            xml = XML.XmlNodePoke(xml, "Types/SearchTypes[1]", "text", "Rubbish");
            xml = XML.XMLTransform(xml, "Types.xslt");

            // Test ReadXMLNode
            if (XML.ReadXmlNode(xml, "root/Types/Type[@Key='WP']") != "Welding Procedure (WP)")
                sFail += "ReadXMLNode ";

            // Test ReadXMLAttribute
            if (XML.ReadXmlAttribute(xml, "root/Types/Type[@Key='M']/@Name") != "Memo")
                sFail += "ReadXMLAttribute ";

            // Test XMLNodePoke
            if (XML.ReadXmlNode(xml, "root/Types/Type[@Key='R']") != "Rubbish")
                sFail += "XMLNodePoke ";

            if (sFail.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("** All Tests passed **");
                Console.WriteLine("!! Failed tests: " + sFail);