Esempio n. 1
		private static List<License> FillChildren(List<Feature> baseFeatureList, List<int> ParentFeatureIds,
				List<FeatureLicense> MultipleParentFeatLicenses, FeatureRegisterSubset register)
			var Licenses = new List<License>();
			var MultipleParentLicenseIds = MultipleParentFeatLicenses.Select(x => x.License.Id).ToList();
			List<Feature> l_FeatureList = new List<Feature>(baseFeatureList);

			foreach (var Feature in baseFeatureList)
				AddLicense2Enum(Licenses, Feature, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParentLicenseIds, register, ref l_FeatureList);

			return Licenses;
Esempio n. 2
		// Gibiino [RTC 19507] get index in list for multiple parent features
		// the license with multiple parents is placed before the first license in the list without any parent that follows the last parent of the license to insert
		//private static int? GetIndexForMPFeature(List<License> Licenses, FeatureLicense MPfeatureL, FeatureRegisterSubset register)
		//  var Parents = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => lr.FeatureId == MPfeatureL.Feature.Id)
		//                .Join(register.FeatureLicenses, lr => lr.ParentFeatureId, fl => fl.Feature.Id, (lr, fl) => fl).ToList();
		//  if (Parents.Count > 0)
		//  {
		//      var parentindex = Parents.Max(p => Licenses.IndexOf(p.License));
		//      if (parentindex < Licenses.Count - 1)
		//      {
		//          for (int indx = parentindex + 1; indx < Licenses.Count; indx++)
		//          {
		//              var featureIds = register.Features.Where(f => f.LicenseId == Licenses[indx].Id).ToList();
		//              // check if any of the feature associated with the license has a parent
		//              if (!register.LicenseRelations.Join(featureIds, lr => lr.FeatureId, f => f.Id, (lr, f) => lr).Any())
		//              {
		//                  // if the license has no parent return its value
		//                  return indx;
		//              }
		//          }
		//      }
		//  }
		//  return null;  // i.e. place the license as last in the list

		private static void AddLicense2Enum(List<License> Licenses, Feature Feature, List<int> ParentFeatureIds,
											List<int> MultipleParentLicenseIds, FeatureRegisterSubset register, ref List<Feature> FeaturesToAdd, int? index = null)
			var l_license = register.FeatureLicenses.Single(fl => fl.Feature.Id == Feature.Id).License;
			if (!Licenses.Any(l => l.Id == l_license.Id))       // do not add replicates
				if (index == null)
					Licenses.Insert((int)index, l_license);


				if (ParentFeatureIds.Contains(Feature.Id))
					var Children = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => lr.ParentFeatureId == Feature.Id)
								   .Join(register.FeatureLicenses, lr => lr.FeatureId, fl => fl.Feature.Id, (lr, fl) => fl);

					// Skip children with multiple parents
					var ChildrenOneOnlyParent = Children.Where(c => !MultipleParentLicenseIds.Contains(c.License.Id)).ToList();
					foreach (var child in ChildrenOneOnlyParent)
						AddLicense2Enum(Licenses, child.Feature, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParentLicenseIds, register, ref FeaturesToAdd);

					//@PD Get children with multiple parents and if no more parent is to be added, add them
					var ChildrenMoreParents = Children.Where(c => MultipleParentLicenseIds.Contains(c.License.Id)).ToList();
					foreach (var child in ChildrenMoreParents)
						var ParentsToAdd = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => (lr.FeatureId == child.Feature.Id) && (lr.HiderType == HiderTypes.NoHide)).
										   Join(FeaturesToAdd, lr => lr.ParentFeatureId, fl => fl.Id, (lr, fl) => fl).ToList();

						if ( ParentsToAdd.Count() == 0)
							AddLicense2Enum(Licenses, child.Feature, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParentLicenseIds, register, ref FeaturesToAdd);
Esempio n. 3
		public static void SortLicenses(FeatureRegister FullRegister, out List<License> LicenseList, out List<License> AppLicenses, out List<License> VetAppLicenses,
										out List<License> OptionLicenses, Dictionary<String, FeatureInfo> FeatureAvailabilities = null)
			var register = new FeatureRegisterSubset(FullRegister);

			// consider only license relations where features are of the same type
			register.LicenseRelations = register.LicenseRelations.Join(register.Features, lr => lr.FeatureId, f => f.Id, (lr, f) => new
				lr, f
			.Join(register.Features, x =>, f => f.Id, (x, f) => new
			{, child = x.f, parent = f
			.Where(x => FullRegister.GetFeatureType(x.child.NameInCode) == FullRegister.GetFeatureType(x.parent.NameInCode)).Select(x =>;

			// filter out the unavailale features in order not o mix the dependencie relative to features associated with the same license.
			if (FeatureAvailabilities != null && FeatureAvailabilities.Count > 0)
				register.Features = register.Features.Where(f => FeatureAvailabilities.Select(x => x.Key).Contains(f.NameInCode)
									&& FeatureAvailabilities[f.NameInCode].IsAvailable).ToList();
				var selectedFeaturesIds = register.Features.Select(f => f.Id).ToList();

				register.FeatureLicenses = register.FeatureLicenses.Where(x => selectedFeaturesIds.Contains(x.Feature.Id)).ToList();
				register.Applications = register.Applications.Where(a => selectedFeaturesIds.Contains(a.FeatureId)).ToList();
				register.Options = register.Options.Where(x => selectedFeaturesIds.Contains(x.FeatureId)).ToList();
				register.LicenseRelations = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => selectedFeaturesIds.Contains(lr.FeatureId)
											&& selectedFeaturesIds.Contains(lr.ParentFeatureId)).ToList();

			// do not consider collapsers for license ordering
			var ParentFeatureIds = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => lr.HiderType != HiderTypes.Collapser).Select(x => x.ParentFeatureId).Join(register.Features,
								   k => k, f => f.Id, (k, f) => f.Id).Distinct().ToList();
			var UndistinctChildFeatureIds = register.LicenseRelations.Where(lr => lr.HiderType != HiderTypes.Collapser).Select(x => x.FeatureId).Join(register.Features,
											k => k, f => f.Id, (k, f) => f.Id).ToList();
			var ChildFeatureIds = UndistinctChildFeatureIds.Distinct().ToList();
			var _MultipleParentLicenses = UndistinctChildFeatureIds.GroupBy(l => l).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => g.First())
										  .Join(register.FeatureLicenses, k => k, f => f.Feature.Id, (k, fl) => fl).ToList();

			// Human applications
			var MultipleParent_HumanAppFeatLicenses = _MultipleParentLicenses.Join(register.Applications.Where(a => a.AppType ==
					SystemEnvironment.Human), fl => fl.Feature.Id, a => a.FeatureId, (fl, a) => fl).ToList();

			var _HumanFeatNoChildren = register.Applications.Where(a => a.AppType == SystemEnvironment.Human)
									   .Join(register.FeatureLicenses, a => a.FeatureId, fl => fl.Feature.Id, (a, fl) => fl.Feature).Where(x => !ChildFeatureIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
			var HumanAppLicenses = FillChildren(_HumanFeatNoChildren, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParent_HumanAppFeatLicenses, register);

			// Vet applications
			var MultipleParent_VetAppFeatLicenses = _MultipleParentLicenses.Join(register.Applications.Where(a => a.AppType ==
													SystemEnvironment.Veterinary), fl => fl.Feature.Id, a => a.FeatureId, (fl, a) => fl).ToList();
			var _VetFeatNoChildren = register.Applications.Where(a => a.AppType == SystemEnvironment.Veterinary)
									 .Join(register.FeatureLicenses, a => a.FeatureId, fl => fl.Feature.Id, (a, fl) => fl.Feature).Where(x => !ChildFeatureIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();
			VetAppLicenses = FillChildren(_VetFeatNoChildren, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParent_VetAppFeatLicenses, register);

			// Options
			var MultipleParent_OptFeatLicenses = _MultipleParentLicenses.Join(register.Options, fl => fl.Feature.Id, o => o.FeatureId, (fl, o) => fl).ToList();
			var _OptionFeatNoChildren = register.Options
										.Join(register.FeatureLicenses, o => o.FeatureId, fl => fl.Feature.Id, (o,
												fl) => fl.Feature).Where(x => !ChildFeatureIds.Contains(x.Id)).OrderBy(fl => fl.LicenseId).ToList();
			OptionLicenses = FillChildren(_OptionFeatNoChildren, ParentFeatureIds, MultipleParent_OptFeatLicenses, register);

			AppLicenses = HumanAppLicenses.Union(VetAppLicenses).ToList();
			LicenseList = AppLicenses.Union(OptionLicenses).ToList();