// TODO: Abort early when bsaber.com is down (check if all items in block failed?)
        // TODO: Make cancellationToken actually do something.
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all songs from the feed defined by the provided settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="_settings"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidCastException">Thrown when the passed IFeedSettings isn't a BeastSaberFeedSettings.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"></exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async override Task <FeedResult> GetSongsFromFeedAsync(IFeedSettings settings, IProgress <ReaderProgress> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings), "settings cannot be null for BeastSaberReader.GetSongsFromFeedAsync.");
            Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong> retDict = new Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong>();

            if (!(settings is BeastSaberFeedSettings _settings))
                throw new InvalidCastException(INVALIDFEEDSETTINGSMESSAGE);
            if (_settings.Feed != BeastSaberFeedName.CuratorRecommended && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.Username))
                _settings.Username = Username;
            BeastSaberFeed feed = new BeastSaberFeed(_settings)
                StoreRawData = StoreRawData

            catch (InvalidFeedSettingsException ex)
                return(new FeedResult(null, null, ex, FeedResultError.Error));
            int  pageIndex    = settings.StartingPage;
            int  maxPages     = _settings.MaxPages;
            int  pagesChecked = 0;
            bool useMaxSongs  = _settings.MaxSongs != 0;
            bool useMaxPages  = maxPages != 0;

            if (useMaxPages && pageIndex > 1)
                maxPages = maxPages + pageIndex - 1;
            var ProcessPageBlock = new TransformBlock <int, PageReadResult>(async pageNum =>
                return(await feed.GetSongsFromPageAsync(pageNum, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
            }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxConcurrency,
                BoundedCapacity        = MaxConcurrency,
                CancellationToken      = cancellationToken
                                         //#if NETSTANDARD
                                         //                , EnsureOrdered = true
            bool continueLooping = true;
            int  itemsInBlock    = 0;
            List <PageReadResult> pageResults = new List <PageReadResult>(maxPages + 2);

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    continueLooping = false;
                while (continueLooping)
                    if (Utilities.IsPaused)
                        await Utilities.WaitUntil(() => !Utilities.IsPaused, 500, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        continueLooping = false;
                    await ProcessPageBlock.SendAsync(pageIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // TODO: Need check with SongsPerPage


                    if ((pageIndex > maxPages && useMaxPages) || cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        continueLooping = false;
                    // TODO: Better http error handling, what if only a single page is broken and returns 0 songs?
                    while (ProcessPageBlock.OutputCount > 0 || itemsInBlock == MaxConcurrency || !continueLooping)
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            continueLooping = false;
                        if (itemsInBlock <= 0)
                        await ProcessPageBlock.OutputAvailableAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        while (ProcessPageBlock.TryReceive(out PageReadResult pageResult))
                            int songsAdded = 0;
                            if (pageResult != null)
                            if (Utilities.IsPaused)
                                await Utilities.WaitUntil(() => !Utilities.IsPaused, 500, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            if (pageResult.IsLastPage || pageResult == null || pageResult.Count == 0) // TODO: This will trigger if a single page has an error.
                                Logger?.Debug("Received no new songs, last page reached.");
                                itemsInBlock    = 0;
                                continueLooping = false;
                            if (pageResult.Count > 0)
                                Logger?.Debug($"Receiving {pageResult.Count} potential songs from {pageResult.Uri}");
                                Logger?.Debug($"Did not find any songs on page '{pageResult.Uri}' of {Name}.{settings.FeedName}.");

                            // TODO: Process PageReadResults for better error feedback.
                            foreach (var song in pageResult.Songs)
                                if (!retDict.ContainsKey(song.Hash))
                                    if (retDict.Count < settings.MaxSongs || settings.MaxSongs == 0)
                                        retDict.Add(song.Hash, song);
                                    if (retDict.Count >= settings.MaxSongs && useMaxSongs)
                                        continueLooping = false;
                            int prog = Interlocked.Increment(ref pagesChecked);
                            progress?.Report(new ReaderProgress(prog, songsAdded));
                            if (!useMaxPages || pageIndex <= maxPages)
                                if (retDict.Count < settings.MaxSongs)
                                    continueLooping = true;
            }while (continueLooping);
            if (pageResults.Any(r => r.PageError == PageErrorType.Cancelled))
                return(FeedResult.GetCancelledResult(retDict, pageResults));
            return(new FeedResult(retDict, pageResults));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_settings"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidCastException">Throw when the provided settings object isn't a BeatSaverFeedSettings</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="_settings"/> is null.</exception>
        public async Task <FeedResult> GetSongsFromScoreSaberAsync(ScoreSaberFeedSettings _settings, IProgress <ReaderProgress> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_settings), "settings cannot be null for ScoreSaberReader.GetSongsFromScoreSaberAsync");
            if (!(_settings is ScoreSaberFeedSettings settings))
                throw new InvalidCastException(INVALIDFEEDSETTINGSMESSAGE);
            // "https://scoresaber.com/api.php?function=get-leaderboards&cat={CATKEY}&limit={LIMITKEY}&page={PAGENUMKEY}&ranked={RANKEDKEY}"
            int songsPerPage = settings.SongsPerPage;

            if (songsPerPage == 0)
                songsPerPage = 100;
            int pageNum = settings.StartingPage;
            //int maxPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(settings.MaxSongs / ((float)songsPerPage));
            int maxPages     = settings.MaxPages;
            int pagesChecked = 0;

            if (pageNum > 1 && maxPages != 0)
                maxPages = maxPages + pageNum - 1;
            //if (settings.MaxPages > 0)
            //    maxPages = maxPages < settings.MaxPages ? maxPages : settings.MaxPages; // Take the lower limit.
            var feed = new ScoreSaberFeed(settings);

            catch (InvalidFeedSettingsException ex)
                return(new FeedResult(null, null, ex, FeedResultError.Error));
            Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong> songs = new Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong>();

            var            pageResults = new List <PageReadResult>();
            Uri            uri         = feed.GetUriForPage(1);
            PageReadResult result      = await feed.GetSongsAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var song in result.Songs)
                if (!songs.ContainsKey(song.Hash) && (songs.Count < settings.MaxSongs || settings.MaxSongs == 0))
                    songs.Add(song.Hash, song);
            progress?.Report(new ReaderProgress(pagesChecked, songs.Count));
            bool continueLooping = true;

                //int diffCount = 0;
                if ((maxPages > 0 && pageNum > maxPages) || (settings.MaxSongs > 0 && songs.Count >= settings.MaxSongs))
                if (Utilities.IsPaused)
                    await Utilities.WaitUntil(() => !Utilities.IsPaused, 500).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // TODO: Handle PageReadResult here
                uri = feed.GetUriForPage(pageNum);
                var pageResult = await feed.GetSongsAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (pageResult.PageError == PageErrorType.Cancelled)
                    return(FeedResult.GetCancelledResult(songs, pageResults));
                int uniqueSongCount = 0;
                foreach (var song in pageResult.Songs)
                    if (!songs.ContainsKey(song.Hash) && (songs.Count < settings.MaxSongs || settings.MaxSongs == 0))
                        songs.Add(song.Hash, song);

                int prog = Interlocked.Increment(ref pagesChecked);
                progress?.Report(new ReaderProgress(prog, uniqueSongCount));
                if (uniqueSongCount > 0)
                    Logger?.Debug($"Receiving {uniqueSongCount} potential songs from {pageResult.Uri}");
                    Logger?.Debug($"Did not find any new songs on page '{pageResult.Uri}' of {Name}.{settings.FeedName}.");
                if (pageResult.IsLastPage)
                    Logger?.Debug($"Last page reached.");
                    continueLooping = false;
                if (!pageResult.Successful)
                    Logger?.Debug($"Page {pageResult.Uri.ToString()} failed, ending read.");
                    if (pageResult.Exception != null)
                    continueLooping = false;

                if ((maxPages > 0 && pageNum >= maxPages) || (settings.MaxSongs > 0 && songs.Count >= settings.MaxSongs))
                    continueLooping = false;
            } while (continueLooping);

            if (pageResults.Any(r => r.PageError == PageErrorType.Cancelled))
                return(FeedResult.GetCancelledResult(songs, pageResults));
            return(new FeedResult(songs, pageResults));