public void Update(LevelImp level, float elapsed) { if (!IsAlive) { return; } if (_punishedType != PunishedType.None) { _punishedTime += elapsed; if (_punishedTime >= PunishedDuration) { _punishedType = PunishedType.None; } } FigureController?.Update(elapsed); Move(level, elapsed); HandleItemCollection(level); HandleHitByFire(level); HandlePlaceBomb(level); FigureController?.Reset(); }
public async Task ShouldStorePassedFigure() { const long figureId = 42; var repository = Substitute.For <IFigureRepository>(); repository.StoreAsync(Arg.Any <IFigure>()).Returns(Task.FromResult(figureId)); var controller = new FigureController(repository); var result = await controller.StoreFigureAsync(new TriangleDto { A = 3, B = 4, C = 5 }).ConfigureAwait(false); result.ShouldNotBeNull(); result.Id.ShouldBe(figureId); await repository.Received(1).StoreAsync(Arg.Is <Triangle>(t => Math.Abs(t.A - 3) < Precision && Math.Abs(t.B - 4) < Precision && Math.Abs(t.C - 5) < Precision)) .ConfigureAwait(false); }
bool IsCanPlaceFigure(int x, int y, FigureController figureController) { Quaternion rotation = figureController.transform.localRotation; Vector2 minPosition = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); foreach (Brick brick in figureController.bricks) { Vector2 localPosition = rotation * brick.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition; minPosition.x = Mathf.Min(minPosition.x, localPosition.x); minPosition.y = Mathf.Min(minPosition.y, localPosition.y); } foreach (Brick brick in figureController.bricks) { RectTransform rectTransform = brick.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); Vector2 position = rotation * rectTransform.anchoredPosition; position -= minPosition; Vector2Int coords = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(position / rectTransform.rect.size); coords.x += x; coords.y += y; if (coords.x < 0 || coords.y < 0 || coords.x >= bricksCount.x || coords.y >= bricksCount.y || field[coords.x, coords.y] != null) { return(false); } } return(true); }
static double CalcTriangle(double[] sides) { FigureController controller = new FigureController(); controller.CreateTriangle(sides); return(controller.Figure.CalcArea()); }
static double CalcCircle(double r) { FigureController controller = new FigureController(); controller.CreateCircle(r); return(controller.Figure.CalcArea()); }
void CreateNewFigure() { int index = Random.Range(0, Figures.Length); FigureController figure = Instantiate(Figures[index]); figure.SetFigure(new Vector2(X_field, 0), gameModel.CubeColor[index]); fieldController.AddNewFigure(figure); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked after cess piece was placed on board /// </summary> /// <param name="controller">Chess pieces controller</param> /// <param name="startPosition">Position of piece</param> /// <param name="figureRange">Range of attack</param> private void OnFigureOnBoard(FigureController controller, Vector3 startPosition, int figureRange) { if (figures.Contains(controller)) { OnFigureOnBoardAction(controller, figureRange); SpawnNewFigure(controller, startPosition); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked after chess piece was placed on board /// </summary> /// <param name="figure">Chess piece controller</param> /// <param name="figureRange">Chess piece range</param> public void OnFigureEnteredOnBoard(FigureController figure, int figureRange) { BoardPointController figurePoint = boardPointControllers.Find(x => x.GetTransform().position == figure.transform.position); List <BoardPointController> pointsInRange; List <BoardPointController> pointsInRangeInPath; (pointsInRange, pointsInRangeInPath) = GetPointsInRange(figure.transform.position, figureRange); figure.SetPointsForShoting(pointsInRange, pointsInRangeInPath); }
public async Task CreateFigureAsyncWithInvalidData_ShouldThrowException(FigureRequest request, Type expectedException) { //arrange var figureRepository = new FigureRepository(null); var figureService = new FigureService(figureRepository); var controller = new FigureController(figureService); //act & assert var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(expectedException, async() => await controller.CreateFigureAsync(request)); }
public async Task Get__ShouldCalculateTriangleArea__Returns15_0() { var controller = new FigureController(_mediatorMock.Object); var expected = 15.0; var actual = await controller.Get(3); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); _mediatorMock.Verify(x => x.Send(It.IsAny <GetFigureAreaByIdQuery>(), CancellationToken.None), Times.Once); }
protected FigureControllerTestsAbstract() { var figureRecord = GetQueryableMockDbSet(_records, x => x.Id = _currentId); var dbContextMock = new Mock <IDatabaseContext>(); dbContextMock.SetupGet(x => x.Figures).Returns(figureRecord); var figureRepository = new FigureRepository(dbContextMock.Object); var figureService = new FigureService(figureRepository); _controller = new FigureController(figureService); }
public virtual void ExecuteMovement() { Figure.setPosition(Destination); FigureController fc = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Figure") .Select(f => f.GetComponent <FigureController>()) .Where(c => c.Figure.Equals(Figure)) .FirstOrDefault(); fc.SetTargetPosition(Destination); Board.isCheck(); Figure.PossibleMoves.Clear(); }
public void AddNewFigure(FigureController figure) { currentFigure = figure; if (IsGameOver()) { GameOver?.Invoke(); } else { State.State = FigureStates.Moving; } }
public bool CanMove(FigureController figure, int x, int y) { if (x + figure.Form.GetLength(1) > Width || x < 0) { return(false); } if (y + figure.Form.GetLength(0) > Height || y < 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void ExecuteMovement() { rook.setPosition(rookDestination); FigureController fc = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Figure") .Select(f => f.GetComponent <FigureController>()) .Where(c => c.Figure.Equals(Rook)) .FirstOrDefault(); fc.SetTargetPosition(RookDestination); Figure.PossibleMoves.Clear(); base.ExecuteMovement(); }
public void ReSpawn() { IsAlive = true; Speed = BaseSpeed; BombExplosionRange = 1; PlacableBombCount = 1; CurrentPlacableBombCount = PlacableBombCount; WalkDirection = Vector2.Zero; Direction = FigureDirection.Down; CollectedItems.Clear(); ActiveBombType = BombType.Normal; FigureController?.ResetInputs(); }
public async Task ShouldReturnFiguresArea() { var repository = Substitute.For <IFigureRepository>(); repository.GetByIdAsync <IFigure>(Arg.Any <long>()).Returns(new Triangle(3, 4, 5)); var controller = new FigureController(repository); var result = await controller.GetFigureAreaAsync(42).ConfigureAwait(false); result.ShouldNotBeNull(); Math.Abs(result.Area - 6).ShouldBeLessThan(Precision); }
/// <summary> /// Moves chess piece to given tile /// </summary> /// <param name="endPosition">End of moving position</param> /// <param name="point">Tile on map</param> /// <param name="onSuccesFigureMoving">Callback to succesful figure movement</param> public void OnPointOnBoardClicked(Vector3 endPosition, BoardPointController point, Action <BoardPointController> onSuccesFigureMoving) { if (figureToPlace != null) { if (figureToPlace.CanMoveFigure() && pointValuesController.RemovePoints(figureToPlace.FigureCost)) { figureToPlace.StartMoveFigure(endPosition, OnFigureOnBoard, curve); onSuccesFigureMoving(point); } figureToPlace = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Spawns new figure on scene /// </summary> /// <param name="controller">Chess piece controller</param> /// <param name="startPosition">Piece starting position</param> private void SpawnNewFigure(FigureController controller, Vector3 startPosition) { Material standardMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>("Light"); controller.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = standardMaterial; string prefabName = figuresNames.Find(x =>; GameObject newFigure = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(prefabName)); = prefabName + figures.Count.ToString(); newFigure.transform.position = startPosition; newFigure.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform); figures.Add(newFigure.GetComponent <FigureController>()); }
public void Destroy(FigureController figure, int x, int y) { for (var j = 0; j < figure.Form.GetLength(0); j++) { for (var i = 0; i < figure.Form.GetLength(1); i++) { if (figure.Form[j, i]) { Instantiate(Block, Transform(new Vector3(SpawnX + x + i, SpawnY - y - j, 0)), Quaternion.identity); } } } = false; CreateFigure(); }
private List <FigureController> SpawnFigures(GameObject figurePrefab, int figureNumber, float speed, IHideInputWrapper hideInputWrapper) { List <FigureController> figures = new List <FigureController>(); for (int i = 0; i < figureNumber; i++) { GameObject spawnedFigureObject = Instantiate(figurePrefab); FigureController figureController = spawnedFigureObject.GetComponent <FigureController>(); figures.Add(figureController); figureController.Initialize(speed, hideInputWrapper); spawnedFigureObject.transform.position = GetRandomPositionWithinConstraints(); } return(figures); }
public async Task Post__ShouldCreateFigure__Returns3() { var controller = new FigureController(_mediatorMock.Object); var shape = new Triangle() { Height = 5.0, Base = 6.0 }; var expected = 3; var actual = await controller.Post(shape); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); _mediatorMock.Verify(x => x.Send(It.IsAny <CreateFigureCommand>(), CancellationToken.None), Times.Once); }
void LateUpdate() { if (clickEventControllerState == ClickEventControllerStates.None) { return; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { if (IsPointerOverUIElement()) { return; } clickDownPosition = GetMousePos(); clickFigure = CheckRayCast(GetMousePos(), Vector3.forward); clickFigure?.SetRotate(true); clickEventControllerState = ClickEventControllerStates.WaitUnpress; } if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { if (clickFigure != null) { clickFigure.SetRotate(false); } if (clickEventControllerState == ClickEventControllerStates.WaitUnpress) { var clickUpPosition = GetMousePos(); if (Vector3.Distance(clickDownPosition, clickUpPosition) < 0.001f) { PointCut(clickDownPosition); } else { //Закоментил. тк для косой разрезающей не до конца реализован алгоритм. //SlideCut(clickDownPosition, clickUpPosition); } } clickEventControllerState = ClickEventControllerStates.CatchClicks; } }
public ClientInputMessageBase(double timeStamp, byte clientId, FigureController controller) : base(timeStamp, clientId) { if (controller.ActionDone && controller.DirectionChanged) { Action = InputAction.MoveDirectonChangedAndAction; } else if (controller.ActionDone) { Action = InputAction.Action; } else { Action = InputAction.MoveDirectionChanged; } MoveDirection = controller.MoveDirection; }
/// <summary> /// Invoked after clicking o chess piece detection, highlights clicked piece /// </summary> /// <param name="objectName">Clicked object</param> public void OnClickDetected(string objectName) { Material standardMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>("Light"); figures.ForEach((x) => { if (!x.IsMoving) { x.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = standardMaterial; } ; }); if (figures.Exists(x => == objectName) && !figures.Exists(x => x.IsMoving)) { figureToPlace = figures.Find(x => == objectName); figureToPlace.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>("HightlightLight"); } }
void SpawnFigure(FigureController figureController, int figureIndex, float rotation) { figureController.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; int colorIndex = Random.Range(0, 6); int[,] figure = Figures1010.Figures[figureIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < figure.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < figure.GetLength(1); j++) { if (figure[figure.GetLength(0) - i - 1, j] == 0) { continue; } NumberedBrick brick = Instantiate(brickPrefab, figureController.transform); figureController.bricks.Add(brick); RectTransform brickRectTransform = brick.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); brickRectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); brickRectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); Rect rect = figureController.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect; Vector2 brickSize = new Vector2 { x = rect.width / 4, y = rect.height / 4 }; Vector2 coords = new Vector2(j - figure.GetLength(1) / 2f, i - figure.GetLength(0) / 2f); Vector2 brickPosition = Vector2.Scale(coords, brickSize); brickPosition += Vector2.Scale(brickSize, brickRectTransform.pivot); brick.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = brickPosition; brick.ColorIndex = colorIndex; } } figureController.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotation); }
public void SetUp() { var boardModel = Substitute.For <IBoardModel>(); GameModel = Substitute.For <IGameModel>(); var figureModel = Substitute.For <IFigureModel>(); var figurePostTurnLogicManager = Substitute.For <IFigurePostTurnLogicManager>(); var gameMoveTurnManager = Substitute.For <IGameMoveTurnManager>(); var figureController = new FigureController(figureModel); GameMaster = new GameMaster(figureController, boardModel, GameModel, figurePostTurnLogicManager, gameMoveTurnManager); _figure = new FigureEntity(Substitute.For <IFigureDef>(), GameTeam.White); _cell = new BoardCell(BoardCellCol.ColA, BoardCellRow.Row1, 0, 0) { Figure = _figure }; _moveToCell = new BoardCell(BoardCellCol.ColA, BoardCellRow.Row2, 0, 0) { Status = BoardCellStatus.AvailableForMove }; }
void Awake() { figure = GetComponent<Motion>().figure; }
public GameSessionClient(Game2D game, NetClient client, byte clientId) { _clientId = clientId; _netClient = client; _figureController = PlayerController.CreateNet(game, InputDeviceType.Keyboard); }
//public void CheckTransitionTo3D() //{ // for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) // { // players[i].Initialize3D(); // } // axis =; // axisRight =; // axisLeft =; // axisBack =; //} public void CreateFigure(ControllerManager _player) { Vector3 figurePostion = _player.transform.position; //players[0].transform.position;//Camera.main.transform.position + (Camera.main.transform.forward * Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraController> ().distance2D); currentFigure = Instantiate(figure, figurePostion, /*Quaternion.LookRotation(players[0].transform.forward)*//*players[0].transform.rotation*/ _player.transform.rotation).GetComponent <FigureController>(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { figureC = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Figure") .Select(f => f.GetComponent <FigureController>()) .FirstOrDefault(f => f.GetPosition() == "H7"); }