Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update our reading to reflect the current selection
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnORMSelectionContainerChanged()
            if (CurrentORMSelectionContainer != null)
                ICollection selectedObjects = base.GetSelectedComponents();
                FactType    theFact         = null;
                FactType    secondaryFact   = null;
                if (selectedObjects != null)
                    foreach (object element in selectedObjects)
                        FactType testFact = ORMEditorUtility.ResolveContextFactType(element);
                        // Handle selection of multiple elements as long as
                        // they all resolve to the same fact
                        if (theFact == null)
                            theFact = testFact;
                            Role                 testImpliedRole;
                            RoleProxy            proxy;
                            ObjectifiedUnaryRole objectifiedUnaryRole;
                            if (null != (testImpliedRole = element as Role))
                                if (null != (proxy = testImpliedRole.Proxy))
                                    secondaryFact = proxy.FactType;
                                else if (null != (objectifiedUnaryRole = testImpliedRole.ObjectifiedUnaryRole))
                                    secondaryFact = objectifiedUnaryRole.FactType;
                        else if (testFact != theFact)
                            theFact = null;
                            secondaryFact = null;
                if (theFact != null && theFact.HasImplicitReadings)
                    theFact       = null;
                    secondaryFact = null;

                ActiveFactType activeFact = EditingFactType;

                FactType currentFact        = activeFact.FactType;
                FactType currentImpliedFact = activeFact.ImpliedFactType;

                if (theFact == null && currentFact != null)
                    EditingFactType = ActiveFactType.Empty;
                //selection could change between the shapes that are related to the fact
                else if (theFact != currentFact || secondaryFact != currentImpliedFact)
                    ReadOnlyCollection <RoleBase> displayOrder = null;
                    IORMDesignerView designerView;
                    DiagramView      designer;
                    if (null != (designerView = CurrentORMSelectionContainer as IORMDesignerView) &&
                        null != (designer = designerView.CurrentDesigner))
                        SelectedShapesCollection shapes = designer.DiagramClientView.Selection;
                        if (shapes.Count == 1)
                            DiagramItem item = null;
                            foreach (DiagramItem iter in shapes)
                                item = iter;
                            ShapeElement  shape     = item.Shape;
                            FactTypeShape factShape = shape as FactTypeShape;
                            while (factShape == null)
                                shape = shape.ParentShape;
                                if (shape == null)
                                factShape = shape as FactTypeShape;
                            if (factShape != null)
                                FactType        shapeFactType = factShape.AssociatedFactType;
                                Objectification objectification;
                                if (shapeFactType == theFact)
                                    displayOrder = new ReadOnlyCollection <RoleBase>(factShape.DisplayedRoleOrder);
                                else if (secondaryFact == null &&
                                         null != (objectification = shapeFactType.ImpliedByObjectification) &&
                                         objectification.NestedFactType == theFact)
                                    secondaryFact = shapeFactType;
                    EditingFactType = new ActiveFactType(theFact, secondaryFact, displayOrder);
                EditingFactType = ActiveFactType.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Show selected properties from the <see cref="FactType.NestingType"/> and the
        /// <see cref="Objectification.NestedFactType"/> for an objectified <see cref="FactType"/>,
        /// as well as expandable nodes for each of the underlying instances.
        /// </summary>
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
            FactType factType = ModelElement;

            if (FactTypeShape.ShouldDrawObjectification(factType))
                FactTypeShape       factTypeShape              = PresentationElement;
                Objectification     objectification            = factType.Objectification;
                ObjectType          nestingType                = objectification.NestingType;
                bool                nestingTypeHasRelatedTypes = nestingType.IsSubtypeOrSupertype;
                DomainDataDirectory domainDataDirectory        = factType.Store.DomainDataDirectory;

                PropertyDescriptorCollection retVal;
                if (factTypeShape.DisplayAsObjectType)
                    retVal = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
                    Type componentType = typeof(FactTypeShape);
                    foreach (PropertyDescriptor nestingTypeDescriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(nestingType))
                        if (nestingTypeDescriptor.Name == "NestedFactType")
                        retVal.Add(EditorUtility.RedirectPropertyDescriptor(nestingType, nestingTypeDescriptor, componentType));
                    retVal.Add(CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayAsObjectTypeDomainPropertyId), DisplayAsObjectTypeDomainPropertyAttributes));
                    retVal.Add(CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.ExpandRefModeDomainPropertyId), ExpandRefModeDomainPropertyAttributes));
                    retVal.Add(new ObjectifyingEntityTypePropertyDescriptor(factType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainRole(Objectification.NestingTypeDomainRoleId), NestedFactTypeDomainRoleAttributes));
                    retVal.Add(new ObjectifiedFactTypePropertyDescriptor(nestingType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainRole(Objectification.NestedFactTypeDomainRoleId), NestingTypeDomainRoleAttributes));
                    if (nestingTypeHasRelatedTypes)
                        retVal.Add(CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayRelatedTypesDomainPropertyId), DisplayRelatedTypesDomainPropertyAttributes));
                    PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[nestingTypeHasRelatedTypes ? 9 : 8];
                    descriptors[0] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.ConstraintDisplayPositionDomainPropertyId), ConstraintDisplayPositionDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[1] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayOrientationDomainPropertyId), DisplayOrientationDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[2] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayRoleNamesDomainPropertyId), DisplayRoleNamesDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[3] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayAsObjectTypeDomainPropertyId), DisplayAsObjectTypeDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[4] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(nestingType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(ORMNamedElement.NameDomainPropertyId), NameDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[5] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(nestingType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(ObjectType.IsIndependentDomainPropertyId), IsIndependentDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    descriptors[6] = new ObjectifyingEntityTypePropertyDescriptor(factType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainRole(Objectification.NestingTypeDomainRoleId), NestedFactTypeDomainRoleAttributes);
                    descriptors[7] = new ObjectifiedFactTypePropertyDescriptor(nestingType, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainRole(Objectification.NestedFactTypeDomainRoleId), NestingTypeDomainRoleAttributes);
                    if (nestingTypeHasRelatedTypes)
                        descriptors[8] = CreatePropertyDescriptor(factTypeShape, domainDataDirectory.FindDomainProperty(FactTypeShape.DisplayRelatedTypesDomainPropertyId), DisplayRelatedTypesDomainPropertyAttributes);
                    retVal = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(descriptors);

                // This mockup of important properties means that extension providers cannot add properties
                // here by adding to the objecttype or facttype. Use an extension on the Objectification type
                // itself to add extension properties.
                ((IFrameworkServices)factType.Store).PropertyProviderService.GetProvidedProperties(objectification, retVal);
Esempio n. 3
		public static DslModeling::LinkedElementCollection<global::ORMSolutions.ORMArchitect.Core.ObjectModel.RoleBase> GetRoleDisplayOrderCollection(FactTypeShape element)
			return new DslModeling::LinkedElementCollection<global::ORMSolutions.ORMArchitect.Core.ObjectModel.RoleBase>(element, FactTypeShapeDomainRoleId);
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// Creates a FactTypeShapeHasRoleDisplayOrder link in the same Partition as the given FactTypeShape
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">FactTypeShape to use as the source of the relationship.</param>
		/// <param name="target">RoleBase to use as the target of the relationship.</param>
		public FactTypeShapeHasRoleDisplayOrder(FactTypeShape source, global::ORMSolutions.ORMArchitect.Core.ObjectModel.RoleBase target)
			: base((source != null ? source.Partition : null), new DslModeling::RoleAssignment[]{new DslModeling::RoleAssignment(FactTypeShapeHasRoleDisplayOrder.FactTypeShapeDomainRoleId, source), new DslModeling::RoleAssignment(FactTypeShapeHasRoleDisplayOrder.RoleDisplayOrderDomainRoleId, target)}, null)
		/// <summary>
		/// Central function to return member variables to a clean state.
		/// Called by the constructor and the deactivation sequence.
		/// </summary>
		private void Reset()
			myAddedConstraint = null;
			myDropTargetShape = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// An IMS event to track the shape element added to the associated
		/// diagram during this connect action.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		private void InternalConstraintAddedEvent(object sender, ElementAddedEventArgs e)
			if (myAddedConstraint == null)
				UniquenessConstraint candidate = e.ModelElement as UniquenessConstraint;
				if (candidate != null && candidate.IsInternal)
					ORMDiagram d = Diagram as ORMDiagram;
					if (d != null)
						// Find the shape associated with the fact type we added to
						LinkedElementCollection<FactType> candidateFacts = candidate.FactTypeCollection;
						if (candidateFacts.Count != 0)
							FactTypeShape shape = d.FindShapeForElement(candidateFacts[0]) as FactTypeShape;
							if (shape != null)
								myDropTargetShape = shape;
								myAddedConstraint = candidate;
		/// <summary>
		/// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
		/// diagram of the given shape.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attachToShape">The shape the constraint is being attached to.</param>
		/// <param name="constraint">The constraint being connected.</param>
		/// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
		public void ChainMouseAction(FactTypeShape attachToShape, UniquenessConstraint constraint, DiagramClientView clientView)
			DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;
			if (activeView != null)
				// Move on to the selection action
				clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

				// Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
				// actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
				// provides a drag line.
				Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(attachToShape.GetAbsoluteConstraintAttachPoint(constraint));
				DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
				Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

				// An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
				// such as when we are being activated via the task list.

				ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxInternalUniquenessConstraintItemId);
				FactTypeShape.ActiveInternalUniquenessConstraintConnectAction = this;
		private void Reset()
			mySelectedRoles = null;
			mySourceShape = null;
			myIUC = null;
			myLastMouseMoveItem = null;
			myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.Normal;
			FactTypeShape.ActiveInternalUniquenessConstraintConnectAction = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a source shape or commit/cancel the action by forwarding the
		/// click to the base class, or modify the current role sequence by handling
		/// the click locally.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">MouseActionEventArgs</param>
		protected override void OnClicked(MouseActionEventArgs e)
			switch (myPendingOnClickedAction)
				case OnClickedAction.Commit:
					myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.Normal;
					// Letting the click through to the base ConnectAction
					// at this point (a constraint is selected and a role has been
					// double-clicked) will force the connect action to finish.
				case OnClickedAction.CheckForCommit:
					myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.Normal;
			DiagramMouseEventArgs args = CurrentDiagramArgs as DiagramMouseEventArgs;
			if (args != null)
				DiagramItem item = args.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem;
				ModelElement currentElement = null;
				foreach (ModelElement elem in item.RepresentedElements)
					currentElement = elem;
				UniquenessConstraint internalUniquenessConstraint;
				RoleBase roleBase;
				if (null != (internalUniquenessConstraint = currentElement as UniquenessConstraint) &&
					if (mySourceShape == null)
						// Let the click through to the base to officially begin the drag action
						mySourceShape = item.Shape as FactTypeShape;
						myIUC = internalUniquenessConstraint;
				else if (mySourceShape != null)
					if (null != (roleBase = currentElement as RoleBase))
						Role role = roleBase.Role;
						if (role.FactType == mySourceShape.AssociatedFactType)
							// Add or remove the role
							IList<Role> roles = SelectedRoleCollection;
							int roleIndex = roles.IndexOf(role);
							bool forceRedraw = false;
							if (roleIndex >= 0)
								// Only remove a role when the control key is down. Otherwise,
								// there is no way to double-click on a previously selected
								// role without turning it off, and this is a natural gesture.
								// Add shift key as well for discoverability.
								if (0 != (0xff00 & GetKeyState(Keys.ControlKey)) ||
									0 != (0xff00 & GetKeyState(Keys.ShiftKey)))
									forceRedraw = true;
								forceRedraw = true;
							if (mySourceShape != null)
								myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.CheckForCommit;

							if (forceRedraw)
								// Force the shape to redraw
								Debug.Assert(mySourceShape != null); //source shape should have been set
					else if (currentElement is ORMDiagram)
						base.OnClicked(e); // Let through to allow a cancel
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Places each external constraint shape at the point corresponding to the average of all of its referenced shapes.
        /// Frequency constraints are handled differently, since they apply to only one fact type (but 1 or more roles in that
        /// fact type) at any time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minimumPoint">The minimum location for new element placement</param>
        public override void PostLayout(PointD minimumPoint)

            foreach (LayoutShape shape in myConstraintShapes)
                if (!shape.Pinned)
                    PointD    avg       = new PointD(0, 0);
                    NodeShape nodeShape = shape.Shape;
                    FrequencyConstraintShape           freqShape;
                    FrequencyConstraint                constraint;
                    LinkedElementCollection <FactType> relatedFactTypes;
                    int count;

                    if (null != (freqShape = nodeShape as FrequencyConstraintShape) &&
                        null != (constraint = freqShape.ModelElement as FrequencyConstraint) &&
                        1 == (relatedFactTypes = constraint.FactTypeCollection).Count)
                        Diagram       diagram             = myDiagram;
                        FactType      factType            = relatedFactTypes[0];
                        FactTypeShape factTypeShape       = null;
                        LayoutShape   factTypeLayoutShape = null;
                        foreach (PresentationElement pel in PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(factType))
                            FactTypeShape testShape = pel as FactTypeShape;
                            if (testShape != null && testShape.Diagram == diagram)
                                if (factTypeShape == null)
                                    factTypeShape = testShape;
                                if (myLayoutShapes.TryGetValue(testShape, out factTypeLayoutShape))
                                    factTypeShape = testShape;

                        LinkedElementCollection <Role>     constraintRoles = constraint.RoleCollection;
                        LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> displayOrder    = factTypeShape.DisplayedRoleOrder;
                        DisplayOrientation orientation = factTypeShape.DisplayOrientation;
                        RectangleD         shapeBounds = factTypeShape.AbsoluteBounds;
                        SizeD  shapeSize = factTypeShape.Size;
                        PointD location  = (factTypeLayoutShape != null) ? factTypeLayoutShape.TargetLocation : shapeBounds.Location;
                        count = constraintRoles.Count;
                        double width  = shapeSize.Width;
                        double height = shapeSize.Height;

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            int targetIndex = displayOrder.IndexOf(constraintRoles[i]);
                            switch (orientation)
                            case DisplayOrientation.Horizontal:
                                avg.Offset((width / (targetIndex + 1)) + location.X, location.Y - height);

                            case DisplayOrientation.VerticalRotatedRight:
                                avg.Offset(location.X + width, (height / (targetIndex + 1)) + location.Y);

                            case DisplayOrientation.VerticalRotatedLeft:
                                avg.Offset(location.X + width, height - (height / (targetIndex + 1)) + location.Y);
                        avg.X /= count;
                        avg.Y /= count;
                    else if (0 != (count = shape.Count))
                        double          minX = double.MaxValue;
                        double          minY = double.MaxValue;
                        double          maxX = 0;
                        double          maxY = 0;
                        SizeD           size;
                        LayoutShapeList relatedShapes = shape.RelatedShapes;
                        // Take the center of farthest bounds as the location.
                        // This is the same as the average for two elements, but
                        // balances more than two elements much better.
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                            LayoutShape relatedShape = relatedShapes[i];
                            PointD      location     = relatedShape.TargetLocation;
                            size = relatedShape.Shape.Size;
                            double x = location.X + size.Width / 2;
                            double y = location.Y + size.Height / 2;
                            minX = Math.Min(minX, x);
                            minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                            maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x);
                            maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
                        size  = nodeShape.Size;
                        avg.X = (maxX + minX) / 2 - size.Width / 2;
                        avg.Y = (maxY + minY) / 2 - size.Height / 2;
                        // Constraints are frequently ending up directly on top of
                        // an ObjectTypeShape, bump them up a bit
                        double bumpAdjust = size.Height * 2;
                        avg.Y -= bumpAdjust;
                        if (avg.Y < minimumPoint.Y)
                            avg.Y += bumpAdjust + bumpAdjust;

                    shape.TargetLocation = avg;
                shape.Placed = true;

            // Now add the shapes back into the main myLayoutShape list for reflow
            foreach (LayoutShape shape in myConstraintShapes)
Esempio n. 11
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the isVisible property for the given Role
		/// </summary>
		private static void SetRoleNameDisplay(Role role, FactTypeShape parentShape, bool shouldDisplay, bool shouldRemove)
			if (!shouldRemove)
				Diagram.FixUpDiagram(role.FactType, role);
			LinkedElementCollection<PresentationElement> pels = PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(role);
			int pelCount = pels.Count;
			for (int i = pelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				RoleNameShape rns = pels[i] as RoleNameShape;
				if (rns != null &&
					(parentShape == null || rns.ParentShape == parentShape))
					if (shouldRemove)
						if (shouldDisplay)
							rns.Size = SizeD.Empty;