Esempio n. 1
        protected override void OnRenderInitialized(RenderGraphics g)
            theme = RenderTheme.CreateResourcesForGraphics(g);

            bmpTracks[Channel.Square1]  = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Square");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Square2]  = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Square");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Triangle] = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Triangle");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Noise]    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Noise");
            bmpTracks[Channel.DPCM]     = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("DPCM");

            bmpGhostNote = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("GhostSmall");

            seekBarBrush                  = g.CreateSolidBrush(ThemeBase.SeekBarColor);
            whiteKeyBrush                 = g.CreateHorizontalGradientBrush(0, trackNameSizeX, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor2);
            patternHeaderBrush            = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, patternHeaderSizeY, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor2);
            selectedPatternVisibleBrush   = g.CreateSolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(64, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1));
            selectedPatternInvisibleBrush = g.CreateSolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(32, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1));

            seekGeometry = g.CreateConvexPath(new[]
                new Point(-headerSizeY / 2, 1),
                new Point(0, headerSizeY - 2),
                new Point(headerSizeY / 2, 1)
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnRenderInitialized(RenderGraphics g)
            theme = RenderTheme.CreateResourcesForGraphics(g);

            bmpTracks[Channel.Square1]  = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Square");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Square2]  = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Square");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Triangle] = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Triangle");
            bmpTracks[Channel.Noise]    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Noise");
            bmpTracks[Channel.DPCM]     = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("DPCM");

            bmpGhostNote = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("GhostSmall");

            playPositionBrush    = g.CreateSolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1));
            whiteKeyBrush        = g.CreateHorizontalGradientBrush(0, trackNameSizeX, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor2);
            patternHeaderBrush   = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, patternHeaderSizeY, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor2);
            selectedPatternBrush = g.CreateSolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1));
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual void InitializeForGraphics(RenderGraphics g)
            BlackBrush           = g.CreateSolidBrush(BlackColor);
            LightGreyFillBrush1  = g.CreateSolidBrush(LightGreyFillColor1);
            LightGreyFillBrush2  = g.CreateSolidBrush(LightGreyFillColor2);
            MediumGreyFillBrush1 = g.CreateSolidBrush(MediumGreyFillColor1);
            DarkGreyLineBrush1   = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyLineColor1);
            DarkGreyLineBrush2   = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyLineColor2);
            DarkGreyLineBrush3   = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyLineColor3);
            DarkGreyFillBrush1   = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyFillColor1);
            DarkGreyFillBrush2   = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyFillColor2);

            for (int j = 0; j < CustomColors.GetLength(1); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < CustomColors.GetLength(0); i++)
                    CustomColorBrushes[CustomColors[i, j]] = g.CreateSolidBrush(CustomColors[i, j]);
Esempio n. 4
 public virtual void InitializeForGraphics(RenderGraphics g)
     BlackBrush          = g.CreateSolidBrush(BlackColor);
     LightGreyFillBrush1 = g.CreateSolidBrush(LightGreyFillColor1);
     LightGreyFillBrush2 = g.CreateSolidBrush(LightGreyFillColor2);
     DarkGreyLineBrush1  = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyLineColor1);
     DarkGreyLineBrush2  = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyLineColor2);
     DarkGreyFillBrush1  = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyFillColor1);
     DarkGreyFillBrush2  = g.CreateSolidBrush(DarkGreyFillColor2);
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void OnRenderInitialized(RenderGraphics g)
            theme = RenderTheme.CreateResourcesForGraphics(g);

            toolbarBrush = g.CreateHorizontalGradientBrush(0, 81, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor1, ThemeBase.LightGreyFillColor2);
            warningBrush = g.CreateSolidBrush(ThemeBase.Darken(ThemeBase.CustomColors[0, 0]));

            bmpLoopNone    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("LoopNone");
            bmpLoopSong    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Loop");
            bmpLoopPattern = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("LoopPattern");
            bmpPlay        = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Play");
            bmpPause       = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Pause");
            bmpNtsc        = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("NTSC");
            bmpPal         = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("PAL");

            buttons[ButtonNew] = new Button {
                X = 4, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("File"), Click = OnNew
            buttons[ButtonOpen] = new Button {
                X = 40, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Open"), Click = OnOpen
            buttons[ButtonSave] = new Button {
                X = 76, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Save"), Click = OnSave, RightClick = OnSaveAs
            buttons[ButtonExport] = new Button {
                X = 112, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Export"), Click = OnExport
            buttons[ButtonCopy] = new Button {
                X = 148, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Copy"), Click = OnCopy, Enabled = OnCopyEnabled
            buttons[ButtonCut] = new Button {
                X = 184, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Cut"), Click = OnCut, Enabled = OnCutEnabled
            buttons[ButtonPaste] = new Button {
                X = 220, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Paste"), Click = OnPaste, RightClick = OnPasteSpecial, Enabled = OnPasteEnabled
            buttons[ButtonUndo] = new Button {
                X = 256, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Undo"), Click = OnUndo, Enabled = OnUndoEnabled
            buttons[ButtonRedo] = new Button {
                X = 292, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Redo"), Click = OnRedo, Enabled = OnRedoEnabled
            buttons[ButtonTransform] = new Button {
                X = 328, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Transform"), Click = OnTransform
            buttons[ButtonConfig] = new Button {
                X = 364, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Config"), Click = OnConfig
            buttons[ButtonPlay] = new Button {
                X = 572, Y = 4, Click = OnPlay, GetBitmap = OnPlayGetBitmap
            buttons[ButtonRewind] = new Button {
                X = 608, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Rewind"), Click = OnRewind
            buttons[ButtonLoop] = new Button {
                X = 644, Y = 4, Click = OnLoop, GetBitmap = OnLoopGetBitmap
            buttons[ButtonMachine] = new Button {
                X = 680, Y = 4, Click = OnMachine, GetBitmap = OnMachineGetBitmap, Enabled = OnMachineEnabled
            buttons[ButtonHelp] = new Button {
                X = 36, Y = 4, Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Help"), RightAligned = true, Click = OnHelp

            buttons[ButtonNew].ToolTip       = "{MouseLeft} New Project {Ctrl} {N}";
            buttons[ButtonOpen].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Open Project {Ctrl} {O}";
            buttons[ButtonSave].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Save Project {Ctrl} {S} - {MouseRight} Save As...";
            buttons[ButtonExport].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Export to various formats {Ctrl} {E}";
            buttons[ButtonCopy].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Copy selection {Ctrl} {C}";
            buttons[ButtonCut].ToolTip       = "{MouseLeft} Cut selection {Ctrl} {X}";
            buttons[ButtonPaste].ToolTip     = "{MouseLeft} Paste {Ctrl} {V}\n{MouseRight} Paste Special... {Ctrl} {Shift} {V}";
            buttons[ButtonUndo].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Undo {Ctrl} {Z}";
            buttons[ButtonRedo].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Redo {Ctrl} {Y}";
            buttons[ButtonTransform].ToolTip = "{MouseLeft} Perform cleanup and various operations";
            buttons[ButtonConfig].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Edit Application Settings";
            buttons[ButtonPlay].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Play/Pause {Space} - Play from start of pattern {Ctrl} {Space}";
            buttons[ButtonRewind].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Rewind {Home}\nRewind to beginning of current pattern {Ctrl} {Home}";
            buttons[ButtonLoop].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Toggle Loop Mode";
            buttons[ButtonMachine].ToolTip   = "{MouseLeft} Toggle between NTSC/PAL playback mode";
            buttons[ButtonHelp].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Online documentation";

            var scaling = RenderTheme.MainWindowScaling;

            for (int i = 0; i < ButtonCount; i++)
                var btn = buttons[i];
                btn.X    = (int)(btn.X * scaling);
                btn.Y    = (int)(btn.Y * scaling);
                btn.Size = (int)(btn.Size * scaling);

            timecodePosX            = (int)(DefaultTimecodePosX * scaling);
            timecodePosY            = (int)(DefaultTimecodePosY * scaling);
            timecodeSizeX           = (int)(DefaultTimecodeSizeX * scaling);
            tooltipSingleLinePosY   = (int)(DefaultTooltipSingleLinePosY * scaling);
            tooltipMultiLinePosY    = (int)(DefaultTooltipMultiLinePosY * scaling);
            tooltipLineSizeY        = (int)(DefaultTooltipLineSizeY * scaling);
            tooltipSpecialCharSizeX = (int)(DefaultTooltipSpecialCharSizeX * scaling);
            tooltipSpecialCharSizeY = (int)(DefaultTooltipSpecialCharSizeY * scaling);

            specialCharacters["Shift"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(32 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Space"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(38 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Home"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(38 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Ctrl"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(28 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Alt"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(24 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Drag"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Drag"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseLeft"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseLeft"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseRight"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseRight"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseWheel"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseWheel"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["Warning"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Warning")

            for (char i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
                specialCharacters[i.ToString()] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                    Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX
            for (char i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++)
                specialCharacters[i.ToString()] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                    Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX

            specialCharacters["~"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX

            foreach (var specialChar in specialCharacters.Values)
                if (specialChar.Bmp != null)
                    specialChar.Width = (int)g.GetBitmapWidth(specialChar.Bmp);
                specialChar.Height = tooltipSpecialCharSizeY;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnRenderInitialized(RenderGraphics g)
            theme = RenderTheme.CreateResourcesForGraphics(g);

            toolbarBrush = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, Height, ThemeBase.DarkGreyFillColor2, ThemeBase.DarkGreyFillColor1);
            warningBrush = g.CreateSolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(205, 77, 64));

            bmpLoopNone    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("LoopNone");
            bmpLoopSong    = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Loop");
            bmpLoopPattern = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("LoopPattern");
            bmpPlay        = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Play");
            bmpPause       = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Pause");
            bmpNtsc        = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("NTSC");
            bmpPal         = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("PAL");
            bmpNtscToPal   = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("NTSCToPAL");
            bmpPalToNtsc   = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("PALToNTSC");
            bmpRec         = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Rec");
            bmpRecRed      = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("RecRed");

            buttons[ButtonNew] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("File"), Click = OnNew
            buttons[ButtonOpen] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Open"), Click = OnOpen
            buttons[ButtonSave] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Save"), Click = OnSave, RightClick = OnSaveAs
            buttons[ButtonExport] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Export"), Click = OnExport, RightClick = OnRepeatLastExport
            buttons[ButtonCopy] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Copy"), Click = OnCopy, Enabled = OnCopyEnabled
            buttons[ButtonCut] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Cut"), Click = OnCut, Enabled = OnCutEnabled
            buttons[ButtonPaste] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Paste"), Click = OnPaste, RightClick = OnPasteSpecial, Enabled = OnPasteEnabled
            buttons[ButtonUndo] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Undo"), Click = OnUndo, Enabled = OnUndoEnabled
            buttons[ButtonRedo] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Redo"), Click = OnRedo, Enabled = OnRedoEnabled
            buttons[ButtonTransform] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Transform"), Click = OnTransform
            buttons[ButtonConfig] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Config"), Click = OnConfig
            buttons[ButtonPlay] = new Button {
                Click = OnPlay, GetBitmap = OnPlayGetBitmap
            buttons[ButtonRec] = new Button {
                GetBitmap = OnRecordGetBitmap, Click = OnRecord
            buttons[ButtonRewind] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Rewind"), Click = OnRewind
            buttons[ButtonLoop] = new Button {
                Click = OnLoop, GetBitmap = OnLoopGetBitmap
            buttons[ButtonQwerty] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("QwertyPiano"), Click = OnQwerty, Enabled = OnQwertyEnabled
            buttons[ButtonMachine] = new Button {
                Click = OnMachine, GetBitmap = OnMachineGetBitmap, Enabled = OnMachineEnabled
            buttons[ButtonFollow] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Follow"), Click = OnFollow, Enabled = OnFollowEnabled
            buttons[ButtonHelp] = new Button {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Help"), RightAligned = true, Click = OnHelp

            buttons[ButtonNew].ToolTip       = "{MouseLeft} New Project {Ctrl} {N}";
            buttons[ButtonOpen].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Open Project {Ctrl} {O}";
            buttons[ButtonSave].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Save Project {Ctrl} {S} - {MouseRight} Save As...";
            buttons[ButtonExport].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Export to various formats {Ctrl} {E}\n{MouseRight} Repeat last export {Ctrl} {Shift} {E}";
            buttons[ButtonCopy].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Copy selection {Ctrl} {C}";
            buttons[ButtonCut].ToolTip       = "{MouseLeft} Cut selection {Ctrl} {X}";
            buttons[ButtonPaste].ToolTip     = "{MouseLeft} Paste {Ctrl} {V}\n{MouseRight} Paste Special... {Ctrl} {Shift} {V}";
            buttons[ButtonUndo].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Undo {Ctrl} {Z}";
            buttons[ButtonRedo].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Redo {Ctrl} {Y}";
            buttons[ButtonTransform].ToolTip = "{MouseLeft} Perform cleanup and various operations";
            buttons[ButtonConfig].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Edit Application Settings";
            buttons[ButtonPlay].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Play/Pause {Space} - Play from start of pattern {Ctrl} {Space}\nPlay from start of song {Shift} {Space} - Play from loop point {Ctrl} {Shift} {Space}";
            buttons[ButtonRewind].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Rewind {Home}\nRewind to beginning of current pattern {Ctrl} {Home}";
            buttons[ButtonRec].ToolTip       = "{MouseLeft} Toggles recording mode {Enter}\nAbort recording {Esc}";
            buttons[ButtonLoop].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Toggle Loop Mode";
            buttons[ButtonQwerty].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Toggle QWERTY keyboard piano input";
            buttons[ButtonMachine].ToolTip   = "{MouseLeft} Toggle between NTSC/PAL playback mode";
            buttons[ButtonFollow].ToolTip    = "{MouseLeft} Toggle follow mode {Shift} {F}";
            buttons[ButtonHelp].ToolTip      = "{MouseLeft} Online documentation";


            var scaling = RenderTheme.MainWindowScaling;

            timecodePosY            = (int)(DefaultTimecodePosY * scaling);
            timecodeSizeX           = (int)(DefaultTimecodeSizeX * scaling);
            tooltipSingleLinePosY   = (int)(DefaultTooltipSingleLinePosY * scaling);
            tooltipMultiLinePosY    = (int)(DefaultTooltipMultiLinePosY * scaling);
            tooltipLineSizeY        = (int)(DefaultTooltipLineSizeY * scaling);
            tooltipSpecialCharSizeX = (int)(DefaultTooltipSpecialCharSizeX * scaling);
            tooltipSpecialCharSizeY = (int)(DefaultTooltipSpecialCharSizeY * scaling);

            specialCharacters["Shift"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(32 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Space"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(38 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Home"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(38 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Ctrl"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(28 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Alt"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(24 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Enter"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(38 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Esc"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(24 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Del"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = (int)(24 * scaling)
            specialCharacters["Drag"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Drag"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseLeft"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseLeft"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseRight"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseRight"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["MouseWheel"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("MouseWheel"), OffsetY = 2 * scaling
            specialCharacters["Warning"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Bmp = g.CreateBitmapFromResource("Warning")

            for (char i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
                specialCharacters[i.ToString()] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                    Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX
            for (char i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++)
                specialCharacters[i.ToString()] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                    Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX

            specialCharacters["~"] = new TooltipSpecialCharacter {
                Width = tooltipSpecialCharSizeX

            foreach (var specialChar in specialCharacters.Values)
                if (specialChar.Bmp != null)
                    specialChar.Width = (int)g.GetBitmapWidth(specialChar.Bmp);
                specialChar.Height = tooltipSpecialCharSizeY;