Esempio n. 1
        public static bool IsValidPlace(string place, FiMClass reportClass, out object index)
            if (IsValidNumberPlace(place, out var nIndex))
                index = nIndex;

            if (reportClass.GetVariable(place) != null)
                var variable = reportClass.GetVariable(place);
                if (!variable.Constant)
                    throw new FiMException("Cannot use a non-constant variable as a case");
                if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(variable.Type))
                    throw new FiMException("Can only use non-array variables as a case");

                index = variable.Value;

            index = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass, params object[] args)
            object[] sanitizedArgs = null;
            if (this.Arguments?.Count > 0)
                sanitizedArgs = new object[this.Arguments.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++)
                    if (i < args.Length)
                        if (this.Arguments[i] == KirinVariableType.EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_ARRAY)
                            if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(args[i]))
                                throw new FiMException("Expected an array, got " + FiMHelper.AsVariableType(args[i]).AsNamedString());
                        else if (FiMHelper.AsVariableType(args[i]) != this.Arguments[i])
                            throw new FiMException("Expected " + this.Arguments[i].AsNamedString() + ", got " + FiMHelper.AsVariableType(args[i]).AsNamedString());
                        sanitizedArgs[i] = args[i];
                        sanitizedArgs[i] = FiMHelper.GetDefaultValue(this.Arguments[i]);

            object result;

                result = this.Function.DynamicInvoke(sanitizedArgs);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("An error has occured while running a custom method\n\n" + ex.ToString());

            if (result != null && this.Returns == null)
                throw new FiMException("Non-value returning function returned value");
            if (result != null && this.Returns != null && this.Returns != KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN)
                if (FiMHelper.AsVariableType(result) != this.Returns)
                    throw new FiMException("Expected " + ((KirinVariableType)this.Returns).AsNamedString()
                                           + ", got " + FiMHelper.AsVariableType(result).AsNamedString());


Esempio n. 3
        public KirinValue Load()
            if (this.Raw == null)
                if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(this.Type))
                    this._Value = FiMHelper.GetDefaultValue(this.Type);
                    if (this.ForcedType == null)
                        throw new FiMException("Value is null");
                    this._Value = FiMHelper.GetDefaultValue((KirinVariableType)this.ForcedType);
                string raw = this.Raw;

                var eType = FiMHelper.DeclarationType.Determine(" " + raw, out string eKeyword, false);
                if (eType != KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN)
                    raw = raw.Substring(eKeyword.Length);

                if (this.ForcedType != null)
                    eType = (KirinVariableType)this.ForcedType;

                object value;
                if (KirinLiteral.TryParse(raw, out object lResult))
                    value = lResult;
                    value = KirinValue.Evaluate(Class, raw, out var returnedType, ForcedType);

                if (eType != KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN && FiMHelper.AsVariableType(value) != eType)
                    throw new FiMException("Expected " + eType.AsNamedString() + ", got " + FiMHelper.AsVariableType(value));
                this._Value = value;
Esempio n. 4
            public override object Eval(FiMClass reportClass)
                var lv  = Left.Eval(reportClass);
                var rv  = Right.Eval(reportClass);
                var lvt = FiMHelper.AsVariableType(lv);
                var rvt = FiMHelper.AsVariableType(rv);

                if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(lvt) || FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(rvt))
                    throw new FiMException("Cannot execute conditional with an array");

                if (this.Condition == "==")
                    return(IsEqual(lv, rv));
                if (this.Condition == "!=")
                    return(!IsEqual(lv, rv));
                if (this.Condition == "&&")
                    return(Convert.ToBoolean(lv) && Convert.ToBoolean(rv));
                if (this.Condition == "||")
                    return(Convert.ToBoolean(lv) || Convert.ToBoolean(rv));

                if (lvt != KirinVariableType.NUMBER ||
                    rvt != KirinVariableType.NUMBER)
                    throw new FiMException("Expected number value in conditional");

                double lvd = Convert.ToDouble(lv);
                double rvd = Convert.ToDouble(rv);

                switch (this.Condition)
                case ">=": return(lvd >= rvd);

                case "<=": return(lvd <= rvd);

                case ">":  return(lvd > rvd);

                case "<":  return(lvd < rvd);

                default: throw new FiMException("Invalid expression " + this.Condition);
Esempio n. 5
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass)
            if (reportClass.Variables.Has(this.VariableName))
                throw new FiMException("Variable " + this.VariableName + " already exists");

            var varArray = new KirinValue(this.RawValue, reportClass);

            if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(varArray.Type) && varArray.Type != KirinVariableType.STRING)
                throw new FiMException("Expected type array on for-in loops");

            if (varArray.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING)
                string str = Convert.ToString(varArray.Value);
                reportClass.Variables.Push(new FiMVariable(this.VariableName, str[0]));
                foreach (char c in str)
                    reportClass.Variables.Get(this.VariableName).Value = c;
                    var value = this.Statement.Execute(reportClass);
                    if (value != null)
                var list       = varArray.Value as System.Collections.IDictionary;
                var sortedKeys = list.Keys.Cast <int>().ToArray().OrderBy(k => k).ToArray();

                reportClass.Variables.Push(new FiMVariable(this.VariableName, list[sortedKeys[0]]));
                foreach (int k in sortedKeys)
                    reportClass.Variables.Get(this.VariableName).Value = list[k];
                    var value = this.Statement.Execute(reportClass);
                    if (value != null)

Esempio n. 6
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass)
            if (!this.Complete)
                throw new FiMException("Executing an incomplete switch statement");

            var variable = reportClass.GetVariable(this.RawVariable);

            if (variable == null)
                throw new FiMException("Varible " + this.RawVariable + " does not exist");

            if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(variable))
                throw new FiMException("Cannot use array on a switch");

            Dictionary <object, string> CasesLookup = new Dictionary <object, string>();

            foreach (var key in Cases.Keys)
                if (!KirinSwitchCase.IsValidPlace(key, reportClass, out object value))
                    throw new FiMException("Invalid case " + key);

                if (CasesLookup.Keys.Any(k => KirinValue.IsEqual(k, value)))
                    throw new FiMException("Duplicate case value " + key);

                CasesLookup.Add(value, key);

            KirinStatement s = DefaultCase;

            if (CasesLookup.Keys.Any(k => KirinValue.IsEqual(k, variable.Value)))
                s = Cases[CasesLookup.First(l => KirinValue.IsEqual(l.Key, variable.Value)).Value];

            if (s != null)
Esempio n. 7
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass)
            var result = (new KirinValue(RawParameters, reportClass)).Value;

            if (result == null)
            if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(result))
                throw new FiMException("Cannot print an array");
            reportClass.Report.Output(Convert.ToString(result) + (NewLine ? "\n" : ""));
Esempio n. 8
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass)
            var variable = reportClass.GetVariable(this.RawVariable);

            if (variable == null)
                throw new Exception("Variable " + this.RawVariable + " does not exist");
            if (FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(variable.Type))
                throw new Exception("Cannot input into an array");

            string prompt = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.PromptString))
                prompt = this.PromptString;
            string input = reportClass.Report.Input(prompt, this.RawVariable);

            if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING)
                input = $"\"{input}\"";
            else if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.CHAR)
                input = $"'{input}'";

            if (!KirinLiteral.TryParse(input, out object value))
                throw new Exception("Invalid input " + input);
            if (FiMHelper.AsVariableType(value) != variable.Type)
                throw new Exception("Input type doesnt match variable type");

            variable.Value = value;

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates raw FiM++ string into a value
        /// </summary>
        public static object Evaluate(
            FiMClass reportClass,
            string evaluatable,
            out KirinVariableType returnedType,
            KirinVariableType?expectedType = null
            returnedType = KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN;

            // Nothing
            if (evaluatable == "nothing" && expectedType != null)
                returnedType = (KirinVariableType)expectedType;

            // Calling an existing variable
            if (reportClass.GetVariable(evaluatable) != null)
                var variable = reportClass.GetVariable(evaluatable);
                returnedType = variable.Type;

            // Calling an existing method
            if (reportClass.GetParagraphLazy(evaluatable) != null)
                KirinValue[] args  = null;
                string       pName = evaluatable;

                if (pName.Contains(KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam))
                    int pIndex = pName.IndexOf(KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam);
                    pName = pName.Substring(0, pIndex);
                    args  = KirinFunctionCall.ParseCallArguments(
                        evaluatable.Substring(pName.Length + KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam.Length), reportClass

                var paragraph = reportClass.GetParagraph(pName);
                if (paragraph == null)
                    throw new FiMException("Paragraph " + pName + " not found");

                if (paragraph.ReturnType == KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN)
                    throw new FiMException("Paragraph returns nothing");
                returnedType = paragraph.ReturnType;

            // Array
            if (expectedType != null && FiMHelper.IsTypeArray((KirinVariableType)expectedType))
                System.Collections.IDictionary dict = null;
                var args = KirinFunctionCall.ParseCallArguments(evaluatable, reportClass);

                if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeOfArray(args[0].Type, (KirinArrayType)expectedType))
                    throw new FiMException("Invalid list value type");
                if (!args.All(a => a.Type == args[0].Type))
                    throw new FiMException("Unidentical list value type");

                int i = 1;
                if (expectedType == KirinVariableType.STRING_ARRAY)
                    dict = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    args.ForEach(kv => dict.Add(i++, Convert.ToString(kv.Value)));
                else if (expectedType == KirinVariableType.NUMBER_ARRAY)
                    dict = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                    args.ForEach(kv => dict.Add(i++, Convert.ToDouble(kv.Value)));
                else if (expectedType == KirinVariableType.BOOL_ARRAY)
                    dict = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
                    args.ForEach(kv => dict.Add(i++, Convert.ToBoolean(kv.Value)));

                returnedType = (KirinVariableType)expectedType;

            // Array index
            if (FiMHelper.ArrayIndex.IsArrayIndex(evaluatable, reportClass))
                var match = FiMHelper.ArrayIndex.GetArrayIndex(evaluatable, reportClass);

                var varIndex = new KirinValue(match.RawIndex, reportClass);
                if (varIndex.Type != KirinVariableType.NUMBER)
                    throw new FiMException("Invalid index value");
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(varIndex.Value);

                string strVar = match.RawVariable;
                if (!reportClass.Variables.Has(strVar))
                    throw new FiMException("Variable " + strVar + " does not exist");
                var variable = reportClass.Variables.Get(strVar);
                if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(variable.Type) && variable.Type != KirinVariableType.STRING)
                    throw new FiMException("Cannot index a non-array variable");

                if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING)
                    returnedType = KirinVariableType.CHAR;
                    return(Convert.ToString(variable.Value)[index - 1]);

                var dict = variable.Value as System.Collections.IDictionary;
                if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING_ARRAY)
                    returnedType = KirinVariableType.STRING;
                if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.BOOL_ARRAY)
                    returnedType = KirinVariableType.BOOL;
                if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.NUMBER_ARRAY)
                    returnedType = KirinVariableType.NUMBER;

            // Arithmetic
            if (KirinArithmetic.IsArithmetic(evaluatable, out var arithmeticResult))
                var arithmetic = new KirinArithmetic(arithmeticResult);
                var value      = arithmetic.GetValue(reportClass);
                returnedType = FiMHelper.AsVariableType(value.GetType());

            // Conditional
            if (KirinConditional.IsConditional(evaluatable, out var conditionalResult))
                var conditional = new KirinConditional(conditionalResult);
                returnedType = KirinVariableType.BOOL;

            throw new FiMException("Cannot evaluate " + evaluatable);
Esempio n. 10
        public override object Execute(FiMClass reportClass)
            var variable = reportClass.GetVariable(this.LeftOp);

            if (variable == null)
                throw new FiMException("Variable " + this.LeftOp + " does not exist");
            if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeArray(variable.Type) && variable.Type != KirinVariableType.STRING)
                throw new FiMException("Variable " + this.LeftOp + " is not an array");

            var kIndex = new KirinValue(this.RawIndex, reportClass);

            if (kIndex.Type != KirinVariableType.NUMBER)
                throw new FiMException("Invalid index " + kIndex.Value);
            var iValue = Convert.ToInt32(kIndex.Value);

            var value = new KirinValue(this.RightOp, reportClass);

            if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING)
                if (value.Type != KirinVariableType.CHAR)
                    throw new FiMException("Invalid array modify value");

                var sb = new StringBuilder(variable.Value as string);
                sb[iValue]     = (char)variable.Value;
                variable.Value = sb.ToString();
                if (!FiMHelper.IsTypeOfArray(value.Type, (KirinArrayType)variable.Type))
                    throw new FiMException("Invalid array modify value");

                dynamic dict;
                int     index = Convert.ToInt32(kIndex.Value);
                if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.STRING_ARRAY)
                    dict        = variable.Value as Dictionary <int, string>;
                    dict[index] = Convert.ToString(value.Value);
                else if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.NUMBER_ARRAY)
                    dict        = variable.Value as Dictionary <int, double>;
                    dict[index] = Convert.ToDouble(value.Value);
                else if (variable.Type == KirinVariableType.BOOL_ARRAY)
                    dict        = variable.Value as Dictionary <int, bool>;
                    dict[index] = Convert.ToBoolean(value.Value);

Esempio n. 11
        private static string SanitizeValue(string value, JavascriptContainer container, KirinVariableType?expectedType = null)
            var eType = FiMHelper.DeclarationType.Determine(" " + value, out string eKeyword, strict: false);

            if (eType != KirinVariableType.UNKNOWN)
                value        = value.Substring(eKeyword.Length);
                expectedType = eType;

            // Nothing
            if ((value == null || value == "nothing") && expectedType != null)

            if (KirinLiteral.TryParse(value, out object val))
                if (val.GetType() == typeof(bool))
                    return((bool)val == true ? "true" : "false");

            // Calling an existing method
            if ( != null)
                string args  = "";
                string pName = value;

                if (pName.Contains(KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam))
                    int pIndex = pName.IndexOf(KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam);
                    pName = pName.Substring(0, pIndex);
                    args  = string.Join(", ",
                                        .Substring(pName.Length + KirinFunctionCall.FunctionParam.Length)
                                        .Split(new string[] { " and " }, StringSplitOptions.None)
                                        .Select(v => SanitizeValue(v, container))

                if (container.internalFunctions.ContainsKey(pName))
                    return($"{ container.internalFunctions[pName] }({ args })");
                return($"this.{ SanitizeName(pName, container) }({ args })");

            // Array
            if (expectedType != null && FiMHelper.IsTypeArray((KirinVariableType)expectedType))
                string args = string.Join(", ",
                                          .Split(new string[] { " and " }, StringSplitOptions.None)
                                          .Select(v => SanitizeValue(v, container))

                return($"[, { args }]");

            // Array index
            if (IsArrayIndex(value))
                var match = GetArrayIndex(value);

                var index    = SanitizeValue(match.RawIndex, container);
                var variable = SanitizeValue(match.RawVariable, container);

                return($"{ variable }[ fim_index({ variable }, {index}) ]");

            // Arithmetic
            if (KirinArithmetic.IsArithmetic(value, out var arithmeticResult))
                return(ParseArithmeticNodes(arithmeticResult, container));

            // Conditional
            if (KirinConditional.IsConditional(value, out var conditionalResult))
                return(ParseConditionalNodes(conditionalResult, container));

            // Calling an existing variable (hopefully)
            return(SanitizeName(value, container));