public void InfluxBatch_FormatsTo_LineProtocol()
            var testNow    = new DateTime(2016, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var testTags   = TagTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Tag);
            var testFields = FieldTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Field);
            var precision  = InfluxConfig.Default.Precision;
            var expTime    = InfluxLineProtocol.FormatTimestamp(testNow, precision);

            // test with empty batch
            InfluxBatch batch = new InfluxBatch();


            // test with single record
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag1", "value1") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field1", 123456) }));
            batch.ToLineProtocol(precision).Should().NotEndWith("\n").And.Be(@"test_name,tag1=value1 field1=123456i");

            // test with multiple records
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name1", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag1", "value1") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field1", 123456) }));
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name2", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag2", "value2") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field2", 234561) }));
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name3", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag3", "value3") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field3", 345612) }, testNow));
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name4", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag4", "value4") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field4", 456123) }, testNow));
            batch.Add(new InfluxRecord("test_name5", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag5", "value5") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field5", 561234) }, testNow));

            String expOutput = String.Join("\n",
                                           $@"test_name1,tag1=value1 field1=123456i",
                                           $@"test_name2,tag2=value2 field2=234561i",
                                           $@"test_name3,tag3=value3 field3=345612i {expTime}",
                                           $@"test_name4,tag4=value4 field4=456123i {expTime}",
                                           $@"test_name5,tag5=value5 field5=561234i {expTime}"

        public void InfluxRecord_FormatsTo_LineProtocol()
            // test values
            var testNow    = new DateTime(2016, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var testTags   = TagTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Tag);
            var testFields = FieldTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Field);
            var precision  = InfluxConfig.Default.Precision;

            // expected values
            String expTime   = InfluxLineProtocol.FormatTimestamp(testNow, precision);
            String expTags   = String.Join(",", TagTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Output));
            String expFields = String.Join(",", FieldTestCases.Select(tc => tc.Output));
            String expOutput = String.Format("test_name,{0} {1} {2}", expTags, expFields, expTime);

            // assert line values match expected
            new InfluxRecord("name spaces", new[] { new InfluxField("field1", 123456) })
            .ToLineProtocol(precision).Should().Be(@"name\ spaces field1=123456i");
            new InfluxRecord("test_name", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag1", "value1") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field1", 123456) })
            .ToLineProtocol(precision).Should().Be(@"test_name,tag1=value1 field1=123456i");
            new InfluxRecord("test_name", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag1", "value1"), new InfluxTag("tag2", "value2") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field1", 123456), new InfluxField("field2", true) })
            .ToLineProtocol(precision).Should().Be(@"test_name,tag1=value1,tag2=value2 field1=123456i,field2=True");
            new InfluxRecord("test_name", new[] { new InfluxTag("tag1", "value1") }, new[] { new InfluxField("field1", "test string") }, testNow)
            .ToLineProtocol(precision).Should().Be($@"test_name,tag1=value1 field1=""test string"" {expTime}");
            new InfluxRecord("test_name", testTags, testFields, testNow)