public PhotoView (IBrowsableCollection query)
			: base ()
			this.query = query;
			commit_delay = new FSpot.Delay (1000, new GLib.IdleHandler (CommitPendingChanges));
			this.Destroyed += HandleDestroy;
			Name = "ImageContainer";
			Box vbox = new VBox (false, 6);
			Add (vbox);
		        background = new EventBox ();
			Frame frame = new Frame ();
			background.Add (frame);
			frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
			vbox.PackStart (background, true, true, 0);
			Box inner_vbox = new VBox (false , 2);
			frame.Add (inner_vbox);
			BrowsablePointer bp = new BrowsablePointer (query, -1);
			photo_view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView (bp);
			filmstrip = new Filmstrip (bp);
			Gdk.Pixbuf bg = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 1, 69);
			bg.Fill (0x00000000);
			filmstrip.BackgroundTile = bg;
			filmstrip.ThumbOffset = 1;
			filmstrip.Spacing = 4;
			inner_vbox.PackStart (filmstrip, false, false, 0);
			photo_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged;
			photo_view_scrolled = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);

			photo_view_scrolled.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic);
			photo_view_scrolled.ShadowType = ShadowType.None;
			photo_view_scrolled.Add (photo_view);
			photo_view_scrolled.Child.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
			photo_view.AddEvents ((int) EventMask.KeyPressMask);
			inner_vbox.PackStart (photo_view_scrolled, true, true, 0);
			HBox inner_hbox = new HBox (false, 2);
			//inner_hbox.BorderWidth = 6;
			tag_view = new Widgets.TagView (MainWindow.ToolTips);
			inner_hbox.PackStart (tag_view, false, true, 0);
			Label comment = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("Comment:"));
			inner_hbox.PackStart (comment, false, false, 0);
			description_entry = new Entry ();
			inner_hbox.PackStart (description_entry, true, true, 0);
			description_entry.Changed += HandleDescriptionChanged;
			rating = new Widgets.Rating();
			inner_hbox.PackStart (rating, false, false, 0);
			rating.Changed += HandleRatingChanged;
			SetColors ();
			inner_vbox.PackStart (inner_hbox, false, true, 0);
			vbox.ShowAll ();
			Realized += delegate (object o, EventArgs e) {SetColors ();};
		private void SetView (FSpot.PhotoImageView view)
			this.view.PhotoChanged -= HandlePhotoChanged;
			this.view = view;
			this.view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged;

			if (view.Toplevel is FullScreenView && Dialog.IsRealized)
				CompositeUtils.SetWinOpacity (Dialog, 0.5);
				CompositeUtils.SetWinOpacity (Dialog, 1.0);

		protected ColorDialog (FSpot.PhotoQuery query, int item)
			view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView (query);
			view_scrolled.Add (view);
			view.Show ();
			view.Item.Index = item;
			this.CreateDialog ("external_color_dialog");
			AttachInterface ();
		protected ColorDialog (FSpot.PhotoImageView view)       
			this.view = view;
			this.CreateDialog ("inline_color_dialog");

			AttachInterface ();
	public PhotoView (IBrowsableCollection query)
		: base ()
		this.query = query;

		description_delay = new FSpot.Delay (1000, new GLib.IdleHandler (CommitPendingChanges));
		this.Destroyed += HandleDestroy;

		Name = "ImageContainer";
		Box vbox = new VBox (false, 6);
		Add (vbox);

	        background = new EventBox ();
		Frame frame = new Frame ();
		background.Add (frame);

		frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
		vbox.PackStart (background, true, true, 0);
		Box inner_vbox = new VBox (false , 2);

		frame.Add (inner_vbox);
		photo_view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView (query);
		photo_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; 
		photo_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;

		photo_view_scrolled = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);

		photo_view_scrolled.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic);
		photo_view_scrolled.ShadowType = ShadowType.None;
		photo_view_scrolled.Add (photo_view);
		photo_view_scrolled.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
		photo_view.AddEvents ((int) EventMask.KeyPressMask);
		inner_vbox.PackStart (photo_view_scrolled, true, true, 0);
		HBox inner_hbox = new HBox (false, 2);
		//inner_hbox.BorderWidth = 6;

		tag_view = new TagView ();
		inner_hbox.PackStart (tag_view, false, true, 0);
		SetColors ();

		Label comment = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("Comment:"));
		inner_hbox.PackStart (comment, false, false, 0);
		description_entry = new Entry ();
		inner_hbox.PackStart (description_entry, true, true, 0);
		description_entry.Changed += HandleDescriptionChanged;
		inner_vbox.PackStart (inner_hbox, false, true, 0);

		Box toolbar_hbox = new HBox (false, 6);
		vbox.PackStart (toolbar_hbox, false, true, 0);

		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (CreateConstraintsOptionMenu (), false, false, 0);

		crop_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		crop_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-crop", IconSize.Button));
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (crop_button, false, true, 0);
		crop_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (HandleCropButtonClicked);

		redeye_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		redeye_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-red-eye", IconSize.Button));
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (redeye_button, false, true, 0);
		redeye_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (HandleRedEyeButtonClicked);

		color_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		color_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-adjust-colors", IconSize.Button));
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (color_button, false, true, 0);
		color_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (HandleColorButtonClicked);

		desaturate_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		desaturate_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-desaturate", IconSize.Button));
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (desaturate_button, false, true, 0);
		desaturate_button.Clicked += HandleDesaturateButtonClicked;

		sepia_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		sepia_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-sepia", IconSize.Button));
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (sepia_button, false, true, 0);
		sepia_button.Clicked += HandleSepiaButtonClicked;

		ItemAction straighten = new TiltEditorAction (photo_view);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (straighten.GetToolButton (false), false, true, 0);
		ItemAction softfocus = new SoftFocusEditorAction (photo_view);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (softfocus.GetToolButton (false), false, true, 0);

		ItemAction autocolor = new AutoColor (photo_view.Item);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (autocolor.GetToolButton (false), false, true, 0);
		/* Face detection ! */
		face_widget = new FaceBox (toolbar_hbox, photo_view);
		vbox.PackStart ( face_widget, false, true, 0);
		/* Spacer Label */
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (new Label (String.Empty), true, true, 0);

		count_label = new Label (String.Empty);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (count_label, false, true, 0);

		display_previous_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		Gtk.Image display_previous_image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.GoBack, IconSize.Button);
		display_previous_button.Add (display_previous_image);
		display_previous_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (HandleDisplayPreviousButtonClicked);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (display_previous_button, false, true, 0);

		display_next_button = new ToolbarButton ();
		Gtk.Image display_next_image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.GoForward, IconSize.Button);
		display_next_button.Add (display_next_image);
		display_next_button.Clicked += new EventHandler (HandleDisplayNextButtonClicked);
		toolbar_hbox.PackStart (display_next_button, false, true, 0);

		tips.Enable ();

		UpdateButtonSensitivity ();

		vbox.ShowAll ();
		tips.SetTip (color_button, Catalog.GetString ("Adjust the photo colors"), String.Empty);
		tips.SetTip (constraints_option_menu, Catalog.GetString ("Constrain the aspect ratio of the selection"), String.Empty);
		tips.SetTip (display_next_button, Catalog.GetString ("Next photo"), String.Empty);
		tips.SetTip (display_previous_button, Catalog.GetString ("Previous photo"), String.Empty);
		tips.SetTip (desaturate_button, Catalog.GetString ("Convert the photo to black and white"), String.Empty);
		tips.SetTip (sepia_button, Catalog.GetString ("Convert the photo to sepia tones"), String.Empty);

		Realized += delegate (object o, EventArgs e) {SetColors ();};