void Start()
        faceDetectionRects = new FaceDetectionRects();

        if (CompanionDeviceManager == null)
            Logger.E(TAG, "CompanionDeviceManager doesn't exist!");
            Logger.E(TAG, "CompanionDeviceManager appears to be OK!");

        /* Local HTTP client */
        httpClient         = new HttpClient();
        httpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)DEFAULT_REST_TIMEOUT_MS);

        encoded             = new Texture2D(256, 256);
        CompanionDeviceHost = "http://www.mobiledgex.com";
        shouldEncodeNow     = true;

        screenRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);


        qrThread = new Thread(CameraFeedHandler);

        // The CompanionDeviceManager GameObject separately updates itself to get
        // the AppInst for this App/Scene.
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Logger.D(TAG, "Update()...");
        FaceDetectionRects faceDetectionRects = ComputerVisionFaceDetection.faceDetectionRects;

        // If no new rects, just leave the current ones up floating in world space (don't update).
        if (!RectsUpdated)
            Logger.D(TAG, "No new rects notified.");
        RectsUpdated = false;

        // Singleton field from camera detections
        var faceRects = faceDetectionRects.GetRects();

        Logger.D(TAG, "Pre: Num Rects to draw: " + faceRects.Capacity);
        if (faceRects.Capacity == 0)
            // Disable for Update.
            foreach (GameObject decorator in detectionUIInsts)
            Logger.D(TAG, "No detection rectangles.");

        Logger.D(TAG, "In FaceDetectionUI rects size: " + faceRects.Capacity);

        if (parentCam == null)
            Logger.D(TAG, "ParentCam or transform is missing!");

        int i = 0;
        // Sort of hacks dependent on the sub-image cut out and image dimensions.
        float xOffset = 0; // If the camera cut sub-image is heuristically centered, it's 0.
        float yOffset = imageH / 5;

        foreach (Rect r in faceRects)
            Logger.D(TAG, $"Rect: {r.x}, {r.y}, {r.width}, {r.height}");
            GameObject decorator = detectionUIInsts[i++];

            if (decorator == null)
                Logger.D(TAG, "No decorator, odd: " + decorator);


            // Resize rect:
            decorator.transform.localScale = new Vector3(r.width / imageW, r.height / imageH, 1);

            // Set decorator position to camera position
            decorator.transform.position = parentCam.transform.position;

            // Move decorator in front of camera

            // Rotate to match camera rotation:
            Quaternion parentRot   = parentCam.transform.rotation;
            Vector3    parentEuler = parentRot.eulerAngles;
            decorator.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(parentEuler.x, parentEuler.y, 0); // no rotation around z-axis

            // Reposition r.x and r.y (origin is at top left of screen) in terms of unity's coordinate system (origin is at "center" of screen)
            // This offset depends entirely on the webcam physical position. The whole thing is sent.
            Vector3 v3pos = new Vector3(
                (float)(-.5 * widthAtDepth + ((r.x + r.width / 2 + xOffset) / imageW * widthAtDepth)),
                (float)(.5 * heightAtDepth - ((r.y + r.height / 2 + yOffset) / imageH * heightAtDepth)),
                0);                               // left hand coordinate system
            decorator.transform.Translate(v3pos); // Translation is relative to own space

        // Disable remainder:
        for (; i < faceRects.Capacity; i++)