Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a sequence of suggestions for replacing ranges over array indices with the corresponding library call,
        /// provided the corresponding library is referenced.
        /// Returns an empty enumerable if this is not the case or any of the given arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> SuggestionsForIndexRange
            (this FileContentManager file, CompilationUnit compilation, LSP.Range range)
            if (file == null || compilation == null || range?.Start == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var indexRangeNamespaces = compilation.GlobalSymbols.NamespacesContainingCallable(BuiltIn.IndexRange.Name);

            if (!indexRangeNamespaces.Contains(BuiltIn.IndexRange.Namespace))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var suggestedOpenDir = file.OpenDirectiveSuggestions(range.Start.Line, BuiltIn.IndexRange.Namespace);

            /// Returns true the given expression is of the form "0 .. Length(args) - 1",
            /// as well as the range of the entire expression and the argument tuple "(args)" as out parameters.
            bool IsIndexRange(QsExpression iterExpr, Position offset, out LSP.Range exprRange, out LSP.Range argRange)
                if (iterExpr.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .RangeLiteral rangeExpression && iterExpr.Range.IsValue &&                               // iterable expression is a valid range literal
                    rangeExpression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .IntLiteral intLiteralExpression && intLiteralExpression.Item == 0L &&      // .. starting at 0 ..
                    rangeExpression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .SUB SUBExpression &&                                                       // .. and ending in subracting ..
                    SUBExpression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .IntLiteral subIntLiteralExpression && subIntLiteralExpression.Item == 1L &&  // .. 1 from ..
                    SUBExpression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .CallLikeExpression callLikeExression &&                                      // .. a call ..
                    callLikeExression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .Identifier identifier &&                                                 // .. to and identifier ..
                    identifier.Item1.Symbol is QsSymbolKind <QsSymbol> .Symbol symName && symName.Item.Value == BuiltIn.Length.Name.Value &&                                          // .. "Length" called with ..
                    callLikeExression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .ValueTuple valueTuple && callLikeExression.Item2.Range.IsValue)          // .. a valid argument tuple
                    exprRange = DiagnosticTools.GetAbsoluteRange(offset, iterExpr.Range.Item);
                    argRange  = DiagnosticTools.GetAbsoluteRange(offset, callLikeExression.Item2.Range.Item);

                (exprRange, argRange) = (null, null);

            /// Returns the text edits for replacing an range over the indices with the corresponding library call if the given code fragment is a suitable for-loop intro.
            /// The returned edits do *not* include an edit for adding the corresponding open-directive if necessary.
            IEnumerable <TextEdit> IndexRangeEdits(CodeFragment fragment)
                if (fragment.Kind is QsFragmentKind.ForLoopIntro forLoopIntro && // todo: in principle we could give these suggestions for any index range
                    IsIndexRange(forLoopIntro.Item2, fragment.GetRange().Start, out var iterExprRange, out var argTupleRange))
                    yield return(new TextEdit()
                        Range = new LSP.Range()
                            Start = iterExprRange.Start, End = argTupleRange.Start
                        NewText = BuiltIn.IndexRange.Name.Value

                    yield return(new TextEdit()
                        Range = new LSP.Range()
                            Start = argTupleRange.End, End = iterExprRange.End
                        NewText = ""

            var fragments = file.FragmentsOverlappingWithRange(range);
            var edits     = fragments.SelectMany(IndexRangeEdits);

                ? new[] { ("Use IndexRange to iterate over indices.", file.GetWorkspaceEdit(suggestedOpenDir.Concat(edits).ToArray())) }