Esempio n. 1
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Check the members of the array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="Property"></param>
 /// <param name="ErrorString"></param>
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 protected void CheckArray <T>(FactoryProperty Property, String MsgString)
     T[] arrayObj = (T[])Property.Get;
     for (int i = 0; i < arrayObj.Length; i++)
         Double val = (Double)Convert.ChangeType(arrayObj[i], typeof(Double));
         if (!Double.IsNaN(Property.ParamMinVal) &&
             val < Property.ParamMinVal)
             MsgString += "The value provided for element " + i +
                          " of parameter " + Property.FQN +
                          " is less than its allowed minimum (" +
                          val + " vs. " +
                          Property.ParamMinVal + ")\n";
         if (!Double.IsNaN(Property.ParamMaxVal) &&
             val > Property.ParamMaxVal)
             MsgString += "The value provided for element " + i +
                          " of parameter " + Property.FQN +
                          " is greater than its allowed maximum (" +
                          val + " vs. " +
                          Property.ParamMaxVal + ")\n";
Esempio n. 2
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// <summary>
    /// Return the type for the child node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Child"></param>
    /// <param name="Obj"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Type GetTypeOfChild(XmlNode Child, Instance Obj)
        FactoryProperty Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
        Type            t         = FindType(Child.Name);

        if (t != null && t.BaseType != null && t.BaseType.Name == "Attribute")
            t = null;         // Exclude types if they are an attribute type.
        if ((t == null) && (Parameter != null))
            t = CallingAssembly.GetType(Parameter.TypeName);
        if ((t == null) && (Parameter != null))
            t = CallingAssembly.GetType(Obj.Name + "+" + Parameter.TypeName);
        if (t == null && Obj != null &&
            (Obj.Model.GetType().Name == "Script" || Obj.InstanceName.Contains("Script.")))
            // check in the referenced assemblies.
            foreach (AssemblyName Reference in CallingAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                Assembly A = Assembly.Load(Reference);
                t = A.GetType(Child.Name);
                if (t != null)
Esempio n. 3
 public WrapApsimType(FactoryProperty Property)
     this.Property = Property;
Esempio n. 4
 public WrapBuiltIn(FactoryProperty Property)
     tType         = typeof(T);
     this.Property = Property;
Esempio n. 5
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// <summary>
    /// Check for parameters in the model that haven't been given a value and throw if any
    /// are found. Also do range checking, if applicable.
    /// </summary>
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void CheckParameters(ApsimComponent ModelInstance)
        String Errors    = "";
        String RangeMsgs = "";

        for (int i = 0; i != RegisteredProperties.Count; i++)
            FactoryProperty Property = RegisteredProperties[i];
            if (Property.IsParam)
                if (!Property.HasAsValue && !Property.OptionalParam)
                    if (Errors != "")
                        Errors += ", ";
                    Errors += Property.FQN;
                // Is there a tidier way to do this?
                if (Property.HasAsValue &&
                    (!Double.IsNaN(Property.ParamMinVal) ||
                    if (Property.TypeName == "Double" ||
                        Property.TypeName == "Single" ||
                        Property.TypeName == "Int32")
                        double val = Convert.ToDouble(Property.Get.ToString());
                        if (!Double.IsNaN(Property.ParamMinVal) &&
                            val < Property.ParamMinVal)
                            RangeMsgs += "The value provided for parameter " + Property.FQN +
                                         " is less than its allowed minimum (" +
                                         Property.Get.ToString() + " vs. " +
                                         Property.ParamMinVal + ")\n";
                        if (!Double.IsNaN(Property.ParamMaxVal) &&
                            val > Property.ParamMaxVal)
                            RangeMsgs += "The value provided for parameter " + Property.FQN +
                                         " is greater than its allowed maximum (" +
                                         Property.Get.ToString() + " vs. " +
                                         Property.ParamMaxVal + ")\n";
                    else if (Property.TypeName == "Double[]")
                        CheckArray <double>(Property, RangeMsgs);
                    else if (Property.TypeName == "Single[]")
                        CheckArray <float>(Property, RangeMsgs);
                    else if (Property.TypeName == "Int32[]")
                        CheckArray <int>(Property, RangeMsgs);
        if (Errors != "")
            throw new Exception("The following parameters haven't been initialised: " + Errors);
        if (RangeMsgs != "")
            string rangeMessage = "In " + Root.InstanceName + ", the following parameters are outside their allowable ranges:\n" + RangeMsgs;
            if (ModelInstance != null)
                throw new Exception(rangeMessage);
Esempio n. 6
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// <summary>
    /// Go through all child XML nodes for the node passed in and set
    /// the corresponding property values in the Obj instance passed in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Obj"></param>
    /// <param name="Node"></param>
    /// <param name="HostComponent"></param>
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void PopulateParams(Instance Obj, XmlNode Node, ApsimComponent ParentComponent)
        // Look for an XmlNode param. If found then given it our current 'Node'.
        bool HavePassedXMLToObj = false;

        foreach (FactoryProperty Property in RegisteredProperties)
            if ((String.Compare(Property.TypeName, "XmlNode", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) && (Property.OutputName.Contains(Node.Name)))
                HavePassedXMLToObj = true;

        // Go through all child XML nodes for the node passed in and set
        // the corresponding property values in the Obj instance passed in.
        if (!HavePassedXMLToObj)
            foreach (XmlNode Child in Node.ChildNodes)
                if (Child.GetType() != typeof(XmlComment))
                    Type t = GetTypeOfChild(Child, Obj);
                    if ((t != null) && (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Instance)) || t.IsClass))
                        // Create a child instance - indirect recursion.
                        Instance ChildInstance = CreateInstance(Child, Child, Obj, ParentComponent);

                        FactoryProperty Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                        if (XmlHelper.Name(Child).Contains("["))
                            String ArrayName = XmlHelper.Name(Child);
                            StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref ArrayName, '[', ']');
                            XmlHelper.SetName(Child, ArrayName);
                            Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                            if (Parameter != null)
                                // Parameter must be an array link to child nodes e.g.
                                // [Link] LeafCohort[] InitialLeaves;

                        else if ((Parameter != null) && (Parameter.IsParam && !Parameter.TypeName.Contains("System::")))
                    else if (Child.Name == "Memo")
                        // Ignore memo fields.
                        FactoryProperty Parameter = FindProperty(Child);
                        if (Parameter != null)
                            Parameter.Name = XmlHelper.Name(Child);
Esempio n. 7
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Go through all reflected fields and properties that are tagged
 /// with a 'Param' or 'Input' attribute and add them to our list
 /// of registered properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Obj"></param>
 /// <param name="Parent"></param>
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void GetAllProperties(Instance Obj, XmlNode Parent)
     FieldInfo[] fields = Obj.Model.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     foreach (FieldInfo Property in fields)
         bool     AddProperty = false;
         bool     IsOutput    = false;
         Object[] Attributes  = Property.GetCustomAttributes(false);
         foreach (Object Attr in Attributes)
             Type attrType = Attr.GetType();
             IsOutput = (IsOutput || (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Output)));
             if (attrType == typeof(Param))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (attrType == typeof(Input))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (attrType == typeof(Writable))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (attrType == typeof(Output))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (attrType == typeof(Link))
                 LinkField LinkF = new LinkField(Obj, Property, (Link)Attr);
         if (AddProperty)
             FactoryProperty NewProperty = new FactoryProperty(new ReflectedField(Property, Obj.Model), Parent);
             if (IsOutput)
     PropertyInfo[] properties = Obj.Model.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     foreach (PropertyInfo Property in properties)
         bool     AddProperty = false;
         bool     IsOutput    = false;
         Object[] Attributes  = Property.GetCustomAttributes(false);
         foreach (Object Attr in Attributes)
             IsOutput = (IsOutput || (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Output)));
             if (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Param))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Input))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Writable))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Output))
                 AddProperty = true;
             if (Attr.GetType() == typeof(Link))
                 LinkField LinkF = new LinkField(Obj, Property, (Link)Attr);
         if (AddProperty)
             if ((String.Compare(Property.PropertyType.Name, "String") == 0) ||
                 Property.PropertyType.IsValueType ||
                 Property.PropertyType.IsArray ||
                 Property.PropertyType.GetInterface("ApsimType") != null)
                 FactoryProperty NewProperty = new FactoryProperty(new ReflectedProperty(Property, Obj.Model), Parent);
                 if (IsOutput)