Esempio n. 1
        public Task <Bundle> SystemHistory(ModelBaseInputs request, DateTimeOffset?since, DateTimeOffset?Till, int?Count, SummaryType summary)
            Bundle result = new Bundle();

            result.Meta             = new Meta();
            result.Meta.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
            result.Id   = new Uri("urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n")).OriginalString;
            result.Type = Bundle.BundleType.History;

            var parser = new Fhir.Serialization.FhirXmlParser();
            var files  = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(DirectorySystemService.Directory);

            foreach (var filename in files)
                var resource = parser.Parse <Resource>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename));
            result.Total = result.Entry.Count;

            // also need to set the page links

        public System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Bundle> Search(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > parameters, int?Count, SummaryType summary)
            Bundle result = new Bundle();

            result.Meta = new Meta()
                LastUpdated = DateTime.Now
            result.Id   = new Uri("urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n")).OriginalString;
            result.Type = Bundle.BundleType.Searchset;

            var parser = new Fhir.Serialization.FhirXmlParser();
            var files  = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(DirectorySystemService.Directory, $"{ResourceName}.*.xml");

            foreach (var filename in files)
                // TODO: actually filter!
                var resource = parser.Parse <Resource>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename));
            result.Total = result.Entry.Count;

            // also need to set the page links

Esempio n. 3
        public List <FederationMember> Members()
            List <FederationMember> members = new List <FederationMember>();

            // read these from the file system
            var parser = new Fhir.Serialization.FhirXmlParser();
            var files  = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(DirectorySystemService.Directory, $"Endpoint.*.xml").ToList();

            foreach (var filename in files)
                var resource = parser.Parse <Endpoint>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename));
                members.Add(new FederationMember(resource));

Esempio n. 4
        public void ValidateInvariantAllExamplesWithOtherConstraints()
            string profiles = TestDataHelper.GetFullPathForExample("profiles-others.xml");

            FhirXmlParser            parser               = new FhirXmlParser();
            int                      errorCount           = 0;
            int                      testFileCount        = 0;
            Dictionary <string, int> failedInvariantCodes = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <String>            checkedCode          = new List <string>();

            Bundle otherSDs;
            Dictionary <string, List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> > invariantCache = new Dictionary <string, List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> >();

            using (Stream streamOther = File.OpenRead(profiles))
                otherSDs = new Fhir.Serialization.FhirXmlParser().Parse <Bundle>(SerializationUtil.XmlReaderFromStream(streamOther));
                foreach (StructureDefinition resource in otherSDs.Entry.Select(e => e.Resource).Where(r => r != null && r is StructureDefinition))
                    List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> cacheForResource;
                    if (invariantCache.ContainsKey(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString()))
                        cacheForResource = invariantCache[resource.ConstrainedType.ToString()];
                        cacheForResource = new List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent>();
                        invariantCache.Add(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString(), cacheForResource);

                    // read the invariants for elements in the differential
                    foreach (var ed in resource.Differential.Element)
                        foreach (var constraint in ed.Constraint)
                            var ext = constraint.GetExtensionValue <FhirString>("");
                            if (ext == null)
                            string expression = ext.Value;
                            string parentPath = ed.Path;
                            if (parentPath.Contains("."))
                                // This expression applied to a backbone element, so need to give it scope
                                expression = parentPath.Replace(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString() + ".", "") + ".all(" + expression + ")";
                                ext.Value  = expression;
                            string key = constraint.Key;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression))

            var zip = TestDataHelper.ReadTestZip("");

            using (zip)
                foreach (var entry in zip.Entries)
                    Stream file = entry.Open();
                    using (file)
                        // Verified examples that fail validations
                        // dom-3
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("list-example-familyhistory-genetics-profile-annie(prognosis).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("questionnaire-sdc-profile-example-loinc(questionnaire-sdc-profile-example-loinc).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("questionnaireresponse-example(3141).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("dataelement-example(gender).xml"))

                        // vsd-3, vsd-8
                        //if (file.EndsWith("valueset-ucum-common(ucum-common).xml"))
                        //    continue;

                        var reader   = SerializationUtil.WrapXmlReader(XmlReader.Create(file));
                        var resource = parser.Parse <Resource>(reader);

                        // Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Validating {0}", entry.Name));
                        if (invariantCache.ContainsKey(resource.ResourceType.ToString()))
                        var outcome = new OperationOutcome();
                        // Debug.WriteLine("Key: " + String.Join(", ", resource.InvariantConstraints.Select(s => s.Key)));
                        foreach (var item in resource.InvariantConstraints)
                            if (checkedCode.Contains(item.Key))
                            string expression = item.GetExtensionValue <FhirString>("").Value;
                            if (expression.Contains("[x]"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an [x] in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("\"%\""))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an \"%\" in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("$parent"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had a '$parent' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("descendents"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'descendents' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("Decimal"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'Decimal' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("String"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'String' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("Integer"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'Integer' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                        // we can skip the US zipcode validations
                        if (outcome.Issue.Where(i => (i.Diagnostics != "address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))")).Count() > 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Validating {0} failed:", entry.Name));
                            foreach (var item in outcome.Issue)
                                if (!failedInvariantCodes.ContainsKey(item.Details.Coding[0].Code))
                                    failedInvariantCodes.Add(item.Details.Coding[0].Code, 1);

                                Trace.WriteLine("\t" + item.Details.Coding[0].Code + ": " + item.Details.Text);
                                Trace.WriteLine("\t" + item.Diagnostics);
                            //  Trace.WriteLine("-------------------------");
                            //  Trace.WriteLine(FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXml(resource));
                            //  Trace.WriteLine("-------------------------");
                            // count the issue

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("\r\n------------------\r\nValidation failed in {0} of {1} examples", errorCount, testFileCount));
            if (failedInvariantCodes.Count > 0)
                Debug.Write("Issues with Invariant: ");
                bool b = false;
                foreach (var item in failedInvariantCodes)
                    if (b)
                        Debug.Write(", ");
                    Debug.Write(String.Format("{0} ({1})", item.Key, item.Value));
                    b = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(21, errorCount, String.Format("Failed Validating {0} of {1} examples", errorCount, testFileCount));

             * Validating dataelement-labtestmaster-example(prothrombin).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: One and only one DataElement.code must have is-data-element-concept set to "true"
             *  code.extension(%"ext-11179-de-is-data-element-concept").count() = 1
             * Validating dataelement-sdc-profile-example(dataelement-sdc-profile-example).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: One and only one DataElement.code must have is-data-element-concept set to "true"
             *  code.extension(%"ext-11179-de-is-data-element-concept").count() = 1
             * Validating dataelement-sdc-profile-example-de(dataelement-sdc-profile-example-de).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: One and only one DataElement.code must have is-data-element-concept set to "true"
             *  code.extension(%"ext-11179-de-is-data-element-concept").count() = 1
             * Validating organization-example-f001-burgers(f001).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating organization-example-f201-aumc(f201).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating organization-example-f203-bumc(f203).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating patient-example(example).xml failed:
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating patient-example-f001-pieter(f001).xml failed:
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating patient-example-f201-roel(f201).xml failed:
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating patient-example-us-extensions(us01).xml failed:
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             *  inv-1: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f001-evdb(f001).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f002-pv(f002).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f003-mv(f003).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f004-rb(f004).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f005-al(f005).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f006-rvdb(f006).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f007-sh(f007).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f201-ab(f201).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f202-lm(f202).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f203-jvg(f203).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * Validating practitioner-example-f204-ce(f204).xml failed:
             *  inv-2: (Zip or Postal Code) SHALL be formatted as 99999[-9999] for US Zip or ZIP +4 codes or as A9A9A9 for Canadian postal codes.
             *  address.postalCode.all($this.matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))
             * ------------------
             * Validation failed in 21 of 725 examples
             * Issues with Invariant: inv-2 (23), inv-1 (12)Exception thrown: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException' in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.dll
             * The program '[23100] dotnet.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Esempio n. 5
        public void ValidateInvariantAllExamplesWithOtherConstraints()
            string                   examplesZip          = @"TestData\";
            FhirXmlParser            parser               = new FhirXmlParser();
            int                      errorCount           = 0;
            int                      testFileCount        = 0;
            Dictionary <string, int> failedInvariantCodes = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <String>            checkedCode          = new List <string>();

            Bundle otherSDs;
            Dictionary <string, List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> > invariantCache = new Dictionary <string, List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> >();

            using (Stream streamOther = File.OpenRead(@"TestData\profiles-others.xml"))
                otherSDs = new Fhir.Serialization.FhirXmlParser().Parse <Bundle>(SerializationUtil.XmlReaderFromStream(streamOther));
                foreach (StructureDefinition resource in otherSDs.Entry.Select(e => e.Resource).Where(r => r != null && r is StructureDefinition))
                    List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent> cacheForResource;
                    if (invariantCache.ContainsKey(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString()))
                        cacheForResource = invariantCache[resource.ConstrainedType.ToString()];
                        cacheForResource = new List <ElementDefinition.ConstraintComponent>();
                        invariantCache.Add(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString(), cacheForResource);

                    // read the invariants for elements in the differential
                    foreach (var ed in resource.Differential.Element)
                        foreach (var constraint in ed.Constraint)
                            var ext = constraint.GetExtensionValue <FhirString>("");
                            if (ext == null)
                            string expression = ext.Value;
                            string parentPath = ed.Path;
                            if (parentPath.Contains("."))
                                // This expression applied to a backbone element, so need to give it scope
                                expression = parentPath.Replace(resource.ConstrainedType.ToString() + ".", "") + ".all(" + expression + ")";
                                ext.Value  = expression;
                            string key = constraint.Key;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression))

            var zip = ZipFile.OpenRead(examplesZip);

            using (zip)
                foreach (var entry in zip.Entries)
                    Stream file = entry.Open();
                    using (file)
                        // Verified examples that fail validations
                        // dom-3
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("list-example-familyhistory-genetics-profile-annie(prognosis).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("questionnaire-sdc-profile-example-loinc(questionnaire-sdc-profile-example-loinc).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("questionnaireresponse-example(3141).xml"))
                        if (entry.Name.EndsWith("dataelement-example(gender).xml"))

                        // vsd-3, vsd-8
                        //if (file.EndsWith("valueset-ucum-common(ucum-common).xml"))
                        //    continue;

                        var reader   = SerializationUtil.WrapXmlReader(XmlReader.Create(file));
                        var resource = parser.Parse <Resource>(reader);

                        // Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Validating {0}", entry.Name));
                        if (invariantCache.ContainsKey(resource.ResourceType.ToString()))
                        var outcome = new OperationOutcome();
                        // Debug.WriteLine("Key: " + String.Join(", ", resource.InvariantConstraints.Select(s => s.Key)));
                        foreach (var item in resource.InvariantConstraints)
                            if (checkedCode.Contains(item.Key))
                            string expression = item.GetExtensionValue <FhirString>("").Value;
                            if (expression.Contains("[x]"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an [x] in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("\"%\""))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an \"%\" in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("$parent"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had a '$parent' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("descendents"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'descendents' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("Decimal"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'Decimal' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("String"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'String' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                            if (expression.Contains("Integer"))
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Expression {0} had an 'Integer' in it '{1}'", item.Key, expression));
                        // we can skip the US zipcode validations
                        if (outcome.Issue.Where(i => (i.Diagnostics != "address.postalCode.all(matches('[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}'))")).Count() > 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Validating {0} failed:", entry.Name));
                            foreach (var item in outcome.Issue)
                                if (!failedInvariantCodes.ContainsKey(item.Details.Coding[0].Code))
                                    failedInvariantCodes.Add(item.Details.Coding[0].Code, 1);
                                Trace.WriteLine("\t" + item.Details.Coding[0].Code + ": " + item.Details.Text);
                                Trace.WriteLine("\t" + item.Diagnostics);

                            // count the issue

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("\r\n------------------\r\nValidation failed in {0} of {1} examples", errorCount, testFileCount));
            if (failedInvariantCodes.Count > 0)
                Debug.Write("Issues with Invariant: ");
                bool b = false;
                foreach (var item in failedInvariantCodes)
                    if (b)
                        Debug.Write(", ");
                    Debug.Write(String.Format("{0} ({1})", item.Key, item.Value));
                    b = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, errorCount, String.Format("Failed Validating {0} of {1} examples", errorCount, testFileCount));