/// <summary>
        /// Prepares the page for first time viewing.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureDisplay()
            // Populate master page information
            //this.Master.WizardTitle = "Order Group Details";

            CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(OrderGroup.LCID);

            // Populate the basic order group information.

            lblRate.Visible = true;
            ListItem selected = cboGroupedPlanning.Items.FindByValue(OrderGroup.GroupedPlanning.ToString().ToLower());

            if (selected != null)
                selected.Selected = true;
            lblOrderCount.Text     = OrderGroup.Orders.Count.ToString();
            btnProducePILs.Enabled = OrderGroup.Orders.Count > 0;

            _decimalPlaces = GetDecimalPlaces(OrderGroup);
            if (_decimalPlaces != 2)
                culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits = _decimalPlaces;

            lblRate.Text = OrderGroup.ForeignRate.ToString("C", culture);

            // Allow a job to be created for this order group, unless any of the orders have been attached to a job.
            Facade.ICollectDrop            facCollectDrop = new Facade.CollectDrop();
            Entities.CollectDropCollection collectDrops   = facCollectDrop.GetForOrderID(OrderGroup.OrderIDs());
            btnCreateJob.Enabled = collectDrops.Count == 0 && OrderGroup.Orders.Count > 0;

            // If the group is being invoiced, or has been invoiced do not allow the group to be changed.
            Facade.IOrder facOrder = new Facade.Order();
            this.IsBeingInvoiced = facOrder.IsOrderBeingInvoiced(OrderGroup.OrderIDs());

            cboGroupedPlanning.Enabled = !IsBeingInvoiced;
            btnRemoveAll.Visible       = !IsBeingInvoiced;
            grdOrders.Columns[grdOrders.Columns.Count - 1].Display = !IsBeingInvoiced;

            // Rebind the grid.

            this.btnUpdateOrders.Enabled = !IsBeingInvoiced;

            // Set the rate tariff card.
            this.txtRateTariffCard.Text = this.OrderGroup.TariffRateDescription;

            // Configure the allocation field
            bool isAllocationEnabled = WebUI.Utilities.IsAllocationEnabled();

            trAllocation.Visible = isAllocationEnabled;

            this.lblLoadNoText.Text = String.Format("Apply {0} to group.", Globals.Configuration.SystemLoadNumberText);

            if (isAllocationEnabled)
                // An assumption is being made here that, for all orders in a group, the business logic will have
                // ensured that all are allocated (and subcontracted where that has happened) to the same subcontractor.
                int?allocatedToIdentityID = this.OrderGroup.Orders.Any() ? this.OrderGroup.Orders.First().AllocatedToIdentityID : null;

                string allocatedToName = string.Empty;
                if (allocatedToIdentityID.HasValue)
                    var allocatedTo = EF.DataContext.Current.OrganisationSet.First(o => o.IdentityId == allocatedToIdentityID);
                    allocatedToName = allocatedTo.OrganisationName;

                cboAllocatedTo.SelectedValue = allocatedToIdentityID.ToString();
                cboAllocatedTo.Text          = allocatedToName;
                lblAllocatedTo.Text          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(allocatedToName) ? "- none -" : allocatedToName;

                // The user can't change allocation here if there are no orders in the group or if any order been subcontracted.
                bool changeAllowed = this.OrderGroup.Orders.Any() && !this.OrderGroup.Orders.Any(o => o.JobSubContractID > 0);

                if (changeAllowed)
                    // Check that none of the orders are on a run which has been subcontracted as a whole
                    changeAllowed = !this.OrderGroup.Orders.Any(o => facOrder.IsOrderOnJobSubcontractedAsAWhole(o.OrderID));

                cboAllocatedTo.Visible = changeAllowed;
                lblAllocatedTo.Visible = !changeAllowed;
Esempio n. 2
        void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.ScannedFormId > 0)
                Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form();
                this.DehireReceipt = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId);

            int scanFormId = -1;

            // With job POD scanning
            if (this.OrderId > 0)
                Facade.Form           facForm          = new Facade.Form();
                Facade.IDeHireReceipt facDehireReceipt = new Facade.CollectDrop();

                string userID = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName;

                if (this.DehireReceipt == null)
                    this.DehireReceipt = new Entities.Scan();

                this.DehireReceipt.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today;
                this.DehireReceipt.FormTypeId      = eFormTypeId.DehireReceipt;
                this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF  = this.FileName;

                // N = No document available
                if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("N"))
                    if (this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormId == 0)
                        this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF = Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.NO_DOCUMENT_AVAILABLE;
                    this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName;

                if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A"))
                    this.DehireReceipt.IsAppend = true;
                    this.DehireReceipt.IsAppend = false;

                // if this is not set then we don't know where to save the file locally so it must have been uploaded immediately.
                if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("U") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.Configuration.ScannedDocumentPath))
                    this.DehireReceipt.IsUploaded = true;
                    this.DehireReceipt.IsUploaded = false;

                // Update the receipt number,
                facDehireReceipt.UpdateReceiptNumber(DehireReceiptId, txtDehireReceiptNumber.Text, userID);
                // Create the scanned form.
                scanFormId = facForm.Create(this.DehireReceipt, userID);

                if (scanFormId > 0)
                    facDehireReceipt.UpdateScannedForm(DehireReceiptId, scanFormId, userID);
