Esempio n. 1
        public static bool GetQuadraticCharacter(Relation rel, FactorPair quadraticFactor)
            BigInteger ab  = rel.A + rel.B;
            BigInteger abp = BigInteger.Abs(BigInteger.Multiply(ab, quadraticFactor.P));

            int legendreSymbol = Legendre.Symbol(abp, quadraticFactor.R);

            return(legendreSymbol != 1);
Esempio n. 2
        public List <FactorPair> GetFactors(int n)
            var primeFactors = this.GetPrimeFactors(n).ToArray();
            var factors      = new List <FactorPair>();

            if (primeFactors.Length == 0)
            // in order to find the factors, we create all subsets of prime factors and put them in one of two sets
            // the values in the first set will form the first factor, and the second set will form the second set
            // since each pair of factors will be represented twice, we will assume the first value will always be in the first set
            // we've also already added the value of (1, n).
            // if we represent these by bit strings, we need to iterate from i=2^(n-1) (the most significant bit is a 1)
            // to i=(i^2n) - 1
            // it's also possible for the same value to be added multiple times.
            // for instance for n=16, the prime factorization is (2, 2, 2, 2)
            // bitstrings 1010 and 1001 create the same value. because of that, we need to implement equality and make sure that it doesn't already exist
            var numPrimesInPrimeFactorization = primeFactors.Length;

            for (int i = (int)Math.Pow(2, numPrimesInPrimeFactorization - 1); i <= (int)Math.Pow(2, numPrimesInPrimeFactorization) - 1; i++)
                var bitString = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(numPrimesInPrimeFactorization, '0').ToCharArray().Select(a => a - '0').ToArray();
                var factor1   = 1;
                var factor2   = 1;
                for (int prime = 0; prime < numPrimesInPrimeFactorization; prime++)
                    if (bitString[prime] == 1)
                        factor1 *= primeFactors[prime];
                        factor2 *= primeFactors[prime];
                var newFactor = new FactorPair(factor1, factor2);
                if (!factors.Any(f => f.SmallerFactor == newFactor.SmallerFactor && f.LargerFactor == newFactor.LargerFactor))