protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (StopProcessing) { // No actions if processing is stopped } else { //Check view permission if (!CheckViewPermissions(UIContext.EditedObject as BaseInfo)) { editElem.StopProcessing = true; editElem.Visible = false; return; } if (!CheckEditPermissions()) { editElem.Enabled = false; editElem.ShowError(GetString("ui.notauthorizemodified")); } editElem.OnAfterDefinitionUpdate += new EventHandler(editElem_OnAfterDefinitionUpdate); if (DisplayedControls != String.Empty) { editElem.DisplayedControls = DisplayedControls.ToEnum <FieldEditorControlsEnum>(); } if (FieldEditorMode != String.Empty) { editElem.Mode = FieldEditorMode.ToEnum <FieldEditorModeEnum>(); } editElem.ShowQuickLinks = ShowQuickLinks; BaseInfo bi = UIContext.EditedObject as BaseInfo; // Set the form defintion to the FieldEditor if ((bi != null) && (ParametersColumnName != String.Empty)) { // Set properties for webpart switch (editElem.Mode) { case FieldEditorModeEnum.WebPartProperties: case FieldEditorModeEnum.SystemWebPartProperties: editElem.WebPartId = bi.Generalized.ObjectID; break; } editElem.FormDefinition = ValidationHelper.GetString(bi.GetValue(ParametersColumnName), String.Empty); } ScriptHelper.HideVerticalTabs(Page); } }
public FieldDataDescriptor(string CaptionText, DataColumn Column, FieldEditorMode Mode = FieldEditorMode.Auto, EditorDataStyle?Style = null, int?SizeWidth = null, object NullValue = null, bool IsReadOnly = false, decimal?Minimum = null, decimal?Maximum = null, object DataSource = null, string ValueMember = null, string DisplayMember = null, GetListBoxItemsDelegate GetListBoxItemsMethod = null, FormatValueDelegate FormatValueMethod = null) { if (Mode == FieldEditorMode.Auto) { if (DataSource != null && ValueMember != null && DisplayMember != null && GetListBoxItemsMethod != null) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.ListBox; } else if (DataSource != null && ValueMember != null && DisplayMember != null) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.ComboBox; } else if (DataSource != null) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.ComboTextBox; } else if (FormatValueMethod != null) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.TextBox; this.IsReadOnly = true; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(bool)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.CheckBox; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(byte)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = byte.MinValue; this.Maximum = byte.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(short)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = short.MinValue; this.Maximum = short.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(int)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = int.MinValue; this.Maximum = int.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(long)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = long.MinValue; this.Maximum = long.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(ushort)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = ushort.MinValue; this.Maximum = ushort.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(uint)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = uint.MinValue; this.Maximum = uint.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(ulong)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox; this.Minimum = ulong.MinValue; this.Maximum = ulong.MaxValue; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.DateTimeTextBox; } else if (Column.DataType == typeof(Guid)) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.TextBox; this.IsReadOnly = true; } else if (Column.MaxLength > 260) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.MultilineTextBox; } else { Mode = FieldEditorMode.TextBox; } } if (Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask && (Column.DataType == typeof(long) || Column.DataType == typeof(ulong))) { Mode = FieldEditorMode.BitMask64; } this.CaptionText = CaptionText; // Column.Caption; this.ColumnName = Column.ColumnName; this.Mode = Mode; this.Style = Style; this.IsNull = Column.AllowDBNull || Mode == FieldEditorMode.GuidEditor; this.NullValue = NullValue; this.IsReadOnly = this.IsReadOnly || Column.ReadOnly || IsReadOnly || Mode == FieldEditorMode.GuidEditor; if (this.IsReadOnly && this.Mode == FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox) { this.Mode = FieldEditorMode.TextBox; } if (Column.MaxLength > 0) { this.MaxLength = Column.MaxLength; } if (Minimum.HasValue) { this.Minimum = Minimum; } if (Maximum.HasValue) { this.Maximum = Maximum; } this.SizeWidth = SizeWidth; this.DataSource = DataSource; this.ValueMember = ValueMember; this.DisplayMember = DisplayMember; this.GetListBoxItemsMethod = GetListBoxItemsMethod; this.FormatValueMethod = FormatValueMethod; }