private void lstQueue_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var item = lstQueue.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (item != null) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var orders = (IEnumerable <IConstructionOrder>)item.Tag; var order = orders.First(); // all condensed orders should be for same template anyway Control report = null; string title = null; if (order.Template is IDesign) { var design = (IDesign)order.Template; report = new DesignReport(design); title = design.Name; } else if (order.Template is FacilityTemplate) { var ft = (FacilityTemplate)order.Template; report = new FacilityReport(ft); title = ft.Name; } if (report != null) { var form = report.CreatePopupForm(title); this.ShowChildForm(form); } } } }
private void lstUpgrades_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var item = lstUpgrades.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (item != null) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // how many to add? var amount = 1; if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift)) { amount *= 10; } if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)) { amount *= 100; } var upgrade = (FacilityUpgrade)item.Tag; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { var order = new UpgradeFacilityOrder(upgrade); ConstructionQueue.Orders.Add(order); var cmd = new AddOrderCommand ( ConstructionQueue, order ); newCommands.Add(cmd); } BindQueueListView(); IEnumerable <FacilityTemplate> templates; if (chkOnlyLatest.Checked) { templates = Empire.Current.UnlockedItems.OfType <FacilityTemplate>().Where(f => f.Cost.Any()).OnlyLatestVersions(f => f.Family); } else { templates = Empire.Current.UnlockedItems.OfType <FacilityTemplate>().Where(f => f.Cost.Any()); } BindUpgradeListView(templates); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var facil = (FacilityUpgrade)item.Tag; var report = new FacilityReport(facil); var form = report.CreatePopupForm(facil.New.Name); FindForm().ShowChildForm(form); } } }
private void lstFacilities_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var item = lstFacilities.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (item != null) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // how many to add? var amount = 1; if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift)) { amount *= 10; } if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)) { amount *= 100; } var template = (FacilityTemplate)item.Tag; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { var order = new ConstructionOrder <Facility, FacilityTemplate> { Template = template }; ConstructionQueue.Orders.Add(order); var cmd = new AddOrderCommand ( ConstructionQueue, order ); newCommands.Add(cmd); } BindQueueListView(); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var facil = (FacilityTemplate)item.Tag; var report = new FacilityReport(facil); var form = report.CreatePopupForm(facil.Name); FindForm().ShowChildForm(form); } } }
public ActionResult DownloadAllFacility([Bind(Include = "Region")] Facility facility) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(facility.Region)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Select Region."); return(View(facility)); } FacilityReport facilityReport = new FacilityReport(); ApplicationUnit unit = new ApplicationUnit(); List <Model.Facility> dbFacilities = unit.Facilities.GetAll() .Include(b => b.Buildings) .Include(d => d.DeedsInfo) .Include(p => p.ResposiblePerson) .Include("Location.GPSCoordinates") .Include("Location.BoundryPolygon") .Where(ss => ss.Status == "Submitted" && ss.Location.Region.Trim().ToLower() == facility.Region.Trim().ToLower()) .ToList(); if (dbFacilities.Count() == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "No Facilities Found For Selected Region."); return(null); } else { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (ZipArchive ziparchive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true)) { foreach (var item in dbFacilities) { Model.OriginalData dbOriginalData = unit.OriginalDatas.GetAll().Where(o => o.VENUS_CODE.Trim().ToLower() == item.ClientCode.Trim().ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); string filePath = facilityReport.GenerateFacilityReport(item, dbOriginalData); ziparchive.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, item.ClientCode + ".pdf"); } } DeleteAllFile(); return(File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "application/zip", "")); } } }
// GET: Facility/Edit/5 //[HttpPost] //[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult DownloadFacility(string clientCode) { FacilityReport facilityReport = new FacilityReport(); ApplicationUnit unit = new ApplicationUnit(); Model.Facility dbFacility = unit.Facilities.GetAll() .Include(b => b.Buildings) .Include(d => d.DeedsInfo) .Include(c => c.Portfolio) .Include(p => p.ResposiblePerson) .Include("Location.GPSCoordinates") .Include("Location.BoundryPolygon") .Where(f => f.ClientCode.ToLower() == clientCode.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbFacility == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Model.OriginalData dbOriginalData = unit.OriginalDatas.GetAll() .Where(o => o.VENUS_CODE.Trim().ToLower() == dbFacility.ClientCode.Trim().ToLower()) .FirstOrDefault(); string filePath = facilityReport.GenerateFacilityReport(dbFacility, dbOriginalData); using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { return(null); } byte[] file = webClient.DownloadData(filePath); DeleteAllFile(); return(File(file, MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf)); } }
private static void GenerateReport() { FacilityReport facilityReport = new FacilityReport(); ApplicationUnit unit = new ApplicationUnit(); List <Facility> facilities = unit.Facilities.GetAll() .Include(b => b.Buildings) .Include(d => d.DeedsInfo) .Include(c => c.Portfolio) .Include(p => p.ResposiblePerson) .Include("Location.GPSCoordinates") .Include("Location.BoundryPolygon") .ToList(); //facility.ClientCode== "N14000000003740000000000000" || facility.ClientCode== "R22000000004960000000000000" //|| facility.ClientCode == "N14000000006110000000000000" || foreach (var facility in facilities) { if (facility.ClientCode == "H21005000022300000000000000" || facility.ClientCode == "H21000000001280000000000000") { //string facilityLocation = facilityReport.GenerateFacilityReport(facility); } } }
public void Bind() { pnlDetails.Controls.Clear(); lstRequired.Initialize(16, 16); lstUnlocks.Initialize(32, 32); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (Context == null) { // display all items with no strict prereqs lblPrereqs.Text = "Root Items"; var items = AllItems.Where(i => !i.UnlockRequirements.Any(r => r.IsStrict)); foreach (var item in items) { lstRequired.AddItemWithImage(item.ResearchGroup, item.Name, item, item.Icon); } } else { lblPrereqs.Text = "Prerequisites"; if (Context is Trait) { // display trait var trait = (Trait)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = trait.Name; var lblInfo = new Label(); lblInfo.Text = "Cost: " + trait.Cost.Value.ToUnitString(true) + " racial points\n" + trait.Description; lblInfo.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(lblInfo); // display what's unlocked // note: this won't catch scripted unlocks! var unlocks = AllItems.Where(u => u.UnlockRequirements.OfType <EmpireTraitRequirement>().Any(r => r.RequiredOrForbidden && r.Trait == trait)); foreach (var unlock in unlocks.OrderBy(u => u.UnlockRequirements.Count())) { lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(unlock.ResearchGroup, unlock.Name, unlock, unlock.Icon); } // HACK - racial tech requirements are special foreach (var a in trait.Abilities.Where(a => a.Rule.Name == "Tech Area")) { foreach (var tech in Mod.Current.Technologies.Where(t => t.RacialTechID == a.Value1)) { if (tech.UnlockRequirements.Count() == 1) { var req = tech.UnlockRequirements.Single(); if (req is TechnologyRequirement) { var tr = (TechnologyRequirement)req; lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(tech.ResearchGroup, tech.Name + " (with " + tr.Technology + " L" + tr.Level + ")", tech, tech.Icon); } else if (req is EmpireTraitRequirement) { var tr = (EmpireTraitRequirement)req; lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(tech.ResearchGroup, tech.Name + " (with " + tr.Trait + ")", tech, tech.Icon); } else { lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(tech.ResearchGroup, tech.Name + " (with 1 other requirement)", tech, tech.Icon); } } else if (tech.UnlockRequirements.Count() > 1) { lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(tech.ResearchGroup, tech.Name + " (with " + tech.UnlockRequirements.Count() + " other requirements)", tech, tech.Icon); } else // no other prereqs { lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage(tech.ResearchGroup, tech.Name, tech, tech.Icon); } } } } else { foreach (var req in Context.UnlockRequirements) { if (req is TechnologyRequirement) { var tr = (TechnologyRequirement)req; lstRequired.AddItemWithImage(tr.Technology.ResearchGroup, tr.Technology.Name + " L" + tr.Level, tr.Technology, tr.Technology.Icon); } else if (req is EmpireTraitRequirement) { var tr = (EmpireTraitRequirement)req; lstRequired.AddItemWithImage(tr.Trait.ResearchGroup, tr.Trait.Name, tr.Trait, tr.Trait.Icon); } else { lstRequired.AddItemWithImage("Miscellaneous", req.Description, req, null); } } if (Context is Technology) { // display technology var tech = (Technology)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = tech.Name; var lblInfo = new Label(); lblInfo.Text = "First Level: " + tech.LevelCost.ToUnitString(true) + " research points\n" + tech.Description; lblInfo.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(lblInfo); // display racial trait prereqs if (tech.RacialTechID != null && tech.RacialTechID.Trim() != "0") { var traits = Mod.Current.Traits.Where(t => t.Abilities.Any(a => a.Rule != null && a.Rule.Name == "Tech Area" && a.Value1 == tech.RacialTechID)); if (traits.Count() == 1) { var trait = traits.Single(); lstRequired.AddItemWithImage(trait.ResearchGroup, trait.Name, trait, trait.Icon); } else if (traits.Count() > 1) { lstRequired.AddItemWithImage(traits.First().ResearchGroup, string.Join(" or ", traits.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray()), traits, null); } } // display what's unlocked // note: this won't catch scripted unlocks! var unlocks = AllItems.Select(u => { var req = u.UnlockRequirements.OfType <TechnologyRequirement>().Where(r => r.Technology == tech).WithMax(r => r.Level).FirstOrDefault(); if (req != null) { IEnumerable <Trait> traits; if (u is Technology) { traits = Mod.Current.Traits.Where(t => t.Abilities.Any(a => a.Rule != null && a.Rule.Name == "Tech Area" && a.Value1 == tech.RacialTechID)); } else { traits = Enumerable.Empty <Trait>(); } return(new { Item = u, Level = req.Level, Others = u.UnlockRequirements.ExceptSingle(req), Traits = traits, }); } else { return(null); } }).Where(u => u != null); foreach (var unlock in unlocks.OrderBy(u => u.Level).ThenBy(u => u.Others.Count())) { string suffix; if (unlock.Others.Count() == 0) { if (unlock.Traits.Count() == 0) { suffix = ""; } else { suffix = " (with " + string.Join(" or ", unlock.Traits.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray()); } } else if (unlock.Others.Count() == 1 && unlock.Others.Single() is TechnologyRequirement) { var other = (TechnologyRequirement)unlock.Others.Single(); if (unlock.Traits.Count() == 0) { suffix = " (with " + other.Technology + " L" + other.Level + ")"; } else { suffix = " (with " + string.Join(" or ", unlock.Traits.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray() + ", and " + other.Technology + " L" + other.Level); } } else if (unlock.Others.Count() == 1 && unlock.Others.Single() is EmpireTraitRequirement) { var other = (EmpireTraitRequirement)unlock.Others.Single(); if (unlock.Traits.Count() == 0) { suffix = " (with " + other.Trait + ")"; } else { suffix = " (with " + other.Trait + ", and " + unlock.Traits.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray(); } } else { suffix = " (with " + unlock.Others.Count() + " other requirements"; } lstUnlocks.AddItemWithImage("L" + unlock.Level, unlock.Item.Name + suffix, unlock.Item, unlock.Item.Icon); } } else if (Context is IHull) { // display hull var hull = (IHull)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = hull.Name; // TODO - hull report var lblInfo = new Label(); lblInfo.Text = hull.Size.Kilotons() + " " + hull.VehicleTypeName + " hull\n" + hull.Description; lblInfo.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(lblInfo); } else if (Context is ComponentTemplate) { // display component var ct = (ComponentTemplate)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = ct.Name; var report = new ComponentReport(ct); report.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(report); } else if (Context is Mount) { // display mount var m = (Mount)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = m.Name; var report = new MountReport(m); report.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(report); } else if (Context is FacilityTemplate) { // display facility var ft = (FacilityTemplate)Context; lblDetailsHeader.Text = ft.Name; var report = new FacilityReport(ft); report.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnlDetails.Controls.Add(report); } } } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public async Task <ActionResult> LoadResourcesByFacility() { var model = new DashboardViewModel(); var userId = int.Parse(Session["LoggedInUserId"].ToString()); var Baseurl = GetURL(); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Baseurl); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var apiURL = "/api/Values/GetUserFacilitiesByUserId/" + userId; HttpResponseMessage Res = await client.GetAsync(apiURL); if (Res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var result = await Res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var response = new ResponseHelper(); var output = response.fixListResult(result); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <UserFacility> >(output); foreach (var d in data) { var fr = new FacilityReport(); fr.FacilityId = d.FacilityId; fr.FacilityName = d.Facility.Name; using (var client_new = new HttpClient()) { client_new.BaseAddress = new Uri(Baseurl); client_new.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); client_new.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var apiURL_new = "/api/Values/GetResourceVerificationByFacilityId/" + d.FacilityId; HttpResponseMessage Res_new = await client_new.GetAsync(apiURL_new); if (Res_new.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var result_new = await Res_new.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var response_new = new ResponseHelper(); var output_new = response_new.fixListResult(result_new); var data_new = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ResourceReport> >(output_new); foreach (var r in data_new) { if (!r.Verified && !r.Missing) { fr.ResourceReport.Add(r); } } } } model.FacilityReport.Add(fr); } } } return(PartialView("PartialViews/_data", model)); }