Esempio n. 1
        public void VolumeFia()
            int treeCount = 42;

            // TODO: TSHE, THPL, ...
            Trees trees = new Trees(FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii, treeCount, Units.English);

            float[] fiaMerchantableCubicFeetPerAcre      = new float[treeCount];
            float[] fiaScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre          = new float[treeCount];
            float   merchantableCubicFeetPerAcre         = 0.0F;
            float   merchantableCubicMetersPerHectare    = 0.0F;
            float   totalCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre = 0.0F;
            float   totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre        = 0.0F;

            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < treeCount; ++treeIndex)
                // create trees with a range of expansion factors to catch errors in expansion factor management
                float      treeRatio = (float)treeIndex / (float)treeCount;
                TreeRecord tree      = new TreeRecord(treeIndex, trees.Species, (float)treeIndex, 1.0F - 0.75F * treeRatio, 0.6F + treeIndex);
                trees.Add(tree.Tag, tree.DbhInInches, tree.HeightInFeet, tree.CrownRatio, tree.LiveExpansionFactor);

                float dbhInMeters    = TestConstant.MetersPerInch * tree.DbhInInches;
                float heightInMeters = Constant.MetersPerFoot * tree.HeightInFeet;
                float treeSizedCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre = tree.LiveExpansionFactor * 0.25F * MathF.PI * dbhInMeters * dbhInMeters * heightInMeters;

                fiaMerchantableCubicFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] = tree.LiveExpansionFactor * FiaVolume.GetMerchantableCubicFeet(trees, treeIndex);
                merchantableCubicFeetPerAcre          += fiaMerchantableCubicFeetPerAcre[treeIndex];
                fiaScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] = tree.LiveExpansionFactor * FiaVolume.GetScribnerBoardFeet(trees, treeIndex);
                totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre         += fiaScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre[treeIndex];

                merchantableCubicMetersPerHectare += OsuVolume.GetCubicVolume(trees, treeIndex);

                // taper coefficient should be in the vicinity of 0.3 for larger trees, but this is not well defined for small trees
                // Lower bound can be made more stringent if necessary.
                Assert.IsTrue(fiaMerchantableCubicFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] >= 0.0);
                Assert.IsTrue(fiaMerchantableCubicFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] <= 0.4 * Constant.CubicFeetPerCubicMeter * treeSizedCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre);

                Assert.IsTrue(fiaScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] >= 0.0);
                Assert.IsTrue(fiaScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre[treeIndex] <= 6.5 * 0.4 * Constant.CubicFeetPerCubicMeter * treeSizedCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre);
                totalCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre += treeSizedCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre;

            float totalCylinderCubicFeetVolumePerAcre = Constant.CubicFeetPerCubicMeter * totalCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre;

            Assert.IsTrue(merchantableCubicFeetPerAcre >= 0.05 * totalCylinderCubicFeetVolumePerAcre);
            Assert.IsTrue(merchantableCubicFeetPerAcre <= 0.35 * totalCylinderCubicFeetVolumePerAcre);
            Assert.IsTrue(merchantableCubicFeetPerAcre >= 0.5 * Constant.HectaresPerAcre * Constant.CubicFeetPerCubicMeter * merchantableCubicMetersPerHectare);

            Assert.IsTrue(merchantableCubicMetersPerHectare <= 0.35 * Constant.AcresPerHectare * totalCylinderCubicMeterVolumePerAcre);

            Assert.IsTrue(totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre >= 1.75 * 0.35 * totalCylinderCubicFeetVolumePerAcre);
            Assert.IsTrue(totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre <= 6.5 * 0.40 * totalCylinderCubicFeetVolumePerAcre);

            // check SIMD 128 result against scalar
            float totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre128 = FiaVolume.GetScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre(trees);
            float simdScalarScribnerDifference     = totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre - totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre128;

            Assert.IsTrue(MathF.Abs(simdScalarScribnerDifference) < 0.004 * totalScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre);
Esempio n. 2
        public void VolumePerformance()
            int iterations = 1025; // 5 warmup run + measured runs
            int treeCount  = 100 * 1000;

            #if DEBUG
            iterations = 25; // do only functional validation of test on DEBUG builds to reduce test execution time
            treeCount  = 125;

            Trees trees           = new Trees(FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii, treeCount, Units.English);
            float expansionFactor = 0.5F;
            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < treeCount; ++treeIndex)
                float dbhInInches = (float)(treeIndex % 36 + 4);
                trees.Add(treeIndex, dbhInInches, 16.0F * MathF.Sqrt(dbhInInches) + 4.5F, 0.01F * (float)(treeIndex % 100), expansionFactor);
            FiaVolume volume = new FiaVolume();

            Stopwatch runtime = new Stopwatch();
            float     accumulatedBoardFeetPerAcre = 0.0F;
            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration)
                if (iteration > 20)
                    // skip first few runs as warmup runs

                // 1000 runs * 10,000 trees = 10M volumes on i7-3770
                // .NET standard 2.0 + MathF: 12.854s -> 686k trees/core-s
                //      RS616 pow() -> exp(): 13.254s -> 754k
                //              MathV scalar:  9.451s -> 1.06M
                //          reuse log10(DBH):  8.897s -> 1.12M
                //       aggressive inlining:  7.998s -> 1.20M
                //             internal loop:  7.785s -> 1.28M
                //            single species:  7.619s -> 1.31M
                //                   VEX 128:  2.063s -> 4.85M
                float standBoardFeetPerAcre = FiaVolume.GetScribnerBoardFeetPerAcre(trees);
                #if DEBUG
                Assert.IsTrue(standBoardFeetPerAcre > 35.0F * 1000.0F * expansionFactor);
                Assert.IsTrue(standBoardFeetPerAcre < 40.0F * 1000.0F * expansionFactor);
                accumulatedBoardFeetPerAcre += standBoardFeetPerAcre;

            this.TestContext !.WriteLine(runtime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public WriteHarvestSchedule()
            this.fiaVolume = new FiaVolume();

            this.Format = DataFormat.Long;