// Make first bag appear. public void MakeCurrentBagAppear() { GetCurrentReferences(); curEggbagFadeScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); curEggbagFadeScript.FadeIn(); bagAnim.SetTrigger("ComeIn"); curGlowFadeScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); curGlowFadeScript.maxAlpha = 0.2f; curGlowFadeScript.fadeDuration = 1f; curGlowFadeScript.FadeIn(); }
void TimeMovesIn() { if (normTimeFadeScript.hidden) { normTimeFadeScript.FadeIn(); } lerpValue += Time.deltaTime / moveInDuration; float moveInNewX = Mathf.Lerp(startPos.x, endTrans.position.x, moveInXAnimCurve.Evaluate(lerpValue)); float moveInNewY = Mathf.Lerp(startPos.y, endTrans.position.y, moveInYAnimCurve.Evaluate(lerpValue)); currentTime.transform.position = new Vector3(moveInNewX, moveInNewY, currentTime.transform.position.z); //currentTime.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endTrans.position, moveInAnimCurve.Evaluate(lerpValue)); newScale = Mathf.Lerp(startScale, endScale, scaleInAnimCurve.Evaluate(lerpValue)); currentTime.transform.localScale = new Vector3(newScale, newScale, newScale); if (lerpValue >= 1f && !hoverUp) { timeHovers = true; timePos = endTrans.transform.position; botY = currentTime.transform.localPosition.y; topY = topYTrans.localPosition.y; newXMagnitude = Random.Range(newXMagMin, newXMagMax); } if (lerpValue >= 1) { lerpValue = 0; timeMovesIn = false; } }
void GoToMenu() { //Debug.Log("Presssing Back To Menu Button"); // - TO TURN OFF IMMEDIATELY - // foreach (GameObject levelButton in levelButtons) { levelButton.SetActive(false); } backToMenuBtn.enabled = false; // - MAKE THE CLOUDS CLOSE - // foreach (MoveCloud cloud in cloudsToMove) { cloud.moveIn = true; } // - FADE OUT BACKTOMENU BTN - // backToMenuFadeScript.FadeOut(); // - FADE IN TITLE - // titleFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN SOLID BACKGROUND - // solidBGFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN ALL BUTTONS - // fadeBtnIn = true; }
public void StartCurrentBagGlow() { levelsCompleted = GlobalVariables.globVarScript.levelsCompleted; curGlowScript = bagGlowsScripts[levelsCompleted]; curGlowScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); curGlowScript.FadeIn(); }
public void ShowNextIcon() { nextIconFadeScript.FadeIn(); nextIconTrans.localScale = new Vector3(minScale, minScale, minScale); scaling = true; scaleDown = false; scaleUp = true; startScale = minScale; targetScale = maxScale; }
void Update() { if (sendToPanel) { spawnDelay -= Time.deltaTime; if (spawnDelay <= 0) { if (!silEggAdded) { //Debug.Log("Pssst, over here!" + posInPanel); AddToSceneSilEgg(); GlobalVariables.globVarScript.SaveEggState(); //clickOnEggsScript.AdjustSilverEggCount(); clickOnEggsScript.AddEggsFound(); silEggAdded = true; } if (!trailFX.isPlaying) { audioSceneGenScript.silverEggsPanel(this.gameObject); trailFX.Play(true); burstFX.Play(true); } lerpTimer += Time.deltaTime / moveDuration; this.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(iniScale, iniScale * moveWithCamScript.newScale, lerpTimer); this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(iniPos, clickOnEggsScript.silverEggsInPanel[posInPanel].transform.position, animCurve.Evaluate(lerpTimer)); //Debug.Log("A Silver egg moves from puzz to pan! Dun dun duuuunnnn"); if (lerpTimer >= 1) { this.transform.position = clickOnEggsScript.silverEggsInPanel[posInPanel].transform.position; clickOnEggsScript.eggMoving--; // if egg pos = panel pos sendToPanel = false; this.transform.parent = clickOnEggsScript.silverEggsInPanel[posInPanel].transform.parent; this.transform.localScale = iniScale; clickOnEggsScript.silverEggsFound++; clickOnEggsScript.AddEggsFound(); clickOnEggsScript.UpdateEggsString(); myEggPanelShadow = clickOnEggsScript.silEggsShadFades[posInPanel]; myEggPanelShadow.FadeIn(); trailFX.Stop(true); if (lastSpawned) { // Sequence finished. ClickOnEggs.inASequence = false; lastSpawned = false; } } } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (activeClam && !activeSprite) { currentTime += Time.deltaTime; if (currentTime > lifeTimedelay) { myFade.ResetAlpha(0); mySprite.enabled = true; activeSprite = true; myFade.FadeIn(); //bubbles sounds .. audioBeachPuzzleScript = GameObject.Find("Audio").GetComponent <AudioSceneBeachPuzzle>(); audioBeachPuzzleScript.BubblePopSFX(); } } if (activeSprite) { currentTime += Time.deltaTime; if (currentTime < (lifeTime + lifeTimedelay) && currentTime > lifeTimedelay) { float yPos = gameObject.transform.localPosition.y + (Time.deltaTime * Speed); float xPos = curveTrail.Evaluate(currentTime + lifeTimedelay) * curveMultiplier; Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, gameObject.transform.localPosition.z); gameObject.transform.localPosition = newPos; } else { if (!fadeInOutSprite) { myFade.FadeOut(); fadeInOutSprite = true; } currentTime = 0; bubblePopFX.transform.position = this.transform.position; var bubMain = bubblePopFX.main; bubMain.startSize = bubbleSize + 0.2f; bubblePopFX.Play(); mySprite.enabled = false; gameObject.transform.localPosition = StartPosition; activeSprite = false; activeClam = false; } } }
void Update() { if (startEggMove) { spawnTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (spawnTimer > mySpawnDelay && !moveEgg) { myFadeScript.FadeIn(); eggTypeAnim.SetTrigger("Scale"); moveEgg = true; //endTrans = levelCompleteEggbagScript.eggBags[levelCompleteEggbagScript.levelsCompleted].gameObject.transform; } if (moveEgg) { if (!trailFX.isPlaying) { trailFX.Play(true); } lerp += Time.deltaTime / duration; this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endTrans.position, animCurve.Evaluate(lerp)); if (lerp >= 1) { eggBagAnim.SetTrigger("Scale"); levelCompEggCounterScript.eggAmnt++; if (levelCompEggCounterScript.eggAmnt == 1) { levelCompleteEggbagScript.MakeNewBagFadeIn(); } //AUDIO SOUND EGGS COUNTER audioLevelCompleteScript.eggsCounterSnd(); myFadeScript.FadeOut(); arrivalFX.Play(true); trailFX.Stop(true); moveEgg = false; startEggMove = false; // if (amIGolden) { // levelCompleteEggbagScript.MakeNewBagAppear(); // } } } } }
void GoToMenu() { GlobalVariables.globVarScript.toHub = false; hubScript.inHub = false; if (!mainMenuScript.gameObject.activeSelf) { mainMenuScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Put in variables to make the main menu be faded out. } // - TO TURN OFF IMMEDIATELY - // foreach (GameObject levelButton in levelButtons) { levelButton.SetActive(false); } //backToMenuBtn.enabled = false; // - MAKE THE CLOUDS CLOSE - // foreach (MoveCloud cloud in cloudsToMove) { cloud.MoveIn(); } // - FADE OUT BACKTOMENU BTN - // // backToMenuFadeScript.FadeOut(); // backToMenuIconFadeScript.FadeOut(); foreach (FadeInOutCanvasGroup hubCanvasGroupFadeScript in hubScript.hubCanvasGroupFadeScripts) { hubCanvasGroupFadeScript.FadeOut(); } // Season Unlock foreach (SeasonLock seasonLockScript in seasonLockScripts) { seasonLockScript.BackToMenu(); } // - FADE IN TITLE - // titleFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN SOLID BACKGROUND - // solidBGFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN ALL BUTTONS - // fadeBtnIn = true; mainMenuScript.ResetStory(); }
void Start() { //eggPosIndex = clickOnEggsScript.eggSpots.IndexOf(mySpotInPanel); myEggIndex = clickOnEggsScript.eggs.IndexOf(this.gameObject); myFoundSpotInPanel = GlobalVariables.globVarScript.eggsFoundOrder[myEggIndex]; if (!eggAnim) { eggAnim = this.GetComponent <Animator>(); } LoadEggFromCorrectScene(); // If the egg has already been found previously (if it has been loaded as true) if (eggFound) { eggAnim.enabled = false; if (!mySpotInPanel) { mySpotInPanel = clickOnEggsScript.eggSpots[myFoundSpotInPanel]; } this.transform.position = new Vector3(mySpotInPanel.transform.position.x, mySpotInPanel.transform.position.y, mySpotInPanel.transform.position.z - 0.24f + (myFoundSpotInPanel * 0.01f) - 4); this.transform.eulerAngles = cornerRot; this.transform.localScale = cornerEggScale; this.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false; if (!amIGolden) { clickOnEggsScript.eggsFound++; clickOnEggsScript.eggsInPanel++; if (clickOnEggsScript.eggsInPanel == puzzUnlockScript.puzzUnlockAmnt) { puzzUnlockScript.ActivatePuzzle(); } } else { goldenEgg.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "Default"; goldenEgg.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; } // else // { // GameObject gEgg = GameObject.Find("GoldenEgg"); // gEgg.transform.localScale // } //moveThisEgg = true; //clickOnEggsScript.eggMoving -= 1; this.transform.parent = clickOnEggsScript.eggPanel.transform; //Debug.Log(this.gameObject.name + " has been loaded as found already."); clickOnEggsScript.UpdateEggsString(); clickOnEggsScript.AddEggsFound(); if (!amIGolden) { eggShadowFade = clickOnEggsScript.eggShadowsFades[myFoundSpotInPanel]; } eggShadowFade.FadeIn(); } else { //openPanelSpotx = mySpotInPanel.transform.position.x - (clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelHidden.transform.position.x - clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelShown.transform.position.x); //openPanelSpoty = mySpotInPanel.transform.position.y - (clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelHidden.transform.position.y - clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelShown.transform.position.y); //openPanelSpotz = mySpotInPanel.transform.position.z - (clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelHidden.transform.position.z - clickOnEggsScript.eggPanelShown.transform.position.z); //startSpotInPanel = new Vector3(openPanelSpotx, openPanelSpoty, openPanelSpotz); myStartPos = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, -4 + (clickOnEggsScript.eggsFound * -0.1f)); myStartRot = new Vector3(this.transform.rotation.x, this.transform.rotation.y, this.transform.rotation.z); if (!amIGolden) { myStartScale = new Vector3(1.4f, 1.4f, 1); } // Hardcoded, needs to be set to the end scale size of the egg in the "EggPop" animation which all the normal eggs use. else { myStartScale = new Vector3(this.transform.localScale.x, this.transform.localScale.y, this.transform.localScale.z); } // distToSpot = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3 (this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, -4 + (clickOnEggsScript.eggsFound * -0.1f)), startSpotInPanel); // constantSpeed = (distToSpot + settleEggDist)/ timeToMove; // while (animCurveTestTime < 1) // { // animCurveTestTime += Time.deltaTime; // animCurveTestVal += animCurve.Evaluate(animCurveTestTime); // animCurveTestFrames++; // } // if (animCurveTestTime > 1) // { // animCurveTestAvVal = animCurveTestVal / animCurveTestFrames; // } } }
void Update() { if (moveUp) { lerp += Time.deltaTime / moveDur; helperBird.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(hiddenTrans.position, shownTrans.position, moveCurve.Evaluate(lerp)); if (!audioBirdPop) { //AUDIO SWOOSH BIRD audioHelperBirdScript.youDidItSnd(); audioBirdPop = true; } if (lerp >= 1f) { helperBird.transform.position = shownTrans.position; lerp = 0f; moveUp = false; waitForBubIn = true; textBubFadeScript.FadeIn(); textBubPointerFadeScript.FadeIn(); AdjustBubSize(bubSizeA); } } if (waitForBubIn && textBubFadeScript.shown) { congratsTextAnim.SetTrigger("PopIn"); congratsTextFadeScript.FadeIn(); waitForBubIn = false; //AUDIO BIRD HELP SOUND audioHelperBirdScript.birdHelpSound(); } if (waitForConTxtOut) { if (congratsTextFadeScript.shown) { congratsTextFadeScript.FadeOut(); } if (congratsTextFadeScript.hidden && counterCGFadeScript.hidden) { AdjustBubSize(bubSizeB); } if (congratsTextFadeScript.hidden && counterCGFadeScript.hidden && curBubSize == bubSizeB) { counterCGFadeScript.FadeIn(); waitForConTxtOut = false; //AUDIO BIRD HELP SOUND audioHelperBirdScript.birdHelpSound(); } } if (waitForCountOut) { if (counterCGFadeScript.shown) { counterCGFadeScript.FadeOut(); } if (counterCGFadeScript.hidden && backBtnCGFadeScript.hidden) { AdjustBubSize(bubSizeC); } if (counterCGFadeScript.hidden && backBtnCGFadeScript.hidden && curBubSize == bubSizeC) { backBtnCGFadeScript.FadeIn(); waitForConTxtOut = false; //AUDIO BIRD HELP SOUND audioHelperBirdScript.birdHelpSound(); } } if (adjustingBubSize) { bubLerp += Time.deltaTime / bubAdjustDur; curBubSize = Mathf.Lerp(prevBubSize, newBubSize, bubLerp); textBubSpriteRend.size = new Vector2(curBubSize, textBubSpriteRend.size.y); if (bubLerp >= 1f) { bubLerp = 0f; curBubSize = newBubSize; adjustingBubSize = false; } } }
void Update() { if (startEggMove) { spawnTimer += Time.deltaTime; this.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * spinDir * (spinSpeed * Time.deltaTime)); if (spawnTimer > mySpawnDelay && !showEgg) { // if (amIFirst) { // rotateFXScript.RotatePlayFX(); // } // AUDIO - EGG APPEARS! audioLevelCompleteScript.circleEggsSoloSnd(); myFadeScript.FadeIn(); myGlowFadeScript.FadeIn(); spawnFX.Play(); showEgg = true; endTrans = levelCompleteEggbagScript.curEggbagFadeScript.gameObject.transform; } if (showEgg) { // Glow from current alpha value to 1f (maximum). if (spawnTimer >= glowMaxDelay && !glowMax) { myGlowFadeScript.maxAlpha = 1f; myGlowFadeScript.FadeIn(myGlowFadeScript.sprite.color.a); // if (amIFirst) { // rotateFXScript.RotatePlayFX(); // } glowMax = true; // AUDIO - EGG APPEARS! audioLevelCompleteScript.circleEggsSoloGoldSnd(); } // Scene egg fades out. if (spawnTimer >= whiteDelay && !white) { myFadeScript.FadeOut(); if (amIFirst) { rotateFXScript.RotatePlayFX(); } white = true; // AUDIO - WHITE EGGS APPEARS! audioLevelCompleteScript.circleEggsGlowSnd(); //nicer sound but doesnt help the gitching?? //audioLevelCompleteScript.circleEggsSoloSilverSnd(); } // Plain egg fades in. if (spawnTimer >= plainDelay && !plain) { myGlowFadeScript.FadeOut(0.25f); plainEggFadeScript.FadeIn(); // if (amIFirst) { // rotateFXScript.RotatePlayFX(); // } // myFadeScript.FadeOut(); plain = true; // AUDIO - PLAIN EGGS APPEARS! audioLevelCompleteScript.circleEggsSoloPlainSnd(); } // Shake anim. if (spawnTimer >= shakeDelay && !shakeStarted) { // eggAnim.SetTrigger("Shake"); // myFadeScript.FadeOut(); // Hardcoded because 1f is always the max. // myGlowFadeScript.maxAlpha = 1f; // myGlowFadeScript.FadeIn(myGlowFadeScript.sprite.color.a); shakeStarted = true; // moveEgg gets set to true at the end of the "Shake" animation. } // Move egg. if (spawnTimer >= moveDelay && !moveEgg) { if (amIFirst) { rotateFXScript.RotatePlayFX(lvlCompEggSpawnScript.allEggToBagDuration); } moveEgg = true; //AUDIO EGGS IN BAG MOUVEMENT? if (!audioMoveToBag) { audioLevelCompleteScript.eggsMoveInBagSnd(); audioMoveToBag = true; } } if (moveEgg) { if (!trailFX.isPlaying) { trailFX.Play(true); } lerp += Time.deltaTime / moveDuration; this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endTrans.position, animCurve.Evaluate(lerp)); // if (lerp >= 0.5f && !glowOut) { // myGlowFadeScript.FadeOut(); // glowOut = true; // } if (lerp >= 1) { levelCompEggCounterScript.eggAmnt++; // AUDIO - EGG REACHES BAG! audioLevelCompleteScript.eggsCounterSnd(); //myFadeScript.FadeOut(); plainEggFadeScript.FadeOut(); myGlowFadeScript.FadeOut(); arrivalFX.Play(true); trailFX.Stop(true); showEgg = false; startEggMove = false; spawnTimer = 0f; levelCompleteEggbagScript.bagAnim.SetTrigger("Scale"); //levelCompleteBagGlowScript.CalculateNewAlpha(myGlowValue); if (amIFirst) { levelCompleteEggbagScript.StartCurrentBagGlow(); //levelCompleteEggbagScript.iniYPos = levelCompleteEggbagScript.curEggBagTrans.position.y; //levelCompleteEggbagScript.bagRise = true; //levelCompleteEggbagScript.bagAnim.SetTrigger("Rise"); FXSpeedScript.myPartSys.Play(); } if (amIGolden) { bagExplosionWait = true; FXSpeedScript.IncreaseSimulationSpeed(); // //AUDIO particules in bag audioLevelCompleteScript.particulesInBagSnd(); } } } } } if (bagExplosionWait) { bagExplodeDelay -= Time.deltaTime; if (bagExplodeDelay <= 0f) { levelCompleteEggbagScript.bagAnim.SetTrigger("Explode"); bagExplosionWait = false; } } }
void Update() { if (Tapped) { if (closed) { //clam sound audioBeachPuzzleScript.playOceanSound(clamSound); myCollider.enabled = false; open = true; closed = false; myOpenClam.fadeDelay = false; myOpenClam.FadeIn(); myClosedClam.fadeDelay = true; myClosedClam.FadeOut(); foreach (BeachBubbles bubbles in myBubbles) { bubbles.ResetBubble(); bubbles.activeClam = true; } Tapped = false; } } if (failed) { if (closed) { myCollider.enabled = true; myClosedClam.fadeDelay = false; myClosedClam.FadeIn(); myOpenClam.fadeDelay = true; myOpenClam.FadeOut(); failed = false; } if (open /* && put delay for sound*/ || forceClose) { open = false; closed = true; forceClose = false; //failed match sound .. should put a delay or something //audioBeachPuzzleScript.failSFX(); } } if (open && myMatch.matched) { timer += Time.deltaTime; if (timer >= timeDelay && open) { myOpenClam.FadeOut(); matched = true; open = false; //"matched" and "dissolve" sound audioBeachPuzzleScript.BubblesSFX(); audioBeachPuzzleScript.addToMusicList(clamSound); } } if (setFadeDurToPlay) { showClamTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (showClamTimer >= clamUpDelay && clamWaiting) { clamAnim.SetTrigger("ShowClam"); myClosedClam.FadeIn(); clamWaiting = false; //sound clam pop audioBeachPuzzleScript.clamPopOutSFX(); } if (showClamTimer >= (clamUpDelay + iniFadeInDur) && setFadeDurToPlay) { myClosedClam.fadeDuration = playFadeInDur; showClamTimer = 0f; setFadeDurToPlay = false; } } }
void FadeInPieces() { leftPieceFadeScript.FadeIn(); rightPieceFadeScript.FadeIn(); }