protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Aim.Portal.Web.WebPortalService.CheckLogon(); } catch { Response.Write("<script> window.parent.location.href = '/Login.aspx';</script>"); Response.End(); } string action = Request["action"]; string sql = ""; DataTable dt = null; string node = Request["node"]; JObject json = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node)) { json = JsonHelper.GetObject <JObject>(node); } switch (action) { case "loadtreedata": switch (json.Value <string>("level")) { case "0": sql = @"select GroupID as id,replace(Name,'江西瑞林建设监理有限公司','') as name,GroupID as groupid,'' as projectid,'1' as level,'false' as leaf, '' as firsttypeid,'' as secondtypeid from SysGroup where ParentId='" + json.Value <string>("id") + "' order by Code asc"; break; case "1": sql = @"select Id as id,projectName as name,'{0}' as groupid,Id as projectid,'' as firsttypeid,'' as secondtypeid,'2' as level,'false' as leaf from NCRL_SP..Project where BelongCmp = 'JL' and BelongDeptId = '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("id")); break; case "2": sql = @"select EnumerationID as id,Name as name,'{0}' as groupid,'{1}' as projectid,EnumerationID as firsttypeid,'' as secondtypeid,'3' as level,'false' as leaf from sysenumeration where parentid='cf38bd7a-79d1-46fb-bf06-640b30f61654' order by SortIndex asc"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("groupid"), json.Value <string>("id")); break; case "3": sql = @"select EnumerationID as id,Name as name,'{0}' as groupid,'{1}' as projectid,'{2}' as firsttypeid,EnumerationID as secondtypeid,'4' as level,'true' as leaf from sysenumeration where ParentID='{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("groupid"), json.Value <string>("projectid"), json.Value <string>("firsttypeid"), json.Value <string>("id")); break; } dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); Response.Write(JsonHelper.GetJsonStringFromDataTable(dt)); Response.End(); break; case "loadfile": switch (json.Value <string>("level")) { case "0": //加载所有文档 sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where b.BelongCmp='JL'"; break; case "1": //加载某一部门的文档 sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where b.BelongCmp='JL' and a.GroupId='" + json.Value <string>("id") + "'"; break; case "2": //加载某一项目的文档 sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where a.ProjectId='" + json.Value <string>("projectid") + "'"; break; case "3": //加载某一项目某一大类文档 sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where a.ProjectId='{0}' and a.FirstTypeId='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("projectid"), json.Value <string>("firsttypeid")); break; case "4": //加载某一项目某一大类的某一小类文档 sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where a.ProjectId='{0}' and a.FirstTypeId='{1}' and a.SecondTypeId='{2}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, json.Value <string>("projectid"), json.Value <string>("firsttypeid"), json.Value <string>("secondtypeid")); break; case "5": string filename = Request["filename"]; string projectnamecode = Request["projectnamecode"]; string where = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { where += " and a.Name like '%" + filename + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectnamecode)) { where += " and (b.ProjectName like '%" + projectnamecode + "%' or b.ProjectCode like '%" + projectnamecode + "%')"; } sql = @"select a.Id,a.Name,a.CreatorName as CreateName,a.CreateTime,b.ProjectName,C.Name SecondTypeName,d.Path as FolderName from FileItem a left join NCRL_SP..Project b on a.ProjectId=b.Id left join SysEnumeration c on a.SecondTypeId=c.EnumerationId left join FileFolder d on a.FolderId=d.Id where 1=1 " + where; break; } dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(GetPageSql(sql)); Response.Write("{'rows':" + JsonHelper.GetJsonStringFromDataTable(dt) + ",total:'" + totalProperty + "'}"); Response.End(); break; case "delete": string fileid = Request["fileid"]; FileItem fiEnt = FileItem.Find(fileid); FileFolder ffEnt = FileFolder.Find(fiEnt.FolderId); if (File.Exists(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + ffEnt.Path + @"\" + fiEnt.Id + "_" + fiEnt.Name)) { File.Delete(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + ffEnt.Path + @"\" + fiEnt.Id + "_" + fiEnt.Name); } fiEnt.DoDelete(); Response.Write("{success:true}"); Response.End(); break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Aim.Portal.Web.WebPortalService.CheckLogon(); } catch { Response.Write("<script> window.parent.location.href = '/Login.aspx';</script>"); Response.End(); } string action = Request["action"]; string groupid = Request["groupid"]; string projectId = Request["projectid"]; FileFolder ffEnt = null; Project pEnt = null; switch (action) { case "upload": //如果是项目文档 上传项目编号文件夹 如果是部门文档上传到DEFAULT文件夹 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectId)) { pEnt = Project.Find(projectId); IList <FileFolder> ffEnts = FileFolder.FindAllByProperty(FileFolder.Prop_FolderKey, pEnt.ProjectCode); if (ffEnts.Count == 0) { ffEnt = new FileFolder(); ffEnt.Name = pEnt.ProjectCode; ffEnt.FolderKey = pEnt.ProjectCode; ffEnt.Path = pEnt.ProjectCode; ffEnt.ParentId = "1"; ffEnt.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; ffEnt.ModuleId = "1"; ffEnt.DoCreate(); ffEnt.FullId = "1." + ffEnt.Id; ffEnt.DoUpdate(); } else { ffEnt = ffEnts[0]; } if (!Directory.Exists(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + pEnt.ProjectCode)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + pEnt.ProjectCode); } } else { ffEnt = FileFolder.Find("1"); //如果是非项目文档,上传到默认文件夹 } string formdata = Request["formdata"]; JObject json = Aim.JsonHelper.GetObject <JObject>(formdata); FileItem fiEnt = new FileItem(); fiEnt.GroupId = groupid; fiEnt.ProjectId = projectId; fiEnt.FirstTypeId = json.Value <string>("FirstTypeId"); fiEnt.SecondTypeId = json.Value <string>("SecondTypeId"); HttpPostedFile postedFile = Request.Files["projectfile"]; //获取上传信息对象 string fileName = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); fiEnt.Name = fileName; fiEnt.FolderId = ffEnt.Id; fiEnt.CreatorId = Aim.Portal.Web.WebPortalService.CurrentUserInfo.UserID; fiEnt.CreatorName = Aim.Portal.Web.WebPortalService.CurrentUserInfo.Name; fiEnt.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; fiEnt.DoCreate(); // string filename = postedFile.FileName;//获取上传的文件路径 // string tempPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewsFolderPath"];//获取保存文件夹路径,我是设置在webconfig中了。 // string savepath = Server.MapPath(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + pEnt.ProjectCode + "\\");//获取保存路径 // string sExtension = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('.'));//获取拓展名 //if (!Directory.Exists(savepath)) //Directory.CreateDirectory(savepath); //string sNewFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmsfff"); + fiEnt.Id + "_"" + seEnt.IsLeaf + " postedFile.SaveAs(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\" + ffEnt.Path + @"/" + fiEnt.Id + "_" + fileName); //保存 Response.Write("{success:true}"); Response.End(); break; case "loadfiletype": string id = Request["id"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { id = "cf38bd7a-79d1-46fb-bf06-640b30f61654"; } IList <SysEnumeration> seEnts = SysEnumeration.FindAllByProperty("SortIndex", SysEnumeration.Prop_ParentID, id); int i = 0; string result = "["; foreach (SysEnumeration seEnt in seEnts) { if (i != seEnts.Count - 1) { result += "{'id':'" + seEnt.EnumerationID + "','text':'" + seEnt.Name + "','leaf':" + (seEnt.IsLeaf.Value ? "true" : "false") + ",'parentid':'" + seEnt.ParentID + "'},"; } else { result += "{'id':'" + seEnt.EnumerationID + "','text':'" + seEnt.Name + "','leaf':" + (seEnt.IsLeaf.Value ? "true" : "false") + ",'parentid':'" + seEnt.ParentID + "'}"; } i++; } result += "]"; Response.Write(result); Response.End(); break; case "getprojectname": string temp = "{"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectId)) { pEnt = Project.Find(projectId); temp += "ProjectName:'" + pEnt.ProjectName + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupid)) { SysGroup sgEnt = SysGroup.Find(groupid); temp += (temp.Length > 1 ? ",GroupName:'" : "GroupName:'") + sgEnt.Name + "'"; } Response.Write(temp + "}"); Response.End(); break; } }