public StickyNote CreateNote(string nameTag)
            // Create the new note
            StickyNote newNote = new StickyNote(nameTag);

            newNote.NoteIsFor = FamilyModel.PersonFromName(nameTag);
        private async void AddNewPersonDialog(Person currentPerson)
            var dialog = new AddPersonContentDialog();

            await dialog.ShowAsync();

            Person newPerson = dialog.AddedPerson;

            // If there is a valid person to add, add them
            if (newPerson != null)
                // Get or create a directory for the user (we do this regardless of whether or not there is a profile picture)
                StorageFolder userFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync(("Users\\" + newPerson.FriendlyName), CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);

                // See if we have a profile photo
                if (dialog.TemporaryFile != null)
                    // Save off the profile photo and delete the temporary file
                    await dialog.TemporaryFile.CopyAsync(userFolder, "ProfilePhoto.jpg", NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                    await dialog.TemporaryFile.DeleteAsync();

                    // Update the profile picture for the person
                    newPerson.IsProfileImage = true;
                    newPerson.ImageFileName  = userFolder.Path + "\\ProfilePhoto.jpg";

                    if (AppSettings.FaceApiKey != "")
                        await FacialSimilarity.AddTrainingImageAsync(newPerson.FriendlyName, new Uri($"ms-appdata:///local/Users/{newPerson.FriendlyName}/ProfilePhoto.jpg"));
                // Add the user if it is new now that changes have been made
                if (currentPerson == null)
                    await FamilyModel.AddPersonAsync(newPerson);
                // Otherwise we had a user, so update the current one
                    //await FamilyModel.UpdatePersonImageAsync(newPerson);
                    Person personToUpdate = FamilyModel.PersonFromName(currentPerson.FriendlyName);
                    if (personToUpdate != null)
                        personToUpdate.IsProfileImage = true;
                        personToUpdate.ImageFileName  = userFolder.Path + "\\ProfilePhoto.jpg";
        public void Public_ShowNotesForPerson(string nameTag)
            Person selectedPerson = FamilyModel.PersonFromName(nameTag);


            // Determine whether or not we are currently filtering
            if (selectedPerson.FriendlyName == _unfilteredName)
                CurrentlyFiltered = false;
                CurrentlyFiltered = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display a friendly greeting at the top of the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of user for the salutation</param>
        private async void UpdateGreeting(string name)
            var now      = DateTime.Now;
            var greeting =
                now.Hour < 12 ? "Good morning" :
                now.Hour < 18 ? "Good afternoon" :
                /* otherwise */ "Good night";
            var person = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || name == App.EVERYONE) ? "!" : $", {name}!";

            TextGreeting.Text = $"{greeting}{person}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (name != App.EVERYONE))
                await _dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
                    var SpeakGreeting = $"{greeting} {name}";

                    var notes = taskPanel.CountNotes(FamilyModel.PersonFromName(name));

                    if (notes > 0)
                        if (notes == 1)
                            SpeakGreeting += ",there is a note for you.";
                            SpeakGreeting += $",there are {notes} notes for you.";

                    await this._speechManager.SpeakAsync(