private void ValidateRevision(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string revision) { var query = "SELECT data FROM meta WHERE name = 'F-Spot Database Version'"; var found = db.Query <string> (query).ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(revision, found); }
private void CheckTagsTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckTag(db, 1, "Favorites", 0, 1, -10, "stock_icon:emblem-favorite"); CheckTag(db, 2, "Hidden", 0, 0, -9, "stock_icon:emblem-readonly"); CheckTag(db, 3, "People", 0, 1, -8, "stock_icon:emblem-people"); CheckTag(db, 4, "Places", 0, 1, -8, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag(db, 5, "Events", 0, 1, -7, "stock_icon:emblem-event"); CheckTag(db, 6, "Imported Tags", 0, 1, 0, "stock_icon:gtk-new"); CheckTag(db, 7, "keyword1", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 8, "keyword2", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 9, "keyword3", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 10, "keyword 1", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 11, "keyword 2", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 12, "Kirche Sulzbach", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 13, "Nikon D70s", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 14, "Food", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 15, "2007", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 16, "2006", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 17, "Neujahr", 6, 1, 0, tag_icon_emblem); CheckTag(db, 18, "Sylvester", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 19, "Olympus µ 700", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 20, "Rom 2006-10", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 21, "Architecture", 5, 1, 0, tag_icon_img); CheckTag(db, 22, "Flughafen", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 23, "Basel", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 24, "", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 25, "City", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag(db, 26, " ", 25, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 27, "State", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag(db, 28, "Country", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag(db, 29, "Ubited Kingdom", 28, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 30, "Communications", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag(db, 31, "Türkei 2004", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckCount(db, "tags", 31); }
private void CheckOriginalVersionCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { var photo_count = GetCount(db, "photos", "1"); var orig_version_count = GetCount(db, "photo_versions", "version_id = 1"); Assert.AreEqual(photo_count, orig_version_count, "Expecting an original version for each photo"); }
private void TestUpdate(string version, string revision) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } var uri = new SafeUri(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/../tests/data/f-spot-" + version + ".db"); var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(uri); Assert.IsTrue(file.Exists, String.Format("Test database for version {0} not found", version)); var tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); var uri2 = new SafeUri(tmp); var file2 = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(uri2); file.Copy(file2, GLib.FileCopyFlags.Overwrite, null, null); var db = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(uri2.AbsolutePath); ValidateRevision(db, revision); Updater.Run(db); ValidateRevision(db, Updater.LatestVersion.ToString()); ValidateTableStructure(db); CheckPhotosTable(db); CheckPhotoVersionsTable(db); CheckTagsTable(db); file2.Delete(); }
private void CheckPhotoVersionsTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckPhotoVersion(db, 1, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 2, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 3, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_zoombrowser.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 4, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_gimp_exiftool.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 5, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 6, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 7, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 8, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 9, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon3.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 10, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon4.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 1, 2, "Modified", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample%20(Modified).jpg", "", 0); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 11, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_no_metadata.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 12, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_null_orientation.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 13, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 14, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 15, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_panasonic.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 16, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 17, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 18, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xap.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 19, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xmpcrash.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion(db, 20, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/test/", "sample_tangled1.jpg", "", 1); CheckCount(db, "photo_versions", 21); CheckOriginalVersionCount(db); }
private void ValidateTableStructure(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckTableExistance(db, "exports"); CheckTableExistance(db, "jobs"); CheckTableExistance(db, "meta"); CheckTableExistance(db, "photo_tags"); CheckTableExistance(db, "photo_versions"); CheckTableExistance(db, "photos"); CheckTableExistance(db, "rolls"); CheckTableExistance(db, "tags"); }
public ExportStore(FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool is_new) : base(database, true) { if (is_new || !Database.TableExists("exports")) { CreateTable(); } else { LoadAllItems(); } }
// Constructor public MetaStore(FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool is_new) : base(database, true) { if (is_new || !Database.TableExists("meta")) { CreateTable(); CreateDefaultItems(is_new); } else { LoadAllItems(); } }
public RollStore(FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool is_new) : base(database, false) { if (!is_new && Database.TableExists("rolls")) { return; } Database.Execute( "CREATE TABLE rolls (\n" + " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n"+ " time INTEGER NOT NULL\n"+ ")"); }
// Constructor public TagStore(FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool is_new) : base(database, true) { // The label for the root category is used in new and edit tag dialogs RootCategory = new Category(null, 0, Catalog.GetString("(None)")); if (!is_new) { LoadAllTags(); } else { CreateTable(); CreateDefaultTags(); } }
internal static void CreateTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection database) { if (database.TableExists("jobs")) { return; } database.Execute( "CREATE TABLE jobs (\n" + " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \n"+ " job_type TEXT NOT NULL, \n"+ " job_options TEXT NOT NULL, \n"+ " run_at INTEGER, \n"+ " job_priority INTEGER NOT NULL\n"+ ")"); }
private void CheckTag(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint id, string name, uint cat_id, int is_cat, int sort, string icon) { var reader = db.Query("SELECT id, name, category_id, is_category, sort_priority, icon FROM tags WHERE id = " + id); var found = false; while (reader.Read()) { Assert.AreEqual(id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[0]), "id on tag " + id); Assert.AreEqual(name, reader[1], "name on tag " + id); Assert.AreEqual(cat_id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[2]), "category_id on tag " + id); Assert.AreEqual(is_cat, Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]), "is_cat on tag " + id); Assert.AreEqual(sort, reader[4], "sort_priority on tag " + id); Assert.AreEqual(icon, reader[5], "icon on tag " + id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue(found, "tag " + id + " missing"); }
// Constructor public PhotoStore(FSpotDatabaseConnection database, bool isNew) : base(database, false) { EnsureThumbnailDirectory(); if (!isNew) { return; } Database.Execute( "CREATE TABLE photos (\n" + " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, \n" + " time INTEGER NOT NULL, \n" + " base_uri STRING NOT NULL, \n" + " filename STRING NOT NULL, \n" + " description TEXT NOT NULL, \n" + " roll_id INTEGER NOT NULL, \n" + " default_version_id INTEGER NOT NULL, \n" + " rating INTEGER NULL \n" + ")"); Database.Execute( "CREATE TABLE photo_tags (\n" + " photo_id INTEGER, \n" + " tag_id INTEGER, \n" + " UNIQUE (photo_id, tag_id)\n" + ")"); Database.Execute( "CREATE TABLE photo_versions (\n" + " photo_id INTEGER, \n" + " version_id INTEGER, \n" + " name STRING, \n" + " base_uri STRING NOT NULL, \n" + " filename STRING NOT NULL, \n" + " import_md5 TEXT NULL, \n" + " protected BOOLEAN, \n" + " UNIQUE (photo_id, version_id)\n" + ")"); Database.Execute("CREATE INDEX idx_photo_versions_id ON photo_versions(photo_id)"); Database.Execute("CREATE INDEX idx_photo_versions_import_md5 ON photo_versions(import_md5)"); Database.Execute("CREATE INDEX idx_photos_roll_id ON photos(roll_id)"); }
public void CreateFromWithVersionIgnored() { var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database); var dbMock = new Mock <IDb> (); dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection); var store = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true); var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion(uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName); var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, true, 1); Assert.AreEqual(Strings.Original, photo.DefaultVersion.Name); Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri); // CreateFrom ignores any versions except the default version Assert.AreEqual(1, photo.Versions.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos); }
private void CheckPhotoVersion(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint photo_id, uint version_id, string name, string base_uri, string filename, string import_md5, uint is_protected) { var reader = db.Query("SELECT photo_id, version_id, name, base_uri, filename, import_md5, protected FROM photo_versions WHERE photo_id = " + photo_id + " AND version_id = " + version_id); var found = false; while (reader.Read()) { Assert.AreEqual(photo_id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[0]), "photo_id on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(version_id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[1]), "version_id on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(name, reader[2], "name on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(base_uri, reader[3], "base_uri on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(filename, reader[4], "filename on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(import_md5, reader[5], "import_md5 on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); Assert.AreEqual(is_protected, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[6]), "protected on photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue(found, "photo version " + photo_id + "/" + version_id + " missing"); }
public void CreateFrom() { var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database); var dbMock = new Mock <IDb> (); dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection); var store = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true); var photoMock = PhotoMock.Create(uri, originalName); var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, true, 1); // default version name is ignored on import Assert.AreEqual(Strings.Original, photo.DefaultVersion.Name); Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri); Assert.AreEqual(1, photo.Versions.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos); }
private void CheckPhoto(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint id, uint time, string base_uri, string filename, string description, uint roll_id, uint default_version_id, uint rating) { var reader = db.Query("SELECT id, time, base_uri, filename, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating FROM photos WHERE id = " + id); var found = false; while (reader.Read()) { Assert.AreEqual(id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[0]), "id on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(time, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[1]), "time on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(base_uri, reader[2], "base_uri on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(filename, reader[3], "filename on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(description, reader[4], "description on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(roll_id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[5]), "roll_id on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(default_version_id, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[6]), "default_version_id on photo " + id); Assert.AreEqual(rating, Convert.ToUInt32(reader[7]), "rating on photo " + id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue(found, "photo " + id + " missing"); }
public void CreateFromWithVersionAdded() { var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database); var dbMock = new Mock <IDb> (); dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection); var store = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true); var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion(uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName); var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, false, 1); Assert.AreEqual(modifiedName, photo.DefaultVersion.Name); Assert.AreEqual(modifiedUri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri); Assert.AreEqual(2, photo.Versions.Count()); // version id 1 is the first photo added - the original photo Assert.AreEqual(originalName, photo.GetVersion(1).Name); Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.GetVersion(1).BaseUri); Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos); }
private void CheckPhotosTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckPhoto(db, 1, 1249579156, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample.jpg", "Testing!", 1, 2, 5); CheckPhoto(db, 2, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 3, 1249834364, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_zoombrowser.jpg", "%test comment%", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 4, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_gimp_exiftool.jpg", "", 1, 1, 5); CheckPhoto(db, 5, 1242995279, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 1); CheckPhoto(db, 6, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 7, 1167646774, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 8, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 9, 1256140553, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon3.jpg", " ", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 10, 1238587697, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon4.jpg", " ", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 11, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_no_metadata.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 12, 1265446642, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_null_orientation.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 13, 1161575860, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 14, 1236006332, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 15, 1246010310, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_panasonic.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 16, 1258799979, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 17, 1257533767, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 18, 1026565108, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xap.jpg", "", 1, 1, 4); CheckPhoto(db, 19, 1093249257, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xmpcrash.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto(db, 20, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/test/", "sample_tangled1.jpg", "test comment", 1, 1, 0); CheckCount(db, "photos", 20); }
private void ValidateRevision(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string revision) { var query = "SELECT data FROM meta WHERE name = 'F-Spot Database Version'"; var found = db.Query<string> (query).ToString (); Assert.AreEqual (revision, found); }
private int GetCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string table, string where) { return db.Query<int> ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "+table+" WHERE "+where); }
private void TestUpdate(string version, string revision) { if (!initialized) Initialize (); var uri = new SafeUri (Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/../tests/data/f-spot-"+version+".db"); var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (uri); Assert.IsTrue (file.Exists, String.Format ("Test database for version {0} not found", version)); var tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName (); var uri2 = new SafeUri (tmp); var file2 = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (uri2); file.Copy (file2, GLib.FileCopyFlags.Overwrite, null, null); var db = new FSpotDatabaseConnection (uri2.AbsolutePath); ValidateRevision (db, revision); Updater.Run (db); ValidateRevision (db, Updater.LatestVersion.ToString ()); ValidateTableStructure (db); CheckPhotosTable (db); CheckPhotoVersionsTable (db); CheckTagsTable (db); file2.Delete (); }
private void CheckTag(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint id, string name, uint cat_id, int is_cat, int sort, string icon) { var reader = db.Query ("SELECT id, name, category_id, is_category, sort_priority, icon FROM tags WHERE id = " + id); var found = false; while (reader.Read ()) { Assert.AreEqual (id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[0]), "id on tag "+id); Assert.AreEqual (name, reader[1], "name on tag "+id); Assert.AreEqual (cat_id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[2]), "category_id on tag "+id); Assert.AreEqual (is_cat, Convert.ToInt32 (reader[3]), "is_cat on tag "+id); Assert.AreEqual (sort, reader[4], "sort_priority on tag "+id); Assert.AreEqual (icon, reader[5], "icon on tag "+id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue (found, "tag "+id+" missing"); }
private void CheckTagsTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckTag (db, 1, "Favorites", 0, 1, -10, "stock_icon:emblem-favorite"); CheckTag (db, 2, "Hidden", 0, 0, -9, "stock_icon:emblem-readonly"); CheckTag (db, 3, "People", 0, 1, -8, "stock_icon:emblem-people"); CheckTag (db, 4, "Places", 0, 1, -8, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag (db, 5, "Events", 0, 1, -7, "stock_icon:emblem-event"); CheckTag (db, 6, "Imported Tags", 0, 1, 0, "stock_icon:gtk-new"); CheckTag (db, 7, "keyword1", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 8, "keyword2", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 9, "keyword3", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 10, "keyword 1", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 11, "keyword 2", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 12, "Kirche Sulzbach", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 13, "Nikon D70s", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 14, "Food", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 15, "2007", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 16, "2006", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 17, "Neujahr", 6, 1, 0, tag_icon_emblem); CheckTag (db, 18, "Sylvester", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 19, "Olympus µ 700", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 20, "Rom 2006-10", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 21, "Architecture", 5, 1, 0, tag_icon_img); CheckTag (db, 22, "Flughafen", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 23, "Basel", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 24, "", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 25, "City", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag (db, 26, " ", 25, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 27, "State", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag (db, 28, "Country", 6, 1, 0, "stock_icon:emblem-places"); CheckTag (db, 29, "Ubited Kingdom", 28, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 30, "Communications", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckTag (db, 31, "Türkei 2004", 6, 1, 0, ""); CheckCount (db, "tags", 31); }
private void CheckTableExistance(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string name) { Assert.IsTrue (db.TableExists (name), String.Format ("Expected table {0} does not exist.", name)); }
private void CheckTableExistance(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string name) { Assert.IsTrue(db.TableExists(name), String.Format("Expected table {0} does not exist.", name)); }
private void CheckCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string table, int count) { var counted = GetCount(db, table, "1"); Assert.AreEqual(count, counted, "Count on " + table); }
private void CheckOriginalVersionCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { var photo_count = GetCount (db, "photos", "1"); var orig_version_count = GetCount (db, "photo_versions", "version_id = 1"); Assert.AreEqual (photo_count, orig_version_count, "Expecting an original version for each photo"); }
private void ValidateTableStructure(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckTableExistance (db, "exports"); CheckTableExistance (db, "jobs"); CheckTableExistance (db, "meta"); CheckTableExistance (db, "photo_tags"); CheckTableExistance (db, "photo_versions"); CheckTableExistance (db, "photos"); CheckTableExistance (db, "rolls"); CheckTableExistance (db, "tags"); }
private void CheckCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string table, int count) { var counted = GetCount (db, table, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (count, counted, "Count on "+table); }
private void CheckPhotosTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckPhoto (db, 1, 1249579156, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample.jpg", "Testing!", 1, 2, 5); CheckPhoto (db, 2, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 3, 1249834364, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_zoombrowser.jpg", "%test comment%", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 4, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_gimp_exiftool.jpg", "", 1, 1, 5); CheckPhoto (db, 5, 1242995279, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 1); CheckPhoto (db, 6, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 7, 1167646774, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 8, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2_bibble5.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 9, 1256140553, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon3.jpg", " ", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 10, 1238587697, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon4.jpg", " ", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 11, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_no_metadata.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 12, 1265446642, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_null_orientation.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 13, 1161575860, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 14, 1236006332, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 15, 1246010310, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_panasonic.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 16, 1258799979, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony1.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 17, 1257533767, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony2.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 18, 1026565108, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xap.jpg", "", 1, 1, 4); CheckPhoto (db, 19, 1093249257, "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xmpcrash.jpg", "", 1, 1, 0); CheckPhoto (db, 20, 1276191607, "file:///tmp/database/test/", "sample_tangled1.jpg", "test comment", 1, 1, 0); CheckCount (db, "photos", 20); }
private void CheckPhoto(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint id, uint time, string base_uri, string filename, string description, uint roll_id, uint default_version_id, uint rating) { var reader = db.Query ("SELECT id, time, base_uri, filename, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating FROM photos WHERE id = " + id); var found = false; while (reader.Read ()) { Assert.AreEqual (id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[0]), "id on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (time, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[1]), "time on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (base_uri, reader[2], "base_uri on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (filename, reader[3], "filename on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (description, reader[4], "description on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (roll_id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[5]), "roll_id on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (default_version_id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[6]), "default_version_id on photo "+id); Assert.AreEqual (rating, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[7]), "rating on photo "+id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue (found, "photo "+id+" missing"); }
private void CheckPhotoVersion(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, uint photo_id, uint version_id, string name, string base_uri, string filename, string import_md5, uint is_protected) { var reader = db.Query ("SELECT photo_id, version_id, name, base_uri, filename, import_md5, protected FROM photo_versions WHERE photo_id = " + photo_id + " AND version_id = " + version_id); var found = false; while (reader.Read ()) { Assert.AreEqual (photo_id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[0]), "photo_id on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (version_id, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[1]), "version_id on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (name, reader[2], "name on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (base_uri, reader[3], "base_uri on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (filename, reader[4], "filename on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (import_md5, reader[5], "import_md5 on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); Assert.AreEqual (is_protected, Convert.ToUInt32 (reader[6]), "protected on photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id); found = true; } Assert.IsTrue (found, "photo version "+photo_id+"/"+version_id+" missing"); }
private int GetCount(FSpotDatabaseConnection db, string table, string where) { return(db.Query <int> ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table + " WHERE " + where)); }
private void CheckPhotoVersionsTable(FSpotDatabaseConnection db) { CheckPhotoVersion (db, 1, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 2, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 3, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_canon_zoombrowser.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 4, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_gimp_exiftool.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 5, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 6, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon1_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 7, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 8, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon2_bibble5.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 9, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon3.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 10, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_nikon4.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 1, 2, "Modified", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample%20(Modified).jpg", "", 0); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 11, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_no_metadata.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 12, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_null_orientation.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 13, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 14, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_olympus2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 15, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_panasonic.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 16, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony1.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 17, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_sony2.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 18, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xap.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 19, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/", "sample_xmpcrash.jpg", "", 1); CheckPhotoVersion (db, 20, 1, "Original", "file:///tmp/database/test/", "sample_tangled1.jpg", "", 1); CheckCount (db, "photo_versions", 21); CheckOriginalVersionCount (db); }