Esempio n. 1
    void FixedUpdate()
        Vector2 newVelocity = physics.velocity;

        #region ENABLE_UPDATE
        if (global.GetComponent <GlobalVars>().processing == 0)
            enabled = true;
            enabled = false;
        #region COLLISION_CHECKING
        if (colliderIndex > 0)
            isColliding = true;
            isColliding = false;
        #region KEY_EVENTS
        if (enabled)
            #region DOWN_EVENTS
            if (Input.GetKey(down))
                animator.speed         = animationSpeed;
                facing.facingDirection = FACING.Down;
                animator.SetInteger("Direction", 2);
                if (Input.GetKey(left))
                    newVelocity.x -= walkSpeed;
                else if (Input.GetKey(right))
                    newVelocity.x += walkSpeed;
                newVelocity.y -= walkSpeed;
            #region UP_EVENTS
            else if (Input.GetKey(up))
                animator.speed         = animationSpeed;
                facing.facingDirection = FACING.Up;
                animator.SetInteger("Direction", 0);
                if (Input.GetKey(left))
                    newVelocity.x -= walkSpeed;
                else if (Input.GetKey(right))
                    newVelocity.x += walkSpeed;
                newVelocity.y += walkSpeed;
            #region LEFT_EVENTS
            else if (Input.GetKey(left))
                animator.speed         = animationSpeed;
                facing.facingDirection = FACING.Left;
                animator.SetInteger("Direction", 3);
                if (Input.GetKey(up))
                    newVelocity.y += walkSpeed;
                else if (Input.GetKey(down))
                    newVelocity.y -= walkSpeed;
                newVelocity.x -= walkSpeed;
            #region RIGHT_EVENTS
            else if (Input.GetKey(right))
                animator.speed         = animationSpeed;
                facing.facingDirection = FACING.Right;
                animator.SetInteger("Direction", 1);
                if (Input.GetKey(up))
                    newVelocity.y += walkSpeed;
                else if (Input.GetKey(down))
                    newVelocity.y -= walkSpeed;
                newVelocity.x += walkSpeed;
            #region NO_KEY_EVENTS
                animator.speed = 0.0f;
                newVelocity.x  = 0;
                newVelocity.y  = 0;
            #region FACING_TRIGGER_UPDATE
            #region PHYSICS_UPDATE
            // Update the rigidbody
            physics.velocity = newVelocity;
    }                                               // Physics Updates (Movement, L-R-U-D Key Events, Collision Detections, Calls to FacingTrigger Methods, etc...