public async Task <ActionResult> Detalhes(string arquivo) { if (VerificarLogin()) { List <ToqueModel> toques = LerToquesCSV(); ToqueModel toque = new ToqueModel(); foreach (var item in toques) { if (arquivo == item.Arquivo) { toque = item; break; } } string file = arquivo + ".wav"; string dir = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Musicas/")); await FTPService.DownloadFileSpec(dir, file); return(View(toque)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } }
private async Task UploadAllVoices() { try { string localRecordPath = Path.Combine(AppEnvironment.appDataPath, AppEnvironment.authService.AuthenticatedUser.GetUserString()); string serverDirPath = AppEnvironment.dataService.ServerUserDataDirPath + "/"; string[] recordedFiles = Directory.GetFiles(localRecordPath); if (recordedFiles.Length < 1) { DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(AppResources.SettingPage_UploadAllVoice_NoRecordedFiles); return; } Configurations.LoadingConfig = new LoadingConfig { IndicatorColor = Color.AliceBlue, OverlayColor = Color.Gray, Opacity = 0.6, DefaultMessage = AppResources.Uploading }; await Loading.Instance.StartAsync(async (progress) => { using var wc = new WebClient(); int count = 0; wc.UploadFileCompleted += (sender, e) => { progress.Report((count + 1) / (double)recordedFiles.Length); }; for (count = 0; count < recordedFiles.Length; ++count) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(recordedFiles[count]); //Loading.Instance.SetMessage($"{AppResources.Uploading}({count + 1}/{recordedFiles.Length})"); await FTPService.UploadFileAsync(Path.Combine(localRecordPath, fileName), Path.Combine(serverDirPath, fileName), wc); await Task.Delay(100); } await Task.Delay(1000); }); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(ex.ToString()); #endif DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(AppResources.UploadFail); } finally { Loading.Instance.Hide(); } }
private async Task UploadFile() { string serverDirPath = AppEnvironment.dataService.ServerUserDataDirPath + "/"; await Task.Delay(10); try { UploadButton.IsEnabled = false; UploadButton.Text = AppResources.Uploading; if (!FTPService.CheckDirExist(serverDirPath)) { FTPService.CreateDir(serverDirPath); } isUploaded = FTPService.UploadFile(recordFilePath, Path.Combine(serverDirPath, Path.GetFileName(recordFilePath))); if (!isUploaded) { throw new Exception("Cannot upload file"); } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(ex.ToString()); #endif DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(AppResources.UploadFail_ReUpload); UploadButton.IsEnabled = true; } finally { UploadButton.Text = AppResources.Upload; RecordButton.IsEnabled = true; RecordButton.Text = File.Exists(recordFilePath) ? AppResources.Re_Record : AppResources.Record; } try { (BindingContext as VoiceRecordDetailViewModel).UpdateItemInfo(isRecorded, isUploaded); DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(AppResources.Upload_Success); } catch (Exception) { DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show("Cannot update info"); } finally { UploadButton.IsEnabled = true; UploadButton.Text = isUploaded ? AppResources.ReUpload : AppResources.Upload; UpdateButtonStatus(); recorder = null; } }
public bool UploadTable() { if (!FTPService.CheckDirExist(ServerUserDataDirPath)) { FTPService.CreateDir(ServerUserDataDirPath); } return(FTPService.UploadFile(LocalDataFilePath, Path.Combine(ServerUserDataDirPath, serverFile))); }
private void PlayButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (audioPlayer == null) { audioPlayer = CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current; } if (audioPlayer.IsPlaying) { audioPlayer.Stop(); RecordButton.IsEnabled = true; UploadButton.IsEnabled = true; PlayButton.Text = AppResources.Play; voiceFileStream?.Close(); } else { if (!File.Exists(recordFilePath)) { if (!FTPService.DownloadFile(AppEnvironment.dataService.ServerUserDataDirPath, recordFilePath)) { throw new Exception("Cannot download record file"); } } voiceFileStream?.Close(); voiceFileStream = new FileStream(recordFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); audioPlayer.Load(voiceFileStream); audioPlayer.Play(); audioPlayer.PlaybackEnded += delegate { RecordButton.IsEnabled = true; UploadButton.IsEnabled = true; PlayButton.Text = AppResources.Play; voiceFileStream?.Close(); }; RecordButton.IsEnabled = false; UploadButton.IsEnabled = false; PlayButton.Text = AppResources.Stop; } } catch (Exception ex) { DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public bool UploadFirstVoiceStatus() { string filePath = Path.Combine(LocalDataPath, firstVoiceSetStatusFile); string serverPath = Path.Combine(ServerUserDataDirPath, firstVoiceSetStatusFile); if (!FTPService.CheckDirExist(ServerUserDataDirPath)) { FTPService.CreateDir(ServerUserDataDirPath); } return(FTPService.UploadFile(filePath, serverPath)); }
private async Task <int> SyncRasp() { string dir = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/CSV/")); FileInfo dirCSV = new FileInfo(dir + "toque.csv"); dirCSV.Delete(); await FTPService.DownloadFile(dir, "csv"); dir = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Musicas/")); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } return(1); }
public int PutDocument(Stream stream, DocumentRequisite documentRequisite, int?filesListId = null) { if (dataManager == null) { return(-1); } var path = GetPath(documentRequisite); if (!FTPService.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { return(-2); } if (!FTPService.Upload(stream, path)) { return(-3); } return(dataManager.PutDocument(documentRequisite, filesListId)); }
internal async Task UpdateStatus(VoiceListItem item) { await Task.Delay(100); string serverDirPath = AppEnvironment.dataService.ServerUserDataDirPath + "/"; string serverFilePath = Path.Combine(serverDirPath, $"{item.Section}_{item.Chapter}_{item.Number}.mp3"); if (FTPService.CheckFileExist(serverFilePath)) { item.IsUploaded = true; item.CompletedText = AppResources.Successed; item.UploadTextColor = Color.Green; } else { item.IsUploaded = false; item.CompletedText = AppResources.NonSuccessed; item.UploadTextColor = Color.Red; } }
private void CheckFirstVoiceStatusFile() { string filePath = Path.Combine(LocalDataPath, firstVoiceSetStatusFile); string serverPath = Path.Combine(ServerUserDataDirPath, firstVoiceSetStatusFile); if (!Directory.Exists(LocalDataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(LocalDataPath); } if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { if (FTPService.CheckFileExist(serverPath)) { FTPService.DownloadFile(filePath, serverPath); } else { File.WriteAllText(filePath, ""); } } }
public string GetTemplatePath(string templateFilePath) { using (var stream = FTPService.Donwload(templateFilePath)) { if (stream != null) { if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\temp")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"c:\temp"); } string targetFileName = "C:\\temp\\" + templateFilePath; using (var targetStream = new FileStream(targetFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { if (targetStream == null) { return(null); } var bufferSize = 1024; byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, bufferSize); try { while (bytesRead > 0) { targetStream.Write(byteBuffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesRead = stream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, bufferSize); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return(null); } targetStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); targetStream.Close(); } stream.Close(); return(targetFileName); } } return(null); }
public Stream GetDocument(string filePath) { return(FTPService.Donwload(filePath)); }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Make sure only days, source Directory, and targetDirectory are entered into program if (args.Length != 4) { await SystemUtilityService.NotifySystemAdminAsync(Constants.InvalidArgs, Constants.SystemAdminEmailAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; int days; string targetDirectory = ""; try { days = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } catch { await SystemUtilityService.NotifySystemAdminAsync(Constants.FirstArgumentNotInt, Constants.SystemAdminEmailAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } string sourceDir; if (Directory.Exists(args[2])) { sourceDir = args[2]; } else { await SystemUtilityService.NotifySystemAdminAsync(Constants.SourceDirectoryDNE, Constants.SystemAdminEmailAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (Directory.Exists(args[3])) { targetDirectory = args[3]; } targetDirectory += currentTime.ToString(Constants.NamingFormatString); bool result = false; // FetchLogs will return true if files of the proper age are found in the source directory. if (FileFetchingService.FetchLogs(sourceDir, targetDirectory, days)) { if (CompressionService.Compress(Constants.SevenZipPath, sourceDir, targetDirectory)) { result = await FTPService.SendAsync(Constants.FTPUrl, "", targetDirectory, Constants.FTPUsername, Constants.FTPpassword).ConfigureAwait(false); } } // Notify system admin if Archiving fails to run successfully. if (result == false) { await SystemUtilityService.NotifySystemAdminAsync("Archiving failed on" + currentTime, Constants.SystemAdminEmailAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
//Update Guest Details async void saveButton(object sender, EventArgs e) { string validation = FieldValidation.guestSaveDetailsValidation(IdentificationMethod, IdentificationMethodNumber.Text, GuestFisrtName.Text, GuestLastName.Text, DateOfBirth, GuestContact.Text, GuestEmail.Text, City.Text, Street.Text); if (validation != "") { await DisplayAlert("Warning!", validation, "Ok"); } else { DateTime date = DateOfBirth.Date; DateTime dateOfEx = PassportExpiry.Date; //Page loading indicator pageLoading(); //Pass values to payload StatusChange statusChange = new StatusChange(Constants._hotel_code, Constants._reservation_id, guestIdentification, IdentificationMethodNumber.Text, guestNumber.Text, guestSalutation, GuestFisrtName.Text, GuestLastName.Text, guestGender, GuestEmail.Text, GuestContact.Text, HouseNumber.Text, Street.Text, City.Text, guestCountry, guestNationality, guestLanguage, date.ToString("s"), dateOfEx.ToString("s")); //PPExpiryDate expiryDateChange = new PPExpiryDate(Constants._hotel_code, Constants._reservation_id, guestNumber.Text, guestSalutation, GuestFisrtName.Text, GuestLastName.Text, IdentificationMethodNumber.Text ,dateOfEx.ToString("s"),guestIdentification,guestCountry,guestLanguage); //Data Posting source //PostServiceManager postServiceManager = new PostServiceManager(); GuestPostManager guestPostManager = new GuestPostManager(); string result = await guestPostManager.CreateUpdateGuest(statusChange); //String result = await postServiceManager.StatusChangeAsync(statusChange); //String result2 = await postServiceManager.SavePPExpiryAsync(expiryDateChange); if (result != "Reservation is locked" || result.Contains("Updated Successfully")) { //Updateing guest details object var obj = guestdetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.guestNumber == Int32.Parse(guestNumber.Text)); obj.guestNumber = Int32.Parse(guestNumber.Text); obj.identificationMethod = guestIdentification; obj.passportIdNumber = IdentificationMethodNumber.Text; obj.salutation = guestSalutation; obj.guestName = GuestFisrtName.Text + " " + GuestLastName.Text; obj.guestFirstName = GuestFisrtName.Text; obj.guestLastName = GuestLastName.Text; obj.gender = guestGender; = GuestEmail.Text; obj.contactNumber = GuestContact.Text; obj.houseNumber = HouseNumber.Text; obj.street = Street.Text; = City.Text; obj.nationality = guestNationality; = guestCountry; obj.language = guestLanguage; obj.guestCode = guestCodeFromSearch; obj.dateOfBirth = date.ToString("s"); obj.dateOfExpiry = dateOfEx.ToString("s"); obj.noOfVisitsHotel = Visitperhotel; obj.noOfVisits = Totalvisit; obj.revenueTotal = RevenueTotal; obj.revenueRoom = RevenueRoom; obj.reveneuFB = RevenueFnb; obj.revenueOther = RevenueOther; var nameToCountry = CountryDictionary.listOfCountrie(); if (guestCountry != "" || guestCountry != "") { //Item Value in dictionary string name = nameToCountry.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == guestCountry).Key; obj.countryKeyValue = name; } Constants._guestNumber = ""; Constants._guestNumber = guestNumber.Text; if (Constants.PassportCopy != null) { await FTPService.UploadPassportCopy(Constants.PassportCopy, GuestFisrtName.Text); } stopPageLoading(); //Guest details updateindicator, Reload content page MessagingCenter.Send <GuestEdit, List <guestDetails> >(this, Constants._guestEdited, guestdetails); await DisplayAlert("Message", result, "OK"); ////Logger //new APILogger().Logger("Guest Payload :" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(statusChange)); //new APILogger().Logger("Guest Save Status :" + result); //Close this content page this.Navigation.RemovePage(this); } else { stopPageLoading(); await DisplayAlert("Message", result, "OK"); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditarToque(ToqueModel toque) { if (VerificarLogin()) { if ((toque.IsSegunda) || (toque.IsTerca) || (toque.IsQuarta) || (toque.IsQuinta) || (toque.IsSexta) || (toque.IsSabado) || (toque.IsDomingo)) { List <ToqueModel> toques = LerToquesCSV(); List <ToqueExportModel> toquesE = new List <ToqueExportModel>(); int i = 0; foreach (var item in toques) { ToqueExportModel it = new ToqueExportModel(); it.Arquivo = item.Arquivo; it.Nome = item.Nome; it.Hora = item.Hora; it.Canal = item.Canal; if (item.IsDomingo) { it.DiasSemana += ",0"; } if (item.IsSegunda) { it.DiasSemana += ",1"; } if (item.IsTerca) { it.DiasSemana += ",2"; } if (item.IsQuarta) { it.DiasSemana += ",3"; } if (item.IsQuinta) { it.DiasSemana += ",4"; } if (item.IsSexta) { it.DiasSemana += ",5"; } if (item.IsSabado) { it.DiasSemana += ",6"; } it.DiasSemana = it.DiasSemana.Substring(1); it.IsAtivo = item.IsAtivo; it.NivelEnsino = item.NivelEnsino; it.UltimoToque = item.UltimoToque; toquesE.Add(it); } string arquivoId = ""; foreach (var item in toques) { if (item.Arquivo == toque.Arquivo) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana = ""; toquesE[i].Arquivo = toque.Arquivo; toquesE[i].Nome = toque.Nome; toquesE[i].Hora = toque.Hora; if (toque.IsDomingo) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",0"; } if (toque.IsSegunda) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",1"; } if (toque.IsTerca) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",2"; } if (toque.IsQuarta) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",3"; } if (toque.IsQuinta) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",4"; } if (toque.IsSexta) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",5"; } if (toque.IsSabado) { toquesE[i].DiasSemana += ",6"; } toquesE[i].DiasSemana = toquesE[i].DiasSemana.Substring(1); toquesE[i].IsAtivo = toque.IsAtivo; toquesE[i].NivelEnsino = toque.NivelEnsino; toquesE[i].UltimoToque = toquesE[i].UltimoToque; arquivoId = toque.Arquivo; if (toque.NivelEnsino == 2 || toque.NivelEnsino == 3) { toquesE[i].Canal = 1; } else { toquesE[i].Canal = 2; } break; } i++; } string pathMusica = ""; foreach (var file in toque.fileupload) { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var nameType = file.FileName.ToString().Split('.'); pathMusica = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Musicas"), (arquivoId.ToString() + "." + nameType[1])); file.SaveAs(pathMusica); } } string dir = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/CSV/toque.csv")); ServiceCSV.WriteCSVFileToque(dir, toquesE); await FTPService.UploadFile(dir); await FTPService.UploadFile(pathMusica); return(RedirectToAction("Toques", true)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("EditarToque", toque)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> PararToques() { if (VerificarLogin()) { List <ToqueModel> toques = LerToquesCSV(); List <ToqueExportModel> toquesE = new List <ToqueExportModel>(); bool ativo = VerificarAtivo(); foreach (var item in toques) { ToqueExportModel it = new ToqueExportModel(); if (ativo) { it.IsAtivo = false; } else { it.IsAtivo = true; } it.Arquivo = item.Arquivo; it.Nome = item.Nome; it.Hora = item.Hora; it.Canal = item.Canal; //it.IsSegunda = item.IsSegunda; //it.IsTerca = item.IsTerca; //it.IsQuarta = item.IsQuarta; //it.IsQuinta = item.IsQuinta; //it.IsSexta = item.IsSexta; //it.IsSabado = item.IsSabado; //it.IsDomingo = item.IsDomingo; if (item.IsDomingo) { it.DiasSemana += ",0"; } if (item.IsSegunda) { it.DiasSemana += ",1"; } if (item.IsTerca) { it.DiasSemana += ",2"; } if (item.IsQuarta) { it.DiasSemana += ",3"; } if (item.IsQuinta) { it.DiasSemana += ",4"; } if (item.IsSexta) { it.DiasSemana += ",5"; } if (item.IsSabado) { it.DiasSemana += ",6"; } it.DiasSemana = it.DiasSemana.Substring(1); it.NivelEnsino = item.NivelEnsino; it.UltimoToque = item.UltimoToque; toquesE.Add(it); } string dir = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/CSV/toque.csv")); ServiceCSV.WriteCSVFileToque(dir, toquesE); await FTPService.UploadFile(dir); return(RedirectToAction("Toques", true)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } }
public bool GetDocument(string filePath, string saveAs) { return(FTPService.Donwload(filePath, saveAs)); }
public Stream GetTemplateStream(string templateFilePath) { return(FTPService.Donwload(templateFilePath)); }
public bool DownloadTable() { string serverPath = Path.Combine(FTPService.CheckDirExist(ServerUserDataDirPath) ? ServerUserDataDirPath : ServerDefaultDataDirPath, serverFile); return(FTPService.DownloadFile(LocalDataFilePath, serverPath)); }