Esempio n. 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        mColliders = GetComponents <Collider2D>();                  //Find colliders
        Debug.Assert(mColliders.Length > 0, "Collider(s) missing"); //Show error if not found

        mFakePhysics = GetComponent <FakePhysics>();                //Add required Fake physics in code
        Debug.Assert(mFakePhysics != null, "Needs FakePhysics");    //Check its added ok

        mExplosion = GetComponentInChildren <Explosion>();
        Debug.Assert(mExplosion != null, "No Explosion found in hierachy");

        foreach (var mCollider in mColliders) //Step through all the colliders
            mCollider.isTrigger = true;       //Use code to turn collider to triggers

        mSR = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();               //Get SpriteRenderer
        Debug.Assert(mSR != null, "SpriteRenderer missing"); //Show error if not found

        mRB2D = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>();     //Add RB2D in code
        Debug.Assert(mRB2D != null, "Needs Rigidbody2D");    //Check its added ok
        mRB2D.isKinematic = true;                            //Make it non physics in code, so triggers still work, but no forces act on it

        mAngle = Random.Range(-45.0f, 45.0f); //Set a random rotation rate

        if (RandomVelocity)                   //If IDE variable is set then give an initial random velocity
            mFakePhysics.mVelocity = FakePhysics.RandomDirection() * Random.Range(1.0f, 5.0f);
Esempio n. 2
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        FakePhysics tFF = collision.GetComponent <FakePhysics>();                               //Get FakePhysics component

        Debug.AssertFormat(tFF != null, "Other object {0} is not FakePhysics",; //Ensure its valid
        CollidedWith(tFF);                                                                      //Pass to collision handler
    //We are using triggers, so this gets called on overlap
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D vCollision)
        FakePhysics tOtherObject = vCollision.gameObject.GetComponent <FakePhysics>();

        Debug.Assert(tOtherObject != null, "Other Object is not FakePhysics compatible");
Esempio n. 4
    FakePhysics mParentFakePhysics; //Cached Parent FakePhysics

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //We need some values from Parent's Physics, so grab them
        mParentFakePhysics = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <FakePhysics>(); //Get Parent FakePhysics
        Debug.Assert(mParentFakePhysics != null, "Could find Parent FakePhysics");

        Debug.Assert(Bullet != null, "Could find Bullet Prefab");
Esempio n. 5
    Collider2D mCollider2D;   //Cached copy of Collider
                              // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        mFakePhysics = GetComponent <FakePhysics>();             //Add FakePhysics Component in code
        Debug.Assert(mFakePhysics != null, "Needs FakePhysics"); //Check its added ok

        mCollider2D = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
        Debug.Assert(mCollider2D != null, "Bullet needs a collider");
        mCollider2D.isTrigger = true;    //set Trigger in code so we don't forget

        Destroy(gameObject, TimeToLive); //Time to live
Esempio n. 6
    Rigidbody2D mRB2D;                //Cached Variable for quick access

    void Start()
        mFakePhysics = GetComponent <FakePhysics>();             //Add FakePhysics Component in code
        Debug.Assert(mFakePhysics != null, "Needs FakePhysics"); //Check its added ok

        mFakePhysics.MaxSpeed = 10.0f;                           //Tell FakePhysics to clamp speed

        mRB2D = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>();         //Add RB2D in code
        Debug.Assert(mRB2D != null, "Needs Rigidbody2D");        //Check its added ok
        mRB2D.isKinematic = true;                                //Make it non physics in code, so triggers still work, but no forces act on it
Esempio n. 7
    Rigidbody2D mRB2D;         //Cached Variable for quick access

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        mFakePhysics = GetComponent <FakePhysics>();                    //Add Fake Physics in code
        Debug.Assert(mFakePhysics != null, "Needs FakePhysics");        //Check its added ok

        mFakePhysics.MaxSpeed  = 10.0f;                                 //Set UFO Max Speed
        mFakePhysics.mVelocity = FakePhysics.RandomDirection() * Speed; //Set UFO Random direction

        mRB2D = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>();                //Add RB2D in code
        Debug.Assert(mRB2D != null, "Needs Rigidbody2D");               //Check its added ok
        mRB2D.isKinematic = true;                                       //Make it non physics in code, so triggers still work, but no forces act on it
Esempio n. 8
 //Make a random direction change every few seconds
 void UpdateDirection()
     if (mTimeOut <= 0)
         mFakePhysics.mVelocity = FakePhysics.RandomDirection() * Speed; //Get Random direction an scale with speed
         mTimeOut = Random.Range(1, 10);                                 //Set new random timeout
         Fire[] tFirePoint = GetComponentsInChildren <Fire>();
         foreach (var tFP in tFirePoint)
         mTimeOut -= Time.deltaTime; //subtract the time since last update
Esempio n. 9
 void Update()
     if (mCooldownCount <= 0)
         if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
             BulletFP    tBullet   = GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.Bullet, transform.position, 0).GetComponent <BulletFP>();
             FakePhysics tParentFP = GetComponentInParent <FakePhysics>();
             tBullet.mVelocity  = (Vector2)transform.up * BulletSpeed; //Initial Velocity
             tBullet.mVelocity += tParentFP.mVelocity;                 //Player ship velocity
             mCooldownCount     = CoolDown;
         mCooldownCount -= Time.deltaTime;
Esempio n. 10
    void    EnterNewState(State vNewState)
        switch (vNewState)
        case    State.Search:
            TrackedObject = null;
            SeenObject    = null;

        case    State.TargetLocked:
            TrackedObject = SeenObject;
            mLostCount    = MaxLostCount;

        case    State.TargetMemory:
            SeenObject = null;
            mLostCount = MaxLostCount;
Esempio n. 11
    protected override void CollidedWith(FakePhysics vOtherFF)
        Debug.LogFormat("RockSmall hit by {0}",; //RockMedium specifc code
        //We do not call parent as we will handle
        if (vOtherFF is BulletFP)
        {                                                                                       //Were we hit by a bullet
            Destroy(gameObject);                                                                //Destroy Asteroid
            Destroy(vOtherFF.gameObject);                                                       //Destroy Bullet
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.Explosion, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); // Exposion

            GM.sSingleton.Score += 200;                                                         //Give player score
        else if (vOtherFF is PlayerFP)
            Destroy(gameObject);                                                                //Destroy Asteroid
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.Explosion, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); // Exposion
            GM.sSingleton.Score += 20;                                                          //Give less player score for crashing
            GM.sSingleton.Health = Mathf.Clamp(GM.sSingleton.Health - 0.015f, 0.0f, 1.0f);      //Reduce Health, but clamp
Esempio n. 12
    public void DoFire()
        Vector2 tFireDirection = transform.up; //Take fire position rotation as fire angle

        GameObject mBulletGO = Instantiate(Bullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        Debug.Assert(mBulletGO != null, "Could not create Bullet from prefab");

        FakePhysics tBulletFakePhysics = mBulletGO.GetComponent <FakePhysics>(); //Fake Physics for Buller

        Debug.Assert(tBulletFakePhysics != null, "Could find Bullet FakePhysics Component");

        Bullet tBullet = mBulletGO.GetComponent <Bullet>();

        Debug.Assert(tBullet != null, "Could not find Bullet Component");

        //Bullet velocity relative to ship
        tBulletFakePhysics.mVelocity += mParentFakePhysics.mVelocity + tFireDirection * tBullet.Speed; //Add ship velocity to bullet
        tBulletFakePhysics.MaxSpeed  += mParentFakePhysics.MaxSpeed;                                   //Allow playership speed + Bullet speed
Esempio n. 13
    void    ProcessState()
        switch (mCurrentState)
        case    State.Search:
            SeenObject = CanSee(transform.position, transform.forward * ScanDistance);      //Try to find the enemy
            if (SeenObject != null)

        case    State.TargetLocked: {
            FakePhysics tObject = CanSee(transform.position, transform.forward * ScanDistance);         //Try to find the enemy
            if (tObject == null || tObject != SeenObject)

        case    State.TargetMemory: {
            FakePhysics tObject = CanSee(transform.position, transform.forward * ScanDistance);          //Try to find the enemy
            if (tObject == null || tObject != SeenObject)
                if (mLostCount > 0)

Esempio n. 14
    //Use Raycast to find object in line of sight, using physics Layermask
    FakePhysics  CanSee(Vector3 vPosition, Vector3 vDirection)
        RaycastHit tHit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(vPosition, vDirection, out tHit, vDirection.magnitude, mIgnoredLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
            GameObject  tGO          = tHit.collider.gameObject;
            FakePhysics tFakePhysics = tGO.GetComponent <FakePhysics>();
            if (tFakePhysics != null)
                Debug.DrawLine(vPosition, tHit.point,, 1.0f);         //Viable Target
                Debug.DrawLine(vPosition, tHit.point, Color.yellow, 0.1f);      //Non viable target
            Debug.DrawLine(vPosition, vPosition + vDirection, Color.grey, 0.1f);    //Nothing Hit
Esempio n. 15
    protected override void CollidedWith(FakePhysics vOtherFF)
        if (vOtherFF is BulletFP)
        {                                                                                           //Were we hit by a bullet
            Destroy(gameObject);                                                                    //Destroy Asteroid
            Destroy(vOtherFF.gameObject);                                                           //Destroy Bullet
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.Explosion, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180));     // Exposion
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock

            GM.sSingleton.Score += 150;                                                             //Give player score
        else if (vOtherFF is PlayerFP)
            Destroy(gameObject);                                                                    //Destroy Asteroid
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.Explosion, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180));     // Exposion
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock
            GM.SpawnPrefab(GM.SpawnIDs.AsteroidSmall, transform.position, Random.Range(-180, 180)); //Medium Rock
            GM.sSingleton.Score += 150;                                                             //Give less player score for crashing
            GM.sSingleton.Health = Mathf.Clamp(GM.sSingleton.Health - 0.025f, 0.0f, 1.0f);          //Reduce Health, but clamp
Esempio n. 16
 //Default Collision handler
 protected virtual void CollidedWith(FakePhysics vOtherFF)
     Debug.LogFormat("Collision between {0} and {1}", name,; //Print Message
Esempio n. 17
 protected override void CollidedWith(FakePhysics vOtherFF)
     Debug.LogFormat("Player hit by {0}",; //Player specifc code
     //We do not call parent as we will handle
 //virtual functions can be overridded in derived classes
 protected virtual void    ObjectHit(FakePhysics vOtherObject)
     Debug.LogFormat("{0} hit by {1}", name,;      //Just print it for now