Esempio n. 1
        public Location GetLastLocation(string sTrackId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTrackId))
                return null;

            long trackId = Convert.ToInt64(sTrackId);

            IList<TrackPoint> list = null;
            using (Feng.IRepository rep = new Feng.NH.Repository("zkzx.model.config"))
                Track track = rep.Get<Track>(trackId);
                if (track != null)
                    list = rep.List<TrackPoint>("from TrackPoint g where g.Track = :Track order by g.GpsTime desc",
                        new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Track", track }, { "MaxResults", 1 } });
            if (list == null)
                return null;

            TrackPoint gpsData = list[0];
            GMap.NET.PointLatLng p1 = new GMap.NET.PointLatLng { Lat = gpsData.Latitude, Lng = gpsData.Longitude };
            GMap.NET.PointLatLng p2;
            lock (Feng.Map.GoogleMapChinaOffset.Instance)
                p2 = Feng.Map.GoogleMapChinaOffset.Instance.GetOffseted(p1);

            return new Location
                Latitude = p1.Lat,
                Longitude = p1.Lng,
                Heading = gpsData.Heading,
                LatitudeChina = p2.Lat,
                LongitudeChina = p2.Lng
Esempio n. 2
        private void OnTrackPoint(string gpsId, string gpsData)
            Logger.Info(string.Format("{0} send trackPoint of {1}", gpsId, gpsData));

            //vehicleName = ProcessVehicleName(vehicleName);
            var trackPoint = GpsService.ConvertToGpsData(gpsId, gpsData);

            if (!m_locks.ContainsKey(gpsId))
                m_locks[gpsId] = new object();

            lock (m_locks[gpsId])
                车辆作业 selectedClzy = null;
                using (Feng.IRepository rep = new Feng.NH.Repository("zkzx.model.config"))

                        var clzys = rep.List<车辆作业>("from 车辆作业 g where g.车载Id号 = :gpsId and Track is not null and 结束时间 is null and 开始时间 is not null order by 开始时间 desc",
                            new Dictionary<string, object> { { "gpsId", gpsId } });

                        if (clzys.Count == 0)
                            //Logger.Warn(string.Format("{0}'s Track is null", gpsId));
                            selectedClzy = clzys[0];
                            var nowTrack = selectedClzy.Track;
                            trackPoint.Track = rep.Get<Track>(nowTrack.Value);
                        s_trackPointDao.Save(rep, trackPoint);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Error("Error " + ex.Message);

                if (selectedClzy != null)
                    s_zyjkDao.更新作业监控状态1(selectedClzy, trackPoint);
Esempio n. 3
        public StringValue GetWorkerIdByTruckId(string sTruckId, string sIdx)
            Logger.Info(string.Format("GetWorkerIdByTruckId: {0}, {1}", sTruckId, sIdx));

            int idx = 0;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sIdx))
                idx = Convert.ToInt32(sIdx);

            using (Feng.IRepository rep = new Feng.NH.Repository("zkzx.model.config"))
                var tracks = rep.List<Zkzx.Model.车辆作业>("from 车辆作业 g where g.车载Id号 = :gpsId and 结束时间 is null order by case when 开始时间 is null then 1 else 0 end, 开始时间, 作业号 desc",
                            new Dictionary<string, object> { { "gpsId", sTruckId } });
                if (tracks.Count > idx && idx >= 0)
                    return new StringValue { Value = tracks[idx].ID.ToString() };
                    return new StringValue { Value = string.Empty };
Esempio n. 4
        private IList<TrackPoint> ReloadTrackLocation(long trackId)
                using (Feng.IRepository rep = new Feng.NH.Repository("zkzx.model.config"))
                    Track track = rep.Get<Track>(trackId);
                    if (track != null)
                        var list = rep.List<TrackPoint>("from TrackPoint g where g.Track = :Track order by g.GpsTime asc",
                            new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Track", track } });

                        return list;
            catch (Exception)
            return null;