void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { FIO.FadeToBlack(); Invoke("LoadUI", t); } }
public void ChangeHealth(float change) { float curHealth = health; curHealth += change; if (curHealth <= maxHealth) { health += change; UpdateHealthBar(); if (isAlive == true && health <= 0) { print(gameObject.name + " Has been Killed!"); lives -= 1; isAlive = false; ResetHealth(); //add experience to another player when it gets killed by another player if (gameObject.tag == "Player") { metrics.setDeaths(gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().myPlayerID, 1); if (gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().myPaintState == ColorState.Blue) { redPlayer.GetComponent <ExpController>().AddExp(200); metrics.setKills(1, 1); } else if (gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().myPaintState == ColorState.Red) { bluePlayer.GetComponent <ExpController>().AddExp(200); metrics.setKills(0, 1); } transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(false); print("TURNED OFF" + transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.name); gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().enabled = false; gameObject.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().enabled = false; if (GetComponentInChildren <GiantProjController>()) { Destroy(GetComponentInChildren <GiantProjController>().gameObject); print("destroy giangt proojjjjjsdjsjd"); } healthBar.SetActive(false); amoBar.SetActive(false); if (fadeInOut != null) { fadeInOut.FadeToBlack(true); print("Start fading to black"); } } else { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } else if (curHealth > maxHealth) { health = maxHealth; UpdateHealthBar(); } else if (curHealth < 0) { curHealth = 0; UpdateHealthBar(); } }
public void ChangeScene(string nextLevel) { currentSceneIndex = sceneList.IndexOf(nextLevel); fade.FadeToBlack(); }