private async Task DownloadFile(byte[] message) { var dto = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize <FileDto>(message); await FileDownloadService.ReceiveFile(dto.Buffer, dto.FileName, dto.MessageId, dto.EndOfFile, dto.StartOfFile); }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "delRecord") { int fd_Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); FileDownloadService.Delete_FileDownload(fd_Id); binddata(Convert.ToInt32(((DataTable)ViewState["dtType"]).Rows[0]["FT_ID"])); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { CommonFunction.isLoginCheck(); txtTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); int ftid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ftid"]); ViewState["dtType"] = FileDownloadService.Get_FileTypeInfo(ftid); } }
public void TestDownload() { var localStorage = new LocalPodcastService("podcasts.json"); var feedParser = new FeedParserService(); var fileManager = new FileDownloadService(); var podcastService = new PodcastService(feedParser, localStorage, fileManager); var podcastFromService = podcastService.GetPodcastAsync("").Result; podcastService.DownloadEpisodeAsync(podcastFromService.Episodes.OrderByDescending(e => e.Published).ToList()[0]).Wait(); }
public void ShouldCauseException() { string targetFolder = "tmp"; using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()); ILogger <FileDownloadService> logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <FileDownloadService>(); FileDownloadService service = new FileDownloadService(logger, null); FileDownload fd = Task.Run(async() => await service.GetFileFromUrl(new System.Uri("https://localhost/fake.txt"), "tmp", true).ConfigureAwait(true)).Result; Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => Task.Run(async() => await service.GetFileFromUrl(new System.Uri("https://localhost/fake.txt"), targetFolder, true).ConfigureAwait(true))); Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), targetFolder)); }
public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["LoginId"] == null) { if (CommonUtil.LoginId != string.Empty) { Session["LoginId"] = CommonUtil.LoginId; CommonUtil.LoginId = string.Empty; } else { return(RedirectToAction("Account", "Account/LogOn", new { url = Request.Url })); } } object loginId = Session["LoginId"]; string username = loginId as string; try { FileDownloadService fds = new FileDownloadService(); string dbServerip = ConfigUtil.AppSetting("remoteIP"); List <Models.MonitorServer> mslist = fds.GetRemoteMSList(dbServerip) ?? new List <Models.MonitorServer>(); if ("soumu".Equals(username)) { mslist = mslist.FindAll(x => x.MonitorServerName.Equals("soumu")); } else if ("mac".Equals(username)) { mslist = mslist.FindAll(x => !x.MonitorServerName.Equals("soumu")); } ViewData["msList"] = mslist; } catch (Exception ex) { ViewData["msList"] = new List <Models.MonitorServer>(); logger.Error(ex.Message); } if (loginId != null) { if ("admin".Equals(username)) { return(View()); } } return(View("NmIndex")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //文件下载 rptDownLoad.DataSource = FileDownloadService.Get_TopFileDownloadView(1, 6); rptDownLoad.DataBind(); //政策法规 rptRuleList.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList("政策法规", 6); rptRuleList.DataBind(); //工作动态 rptWorkexpress.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(1, 6); rptWorkexpress.DataBind(); //高速新闻 rptGsNews.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(2, 6); rptGsNews.DataBind(); //公告公示 rptSiteNotice.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(63, 5); rptSiteNotice.DataBind(); //头2-4条政务信息 rptTop2_4NewsList.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_Top2To5NewsInfoViewList(62); rptTop2_4NewsList.DataBind(); //头1条政务信息 rptTop1_NewsList.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_Top1NewsInfoView(62); rptTop1_NewsList.DataBind(); //高速风采 rptGsFengCai.DataSource = NewsInfoService.Get_TopAnyPicNews(4, 0); rptGsFengCai.DataBind(); //实时路况 DataTable dtCurrentRoadCondition = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(80, 0); rptCurrentRoadConditon.DataSource = dtCurrentRoadCondition; rptCurrentRoadConditon.DataBind(); lblLJZHZX.Text = "您通行高速公路前可拨打高速交警路况查询电话:0371-68208110查询最新路况。<br><br>"; //路政单位信息列表 DataTable dtLZ = DBHelper.GetDataSet("select RD_ID,RD_Name from R_RoadDepart"); rptLZ.DataSource = dtLZ; rptLZ.DataBind(); } }
void binddata() { DataTable dt = FileDownloadService.Get_TopFileDownloadView(1, 0); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; if (dt.Rows.Count >= 0) { PagedDataSource ps = new PagedDataSource(); DataView dv = new DataView(dt); ps.DataSource = dv; ps.AllowPaging = true; ps.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1; ps.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize; rptDownload.DataSource = ps; rptDownload.DataBind(); } }
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (!FileUpload1.HasFile) { CommonFunction.Alert(Literal1, "请选择要上传的文件"); return; } string fileName = CommonFunction.Get_DynamicString() + FileUpload1.FileName; string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/DownLoad/" + fileName); int fileSzie = Convert.ToInt32(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024); FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(filePath); FileDownload download = new FileDownload(); download.FD_Title = txtTitle.Text; download.FD_FTID = Convert.ToInt32(((DataTable)ViewState["dtType"]).Rows[0]["FT_ID"]); download.FD_Path = fileName; download.FD_Size = fileSzie + "KB"; download.FD_CreateDate = txtTime.Text; FileDownloadService.Insert_FileDownload(download); CommonFunction.AlertAndRedirect(Literal1, "上传成功", "FileDownloadMgr.aspx?ftid=" + Convert.ToInt32(((DataTable)ViewState["dtType"]).Rows[0]["FT_ID"])); }
public void ShouldGetFile() { string response = "A simple file"; string md5Hash = "ur2T7CGMUXLkYT+IgN4Xy8r33EktY9JrTOm0FZwhh1A="; // This hash has to change if you change the response above string targetFolder = "tmp"; using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()); ILogger <FileDownloadService> logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <FileDownloadService>(); var handlerMock = new Mock <HttpMessageHandler>(); handlerMock .Protected() .Setup <Task <HttpResponseMessage> >( "SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny <HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ) .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Content = new StringContent(response), }) .Verifiable(); Mock <IHttpClientService> mockHttpClientService = new Mock <IHttpClientService>(); mockHttpClientService.Setup(s => s.CreateDefaultHttpClient()).Returns(() => new HttpClient(handlerMock.Object)); FileDownloadService service = new FileDownloadService(logger, mockHttpClientService.Object); FileDownload fd = Task.Run(async() => await service.GetFileFromUrl(new System.Uri("https://localhost/fake.txt"), targetFolder, true).ConfigureAwait(true)).Result; string filename = Path.Combine(fd.LocalFilePath, fd.Name); // Clean up physical artifacts File.Delete(filename); Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), targetFolder)); Assert.True(fd.Hash == md5Hash); }
public ActionResult Download() { try { //get the path post string str = Request.Form["checkFilePath"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { Response.End(); return(null); } string zipfilePath = "";//path string zipfileName = ""; /** * check session * * if exists then compress the the files to a zip file * else resuming download the zip file * * xiecongwen 20150112 * */ object zipPathHt = Session["zipPathHt"]; if (zipPathHt != null) { Hashtable ht = zipPathHt as Hashtable; if (ht.ContainsKey(str)) { zipfilePath = ht[str] as string; goto Download; } } else { Session["zipPathHt"] = new Hashtable(); } #region compress to zip file string[] files = str.Split(','); files = GetString(files); //get the backup server info (xcw 20141202 FileDownloadService fds = new FileDownloadService(); budbackup.Models.ServerShareInfo ssi = fds.GetSSI(); //guarantee the access connection Common.PinvokeWindowsNetworking.connectToRemote(ssi.UNCBase, ssi.Username, ssi.Passwd); //get the uncpath and insert into list //download files from ftp that set——2014-06-04 wjd add List <string> fileFTP = new List <string>(); foreach (string f in files) { string uncPath = ssi.UNCBase + f.Substring(f.IndexOf("\\")); //添加IP,在所建立的网络位置上下载 fileFTP.Add(uncPath); } #region compress and write it to client if (fileFTP.Count() > 0) { files = fileFTP.ToArray(); #region temp Path string tmpPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TmpPath"]; try { if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpPath); } else //删除超过一周的文件 { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(tmpPath)) { if ((DateTime.Now - System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(file)).Days >= 7) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } string ZipedFileName = tmpPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString() + Common.RandomCode.GetCode(1) + ".zip"; #endregion ZipIonicHelper.ZipAdvanced(files, ZipedFileName, ssi.UNCBase); zipfilePath = ZipedFileName; //path zipfileName = Path.GetFileName(ZipedFileName); (Session["zipPathHt"] as Hashtable).Add(str, zipfilePath); } else { zipfilePath = files[0]; //path zipfileName = Path.GetFileName(files[0]); } #endregion #endregion Download: //resuming download { zipfileName = Path.GetFileName(zipfilePath); if (System.IO.File.Exists(zipfilePath)) { Response.Clear(); int BUFFERSize = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // Buffer to read 10K bytes in chunk: byte[] buffer = new Byte[BUFFERSize]; // Length of the file: int length; // Total bytes to read: long dataToRead; FileStream iStream = new System.IO.FileStream(zipfilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read); // Total bytes to read: dataToRead = iStream.Length; long p = 0; if (Request.Headers["Range"] != null) { Response.StatusCode = 206; p = long.Parse(Request.Headers["Range"].Replace("bytes=", "").Replace("-", "")); } Response.AddHeader("Content-Range", "bytes " + p.ToString() + "-" + ((long)(dataToRead - 1)).ToString() + "/" + dataToRead.ToString()); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", ((long)(dataToRead - p)).ToString()); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.ContentEncoding.GetBytes(zipfileName))); //use this to tell client that file is sending String TOKEN = "downloadToken"; HttpCookie dtCookie = new HttpCookie(TOKEN); dtCookie.Value = Request.Form[TOKEN]; Response.Cookies.Add(dtCookie); iStream.Position = p; dataToRead = dataToRead - p; // Read the bytes. while (dataToRead > 0) { // Verify that the client is connected. if (Response.IsClientConnected) { // Read the data in buffer. length = iStream.Read(buffer, 0, BUFFERSize); // Write the data to the current output stream. Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length); // Flush the data to the HTML output. Response.Flush(); buffer = new Byte[BUFFERSize]; dataToRead = dataToRead - length; } else { //prevent infinite loop if user disconnects dataToRead = -1; } } iStream.Close(); Response.End(); return(null); } else { //Session["fileexists"] = "no"; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "FileDownload")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.ToString() + ex.Message); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "FileDownload")); }
/// <summary> /// 最新的 查询文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="monitorFileName"></param> /// <param name="monitorServerID"></param> /// <param name="dirname"></param> /// <param name="pindex"></param> /// <param name="pagesize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Search_new(string monitorFileName, string monitorServerID, int pindex) { string result = string.Empty; //判断用户是否登陆 if (Session["LoginId"] == null) { result = "-99"; } else { #region 根据条件查询 并 拼凑html (xiecongwen 20141203 object loginId = Session["LoginId"]; string username = loginId as string; //save try { //get the pagesize int pagesize = 20; //max entry count that should be search int maxSize = 200; #region 根据条件查询 //get the result match the condition FileDownloadService fds = new FileDownloadService(); budbackup.Models.DownloadSearchResult ds = null; //check session object dsr = Session["DownloadSearchResult"]; if (dsr != null) { budbackup.Models.DownloadSearchResult dstemp = dsr as budbackup.Models.DownloadSearchResult; if (dstemp.SearchPattern.Equals(monitorFileName) && dstemp.MonitorServerID.Equals(monitorServerID)) { ds = dstemp; } } //get from db if (ds == null) { ds = fds.GetMatchList(monitorFileName, monitorServerID, maxSize, username); //save into session if (ds != null && ds.Count > 0) { ds.SearchPattern = monitorFileName; ds.MonitorServerID = monitorServerID; Session["DownloadSearchResult"] = ds; } } #endregion #region 拼凑html语句 jsonData jd = new jsonData(); StringBuilder tableTR = new StringBuilder(); if (ds != null && ds.Count > 0) { string fileTRFormat = "<tr>" + " <td class=\"cel1\" style=\"text-align:center;line-height:28px;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value='{0}' class=\"filePath\" name=\"monitorFileLocalPath[]\" title=\"{4}\"/></td>" + " <td class=\"cel2\">{1}</td>" + " <td class=\"cel2\">{2}</td>" + " <td class=\"cel3\">{3}</td>" + //" <td class=\"cel4\">{4}</td>" + " </tr>"; #region resolve get the page int min = (pindex - 1) * pagesize; int max = pindex * pagesize - 1; int folderListCount = ds.FolderInfoList.Count; //folder フォルダー while (folderListCount > min) { if (min > max) { break; } budbackup.Models.DFolderInfo dfi = ds.FolderInfoList[min]; //dfi.MacPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\") escape tableTR.Append(string.Format(fileTRFormat, dfi.WinPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), "フォルダー", dfi.Name, dfi.MacPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), min)); min++; } //file ファイル if (max > folderListCount) { min -= folderListCount; max -= folderListCount; while (ds.FileInfoList.Count > min) { if (min > max) { break; } budbackup.Models.DFileInfo dfi = ds.FileInfoList[min]; tableTR.Append(string.Format(fileTRFormat, dfi.WinPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), "ファイル", dfi.Name, dfi.MacPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), min + folderListCount)); min++; } } //page element int pageCount = (ds.Count + pagesize - 1) / pagesize; jd.Add("logList", tableTR.ToString()) .Add("pageCount", pageCount) .Add("pindex", pindex) .Add("totalCount", ds.Count); #endregion } else { tableTR.Append("<tr><td colspan=\"5\" style=\"text-align:center;line-height:28px;\">データがありません。</td></tr>"); jd.Add("logList", tableTR.ToString()) .Add("pageCount", 0) .Add("pindex", pindex) .Add("totalCount", 0); } result = jd.ToString(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { result = "-10"; logger.Error(ex.Message); } #endregion } Response.Write(result); Response.End(); return(null); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //规章制度 DataTable dtGZZD = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(33, 8); rptGZZD.DataSource = dtGZZD; rptGZZD.DataBind(); //文明创建 DataTable dtWMCJ = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(34, 8); rptWMCJ.DataSource = dtWMCJ; rptWMCJ.DataBind(); //养护交流 DataTable dtYHJL = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(35, 12); rptYHJL.DataSource = dtYHJL; rptYHJL.DataBind(); //养护新技术、新材料、新设备 DataTable dtYHXJS = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(36, 4); rptYHXJS.DataSource = dtYHXJS; rptYHXJS.DataBind(); //养护管理 DataTable dtYHGL = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(37, 4); rptYHGL.DataSource = dtYHGL; rptYHGL.DataBind(); //施工公告 DataTable dtSGGG = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(38, 4); rptSGGG.DataSource = dtSGGG; rptSGGG.DataBind(); //公路技术状况评定 DataTable dtJSPD = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(39, 4); rptJSPD.DataSource = dtJSPD; rptJSPD.DataBind(); //办事指南 DataTable dtBSZN = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(31, 6); rptBSZN.DataSource = dtBSZN; rptBSZN.DataBind(); //养护动态 DataTable dtYHDT = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(30, 6); rptYHDT.DataSource = dtYHDT; rptYHDT.DataBind(); //基层资讯 DataTable dtJCZX = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(32, 7); rptJCZX.DataSource = dtJCZX; rptJCZX.DataBind(); //通知公告 DataTable dtTZGG = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(41, 5); rptTZGG.DataSource = dtTZGG; rptTZGG.DataBind(); //资料下载 DataTable dtDownLoad = FileDownloadService.Get_TopFileDownloadView(3, 7); rptDownLoad.DataSource = dtDownLoad; rptDownLoad.DataBind(); //养护掠影 DataTable dtYHMien = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(40, 0); rptYHMien.DataSource = dtYHMien; rptYHMien.DataBind(); } }
private void ApplyConnectionHandlers() { // TODO: Remove circular dependencies and the need for static IServiceProvider instance // by emitting these events so other services can listen for them. var conductor = ServiceContainer.Instance.GetRequiredService <Conductor>(); Connection.Closed += (ex) => { Logger.Write($"Connection closed. Error: {ex?.Message}"); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; Connection.On("ReceiveIceCandidate", (string candidate, int sdpMlineIndex, string sdpMid, string viewerID) => { try { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.RtcSession.AddIceCandidate(sdpMid, sdpMlineIndex, candidate); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write(ex); } }); Connection.On("ReceiveRtcAnswer", async(string sdp, string viewerID) => { try { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { await viewer.RtcSession.SetRemoteDescription("answer", sdp); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write(ex); } }); Connection.On("ClipboardTransfer", (string transferText, bool typeText, string viewerID) => { try { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { if (typeText) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendText(transferText, viewer); } else { ClipboardService.SetText(transferText); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write(ex); } }); Connection.On("CtrlAltDel", async(string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { await SendCtrlAltDel(); } }); Connection.On("Disconnect", async(string reason) => { Logger.Write($"Disconnecting caster socket. Reason: {reason}"); await DisconnectAllViewers(); }); Connection.On("GetScreenCast", (string viewerID, string requesterName, bool notifyUser) => { try { ScreenCaster.BeginScreenCasting(new ScreenCastRequest() { NotifyUser = notifyUser, ViewerID = viewerID, RequesterName = requesterName }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write(ex); } }); Connection.On("GetWindowsSessions", async(string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { await viewer.SendWindowsSessions(); } }); Connection.On("RequestScreenCast", (string viewerID, string requesterName, bool notifyUser) => { conductor.InvokeScreenCastRequested(new ScreenCastRequest() { NotifyUser = notifyUser, ViewerID = viewerID, RequesterName = requesterName }); }); Connection.On("KeyDown", (string key, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendKeyDown(key, viewer); } }); Connection.On("KeyUp", (string key, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendKeyUp(key, viewer); } }); Connection.On("KeyPress", async(string key, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendKeyDown(key, viewer); await Task.Delay(1); KeyboardMouseInput.SendKeyUp(key, viewer); } }); Connection.On("MouseMove", (double percentX, double percentY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendMouseMove(percentX, percentY, viewer); } }); Connection.On("MouseDown", (int button, double percentX, double percentY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { if (button == 0) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendLeftMouseDown(percentX, percentY, viewer); } else if (button == 2) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendRightMouseDown(percentX, percentY, viewer); } } }); Connection.On("MouseUp", (int button, double percentX, double percentY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { if (button == 0) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendLeftMouseUp(percentX, percentY, viewer); } else if (button == 2) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendRightMouseUp(percentX, percentY, viewer); } } }); Connection.On("MouseWheel", (double deltaX, double deltaY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendMouseWheel(-(int)deltaY, viewer); } }); Connection.On("SetKeyStatesUp", (string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SetKeyStatesUp(); } }); Connection.On("ViewerDisconnected", async(string viewerID) => { await Connection.SendAsync("DisconnectViewer", viewerID, false); if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.DisconnectRequested = true; viewer.Dispose(); } conductor.InvokeViewerRemoved(viewerID); }); Connection.On("FrameReceived", (string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (viewer.PendingSentFrames.TryDequeue(out _)) { break; } } } }); Connection.On("SelectScreen", (string displayName, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.Capturer.SetSelectedScreen(displayName); } }); Connection.On("QualityChange", (int qualityLevel, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.ImageQuality = qualityLevel; } }); Connection.On("AutoQualityAdjust", (bool isOn, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.AutoAdjustQuality = isOn; } }); Connection.On("ReceiveFile", async(byte[] buffer, string fileName, string messageId, bool endOfFile, bool startOfFile) => { await FileDownloadService.ReceiveFile(buffer, fileName, messageId, endOfFile, startOfFile); }); Connection.On("ToggleAudio", (bool toggleOn, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { AudioCapturer.ToggleAudio(toggleOn); } }); Connection.On("ToggleBlockInput", (bool toggleOn, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.ToggleBlockInput(toggleOn); } }); Connection.On("ToggleWebRtcVideo", (bool toggleOn, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer)) { viewer.ToggleWebRtcVideo(toggleOn); } }); Connection.On("TouchDown", (string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { //User32.GetCursorPos(out var point); //Win32Interop.SendLeftMouseDown(point.X, point.Y); } }); Connection.On("LongPress", (string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { //User32.GetCursorPos(out var point); //Win32Interop.SendRightMouseDown(point.X, point.Y); //Win32Interop.SendRightMouseUp(point.X, point.Y); } }); Connection.On("TouchMove", (double moveX, double moveY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { //User32.GetCursorPos(out var point); //Win32Interop.SendMouseMove(point.X + moveX, point.Y + moveY); } }); Connection.On("TouchUp", (string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { //User32.GetCursorPos(out var point); //Win32Interop.SendLeftMouseUp(point.X, point.Y); } }); Connection.On("Tap", (double percentX, double percentY, string viewerID) => { if (conductor.Viewers.TryGetValue(viewerID, out var viewer) && viewer.HasControl) { KeyboardMouseInput.SendLeftMouseDown(percentX, percentY, viewer); KeyboardMouseInput.SendLeftMouseUp(percentX, percentY, viewer); } }); Connection.On("SharedFileIDs", (List <string> fileIDs) => { fileIDs.ForEach(id => { var url = $"{conductor.Host}/API/FileSharing/{id}"; var webRequest = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url); var response = webRequest.GetResponse(); var contentDisp = response.Headers["Content-Disposition"]; var fileName = contentDisp .Split(";".ToCharArray()) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Trim().StartsWith("filename")) .Split("=".ToCharArray())[1]; var legalChars = fileName.ToCharArray().Where(x => !Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Any(y => x == y)); fileName = new string(legalChars.ToArray()); var dirPath = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "RemotelySharedFiles")).FullName; var filePath = Path.Combine(dirPath, fileName); using (var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (var rs = response.GetResponseStream()) { rs.CopyTo(fs); } } Process.Start("explorer.exe", dirPath); }); }); Connection.On("SessionID", (string sessionID) => { conductor.InvokeSessionIDChanged(sessionID); }); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //行业规章 DataTable dtHYGZ = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(20, 6); rptHYGZ.DataSource = dtHYGZ; rptHYGZ.DataBind(); //经验交流 DataTable dtJYJL = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(21, 6); rptJYJL.DataSource = dtJYJL; rptJYJL.DataBind(); //资料下载 DataTable dtDownload = FileDownloadService.Get_TopFileDownloadView(2, 6); rptDownLoad.DataSource = dtDownload; rptDownLoad.DataBind(); //ISO国际标准化认证 DataTable dtISO = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(24, 6); rptISO.DataSource = dtISO; rptISO.DataBind(); //通知公告 DataTable dtTZGG = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(25, 6); rptTZGG.DataSource = dtTZGG; rptTZGG.DataBind(); //驿站新闻 DataTable dtServiceNews = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(26, 8); rptServiceNews.DataSource = dtServiceNews; rptServiceNews.DataBind(); //驿站文化 DataTable dtYZWH = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(27, 6); rptYZWH.DataSource = dtYZWH; rptYZWH.DataBind(); //行业报刊 DataTable dtNewsPaper = NewsPaperService.Get_NewsPaperList(4); rptNewsPaper.DataSource = dtNewsPaper; rptNewsPaper.DataBind(); //所有服务区列表 DataTable dtServices = PubClass.DBHelper.GetDataSet("select top 36 * from T_ServiceInfo order by S_QuarterRank asc,S_Star desc"); rptServices.DataSource = dtServices; rptServices.DataBind(); //特色服务区 DataTable dtTSFWQ = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(130, 10); rptTSFWQ.DataSource = dtTSFWQ; rptTSFWQ.DataBind(); //开图走四方 DataTable dtKTZSF = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(131, 10); rptKTZSF.DataSource = dtKTZSF; rptKTZSF.DataBind(); //精品旅游线路 DataTable dtJPLYXL = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(132, 10); rptJPLYXL.DataSource = dtJPLYXL; rptJPLYXL.DataBind(); //吃住行游 DataTable dtCZXY = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(133, 10); rptCZXY.DataSource = dtCZXY; rptCZXY.DataBind(); //古道遗风 DataTable dtGDYF = NewsInfoService.Get_TopNewsInfoViewList(134, 10); rptGDYF.DataSource = dtGDYF; rptGDYF.DataBind(); } }
public FileController(FileDownloadService fileDownloadService, FileService fileService) { _fileDownloadService = fileDownloadService; _fileService = fileService; }