public void OrdersCommand(Client player) { if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_KILLED) != 0) { player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_is_dead); } else if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_ON_DUTY) == 0) { player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_not_on_duty); } else if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_DELIVER_ORDER) != null) { player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.order_delivering); } else { if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_JOB) == Constants.JOB_FASTFOOD) { // Get the fastfood deliverer orders FastFood.CheckFastfoodOrders(player); return; } if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_JOB) == Constants.JOB_TRUCKER) { Trucker.CheckTruckerOrders(player); } } }
public void FastFoodCanAddMenuItemWithNameAndPrice() { FastFood krustys = new FastFood(); int BeginningNumberOfMenuItems = krustys.MenuItems.Count; krustys.addMenuItem("Chicken Nuggets", 4.00); Assert.AreEqual(BeginningNumberOfMenuItems + 1, krustys.MenuItems.Count); }
public void CustomerIsReadyToOrderFromAllTypesOfRestaurants() { Customer Bob = new Customer(); FastFood krustys = new FastFood(); //Uncomment this line after noticing what is different MenuItem coke = new MenuItem(); coke.Name = "coke"; MenuItem lasagna = new MenuItem(); lasagna.Name = "lasagna"; MenuItem milkshake = new MenuItem(); milkshake.Name = "milkshake"; krustys.MenuItems.Add(coke); krustys.MenuItems.Add(lasagna); krustys.MenuItems.Add(milkshake); //The object initializer syntax used for bobsOrder is a shortcut used to set properties on an object when creating it Order bobsOrder = new Order { Drink = "coke", Entree = "lasagna", Dessert = "milkshake" }; Assert.IsTrue(bobsOrder.VerifyOrderComplete()); Assert.IsTrue(Bob.ReadyToPlaceOrder(bobsOrder, krustys)); }
private void listBox3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Product's Listbox for Order { AllDataContext dc = new AllDataContext(); int selectedId = Convert.ToInt32(listBox3.SelectedValue); FastFood cs = dc.FastFoods.Single(c => c.Id == selectedId); if (txtd1.Text.Equals("")) { txtd1.Text = cs.Name; txtr1.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd1.Text.Equals("") && txtd2.Text.Equals("")) { txtd2.Text = cs.Name; txtr2.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd2.Text.Equals("") && txtd3.Text.Equals("")) { txtd3.Text = cs.Name; txtr3.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd3.Text.Equals("") && txtd4.Text.Equals("")) { txtd4.Text = cs.Name; txtr4.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd4.Text.Equals("") && txtd5.Text.Equals("")) { txtd5.Text = cs.Name; txtr5.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd5.Text.Equals("") && txtd6.Text.Equals("")) { txtd6.Text = cs.Name; txtr6.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd6.Text.Equals("") && txtd7.Text.Equals("")) { txtd7.Text = cs.Name; txtr7.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd7.Text.Equals("") && txtd8.Text.Equals("")) { txtd8.Text = cs.Name; txtr8.Text = cs.Rate; } else if (!txtd1.Text.Equals("") && !txtd2.Text.Equals("") && !txtd3.Text.Equals("") && !txtd4.Text.Equals("") && !txtd5.Text.Equals("") && !txtd6.Text.Equals("") && !txtd7.Text.Equals("") && !txtd8.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Receipt List are full"); } }
private void listBox2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Product ListBox { AllDataContext dc = new AllDataContext(); int selectedId = Convert.ToInt32(listBox2.SelectedValue); FastFood cs = dc.FastFoods.Single(c => c.Id == selectedId); txtUpdatePName.Text = cs.Name; txtUpdatePRate.Text = cs.Rate; }
public static void RunEx10_13() { FastFood krystal = new FastFood("Krystal"); CoffeeShop starbucks = new CoffeeShop("Starbucks"); Fancy snooty = new Fancy("Snooty Grill"); krystal.EatOut(); starbucks.EatOut(); snooty.EatOut(); }
private void PUpdateGrid() //Update Product Method { AllDataContext dc = new AllDataContext(); int selectedId = Convert.ToInt32(listBox2.SelectedValue); FastFood ff = dc.FastFoods.Single(c => c.Id == selectedId); ff.Name = txtUpdatePName.Text; ff.Rate = txtUpdatePRate.Text; dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public FastFood GetFastFood(int id) { BamiBreadDataContext context = new BamiBreadDataContext(); FastFood ff = context.FastFoods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == id); if (ff != null) { ff.Category = null; } return(ff); }
public async Task IzmeniVrt([FromBody] FastFood res) { /* var stariRestoran= await Context.Restorani.FindAsync(res.ID); * stariRestoran.Kapacitet=res.Kapacitet; * stariRestoran.Naziv=res.Naziv; * stariRestoran.M=res.M; * stariRestoran.N=res.N; * stariRestoran.Cena=res.Cena;*/ Context.Update <FastFood>(res); await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private void AddProduct() //Add Product Method { AllDataContext dc = new AllDataContext(); FastFood ff = new FastFood() { Name = txtPName.Text, Rate = txtPRate.Text }; dc.FastFoods.InsertOnSubmit(ff); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
private void btnPDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Delete Product { AllDataContext dc = new AllDataContext(); int selectedId = Convert.ToInt32(listBox2.SelectedValue); FastFood ff = dc.FastFoods.Single(c => c.Id == selectedId); dc.FastFoods.DeleteOnSubmit(ff); dc.SubmitChanges(); txtUpdatePName.Text = txtUpdatePRate.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("Product Deleted Successfully!"); PRefreshGrid(); OPRefreshGrid(); }
private void DeliveryBoy() { try { FastFood.Delivery(); DeliveryBoy(); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void ProcesarPedido() { try { if (FastFood.listaPedidos.Count > 0) { FastFood.ProcesarPedido(); } ProcesarPedido(); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void GenerarPedido() { try { FastFood.GenerarPedido(); cantVentas++; Thread.Sleep(5000); if (cantVentas < 20) { this.GenerarPedido(); } } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public async Task UpisiRestoran([FromBody] FastFood res) { Context.Restorani.Add(res); await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private void btnGenerarPedido_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FastFood.GenerarPedido(); }
public void FastFoodCanSetDriveThrough() { FastFood krustys = new FastFood(); krustys.HasDriveThrough = true; Assert.IsTrue(krustys.HasDriveThrough); }
private Card RandomCard(Vector2 position, bool front, int playerID) { Card c = null; if (Globals.r.Next(4) == 0) { int cardsCount = 31; int rn = Globals.r.Next(cardsCount); switch (rn) { case 0: c = new Actor(position, front, playerID); break; case 1: c = new Artist(position, front, playerID); break; case 2: c = new Astrophysicist(position, front, playerID); break; case 3: c = new Babysitter(position, front, playerID); break; case 4: c = new BabysitterU(position, front, playerID); break; case 5: c = new BusDriver(position, front, playerID); break; case 6: c = new Conman(position, front, playerID); break; case 7: c = new DeliveryPerson(position, front, playerID); break; case 8: c = new DrugDealer(position, front, playerID); break; case 9: c = new FastFoodEmployee(position, front, playerID); break; case 10: c = new Hacker(position, front, playerID); break; case 11: c = new Hitman(position, front, playerID); break; case 12: c = new HumanTrafficker(position, front, playerID); break; case 13: c = new IndieGameDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 14: c = new Influencer(position, front, playerID); break; case 15: c = new InstaModel(position, front, playerID); break; case 16: c = new InternDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 17: c = new JuniorDev(position, front, playerID); break; case 18: c = new Musician(position, front, playerID); break; case 19: c = new OnlyFans(position, front, playerID); break; case 20: c = new Referee(position, front, playerID); break; case 21: c = new RiceFarmer(position, front, playerID); break; case 22: c = new Santa(position, front, playerID); break; case 23: c = new Shelfstacker(position, front, playerID); break; case 24: c = new Shoplifter(position, front, playerID); break; case 25: c = new Sporter(position, front, playerID); break; case 27: c = new Streamer(position, front, playerID); break; case 28: c = new SugarDaddy(position, front, playerID); break; case 29: c = new TaxiDriver(position, front, playerID); break; case 30: c = new Writer(position, front, playerID); break; case 26: c = new YogaInstructor(position, front, playerID); break; } } else { int cardsCount = 12; int rn = Globals.r.Next(cardsCount); switch (rn) { case 0: c = new Alcohol(position, front, playerID); break; case 1: c = new Drugs(position, front, playerID); break; case 2: c = new EatingOut(position, front, playerID); break; case 3: c = new FastFood(position, front, playerID); break; case 4: c = new Gambling(position, front, playerID); break; case 5: c = new Gaming(position, front, playerID); break; case 6: c = new Joint(position, front, playerID); break; case 7: c = new PomXML(position, front, playerID); break; case 8: c = new Shopping(position, front, playerID); break; case 9: c = new Smoking(position, front, playerID); break; case 10: c = new SocialMedia(position, front, playerID); break; case 11: c = new Streaming(position, front, playerID); break; } } return(c); }
public void FastFoodEnsureICanCreateInstance() { FastFood krustys = new FastFood(); Assert.IsNotNull(krustys); }
private void btnProcesarPedido_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FastFood.ProcesarPedido(); }
public async Task <FastFoodOrder> OrderFastFood(int productId, string userId, FastFood fastFoodDto) { try { var foodToBeOrdered = await _context.Products.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == productId); if (foodToBeOrdered == null) { return(null); } if (fastFoodDto.Quantity <= 0) { return(null); } FastFoodOrder fastFoodOrder = new FastFoodOrder { DeliveryAddress = fastFoodDto.DeliveryAddress, ProductId = productId, UserId = userId, Quantity = fastFoodDto.Quantity, TotalAmount = (foodToBeOrdered.Amount * fastFoodDto.Quantity) + foodToBeOrdered.ConvinienceFee }; _context.FastFoodOrders.Add(fastFoodOrder); if (await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0) { return(fastFoodOrder); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.InnerException.ToString()); return(null); } }